Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 26: The real reason for Danzo to start!

Except for Sasuke, most of the students failed to learn.

Uchiha Setsuna did the same.

This made Sasuke Uchiha's name even more dazzling.

the next day.

Uchiha Setsuna woke up very early.

"Start the simulation!"

This time, Uchiha Setsuna decided to recreate the life simulation that he was killed by the root team led by Yaoshitou. Uchiha Setsuna was worried that the change in the middle would lead to the butterfly effect.

[At the age of 6, after entering the ninja school, you were extremely talented and attracted everyone's attention. 】

[Open your eyes at the age of six, so that everyone's eyes fall on you. 】


[6 years and 6 months old, you found Shimura Danzo on your own initiative, exposed the news of the impending rebellion of the Uchiha clan to Shimura Danzo, and expressed your willingness to follow Shimura Danzo. 】

[Shimura Dan hides the mark of the eradication of tongue scourge on you, making you a member of the root. 】


[7 years old, the night of the extermination broke out, and the Uchiha family was exterminated]

[After Uchiha Itachi and Konoha executives discussed and agreed, only one Uchiha family can survive, namely Uchiha Sasuke. 】

[You try to escape, but are quickly caught up. 】

[You killed two root ninjas. 】

[You fainted! 】

[When you opened your eyes and found yourself in the root organization base, Danzo gave you a new identity. Starting today, you are not Uchiha, but the code name Hungry Wolf. 】


[At 7 years and 5 months, you knew what would happen in a month, you chose to escape during the mission, you hid in the land of the land, and Danzo quickly realized your actions. 】

[Danzo ordered the root ninja to hunt you down. 】

[You killed the 4 root ninjas who were chasing after you. 】

[You have been on the run for half a month. 】

[An elite root ninja team appeared in front of you. 】

[You recognize the other party, and the other party is Yaoshidou. 】

[So, you said the name of the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, and told the pharmacist that you knew the truth of what happened back then. 】

[Pharmacist pocket gave you a chance. 】

[You told the truth about Yakushi Ye Naiyu, and said that all this was Danzo’s conspiracy, and you gave Yakushi’s pocket the photos that were stained with the blood of Yakushi’s pocket. 】

[Pharmacist Tou didn't believe it at first, but when he saw the photo, combined with his own understanding of Danzo, he quickly understood the reason for Danzo, and that Danzo is indeed someone who would do such a thing. 】

[Pharmacist Tou developed a strong hatred for Danzo. 】

[You, together with Yaoshitou, attacked other members of the root organization. 】

[You killed other root organization members. 】

[The pharmacist returned to Konoha in his pocket. 】

[You chose to continue to escape. 】

[After the pharmacist returned to Konoha, he caused a lot of trouble for Danzo. 】

[You hid in the land of the earth and continued to train. 】

[At 7 years and 6 months, your chakra has improved. 】

[At 7 years and 7 months, your chakra has improved. 】


[7 years and 12 months old, the root ninja found you again. 】

[You fought the root ninja. 】

[Keep fleeing, fighting, fleeing, fighting. 】

[More root ninjas appear. 】

[You are forced to the limit. 】

[You have made a breakthrough, your Sharinyan has evolved to the state of Ergouyu, and your Chakra has also been upgraded to the level of Shangnin, and you have won. 】

[The root ninjas who chased you were all killed by you. 】

[But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of you. 】

[Uchiha Itachi. 】

[Uchiha Itachi questioned you, why you betrayed Uchiha's information to Danzo, and asked why you betrayed the Uchiha family. Uchiha Itachi strongly condemned you. 】

[Uchiha Itachi shoots you. 】

[You lost to Uchiha Itachi, and was killed by Uchiha. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Please select the income you want from the following three options. 】

[1: Double hook jade writing wheel eye. 】

[2: Chakra at the Shangnin level. 】

[3: The thing you held in your hand before you died. 】

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"I have to say that this life simulation has gained a lot. In two years, my chakra level has been raised from the Chunin level to the upper level, and the writing wheel eye has been raised from the single-gou jade to the double-gou jade."

"The plan was successful."

"Using the pharmacist's pocket, I bought an extra half year."

"This half year doesn't seem like much, but it is extremely critical to me."

"Life simulation, for me, is equivalent to an archived game."

"But only certain things can be archived."

Uchiha got up from the bed in an instant and changed his clothes.

"Now I am facing a happy trouble."

"Because there are so many harvests, there are even more things to choose from."

"Junin-level Chakra, and double hook jade writing wheel eye."

"Both are good."

But Uchiha just hesitated for a moment before making a choice.

"I choose 2!"

A burst of information poured into Uchiha's mind, and at the same time, Uchiha felt that the amount of chakra in his body suddenly increased a lot~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Uchiha's chakra and chakra The ability to control has undergone qualitative changes.

This is the foundation of ninjas.

Even though Uchiha is still using those ninjutsu before, the power he uses is definitely stronger.

You can use less chakra to explode stronger power.

And the speed and flexibility of the shot will be improved.

"Double hook jade writing wheel eye is good, but chakra at the Shangnin level is more important to me now."

Uchiha felt his own changes seriously for a moment, and then calmed down his breath.

After eating breakfast, I walked towards the ninja school.

Uchiha walked in an instant while thinking about life simulation.

"Now I finally know why Tuanzang has helped me hide my identity, has accepted my refuge, has let me survive the night of extermination, and will kill me after half a year."

"Instead of waiting until I reach Sangouyu, take off my writing wheel."

"Just kill me."

"Because it's not Danzo who really wants me to die."

"It's Uchiha Itachi."

"It's so ironic."

"Even though the night of the genocide has passed, but Uchiha Itachi still doesn't allow other Uchiha members except Uchiha Sasuke to live. What other reasons have I found for Danzo?"

"It's just ridiculous."

"Could it be that Uchiha Itachi didn't join Danzo himself?"

"Am I in the life simulation, just selling out a little Uchiha's intelligence, more damage to Uchiha than Uchiha Itachi, the man who killed Uchiha?"

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