Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 148 Qing Shui: Come with me, the opening of Kirigakure’s heart!

Chapter 148 Qing Shui: Come with me...the opening of Kirigakure's heart!

Feeling this familiar mist, Kisame and the others all had ugly expressions on their faces.

After seeing Qing Shui's fighting prowess, they all understood one thing deeply -

If you meet that man on the battlefield, you will really die!

Especially since Qing Shui had warned them that if they met again on the battlefield, their attacks would not be so gentle...


Kaguya Junjiro lowered his voice: "If we see Lord Qingshui later, don't take action and surrender."

"With his speed and strength, it is possible to kill us instantly. Don't die without being able to say anything. That would be an injustice..."

Terumi Mei nodded silently and said in a suppressed voice: "Okay!"

This time, the thick fog released by Qing Shui was not the level of a small fight before, but an extremely thick fog.

In this fog, visibility has been horribly low.

With Qing Shui's sword skills, his head would have already flown out as soon as he saw the flash of sword light.

If a person dies, then there is nothing...

Whether it was finding a new Mizukage for Kirigakure to change his life, or finding the man he loved, everything would come to nothing.

"Mr. Kisame, be careful. There is strong chakra in this mist, which interferes with my perception..."

Fear flashed across Ayano's eyes, and she whispered: "This is not an ordinary Kirigakure jutsu."

Kisame nodded solemnly.

If it were that man, this battle would indeed be extremely dangerous...

And in the center of Kirigakure's team.

Kurisuke Kushimaru and Muuri Jinpachi looked extremely sad, and they cursed loudly:

"Damn Konoha ninja, he secretly learned our Kirigakure's ninjutsu!"

But even though they were scolding, their hearts were still gradually eroded by fear...

Originally, there were countless undetectable booby traps waiting for them in this forest, but then came this heavy fog.

Now even if I want to go back the way I came, I can't do it.

The mist that can cover even the sun makes the Kirigakure ninjas feel like they are in a maze...

"Escape with water? Try to use a wide range of ninjutsu to clear the area in front..."

Muuri Jinpachi frowned and came up with an idea.

Kurisha Kushimaru's eyes flashed and he nodded:

"That's a way. Let's concentrate our forces in a cluster, draw a special team from them, and use escape techniques to clear a road. The remaining ninjas will follow behind and pass in a long line."

"Although this will expose our position, this time we are attacking Konoha in the entire ninja world. They won't have many troops to defend us. We just need to push forward!"

Such a tactic would be stupid under normal circumstances.

If Konoha and Kirigakure were duel, this method would not be feasible.

In such a huge forest, the Kirigakure ninja first washes the ground, and the consumed chakra will be wasted.

Moreover, obvious demining actions will also reveal the location and offensive intentions, which will put yourself at a disadvantage.

But the problem is, this is not a one-on-one fight, this is a group fight!

A village's troops were split into five parts and pushed forward in a majestic manner. Even if there were some extra casualties, they were still necessary losses...

Especially when Konoha's Kyuubi revealed that the jinchuriki was out of control, there was no need to worry about the existence of weapons of mass destruction!

"Hmph, although Konoha's grenade field has something to offer, it still exposed its own weakness..."

Kurumi Kushimaru sat on the ground leisurely:

"It's too early to use this trick to stop the Kirigakure ninja!"

"Let's just wait quietly. As soon as this fog clears, go back and report to the Third Mizukage, and the group will fight to destroy Konoha!"

Wuli Jinpachi snorted coldly:

"I need to find a technique to set up this minefield. The use of the detonating talisman is very innovative, and it is very suitable for my explosive knife."

"How much humiliation we have suffered here today, I will repay you twice as much!"

Terumi Mei took a deep breath, feeling the moist mist, and her heart accelerated faster and faster.

Do you really want to wait where you are?

Then if Uchiha Qingshui comes, isn't it waiting for him to massacre?

If they were separated, they would at least have a chance to escape, but the fog and the minefield were like a cage, confining them here.

As if he had become a trapped beast waiting to be killed...

And as if she thought of something, Terumi Mei's eyes suddenly widened, and she murmured: "It's over, isn't it?"

Kaguya Junjiro's face didn't look good either: "You must have thought about it, Master Qingshui knows how to do that..."

Ayano listened to the words of these two people blankly, why is this over?

At this moment, the mist became thicker, and a pungent sour smell could be vaguely smelled.

The ground and trees began to slowly make a "puff" sound of dissolution, and frightening bubbles appeared one by one.

Kurira Kushimaru and Muri Jinpachi jumped up suddenly, feeling the burning pain on their skin, and their eyes widened in disbelief!

Isn't this Terumi Mei's unique melt escape?

This bastard woman actually wanted to rebel against the village at the critical moment!

In this minefield, the melting acid mist forced them to take action, and in this extremely low visibility, didn't they just take the initiative to step on the mines?

"Terumi Mei, what are you going to do!"

Muuri Jinpachi asked loudly: "Let me tell you, how could the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost be Shimura Danzo's spy!"

"Then looking at it, there's something wrong with Kisame, Kaguya Kunijiro, and Zabuza, you bastards!"

"Where are you, come out!"

Due to the mist, Kurumi Kushimaru and Muri Jinpachi couldn't see clearly where they were...

Silently, Terumi Mei, Kisame and others ran to the back of the team.

Terumi Mei's heart tightened. In this critical situation, she was questioned first by her own people.

This is Kirigakure. If you have any problems, go to your own people first. This is how things work in this village.

Terumi Mei held her breath and used Boiling Release to create white mist to resist the attack of acid mist.

Fortunately, because the mist released by Qing Shui has a wide range, the power of the melt escape is no longer so deadly after being diluted, and will not reach the level of melting muscles and devouring bones in just one encounter.

But if you stay here for a long time and absorb too much acid mist into your body, your internal organs will still fester and your body surface will begin to melt.

Coupled with the minefield covered with booby traps, Qing Shui turned this place into a veritable forest of death!

"Go ahead and kill them first!"

Kaguya Junjiro's eyes were serious. He could no longer think about the misunderstanding caused by the melting escape...

If Kururi Kushimaru and Muuri Jinpachi are allowed to return to Kirigakure, will they be trusted again if they report this information to the Third Mizukage?

the answer is negative.

Even if they were misunderstood, the Third Mizukage couldn't lie about his murderous intention towards him and Mei Terumi, and would find an excuse to get rid of him no matter what.

If Qing Shui hadn't stopped him, Kisame would have carried out a secret mission to kill everyone in their team while in Konoha...

Kisame and Zabuza looked at each other and sighed in unison.

As the successors of the Ninja Swordsmen, they do not have flexible moral bottom lines like Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro. If Kirigakure can become more normal, they are still willing to be loyal guards.

But the problem is that their elders don’t want them to live...

Ayano, who was behind Kisame, cried out in pain under the attack of acid mist: "Ah...it feels like the trachea is burning. It's so painful!"

"Ayano, come here, aren't you a sensory ninja?"

Muuri Jinpachi shouted through the fog: "Come here to lead the way. We must pass through this fog as quickly as possible and bring the information about the defection of Minefield and Terumi Mei and others back to the village!"

"These bastards must have gone to Konoha by now, leaving us to suffer in this acid mist!"

Kisame's eyes instantly became sharp, as he wanted Ayano to use his body to explore the way.

So, he made a hand gesture——

Just like killing the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, Kirigakure's Chunin Examination Team showed an amazing tacit understanding at this moment!

"Boiling Escape·Qiao Mist Technique!"

Terumi Mei followed the direction of the voice and spit out a large amount of acid mist from her mouth, pulling the mist of herself and Qing Shui, and condensing it as much as possible in the direction of Muuri Jinpachi and Kurikaru Kushimaru...

And in the thick fog, Zabuza, who was extremely proficient in the silent killing technique, forced himself against the burning sensation on his body, accurately locked the enemy's direction, and threw the blade in his hand hard!

In fact, not only are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen skilled in attacking one of their own...

These Kirigakure geniuses who assassinated the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost are all good at it, whether they are now or in the original time and space...

Ayano looked at this scene in surprise, her heart pounding. She looked at Kisame who was standing beside them but did not stop him, coughed and said softly:

"Mr. Kisame, they are 45 degrees to your right and fifty meters away!"

Kisame glanced at Ayano and felt something in his heart.

This woman, knowing that she was going to rebel against the village, actually reported the news to him?

But Kisame's men didn't stop, quickly and strictly forming the seals——

On the other side of Kurihara Kushimaru and Murashi Jinpachi, the acid mist hidden in the white mist instantly melted their body surfaces, and the bone-eroding pain attacked their brains!

Zabuza's ninja sword accurately penetrated Muuri Jinpachi's right arm at this moment, causing him to roar in pain.

"How dare you rebel against the village——"

The answer was Kisame's big water blast!

The huge water rising from the ground instantly submerged the Kirigakure ninjas, wrapping them up and trapping them in the water prison.

The next moment, countless bone spurs emerged from the ground, accurately penetrating the hearts of each of them, dyeing the water prison red...

With the help of Qing Shui's mist, these four people worked together brilliantly and wiped out Kirigakure's scout group almost instantly!

But there's nothing we can do about it, Kirigakure's future actually lies with four people.

Zabuza dared to start a Kirigakure rebellion, and was evenly matched with Hatake Kakashi.

Kisame, who single-handedly defeated the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, has solid Kage-level combat power.

Terumi Mei, the future fifth generation Mizukage, holds the dual blood inheritance limit.

Kaguya Junjiro has the strongest corpse bone vein. From the current point of view, he looks like an enhanced version of Kimimaro.

If these four people can be loyal to Kirigakure, and can master the three-tailed Goju Yagura and the terrain of the Water Country Island in the future, they may be able to bring relative peace to this village.

Unfortunately, in this village, the biggest problem is internal.

"Okay, now we are all rebels..."

Kisame let out a long breath and said dullly: "Get out of this fog first, and then think about where we are going, shall we?"

He didn't want to kill his companions.

But if Kuriraru Kushimaru and Muuri Jinpachi are allowed to return to Kirigakure, then they can wait for the Third Mizukage to chase them.

Kisame, who was born in Kirigakure, doesn't want to do anything, but he won't let others harm him.

"Acid mist, a bomb comparable to a detonating talisman..."

Kaguya Junjiro had a headache: "Although this mist is relatively thin, Terumi Mei should be able to use Boiling to clear a relatively safe area for us, but it is still very troublesome. My internal organs are hurting..."

"It seems that I can only open the corpse bone veins and forcefully open a path for you."

Zabuza looked at Kaguya Junjiro silently, his expression was very funny.

When did the fighting madman and bone murderer of the Kaguya clan actually have to travel for his companions?

It has to be said that since Qing Shui used physics to correct his personality, Kaguya Junjiro's personality has indeed improved a lot, so much so that the Kaguya clan severely criticized him for losing his will to fight.

But Kaguya Junjiro was unmoved, with a fighting spirit, could that thing be able to withstand the power of Lord Qingshui?

It doesn’t just break into pieces!

"Kijiro, I can try to clear the way with water escape, I still have some chakra." Kisame looked at Ayano who was coughing up blood, his heart tightened, and he felt an inexplicable feeling, and said in a deep voice.

For some reason, he didn't want Ayano to die.

But compared to the physique of these people, Ayano, who was just an ordinary chuunin, couldn't even withstand the acid mist diluted by Terumi Mei, and the corners of her mouth kept bleeding.

The average physique of a ninja is so fragile that he can die easily.

Zabuza silently picked up the blasting knife, flying foam and long knife and stitches on the ground, and shook his head: "Try your best to survive first, our state needs to be corrected, and we don't know where we will go in the future..."

"Just surrender to Uchiha Qingsui, don't talk about him, even I won't believe it..."

Everyone nodded silently.

As Kirigakure's advance team, they massacred their companions while trapped in acid mist and booby traps.

This kind of behavior is very bad everywhere, and who can trust it?

But this is the reality of the ninja world——

From the moment Kisame and others arrived in Konoha, the gears of fate had begun to turn slowly. The opposition, conflict, and Kirigakure's suspicions had already sealed the fate of these talented ninjas.

And coincidentally.

Just after Zabuza said these words, the mist magically dispersed!

Qing Shui suddenly appeared in front of them, smiling gently: "Don't worry, I heard everything."

"As I promised, Kirigakure's outstanding ninjas are welcome in Konoha."

"Come with me -"

Terumi Mei and others' eyes widened suddenly. The man they both wanted to see but were afraid to see appeared like a ghost!

[From Terumi Mei, Kisame, Kaguya Junjiro, Zabuza: You get a special talent - Kirigakure's Heart! 】

[Heart of Kirigakure]:

When you take control of Kirigakure Village, the strength improvement of the ninjas under this unit will be fed back to you, including but not limited to bloodline, chakra, ninjutsu skills, and physique.

The feedback multiplier is directly related to the Kirigakure ninja's loyalty to you.

This talent can open the final battle, and upon completion, you will receive a special reward—Ocean Contract.

Today I said it would cost 10,000 yuan per day!

Update 4200 first!

The second update is definitely there. If you don’t sleep today, it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

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