Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuriki

Chapter 147 It’s him, that man is here!

Kirigakure battlefield.

"Lord Qingshui, I saw the enemy's scouts, they are about to enter the minefield!"

Hinata Hizashi's forehead was covered with veins, and he scanned the area in front of him with his white eyes.

With his Byakugan ability, if he does not deliberately emphasize the accuracy of observation, but only detects the presence of moving targets, the distance is with a radius of ten kilometers, it can be said to be a living battlefield radar.

In this unprecedented war, the Hyuga clan could not maintain its aloof attitude in Konoha and sent out elite troops. They did not use the branch clan to prevaricate, and sent several clan clans to the battlefield.

What is worth pondering is that the Hyuga clan's choices are still so conservative.

The rest of the ninja clan, such as Inarakacho, Kurama, Aburame, etc., all sent their clan's geniuses and excellent immediate combat capabilities to Qingshui.

Only the Hyuga clan reluctantly asked Hyuga Hizashi to bring a group of branch clan members to report here in Qingshui, while the clan clans who went to war all followed Sarutobi Hiruzen to the Sunagakure battlefield.

The meaning is obvious——

No matter who it is, we, the Hyuga clan, only give the Hokage face!

And this is not a lot of face. Among all the ninja clan, the Hyuga clan has the smallest number of troops, which is not consistent with its huge size.

This is very intriguing...

Even in the face of the siege of all the hidden villages, most Konoha ninjas still want to stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone and fight the enemy to the end first...

Why are you, the Hyuga clan, thinking about casualties before we even start?

Do you want to protect yourself? Even if Konoha is attacked, do you still have enough capital to find a new owner?

It can only be said that the actions of the Hyuga clan are in line with Qing Shui's imagination.

After all, this was a ninja who could attend the clan's son's birthday when the peace agreement was signed. The whole village was there, but they were not present.

"Well done, Hizashi..."

Qing Shui did not hesitate to praise him: "Your eyes are no worse than those of the clan members, so work hard for Konoha."

"The Will of Fire will not treat any ninja who is dedicated to Konoha badly."

Hinata Hizashi looked happy and nodded repeatedly: "Lord Qingshui, all the teams of the Hyuga clan in Kirigakure will go through fire and water for you!"

In addition to Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Kamon, Hyuga Iroha and others joined Qing Shui's troops under his instigation.

These ninjas of the Hyuga clan all have a unified characteristic - they are all separated from each other, but their white eyes are extremely pure.

"What are you talking about, Hizashi..."

Qing Shui shook his head: "It's not for me, but for Konoha."

Hinata Hizashi grinned, but didn't say much.

At the root, after seeing Qing Shui's sealing skills, he had placed all his hopes for freedom on Qing Shui.

Hyuga Hizashi, who was born in the Hyuga clan, also knew the Uchiha clan very well. He had seen the legendary black flame in the classics, Amaterasu, which could only be released by the Mangekyou Sharingan!

When he saw the black lines wrapped around the seal on Qing Shui's fingers, like making a dumpling, he stuffed the violent Amaterasu into the explosive clay bomb against common sense, Hinata Hizashi knew that his chance had come!

From a caged bird, able to fly freely...

It's not unusual for Amaterasu to be restricted by the Fire Seal. The priority of sealing techniques is so high in the ninja world.

But being able to use the sealing technique to such a sophisticated level, allowing the two extremely powerful techniques of blasting and amaterasu to blend harmoniously, Hyuga Hizashi could only think of the former Uzumaki Mito, who might be able to do this. a little…

With this level of sealing skills, even the seal of the caged bird, which is said to be unbreakable, can definitely be broken as long as one studies it seriously!

Hyuga Hizashi believes that as long as he makes enough contributions and devotes all his loyalty to Qing Shui, Qing Shui will see him!

Hinata Hizashi, who has been busy at the root for a long time, firmly believes in this.

This is the style of the company. As long as there are contributions, there will be rewards. As long as there are needs, then we will find ways to solve them.

In less than a year, all kinds of shocking forbidden arts, Tobirama series of space troops, and hundreds of explosive ninjas were created from scratch...

As for the Root members who wanted to learn various techniques, Qing Shui also maintained an open attitude.

In this atmosphere, Hinata Hizashi's determination reached an unprecedented level. This was a unique opportunity in his life!

Especially when Mingzhe, the Zong family, is still seeking death to protect himself, and Qing Shui and even Konoha as a whole are hiding their true intentions...

Qing Shui slowly formed seals, and his sensing ninjutsu, which had a wider viewing range than Byakugan, covered the battlefield.

"From the coast of the Kingdom of Water to the border of the Kingdom of Fire, if you want to enter Konoha, this area is the most suitable..."

Qing Shui chuckled and said, "This is to capture us in one fell swoop. If we keep marching in a hurry, let them work hard."

----boom! !

In the distance, there was an explosion and fire, and a big tree fell down.

Qing Shui clapped his hands: "Enjoyment has begun..."

"Now, it's time to test the luck of these enemies."

"Will they encounter a small one that will maim them, or will they be lucky enough to step on one that kills them?"

Qing Shui is looking forward to the performance of these Kirigakure ninjas.

On the battlefield, Qing Shui needs these Kirigakure ninjas to experience the taste of the unknown and fear...

He didn't want to see someone surrendering without hesitation. Since he had made a mistake, he needed to be punished.

And when these enemies collapsed, they planned to fight in a panic, and then used overwhelming force to defeat them completely!

In this case, Kirigakure's emotions will continue to change and fluctuate, and will feedback to Qing Shui at the highest peak.

Then, Kirigakure, one of the five hidden villages, will be deeply bound to Qing Shui and become his source of power.


"Damn it, there's an ambush!"

A Kirigakure chuunin hugged his shattered thigh and rolled on the ground in great pain: "Help me, help me!"

The Kirigakure raiding team suddenly stopped, and everyone assumed a vigilant posture and looked around.

And in this team, there are some acquaintances of Qing Shui.

Kaguya Junjiro, Terumi Mei, Kisame and Zabuza, as well as the two leading seven Ninja Swordsmen——

Known as the ruthless duo, Kushimaru Kuriraru and Jinpachi Muuri master the long sword, stitching needle and blasting sword, flying foam respectively.

After Kisame and others returned to Kirigakure and presented the information about the cooperation of the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost to the Third Mizukage, they temporarily passed the test and were not held accountable.

Just as they had guessed before, the Third Mizukage was very surprised that the two opposing camps of the ANBU and the Blood Successor Ninja clan in Kirigakure would cooperate.

The only explanation that can be explained is that someone rebels against the village, which can temporarily unite them.

Therefore, the Third Mizukage did not punish Kisame and Zabuza for not completing their mission, and temporarily slowed down their murderous intentions against Mi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro, the two bloody geniuses.

During this war, under the leadership of two ninja swordsmen, these four people were arranged into Kirigakure's commando team as one of the first to land in the Land of Fire.

Kurumi Kushimaru looked around solemnly, but he only heard the sound of wind and leaves, and did not observe the appearance of the enemy.

"Be careful, there is an ambush detonator!"

Muuri Jinpachi shouted loudly: "Be careful if there are any suspicious fuses under your feet. If the detonating talisman wants to detonate, the device will be very obvious, so brace yourself!"

He masters the explosive knife and knows the detonating talisman very well.

Explosive symbols can be used as booby traps, but only relatively shallow line traps can be set up.

It is useful for careless genin, but for experienced ninjas, it is easy to be discovered.

"No, save me, not a line-breaker!"

The disabled Kirigakure ninja said in pain: "I was very careful, there was nothing on the place I stepped on, and suddenly it exploded!"

Muri Jinpachi's eyes narrowed. Is this questioning his professionalism?

If this kind of detonating talisman cannot be found, then they will be stuck here...

"Shake people's hearts, kill!"

Muuri Jinpachi shouted angrily, sent his disabled companion away with a knife, and said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, keep moving forward!"

"Mizukage-sama's order is for us to open up the front line to log into Konoha. We can't delay!"

Kisame, who was standing not far away, watched this scene silently.

As early as when this companion was injured, Kisame had a premonition in his heart——

In Kirigakure, such wounded soldiers have no value in rescuing them.

But he still didn't expect that Muuri Jinpachi would kill him directly. Even if he was left on the same spot, Kisame could accept it...

"Kissame-san, please don't be afraid."

Beside him, a brown-haired female Kirigakure whispered: "Stand behind me, I have sensory ninjutsu, I can protect you..."

Kisame's expression froze.

This female Kirigakure, named Ayano, is a member of the code class.

In Kisame's opinion, this is a very strange woman who always wants to eat with him and occasionally gives him some gifts.

What Kisame didn't know was that this woman was the key to his determination to defect to Kirigakure in the original time and space...

Kisame in the original time and space was chased by the enemy while performing a mission with Ayano. However, due to the order of the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost, Kisame carried out the order to kill his companions when he could not escape.

But Ayano, who was killed by his own hands, comforted him at the last moment of her life - "Your life must be very hard, right?"

It triggered Kisame's inner thoughts about his own truth and falsehood, and killed the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost with his own hands, and then met Uchiha Obito...

"Please don't get close to me, this is on the battlefield."

Kisame had a cold face, pushed Ayano behind him, and said coldly: "You are an important sentient ninja, protect yourself first!"

Not far away, Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

They wanted to save Kirigakure's multiple iconic blood successors and make Qing Shui become the new generation of Mizukage or the top fighter of the ninja clan. After returning to their own ninja clan, they all received ambiguous answers.

Within their family, everyone believed that this was an excuse for Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro's failure to perform their mission.

Uchiha has corpse bone veins and can also boil and dissolve. Don't be kidding!

Even Uchiha Madara back then had never heard of such a method...

"keep going!"

As the order to advance fell, another explosion sounded...

Right next to Muuri Jinpachi, a Kirigakure ninja was blown up into the sky.

This time, Murashi Jinpachi could see clearly that there was indeed no conflict line, and it suddenly exploded.

"Stop, stop!"

Murashi Jinpachi's back was wet with cold sweat. Fortunately, he was a step too slow just now. If he had walked faster, he would have been the one to be blown away!

For ordinary ninjas, all living beings are equal under the detonating talisman.

Regardless of whether he is a chuunin or a jounin, the explosion can fairly send his life to the Six Paths of Pure Land.

"There is an ambush here. Konoha has improved the detonating talisman. It should be buried in the ground. If you step on it, it will explode..."

Muuri Jinpachi said in a deep voice: "I understand, this is Konoha's confidence, they have a new ninja tool!"

"There are footprints there, they should be left by Konoha ninjas..."

Kurihara Kushimaru narrowed his eyes and observed a series of footprints deep in the dense forest: "This must be left by Konoha ninjas, follow these footprints!"

"Although it is a bit sinister, the details are not handled well. Compared with our ninjas in the Blood Mist, those guys in Konoha are still too young!"

The expressions of the Kirigakure ninjas cheered up a little.

Two inexplicable explosions had already strained their nerves.

If only two companions were killed in battle, it was nothing to these Kirigakure who were used to seeing life and death.

But this unknown feeling is a fear they cannot resist.

Everything seems normal, but when one foot falls, it will suddenly explode, as unreasonable as a ghost demanding life, so that the normal rustling of leaves sounds particularly harsh in their ears.

Fortunately, the seven experienced Ninja Swordsmen led the team and found Konoha's flaw.

"Yes, this footprint leads to Konoha. We can at least pass through this forest..."

The leading Kirigakure ninja stepped on the footprints and felt relieved.

For a moment, he thought even the footprints might be a trap.

But fortunately, he was overthinking it.

And while walking, when the entire team of Kirigakure's scouts entered, the explosion sounded at this moment!

The booby trap is not the location of the first footprint, but the location in the middle.

Only in this way can more enemies be attracted to enter...

Kisame stared blankly at the fire in the distance. Before he could see it, Kirigakure's scout team was completely dead.

They don't know who the enemy is or where they are.

Terumi Mei and Kaguya Junjiro looked at each other, frowned, patted Kisame and Zabuza each, and retreated behind everyone.

Something is really wrong…

Zabuza silently walked to the back of the team. Although he was not afraid of death, he did not want to die inexplicably.

Kisame looked at Ayano behind him, hesitantly pulled up her sleeves, and together with the four people participating in the Konoha Joint Chunin Examination, started fishing behind the team...

"Damn it, damn it!"

Kuritsumaru and Murashi Jinpachi's eyes were on fire. When did Konoha become so despicable!

"Where is the sensing ninja? This may be some kind of secret technique, not a detonating talisman. Detect the chakra in the area in front of me!"

Kurihara Kushimaru shouted: "Even if we go there bit by bit, we still have to find a way for Mizukage-sama with our lives. This is our mission!"

Kisame silently blocked Ayano behind him and covered her mouth.

Ayano was shocked, but still obeyed Kisame without making a sound.

As a result, several Kirigakure's sensory ninjas reluctantly stepped out and carefully detected the road ahead.

Ten kilometers away.

Hinata almost nodded, but still said with some pity:

"This war broke out too quickly. Although the booby traps we deployed have been specially treated, they still have chakra residue. The enemy reacted after being hit by the first wave, and can still avoid some of them with sensory ninjutsu. "

"If we are given some more time, we can try to make more subtle booby traps."

Qing Shui nodded.

If the booby trap faces Konoha, the effect will not be good without special treatment.

In the original time and space, Hinata Kamon's Byakugan could observe the detonating clay.

Although Kirigakure does not have the powerful detection ability of Byakugan, but now that the internal fighting has not fully started in the blood mist, this village, one of the five hidden villages, can still find a few powerful sensory ninjas if it works hard.

"Hizashi, the village is already prepared for this..."

Qing Shui said slowly: "It's just that to deal with these Kirigakure, there is no need to fight a sensory confrontation with them."

Qing Shui felt the somewhat humid sea breeze and took a gentle breath.

In this forest near the coastline, the air is extremely humid and filled with looming fog.

"Ninjutsu: Kirigakure no Jutsu..."

From what Qing Shui said, an extremely thick white mist slowly covered the battlefield, and the visibility quickly decreased.

Hinata Hizashi looked at Qing Shui in shock.

One kilometer, five kilometers, ten kilometers...

As far as his white eyes could see, the mist released by Qing Shui completely blocked their vision, wrapping the entire forest in a thick milky white mist.

And even in his white eyes, under the interference of the chakra in the water mist, it was difficult to distinguish the remaining chakra in the Explosion Escape booby trap, which was connected with the mist.


Hinata Hizashi laughed dumbly: "In the face of such fog, it is difficult to imagine how they can break through the defense line."

Qing Shui waved his hand leisurely: "If they work hard, they will still have a chance..."

"We have left them a wide road, even though the Tobirama series of bombs are also waiting for them."

Hinata Hizashi exhaled a long breath slowly.

Even if he is a ninja at the core, he can feel the pressure of the Kirigakure ninja at this moment.

And in Kirigakure's camp.

Almost everyone was stunned.

Such pure Kirigakure art, is this the third Mizukage coming?

But in the mist, wouldn't they be even more doomed...

Only a few people who had seen Qing Shui looked at each other, their faces turned pale, and they shouted in unison:

"It's him!"

It’s the end of the month, dear readers!

Please give me a monthly pass!

This month has gone by so fast, I can’t even feel it...

November is here!


Take a look at the outline and update it first today.

The 10,000 words start tomorrow!

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