

tone barely fell , Dark Snake Guard figure disappeared in place, fire Under the swaying, a touch of cold awn blade edge is like poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

"Fuck! How dare you play Assassin!" Temur, who had just exited the field, was shocked when he saw this. Obviously, after having Captain's lessons learned, the Dark Snake Guard never again With the thought of joking and abusive, make a move is a killing strike.

Seeing this, the barbarian intelligence officer's face also turned black, and he was about to wave his hand to stop it, ding - the crisp sound of the collision of the sword, and it was urgent, Tang En held up the iron bar in front of him, barely blocking the rapid With one blow, he retreated in embarrassment.

"Okay!" The people in Temur who had already stepped into the arena were suddenly overjoyed and couldn't help cheering loudly, "That's it! Block, block...kill him!"


This is obviously wishful thinking. With the intense sound of collision, Tang En, who was standing on the left and blocking the right, was very clumsy. After a while, wounds appeared on his body and blood splattered. It seemed that he could even defend himself. The problem, let alone the extravagant idea of killing the other party.

Seeing this, the crowd of scouts onlookers knew that it was nodded. This is the normal situation. It was really good luck just now. Well, but this luck doesn't seem to be very good...

ding ding ding~ , watching this blade's swift and violent offensive, which is like a knife, a knife and a knife, everyone at the scene understands, if we say that before The two sides are still in a battle of wills, and at most, if they are disabled, they will not die. After the Dark Snake Guard was defeated in such a humiliating way just now, the feud between the two sides was settled. The Dark Snake Guard in front of him was obviously motivated to kill and wanted to kill him...

Drink and peck like this. It's really hard to say that Sabah Fu's heartfelt kick just now. Good luck.

And the nature of the battle on the field has obviously changed. The barbarian intelligence officer lowered his arm and looked at it blankly, as if he did not intend to speak again.

It's not difficult to understand, his original idea was to choose a Dark Snake Guard as the Captain of this operation, such as the one who swept the audience just now, and he was very satisfied. It's just that I never thought that after being stabbed by this stupid Sabah, it was good luck to defeat that person.

Although it was said before that the selection was based on the results of the competition, it was only by luck that Sabah could defeat the opponent. Undoubtedly, he still cannot enter the vision of this barbarian intelligence officer. This is not selfish, after all, he is responsible for this Quest.

Well, then wait for you to fall to the ground, and I will come forward to stop it... The barbarian intelligence officer thought so.

Soon, the battle situation continued as everyone expected, Tang En's evasion pace gradually slowed down, and the iron rod he wielded no longer whistled. Correspondingly, the scars on his burly body. Gradually increase and retreat to where. Wherever the drenched blood is sprinkled...

Finally, a whistle. It seemed like a knife had been stabbed in the palm of the hand, and the huge iron rod also roared out, away from the battle circle.

Temur and the others finally couldn't hold back when they saw this, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Come down, Sabah, come down!"

"You have defeated one, no Shame..."

"I admit defeat, my lord, we admit defeat!"

"Fart! Several brothers wait, I have to beat this bastard to death!" Still angry Full of anger, the barbarian intelligence officer who looked a little hesitant heard the words startled, let alone other things in his heart, at least this man's fighting spirit is really strong!

The scouts onlookers looked at Tang En who was dancing and dodging clumsily.

The soldiers of the Northern Wilderness have no fine armor, no Divine Weapon, no Battle Qi magic, and no Alchemy weapon. On the battlefield, they rely on the tyrannical fleshy body and the mad fighting spirit to give up their lives.

From this point of view, some of the things Tang En has shown now are undoubtedly appreciated by everyone.

However, appreciation is not a meal. Just like the outcome of this battle now, it seems to everyone that it is doomed, the difference is the length of delay...

However, just as drama novels tend to be at their lowest point or pinnacle. Like a ninety-degree turn, this time is no exception!

Crack! The crisp sound of the knife cutting into the body and then slashing on the skeleton. "Hehe..." With a grin, his bloody palms clung to the machete chopped on his shoulders, Tang En looked like a lion and a tiger, staring at the Dark Snake Guard in front of him with white teeth, "Special, Well, I finally let Lao Tzu catch you!"

Fixed, stepped, punched, muscle knotted arms swung a beautiful arc full of strength, bang, Dark Snake Guard thin figure Instantly in the air.

"Huh..." In the exclamations one after another, peng~ peng~ peng~, took a few steps forward with steady feet, and with Tang En's blood-stained, ferocious and excited look, he just stepped out. The tragic imposing manner of the heavy cavalry charge, throws a side kick, and hits the body of the Dark Snake Guard who has passed out with precision.

Boom—flying up again, drawing a parabola, over the heads of more than 100 scouts, and smashed onto the tent behind, collapsing, dust flying!

From a precarious situation to a comeback, and defeated again with one punch and one kick, but in the blink of an eye, even the scouts, who are known for their quick responses, failed to come back to his senses and died everywhere. quiet.

Immediately, with a bang, he pulled out the machete on his shoulder and threw it on the ground, Tang En pointed at the last Dark Snake Guard with a blank face, with a serious expression: "Come here! I promise not to kill you.



"And again...and won again?"

"What just happened? I didn't see..."

"Or luck?"

"No, absolutely not! I can't keep up with the speed of the Dark Snake Guard, but I can grab this weird machete... Who would believe this? Ah, it's definitely a good deal... no, it's a battle talent!"

"A battle talent...what's that?"


As I said before, those who can become scouts, even barbarians, are also brilliant. If the last battle of Tang En was based on luck, and everyone was unconvinced like a joke, then this battle was a bit tricky.

The truth is this truth, you can't even touch the silhouette, but you can grab the weird scimitar that is faster and thinner... No one will believe it if you say it, but now he really It was done, and it was not abrupt at all, because someone had already thought of it after the iron rod was shot. This Sabah is dancing. Seemingly chaotic. But it did grab the shoulder position several times...

This is a bet, there may be some posture induction, but it doesn't matter, the key is that the Dark Snake Guard cut the machete to the designated position Position, that shoulder. So that Sabah successfully seized the opportunity, punched and kicked, and ended the battle with a neat turnaround!

You could say this is a stupid way to gamble with your life. But if you look back and think about it. At the moment of life hanging by a thread, under the blade edge of dense snowflakes, not only there is no confusion, but a very calm thinking about the way to turn around, and the perseverance and stoic execution, that is horror... Of course, no one will think that This is Sabah's deliberate strategy to plot against, which can only be seen as an unenviable instinct, which is the so-called battle talent!

"Haha... Well done!" "Beat up these mystifying bastards!" "Brother Sabah!" Thoughtful reactions were different, Temur people were just pure excitement and cheers. Although they may not have had much friendship before, in the current environment. They are the comrades of the first army and the companions of the first team. So, seeing Tang En miraculously beat two powerhouses that they had previously thought impossible to rival, it was so exciting.

Outside, the barbarian intelligence officer looked at the collapsed tent at the back, and then turned to look at Tang En, who was standing proudly and took the initiative to challenge. This person became the Captain of this operation, perhaps not as unreliable as imagined...


times change, when Tang En made no secret When facing the provocative action, the last Dark Snake Guard also felt the entanglement of the previous Temur people.

When it comes to face, he impossible refused, put down the Captain who hummed to himself, pulled out the machete, and walked into the arena with some caution. For some reason, he felt that the peer in front of him, who had never been in his eyes before, was a bit evil, and now this battle is even more evil... He lost the confidence to win.

Tang En didn't know the cautious thoughts in the mind of the last Dark Snake Guard, of course, he wouldn't care if he knew it. The battle at this level is not challenging for him. The only thing that can be called a bit difficult is how to defeat it in a rough way without causing suspicion... Of course, these are all small problems. What he cares about now is more than a dozen silhouettes who quietly came to the periphery of the crowd not long ago...

Although this place is located in the corner of the military camp, more than one hundred people gathered here, plus the previous fierceness There was quite a lot of noise in the fight, and it also attracted a lot of people to come and watch. However, the identities of these more than ten people are obviously different. Let's not say anything else, the Advanced armor is not comparable to the surrounding barbarian soldiers wearing animal skins and leather armor...

It is also true It is because of this that Tang En's heart moved, and he just made a domineering and provocative act.

This is an opportunity!

Of course, on the surface, Tang En still pretended not to see the other party, with his bare hands, he pushed towards the Dark Snake Guard with a ferocious face, and took the initiative to start a fight!

Looks like it was taken at Tang En's scary power, the Dark Snake Guard first subconsciously took a step back, and then walked around Tang En at a slow pace, looking very careful.

And this look fell into the eyes of everyone around him, but he couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment. Too stupid, Dark Snake Guard's combat advantage lies in the speed of the wind. Once the attack is successful, it will be like a storm, and it will not allow the opponent to resist. But now he has given up the initiative. Isn't this stupid?

The fighting spirit has been lost!

Sure enough, after Tang En roared and jumped up, the next battle was as everyone expected. Tang En, who should have fallen into the lower wind with his bare hands, was now pressing down on Dark. Snake Guard slammed the hammer, whether it hit or not, at least the advantage was obvious.

And this scene undoubtedly made the Temur people and the scouts who had long been unhappy with Dark Snake Guard very excited.

"Haha, that's it! Beat him! Fiercely beat him!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, He is unable to escape!"

"Get out, get out, kick him...Aiya, be careful..."


Amid the cheers and cheers, Tang En also seemed excited, even the company commander. Roar, kicking and kicking the Dark Snake Guard in the field, so imposing.

Outside, "Which tribe's warrior is this, even pressing the Dark Snake Guard to fight...hehe, interesting, it's really rare." A mighty man in Advanced armor standing among more than ten people , patted the shoulder of the scout who waved his hand to cheer.

"Don't bother, you didn't look at me... uh!" He turned around. The scout's expression changed suddenly. Whoosh stood up straight. "General..."

waved his hand to interrupt, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Listening to the scout trembling and telling what happened, the mighty man frowned , turned his head and looked towards the entourage who was also wearing Advanced armor, "The captain of the military scout is disappeared?"

"General forgive me, I don't know what's going on... I'll take care of it now... Ask someone to come and ask."

"Forget it, let's talk about it after reading it." He didn't pursue it further. The mighty man known as the general cast his eyes on the field again, paused, "Tsk, what did you hit, this Dark Snake Guard is going to lose."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you lose. , it's such a useless way to lose." Someone on the side took the conversation, shook his head and sighed, "Fortunately, the members of the Hidden Snake Tribe are not here, otherwise the Dark Snake Guard would have to be strangled to death on the spot."…


The Dark Snake Guard who did not know escaped in the field. The mood is flustered now. More importantly, he didn't know why he was so flustered.

Previously out of caution. He did not choose to attack. This is not a mistake in his opinion, because although he has abandoned his own advantages, the guy in front of him who has gone through two rounds of battle is obviously imposing, and avoiding the edge is the best choice. And more importantly, as long as you are steady on your own side, don't make mistakes, and hit a fatal blow when the opponent is tired, then the previous evil situation is impossible to happen again.

But who ever thought that since the 1st Step retreat, he has to retreat step by step... It's not that he wants to retreat, it's not that he doesn't want to attack, but there is always a feeling of infiltration in my heart, like soaring The dangerous feeling of the goshawk staring at the rabbit made him feel stiff and constrained, not daring to attack at all...

This falls to the bystander in the eyes, that is, the Dark Snake Guard's mind is stunned. I have lost my fighting spirit, so I can't play it properly, and playing everything in disorder is really shameful!

Of course this is not the case, but Tang En released a killing intent. The real strength realm can't be exposed, but the killing intent of illusory is still no problem. Of course, this killing intent is very light, very light, but when it falls on this Dark Snake Guard, it is a heavy shackle with great pressure!

In fact, this Dark Snake Guard is playing steadily, so is it not the case with Tang En. From the fluke at the beginning, to the brilliant battle talent, to the final show of domineering... The burden is shaken off a little bit, so that it won't make people feel abrupt. In other words, it won't scare people!

Judging from the improved impression of the barbarian intelligence officer and the increasing cheers and cheers around him, Tang En's Arrangement was undoubtedly a success. Now no one will think that he can beat his opponent, relying on luck, or pure luck...

Of course, this is not enough, and the finishing touch is needed!

With a whistle, facing the cold blade edge, Tang En boldly stepped into close combat, slammed a straight punch, bang, the shadow of the sword disappeared, and the snowy machete swirled and threw it flying. out of the field. Immediately before the Dark Snake Guard who was turned pale in fright stepped back, Tang En let out a roar, grabbed the leather armor at his neck with one hand, clenched his palm into a fist, and swung it out,

bang, Back up, "I made you so arrogant!"

Bang, parried, "I made you dare to kill my whole family!"

Bang, covering her face, "I made you look so handsome! So wretched!"

"Yo, how dare you resist!" peng~ peng~ peng~, "Let you... let me not know what to say!" It was all moved towards the face to say hello, and in an instant, bloody teeth flew around, so miserable.

The cheers and cheers gradually ceased, and everyone around them stared blankly at the mad Tang En, a violent hammer!

The Dark Snake Guard is not without resistance. Although he doesn't have a machete, he still has hands, but with his small physique, even if the Rapid Speed of his fists hit Tang En's burly body like raindrops , but it felt like he was tickling the latter, unable to break the rhythm of defense. On the other hand, although Tang En only has one fist, and the punching speed is very slow, but every time he hits, it makes the latter suffer unbearable pain and scream again and again!

One-sided devastation. Destruction!

After a while, the dizzy Dark Snake Guard was no longer able to resist. If it wasn't for the leather armor being grabbed, he would have slumped to the ground. The two arms hanging by the side are still subconsciously hammering Tang En, but it's really just scratching the itch...

It seems that it doesn't make much sense, put away the bloody fist, Tang En En straighten the figure, lift the Dark Snake Guard with one hand, toss it, turn around and kick, bang, the Dark Snake Guard bows like a prawn and a half, vomits blood and yellow-white vomit all the way with its mouth open, flying over ten zhang or so distances in the air , and smashed it hard to the scouts who were on one side.

Stumbled steady, Tang En didn't even look at the result, he raised his fists and hammered his chest, hissing to the sky: "Who else!!!"...

Boom—— Although the scouts within the shrouded range reacted and made a move to parry, they still couldn't stop the huge impact contained in the fainted Dark Snake Guard. In the chaotic sound, he was directly smashed!

"Who else is there!!!"

In the roar of the sky, everyone around them looked at the dozen or so scouts who had collapsed into a pile, and their expressions finally changed.

A dozen scouts, if the strength of the Dark Snake Guard is not enough, what about the burly counterparts like this Sabah? The combined force of more than ten of them still failed to stop... What kind of inhuman power is this?

If it was said that when Tang En was beating with Dark Snake Guard before, everyone still had the idea of taking advantage of the opportunity to get a bargain. Then after this inhuman power came out, they had to hesitate, considering what kind of consequences they would have after taking such a blow...

"Haha, good! Such a domineering power! What a sturdy physique!" When Qi Qi lost his voice in the field, a burst of admiration and laughter came from the outside.

"General, general?"

"I've seen the Great General!"

"Sir General..."

exclamation The crowd quickly separated, looking at the more than ten silhouettes dressed in Advanced armor who were striding forward, and hearing the titles of the generals coming and going, Tang En was overjoyed, feeling that his performance was not in vain, it really was a treasure .



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