Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 105: The truth of Konoha White Fang!

Before in the simulator, Uchiha set off to Kakashi many times.

Saying that Konoha Baiya's death was a big conspiracy, it's all Sarutobi Hizen's conspiracy.

Kakashi didn't fully believe it, but he didn't disbelieve either.

Rather, it is unbelievable.

So much so that in the Civil War chapter, Kakashi basically did not help the Sarutobi Hiruzen camp.

This made the victory of the Uchiha camp a little smoother.

In the real world, Uchiha Setsuna wanted to do the same.

Since you can win over people, why not win?

"call out!"

A burst of sound rang out.

Kakashi's attention was drawn.


Uchiha turned and left in an instant.

Kakashi chased after him.

Uchiha took Kakashi to a corner in an instant, and did not let his figure appear in Kakashi's sight.

Instead, he found a dislocation and only allowed Kakashi to hear his own voice.

"Kakashi, I'm sorry."

Uchiha suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice that sounded old.

Kakashi frowned.

"I was one of the people rescued by your father's mission that year."

"I feel very guilty about what happened back then."

"Obviously your father gave up the mission to save us. Your father was to save his companions."

"But everyone blamed him and forced him to die."

Kakashi clenched his fists tightly, and the scenes of that year kept appearing in his mind.

When he got home, he saw his father lying on the ground.

A large amount of blood poured out, dyeing the ground red.

A short blade pierced straight into his father's abdomen.


Kakashi couldn't understand what happened back then.

has been brooding.

Haven't gotten out of it for many years.

"But actually, it's not a coincidence, it's a conspiracy."

Uchiha Setsuna continued: "These are all designed by Sarutobi Hiizan."

Kakashi's pupils shrank sharply when he heard Sarutobi Hizan's name.

"Lord Hokage?"

Uchiha glanced at Kakashi's shadow at the corner.

"In those days, your father was too strong and his credit was too high, and his reputation has completely surpassed that of Hiruzen Sarutobi who is Hokage, because Hizan Sarutobi is hiding behind his back no matter what he does."

"As Hokage, there is not a single battle where Sarutobi Hidden is at the forefront."

"People's cheers for your father gradually surpassed Hiruzen Sarutobi."

"Finally, Sarutobi Hizan has nothing to reward your father."

"Money, position... Your father has already reached the top that an ordinary ninja can reach."

"Hinzaki Sarutobi had to give half of his Hokage sleeve to your father."

"This is Hokage's sleeve."

"The next step, if there is another reward, what Sarutobi Hizan can do is to hand over his position of Hokage to your father, but Sarutobi Hizan was still very young at that time."

"At that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi definitely didn't want to give way."

"So he thought of a way."

"Hinzaki Sarutobi found us and designed a mission to frame your father, making your father have to make this difficult choice."

"Either give up the mission and save the companion."

"Either give up the companion and continue the mission."

"But either way, it's the wrong choice."

"Hinzaki Sarutobi has already arranged the rumors in Konoha."

"As soon as your father returns to Konoha, rumors will break out."

"So your father can only die."

"This is Sarutobi Hiizan's plan."

Kakashi fell into silence, and Kakashi cared too much about what Uchiha said in an instant.

The death of Konoha White Fang can be regarded as the thing that Kakashi cares about the most.

Kakashi didn't believe it at first, but after listening to it, he felt that it seemed to make some sense. The reasoning could make sense, and the logic was completely reasonable. There is indeed such a possibility.

Kakashi also knew something about Konoha Baiya's situation back then.

He came from a small ninja family, but he was able to beat Sannin back then.

Even if Konoha White Ya had an age advantage over the three, it was enough to show the extent of Konoha White Ya's strength and influence in that era.

Suddenly, Kakashi noticed something.

"Is your voice disguised?"

"Are you really the one who went through this task back then?"

"If that's the case, why didn't you say it back then?"

Uchiha didn't panic for a moment, hesitated for a while, and said.

"I'm not actually the person who experienced it back then. The person who experienced it back then was my second grandfather."

"For this matter, he has always regretted it and wanted to say it, but he was very afraid."

"After all, this is Konoha."

"After all, Hiruzen Sarutobi is Hokage."

"I know what will happen if I offend Hiruzen Sarutobi, just think about it."

"So he told me these things and entrusted me to tell them when the time was right."

"He is dead."

"He wants me to help him say something to you about what happened back then, sorry."

"I didn't believe it at first."

"In the eyes of all of us, Sarutobi Hiizan is such a good person, kind, kind, and at such an old age, he has to shoulder the work of Hokage, and sacrificed too much for Konoha."

"But my second grandfather told me a few key points."

"Number one, it's true that your father's reputation threatened Sarutobi Hizan."

"Secondly, there were not many people in the mission. As long as they didn't say it themselves, other people would not know the details of the mission at all. Why would others know?"

"The ninja accepts the task, and it is not 100% able to complete it."

"Isn't it normal for a mission to fail?"

"Third, why did the rumors break out so quickly?"

"No one is secretly pushing, it's impossible."

Uchiha paused for a moment.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. I have completed the task that the second grandfather gave me."


After that, Uchiha left immediately.

When Kakashi wanted to catch up, Uchiha's figure had completely disappeared.

On strength~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now Uchiha Setsuna is much stronger than Kakashi.

"The purpose has been achieved."

After a long time, Uchiha looked back for a moment.

"I hope Kakashi can stand on Uchiha's side, it's impossible for the time being."

"But at least after this trick, Kakashi will be suspicious of Sarutobi Hizan."

"Hisaburo Sarutobi is also considered to be missing a general."

"Kakashi, who is at the elite level, has a lot of connections."

The first is Matekai, who can be regarded as Kakashi's best friend.

In addition, there is Shiranui Xuanma, and the same thing, Die Ivashi.

These three were all members of the **** team of Namikaze Minato.

Kakashi looked at the direction Uchiha left in an instant, his eyes flickering.

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