Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 106: Cooperate to kill the group!

"Who is this person?"

"What is his purpose in saying these words?"

"Is it true?"

Kakashi didn't believe it directly.

What Uchiha said in an instant is too big.

It's not just Kakashi that is involved.

But it also involves the ninjas of the year, and more importantly, it involves Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The Hokage of this Konoha Village.

The current Hokage.

He has the longest existence in the position of Hokage, above ten thousand people.

Sarutobi Hiizaki's prestige in Konoha is too deep.

Most people in Konoha maintain respect and respect for Sarutobi Hizen.

Even people like Uchiha, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi have great respect for Sarutobi Hiizan.

Kakashi did the same to Sarutobi Hiizan.

Kakashi is suspicious of Uchiha Setsuna.

However, Kakashi has to admit that what Uchiha Setsuna said makes sense.

Since it is a task, why do so many people know about it?

This is not reasonable.

"Ninjas on missions, that's all, as long as they don't say it, no one else will know."

"Just say the mission failed."

"Not all ninja missions can be done 100 percent."

"My father certainly wouldn't be that stupid himself."

"And the others, saved by my father, would be ungrateful if they leaked it out."

"But they said my father could deny it."

"Why do so many people conclude that it was my father who voluntarily gave up his mission in order to save people?"

"There is indeed a big strangeness in this matter."

Kakashi looked away.

"There are also rumors breaking out."

"too fast."

"Directly drown my father."

"I didn't even give my father a chance to refute it."

"My father's reputation was still so good before."

"It turned into this in an instant. It's impossible to say that no one is manipulating it."

"In addition, my father's reputation at that time is indeed not under Hokage-sama."

"The name of Konoha Baiya makes countless people jealous."

"Sanren was just a junior at that time."

"The matter of the Hokage cuff is also true."

Kakashi has a lot of respect for Sarutobi Hidden.

When Konoha Shirato died, Kakashi fell into the darkness and was autistic. At that time, Sarutobi Hijen would often come to find Kakashi, chat with Kakashi, and help Kakashi out of the predicament.

Therefore, Kakashi has a close feeling for Sarutobi Hiizan.

Kakashi looked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

"Lord Hokage, what happened back then?"

"Did you really design, frame, and kill my father?"

Kakashi returned home, looked at his father's photo, took out a wine bottle, and slammed it down.

"Whether it's true or false, I should investigate."

"If it is true, there must be traces."

"If it is fake, I will also dig out the true identity of that person. He may be a threat to Konoha."

Kakashi made a decision in his heart.

Uchiha Setsuna stopped by the pub in the town outside.

I have inquired about the information I entrusted last time, but I haven't found anything yet.

There is no information about Longmai, Beiluhu, or the descendants of Craftsman Ninja Village.

However, the people in the tavern said that there are already some clues about the news of the descendants of Craftsman Ninja Village.

This made Uchiha look forward for a moment.

Back in Konoha, Uchiha's body entered the Jizo space, and he was carrying out Susanoo's ascension exercises.

"If there is no accident, it won't be long before you can get information about the descendants of Craftsman Ninja Village."

"Get those ninja tools from them and put them together."

"At least you can resist for a while at the beginning of the Emulator Xiao organization chapter."

"And after resisting for a while, there is room for manipulation."

Uchiha's strength is not weak. The opponent mainly has the advantage of numbers. One-on-one, Uchiha's is not afraid at all. Solving the first one is equivalent to a big improvement in progress.

After that, Uchiha turned his attention back to Konoha.

The high-level Konoha are all enemies.

In the simulator, Uchiha suddenly alienated Mito Menyan, and moved to the two of them to form an alliance.

But these two are not entirely reliable.

When Koharu turns to bed, as long as Hiruzen Sarutobi shows his favor, he will turn his head to join the Hiruzen Sarutobi camp.

"In the simulator, after I established an alliance with Mito Kazuo and Kazuya Koharu, I assassinated Kazuya Koharu and put the blame on Sarutobi Hizen, so that Mito Kazuya gained Kazuya Koharu's power. ."

"Now the two of them have not formed an alliance. I assassinated Xiaochun, which is meaningless."

"It will even increase the power of Sarutobi Hidden."

"Also, asking them to form an alliance means taking the initiative to start a civil war chapter."

"In the current situation, it is unnecessary."

"In the real world, I could have had a better strategy."

There are only two targets Uchiha Setsuna wants to assassinate right now.

One is Danzo and the other is Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Killing these two people, Uchiha's crisis, can be regarded as a relief for most of them.

Even if the Sarutobi clan is still there, the root organization is still there, and the high-level Konoha discrimination against Uchiha is still there, but apart from these two people, the abilities of the other people in the high-level Konoha are much worse.

With Uchiha's current strength, it is unlikely that such a high-level Konoha wants to exterminate Uchiha.

Uchiha's disgust and hatred for these two is not bad, but he still recognizes their abilities.

I don't know how much stronger than Mitomon Yan and Koharu.

But both of them are not good for assassination.

One has countless Anbu ninjas hiding around, and the other has no idea how many root ninjas are around.

Among these ninjas, there are many existences with strong control ability such as the Yamanaka clan and the Nara clan.

Even if he kills someone, there is a high possibility that Uchiha will be exposed in an instant.

Now is not the time for Uchiha to take such a risk.

"I hope the pharmacist will come here~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can create opportunities for me."

"By the way, Orochimaru is still with the Akatsuki organization. Is it possible to pass the pharmacist's pocket and leak the information about the Akatsuki organization to Xiaonan and Nagato?"

Uchiha suddenly remembered one thing.

That is, Yahiko's death was actually a conspiracy of Danzo.

Danzo obtained the intelligence of Akatsuki's organization, cooperated with Hanzo, and ambushed the members of Akatsuki's organization.

So that in order to protect Konan's life, Yahiko had to take the initiative to bump into Kunai in Nagato's hands.

Yahiko's death method is very similar to Nohara Rin.

"Konan and Nagato care so much about Yahiko, they must both want to kill Danzo."

"You can work with them."

"But it has to beat Orochimaru."

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