Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 25: Iruka: Is this the real genius?

Sasuke Uchiha saw Uchiha Momo on the road, but this time, he didn't step forward, let alone speak.

Uchiha Setsuna also pretended not to see Sasuke Uchiha.

The two became strangers.

Sasuke Uchiha is not in a good mood.

From Sasuke Uchiha's point of view, he clearly did nothing wrong, and he clearly had good intentions, but he was misunderstood.

Sasuke Uchiha looked at Uchiha's back.

"Is what brother said true?"

"It's not my fault, it's actually Uchiha Setsuna."

"It's Uchiha's narrow-mindedness."

"But, why is Uchiha like that all of a sudden?"

"It's all Uchiha, why is my life, the conditions I have, so much better than Uchiha's moment?"

"Because I am the son of the head of the Uchiha clan?"

"But didn't Uchiha decline under the leadership of his father?"

Sasuke Uchiha kept thinking about this question in his mind.

On the one hand, Uchiha Sasuke trusts Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi is the benchmark in Uchiha Sasuke's heart.

But Uchiha Sasuke also felt that Uchiha Setsuna should not be as bad as Uchiha Itachi said.

"In an instant!"

Uchiha met Ino Yamanaka at the school gate.

Yamanaka Ino greeted happily.

Uchiha nodded instantly.

"Good morning."

In the life simulator, Uchiha Setsuna has used Yamanaka Ino twice.

At the beginning, Uchiha Setsuna was apologetic, but now Uchiha Setsuna has figured it out, it's just a life simulation, not a real thing.

There's no need to care too much.

The moment Sakura saw Sasuke Uchiha, she couldn't take her eyes away.

It was always on Sasuke Uchiha, and Uchiha didn't even see it for a moment.

Enter the classroom.

Iruka looked around for a week, coughed dryly, and said, "Classmates, it's been more than two weeks since you entered the ninja school."

"In the past two weeks, everyone has performed well."

"I hope everyone can make persistent efforts in the next time."

"Chakra extraction, everyone has already learned almost, as long as everyone continues to extract, there will be no problem."

"This course will not be available again in the future."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me alone."

"Culture class, physical fitness class, ninja class, will continue next."

"But today, we're adding a new class."

"Ninjutsu class."

Hearing this, the students below all cheered.

This result was expected by Iruka.

After all, back then, Iruka himself and others also came here like this.

What is the most attractive thing about a ninja?

Naturally it is ninjutsu.

The violent flames, the water that opposes the flames, the invisible wind, the extremely fast thunder, the extremely defensive soil, and the various boundaries of blood, the difference between ninjas is precisely because of this.

If everyone is a Taijutsu ninja, what is the big difference from a traditional samurai?

All the little ninjas are looking forward to ninjutsu.

However, there are a few exceptions.

Some students have already learned some ninjutsu before entering school.

Not to mention Uchiha Moment.

Uchiha's current ninja information appeared in his mind.

Chakra Level: Chunin.

Universal Ninjutsu: Three Body Art, Shadow Clone Art.

Huo Dun: The technique of arrogant fireball, the technique of phoenix immortal fire, the technique of arrogant fire dragon, the technique of arrogant fire extinguishes.

Illusions: Fox's Heart Technique, Naraku-Seeing Illusion, Illusion·Sharing Eye.

Water Escape: The technique of water dragon bullets.

Secret Art: Memory Invasion.


"I'm finally going to learn ninjutsu."

"If you learn ninjutsu, you are a real ninja."

"I don't know who learns the fastest."

"It must be Sasuke Uchiha."

Most students think so.

However, many people are not convinced by Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto, Inuzukaya, both of them have dreams of the position of Hokage, but the difference is that one succeeds and the other fails.

Naruto has the prerequisites to become Hokage.

Inuzuka Tooth didn't.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Iruka said, "I know everyone has been waiting for this day for a long time."

"However, soon you will learn more ninjutsu."

"Today, what I'm going to teach everyone is transformation."

"I believe that many students have heard of this ninjutsu."

"As you can tell from the name, to use this ninjutsu is to transform yourself into someone else or something."

"I'll demonstrate first."

The next moment, Iruka is the seal.


The seal of the transformation technique is simple, and it is more suitable for little ninjas who have no foundation in ninjutsu to learn, and the effect is very fast, even if it does not achieve the change that he expected.

But at least get change.

And as long as there is a change, these little ninjas can be inspired.

And then on the road of ninjutsu school, put more enthusiasm.

Iruka turned into a student.

"Students, this is the transformation technique."

Even Iruka's voice became this student.

A burst of exclamation sounded.


"Is this ninjutsu? It's really amazing."

"I want to learn, I want to learn~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Iluka begins to teach officially.

Uchiha Setsuna glanced around. Most of the students were very interested, which made Uchiha Setsuna, who was about to think about his next plan in the life simulator, couldn't help but stop.

Uchiha didn't want to be noticed.

"The next life simulation is actually easy to say. As long as I give the pharmacist those photos, and then tell the pharmacist the truth about the pharmacist Ye Naiyu back then, the pharmacist is very likely to believe it."

"Not only can I get a chance to escape, but the pharmacist may even take the initiative to find trouble with Danzo."

"In this way, I have a great opportunity to gain more time in my life simulation."

"Raise the chakra level to the Jinnin level."

"The plan will be smoother in the future."

Like many students, Uchiha Setsuna is earnestly studying the transformation technique.


A white smoke exploded.

The next moment, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Sasuke Uchiha used the transformation technique and turned into Iruka, very similar to Iruka.

Iruka smiled.

"Sasuke-san, congratulations."

"You have already mastered the ninjutsu of transformation, and as long as you keep practicing, you will get better and better."

"I hope everyone can learn from Sasuke."

Iruka knew that Sasuke Uchiha was a genius, but he was still surprised by Sasuke Uchiha's performance.

He learned the transformation technique in such a short time, which is really amazing.

Iruka recalled back then, it took him a long time to really master it.

"The gap between people is really big."

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