Uchiha Yu is over 70 years old and has seen too many talented people. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒Search𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲


But compared with them, Uchiha Yu believes that the Mingjing he has cultivated by himself will definitely not be worse than those of the same period.

Twelve years old, three magatama Sharingan, and combat power at the level of Jonin!

This is also extremely rare in the history of the entire Uchiha clan for thousands of years, which makes Uchiha Yu more certain that the strong men who will support the Uchiha clan in the future will be cultivated in his hands.

The three magatama Sharingan at the age of twelve means that there is a high probability that the Mangekyo can be opened in the future.

In the eyes of the Uchiha clan, their Sharingan blood limit is the strongest blood limit in the ninja world. Those who can develop Sharingan to the highest Mangekyō must be the top powerhouse in the ninja world and can protect the family for at least decades.

Even if Ming Jing cannot open the Mangekyō, with his qualifications, it is not impossible for him to grow into a Kage-level powerhouse in the traditional ninja way.

This makes Uchiha Yu pay more attention to Ming Jing's growth.

In the past, it is not that there were no teenage genius ninjas who invented high-level ninjutsu, but it was often just one ninjutsu, and there was a high probability that it had certain restrictions and limitations.

But Ming Jing wants to create a systematic swordsmanship on his own?

The family already has the top swordsmanship inheritance, so why bother?

Uchiha Yu does not want to discourage Ming Jing's enthusiasm, and he also knows that for a young ninja, developing his own ninjutsu and taijutsu is an extremely valuable experience.

But if Ming Jing couldn't get his approval, he would never let Ming Jing spend his precious time on something that didn't have a positive effect on his future.

"Although it's not perfect yet, with its current power, it should have surpassed the level of ordinary jonin."

Ming Jing held the Sun Wheel Sword brought from the Demon Slayer World, took a deep breath, and white air rose faintly from the corners of his mouth.

Natural energy, absorb!

Chakra, refine!

Immortal Chakra, synthesize!


With a clear sound of the sword, the Sun Wheel Sword was instantly unsheathed.

"Flame Breathing·One Type·Shiranui!"

Looking at the sword that Ming Jing showed, Uchiha Yu stroked his beard and nodded slightly.

He is worthy of being the family genius cultivated by Uchiha Yu himself. At least the high-speed burst of this move is still very good in actual combat.

But it's just one move.

"Breathing of Flames·Type II·Ascending Blaze!"

"Breathing of Flames·Type III·Air Flame Myriad!"

Uchiha Yu's expression began to become solemn, overturning his previous thoughts.

If the child likes it, let him study it by himself. The moves are exquisite. Even if he uses the Sharingan, he can't see the obvious flaws for a while. The momentum is magnificent, both offensive and defensive. Judging from its power, it has surpassed the level of ordinary jonin.

"Breathing of Flames·Type IV·Rising Flame Whirlpool!"

"Breathing of Flames·Type V·Flame Tiger!"


"Breathing of Flames·Secret·Type IX·Purgatory!"

A ball of blazing flames wrapped around Mingjing's whole body, and he stepped on his feet, swung his sword forward like a meteor, and a fierce roar broke out.

With a bang, the ground cracked, and the momentum was amazing. Uchiha Yu was shocked.

Could it be that Uchiha Mingjing is not only a genius in Sharingan and ninjutsu, but also in kendo?

However, Uchiha Yu also found some problems, that is, Mingjing's pre-swing before the move is a little long. If this time can be shortened, then this set of swordsmanship will be more terrifying.

Even so, it has good practical significance just from now on.




One by one, Uchiha ninjas suddenly rushed out from the surroundings, looking at the long and deep crack on the ground cut by Mingjing in horror.

"Elder Yu, Mingjing, what are you doing..."

Uchiha Yashiro looked at Uchiha Mingjing holding a knife in doubt. They were all members of the police force patrolling in the clan land. They were attracted by the huge momentum and thought something happened in the clan land.

This mark on the ground was cut by a powerful sword master, and the only one holding a sword in the field was Uchiha Mingjing.

Uchiha Yashiro was a little unbelievable.

Although Ming Jing is the first Uchiha genius who has three magatama Sharingan at the age of twelve, isn't it a bit exaggerated that he can perform such a technique that is far beyond the level of ordinary jonin at this age?

"This is me teaching Ming Jing the secrets of swordsmanship left by Jing in the past! As the elder who manages the clan library, Jing also gave me his unique secrets as part of the clan inheritance, and Jing happens to be Ming Jing's second grandfather. Ming Jing also has the talent to learn this powerful swordsmanship, so I specially taught him."

Uchiha Yu interrupted everyone's hearing.

A glimmer of understanding flashed in the eyes of the Uchiha Eighth Generation.

That makes sense.

Uchiha Jing is the most famous and powerful Uchiha after Madara and Izuna. If it is his inheritance, it makes sense.

But I didn't expect that Uchiha Yu, who is this old, still has such a powerful power?

"In that case, we will take our leave first, Elder Yu."

Uchiha Yashiro nodded to Uchiha Yu, the elder of the clan, and then looked at Uchiha Mingjing and warned:

"Mingjing, as the most outstanding genius in the clan, you will be the one who will be responsible for revitalizing the family's reputation in the future. You must not let down Elder Yu's painstaking efforts!"

"You don't need to discipline the successor I trained!" Uchiha Yu drove the group away unhappily.

Elder Yu's successor...

Before leaving the training ground, Uchiha Yashiro glanced at Mingjing again.

Judging from the talent Mingjing has shown now, he will definitely grow into a powerful Uchiha jonin in the future, and there is a high probability that he will turn the title of the first genius into the first master.

If he inherits Uchiha Yu's political influence in the clan in the future, it doesn't matter if he wants to grab the position of clan leader.

Considering the close relationship between Ming Jing and Uchiha Fugaku, the Uchiha Fugaku line will have both the strength of the clan leader and the top master of Uchiha in the future. In addition, Fugaku himself is also very powerful, so his momentum will definitely be considerable.

In another ten years, Ming Jing will be in his early twenties, and Fugaku has just entered his prime.

And those clan elders who are still fighting for power have now begun to gradually slide from the peak...

It seems that I have to consider standing on the side as soon as possible.

Watching the disappearance of Uchiha Yashiro and others, Uchiha Yu turned his head and looked at Ming Jing, his old face full of seriousness.

"Do you know why I said that just now?"

"A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. I am already dazzling enough now. If I continue to be dazzling, I am afraid that more and more people will target me."

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