Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 33: Uchiha instant's double hook jade writing wheel eye!

"Brother Shanna, are there any pretty girls in your class?"

"Brother Shanna, you are so good-looking, there must be girls who like you, right?"

Uchiha Sagiri was very gossipy and raised two questions.

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"Sagiri, who taught you to say this?"

"Sister Lingling and the others said."

Uchiha Lingling.

Uchiha Setsuna has some impressions of him. He is the same age as Uchiha Setsuna and entered the ninja school to study at the same time, but he is not in the same class.

People in this world are indeed precocious.

Not just Sakura Ino and others.

"I don't pay attention to these."

Uchiha looked at Uchiha Sagiri in an instant and said, "Sagiri, when you enter the ninja school in the future, don't think about these things all the time. When you enter the ninja school, the first task is to study."

"Learning ninjas is more important than anything else."

Uchiha Sagiri nodded quickly.

"Hmm, Brother Shanna, I know."

"I will not."

"I just figured it out. In the future, if I want to marry, I will marry brother Shana."

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"Okay, stop joking, I'm going to train, don't walk around beside me."

"it is good."

After Uchiha finished his lunch, he continued training.

Uchiha Sagiri looked at Uchiha Instant and muttered.

"I'm not joking."

"Brother Shanna is the best."

At the end of a day of training, Uchiha Setsuna returned home, soaked in hot water, and Uchiha Setsuna summed up his current strength.

Chakra Level: Joinin.

Universal Ninjutsu: Three Body Art, Shadow Clone Art.

Huo Dun: The technique of arrogant fireball, the technique of phoenix immortal fire, the technique of arrogant fire dragon, the technique of arrogant fire extinguishes.

Illusion: Fox's Heart Technique, Naraku-Seeing Illusion, Illusion·Sharing Eye, Xia Servant's Technique.

Water Escape: The technique of water dragon bullets.

Secret Art: Memory Invasion.

"Tomorrow morning's life simulation, continue to choose the Kiriyin Village route, but do not reveal the matter of the illusion in Yakura."

"Let's see if I can get enough time to raise my chakra level to the elite johnin level."

the next day.

Uchiha woke up in an instant.

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of 6, your performance was mediocre and did not attract anyone's attention. 】

[6 years and 1 month old, you are investigating the information related to Wuyin Village. 】


[6 years and 7 months old, you approached Hinata Hinata on your own initiative. 】

[The friendship between you is heating up very quickly. 】

[Hinata Hinata told you something you didn't know, you were confused, but didn't reveal anything. 】

[The Yamanaka Ino next to him feels a little down. 】

[Hyuga and Rizu are observing in the dark. 】

[6 years and 8 months old, you asked Hinata Hinata about the Taketor family, but Hinata Hinata didn't know much. 】

[Hinata Hinata brought you the information at home. 】

[You have obtained a lot of information about the Bamboo clan, as well as the route to Wuyin Village. 】

[Hyuga and Rizu are observing in the dark. 】

[At 6 years and 9 months, you escaped from Konoha. 】


[At the age of 7, the night of extermination broke out. 】

[At 7 years and 1 month, you were overtaken by the root ninja, but the ninja from Kiriyin Village appeared. 】

[You came to Wuyin Village. 】

[But you didn't gain the trust of Wuyin Village. 】

[You were grounded in a courtyard. 】

[You are cultivating. 】

[You heard the news that the Hinata clan was targeted, you know, this is most likely because of you, and you blame yourself a bit. 】

[7 years and 2 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 3 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 4 months old, a Kirigakushi ninja came to you and questioned you. 】

[You said that you had a premonition of Uchiha's annihilation, so you chose to escape. 】

[The other party believes what you said. 】

[Because of the outbreak of the Uchiha genocide incident, Kiriyin Village has a little more trust in you. 】

[But at the same time, I am a little worried. 】

[Kigyin Village is worried that Konoha will hold Wuyin Village accountable because of you. At present, the strength of Wuyin Village is not strong enough. 】

[The Village of Wuyin is tangled. 】

[7 years and 6 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 7 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 8 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 9 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 10 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 11 months, you are cultivating. 】

[Konoha put pressure on Wuyin Village and wants Wuyin Village to hand over you. 】

[Wigyin Village weighed it again and again, and chose to refuse. 】

[7 years and 12 months old, with your hard work, you opened the double hook jade writing wheel eye. 】

[Yakura summoned you. 】

[You were sent out of Wuyin Village. 】

[You met Uchiha Itachi. 】

[Uchiha Itachi questioned you, why did you escape from Konoha, why did you spread information about genocide within the Uchiha clan, and why did you intensify the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha. 】

[Uchiha Itachi said that it was because of you that the Uchiha family was exterminated. 】

[It's all because of you that Konoha suffers huge losses. 】

[You are a sinner. 】

[Uchiha Itachi shot at you. 】

[You fought against Uchiha Itachi and showed the strength of the Jinnin level, which surprised Uchiha Itachi. 】

[However, it has strengthened Uchiha Itachi's intention to kill you. 】

[Uchiha Itachi believes that letting you live ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ will pose a greater threat to Konoha. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following two options. 】

[1: Double hook jade writing wheel eye. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"Uchiha Itachi..."

A shadow flashed in Uchiha's eyes for a moment.

Not to mention the night of the genocide, Uchiha was killed several times by Uchiha Itachi in the life simulation.

After many attempts, Uchiha Setsuna finally found a way to survive the night of the genocide.

Take refuge in Danzo and become one of the members of the root organization.

However, on this route, Itachi Uchiha still appeared.

Righteousness killed Uchiha Setsuna, and attributed Uchiha Setsuna as Uchiha's sinner.

The second route is to escape to Wuyin Village.

Uchiha Setsuna cautiously stayed in Wuyin Village, and he lived a life like a prisoner without leaving the door.

It took two years to upgrade the writing wheel to double gouyu.

But Uchiha Itachi appeared again.

Righteousness killed Uchiha Setsuna with awe.

He also attributed Uchiha Setsuna as the sinner of Uchiha and Konoha.

For the sake of revenge for Uchiha and for Konoha's future.

"This guy is really haunted."

"No matter what choice I make, this guy will kill me wherever I go."

"Uchiha Itachi, how much do you hate Uchiha?"

"Only brother control can offset it, right?"

"With the exception of Sasuke Uchiha, who is under the control of your brother, the rest of Uchiha can't live alone?"

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