Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 32: Go to Hidden Mist Village and uncover the illusion in Yakura!

We had dinner in the afternoon, so we went home a lot earlier.

Some students meet.

Uchiha Setsuna went to the woods near his home for training.

I didn't go home until evening.

the next day.


The genius just dawned.

"Start the simulation!"

"This time, I chose the Wuyin Village route to try it out."

"If you can't do it, you can consider going the Hinata route."

"After all, the Hyuga clan has been on good terms with the Bamboo clan of Wuyin Village for generations."

[At the age of 6, your performance was mediocre and did not attract anyone's attention. 】

[6 years and 1 month old, you are investigating the information related to Wuyin Village. 】

[6 years and 2 months old, you are investigating the information related to Wuyin Village. 】

[6 years and 3 months old, you are investigating the information related to Wuyin Village. 】

[At 6 years and 4 months, you found a route to Wuyin Village, but after thinking it over and over again, you chose to give up. This route takes too much time. 】

[6 years and 5 months old, you are investigating the information related to Wuyin Village. 】

[At 6 years and 6 months, you found a new route to Wuyin Village, but after thinking it over and over again, you still chose to give up. This route took too much time. 】

[6 years and 7 months old, you approached Hinata Hinata on your own initiative. 】

[The friendship between you is heating up very quickly. 】

[Hinata Hinata said something you didn't know, you were confused, but didn't show anything. 】

[The Yamanaka Ino next to him feels a little down. 】

[Hyuga and Rizu are observing in the dark. 】

[6 years and 8 months old, you asked Hinata Hinata about the Taketor family, but Hinata Hinata didn't know much. 】

[Hinata Hinata brought you the information at home. 】

[You have obtained a lot of information about the Bamboo clan, as well as the route to Wuyin Village. 】

[Hyuga and Rizu are observing in the dark. 】

[At 6 years and 9 months, you escaped from Konoha. 】

[The ninja at the root discovered your behavior and pursued you. 】

[The information you left in Konoha about the night of the genocide broke out in the Uchiha clan, causing a great disturbance. 】

[The senior officials of Konoha suppressed the Uchiha family. 】

[This buys you more time. 】

[At 6 years and 10 months, you killed more than a dozen root ninjas, and you were on the run. 】

[6 years and 11 months, you came to the land of soup. 】

[At 6 years and 12 months, you came to the Land of Water. 】

[At the age of 7, the night of annihilation broke out. The entire Uchiha family, except Sasuke Uchiha, was killed by Uchiha Itachi. You heard the news and felt very disappointed. 】

[At 7 years and 1 month, you were overtaken by the root ninja, but the ninja from Kiriyin Village appeared. 】

[You escaped the pursuit of the root ninja. 】

[You came to Wuyin Village. 】

[But you didn't gain the trust of Wuyin Village. 】

[You were grounded in a courtyard. 】

[You are cultivating. 】

[You heard the news that the Hinata clan was targeted, you know, this is most likely because of you, and you blame yourself. 】

[7 years and 2 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 3 months, you are cultivating. 】

[7 years and 4 months old, a Kirigakushi ninja came to you and questioned you. 】

[You told the fact that Yakura was subjected to illusion, hoping to gain the acceptance and trust of Kiriyin Village. 】

[The other party was furious and reported the news to Yagura. 】

[Yakura came to you in person. 】

[You think that this time you haven't had time to get the guarantee, you reach out and grab Yakura. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Before dying, you heard a shrill cry of pain. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following two options. 】

[1: None. 】

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

"I choose 2!"

The next moment, a severed finger appeared in Uchiha's hand.

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"I didn't get the benefit, but at least it proved that I could successfully escape to the Land of Water."

"My strength has not changed."

"What has changed is the route."

"The route to escape to the land of water is simpler than the route to escape to the land of thunder."

"And after the root ninja entered the country of water, he was quickly attacked by the Kirigakushi ninja."

"In addition, when I was in the country of Yuno, the root ninjas who were chasing me were also hindered."

"However, I directly exposed the behavior of Yakura's illusion, and was a little impulsive."

"Without evidence, the people of Wuyin Village would not believe me at all."

"Next time in life simulation, I don't need to reveal it to them."

"I just need time."

"Even if you are grounded and trapped by them, it doesn't matter."

Uchiha Setsuna decided to go to Kiriyin Village for the next life simulation, and within the time of Kiriyin Village, raise his chakra level to the level of elite Jonin.

The jounin is too ordinary, and the elite jounin is considered to be a good level.

"However, to match the chakra level of the elite ninja level, I currently have less ninjutsu."

"I need more ninjutsu."

"Having a life simulator, that's not a problem."

Uchiha thought very clearly, since he can obtain the secret techniques of the Yamanaka family from the Yamanaka family, then it will not be difficult to acquire other ninjutsu.

The Book of Seals in the Naruto Building.

Ninjutsu scrolls in Uchiha Station.

The soft fist of the Hyuga clan.

The shadow binding technique of the Nara clan.

The doubling technique of the Qiu Dao clan.

Even the ninjutsu of Wuyin Village, Yunyin Village, Yanyin Village, and Sandyin Village.

Uchiha Setsuna believes that UU reading www.uukanshu.com can be obtained as long as he tries enough times in the life simulator.

However, because the number of life simulations is limited.

The most important thing for Uchiha at the moment is to solve the night of extermination.

So Uchiha Setsuna has to work hard in this direction first.

"Speaking of which, there's one thing I've always wondered about."

"In the real world, Hinata and I are just ordinary deskmates, and we don't have much contact."

"According to the original plot, what Hinata Hinata should pay attention to is Naruto."

"Why do you pay so much attention to me in the life simulator?"

"It's like it's not Naruto that Hinata Hinata has a crush on, but me."


Uchiha instantly frowned, puzzled by this.

"Is there something that I didn't notice?"

"As a traveler, what butterfly effect did I create?"

Uchiha thought about it seriously in his mind in an instant, but he didn't expect it.

"Ignore this for now. I'm not qualified to think about any emotional issues. It's what I should do to get benefits from the life simulator."

"Being able to escape to Wuyin Village successfully proves that this choice may be the most suitable choice for me at present."

"We must use Wuyin Village as much as possible to get more benefits."

"Chakla at the elite level, here I come!"

After breakfast, Uchiha Setsuna went to the woods for training.

Today is a day off.

At noon, Uchiha Sagiri came with a lunch.

"Brother Shanna."


Uchiha stopped training in an instant.

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