Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 89 Return to Konoha

Der Spiegel continued:

"In the end, when I was on a mission to kill ghosts, I searched all the way and finally successfully found the descendant of Kagura, the God of Fire, who evolved from the Breath of the Sun."

Xingshoulang nodded crazily and said loudly:

"That's right. It was after my brother Qian Jurou consulted many ancient classics that he discovered that there is such a kind of breath of the sun!"

Breath of the sun?

"A breathing method that has all the advantages of breathing methods in a gorgeous way..."

Yusui Tianyuan rubbed his chin and thought, and found that the breathing methods seemed to be complementary, just like his Sound Breathing combined the speed of Thunder Breathing and the large-scale attack of Wind Breathing.

"Namo Amitabha, that's great. If you can master this breathing method, you will definitely save a lot of people from dying!"

Mingyu Xingming put his palms together and burst into tears.

"The statement that all breathing methods have the advantages is a bit absolute, but it is not too exaggerated. Each breathing method has its own focus. In my opinion, after hundreds of years of development, every breathing method has its own advantages. All breathing methods have reached the optimal level in their respective fields, but Sun Breathing is still the breathing method with the strongest comprehensive attributes and the most lethality against ghosts!”

Mirror is very sure that Sun Breathing is indeed stronger than all other breathing methods.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let Ming Jing and that brat teach us the Breath of the Sun! I can't wait to chop off Wu Mei's head!"

Immortal Sakawa Saneya stood up excitedly and was about to take Ming Jing to learn the breathing of the sun.

"Immortal River, you better not get too happy too soon, there is a high probability that you won't be able to learn."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki threw another basin of cold water.

"Hey! What do you mean, you guy?"

Immortal Sakawa Saneya is really ready to draw his sword on Tomioka Giyu this time.

"I'm telling the truth. There is a high probability that Sun Breathing is a breathing method that almost everyone can't learn. Otherwise, there wouldn't be five basic breathing methods. Wouldn't everyone learn Sun Breathing?" "

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's words rarely convinced everyone.

Ming Jing also nodded along.

"In fact, all I have learned is Kagura, the God of Fire, which is the breathing rhythm and sword shape of the Breath of the Sun. There is still a long way to go before I can use the Breath of the Sun. I can only be regarded as using the Breath of Fire. At the same time, it is just combined with the skill of Breathing of the Sun, but even so, the power is still much stronger. "

"But even if you fail to learn it, there is no need to worry. The Breath of the Sun is the ancestor of every breathing method after all. Even if you fail to learn it, you can still learn from its exquisite sword moves and breathing to improve your own strength."

Ming Jing was actually quite unhappy that he was only half-assed about his Sun Breathing, but he could understand it.

Mastering Sun Breathing is extremely difficult. Apart from Enichi Tsukuni, only the father and son of the Kamado family are known to be able to learn it. Among the others, even Iwa Tsukuni, who was second only to Enichi Tsukuni at the time, Katsuya failed to learn it and could only develop a simplified version of Moon Breath.

However, the Hashira here are all the most powerful and talented swordsmen of this era. They are the ones most likely to learn the Breath of the Sun besides Tanjiro.

If any of them can learn the Breath of the Sun, they can use the Sharingan to copy it.

If not, then train Tanjiro hard so that he can master the ancestral Breath of the Sun as soon as possible, so that Ming Jing still has someone to copy.

But no matter what, you should try it anyway.

Every pillar has great enthusiasm for practicing the Breath of the Sun, and they all hope that they can learn the Breath of the Sun and cut off the heads of Wuhan or other evil ghosts.

Time passes like this little by little.

Konoha, the land of the Uchiha clan.

Mirror home.

With a flash of blue-purple light, Uchiha Mingjing's figure appeared out of thin air on the bed at home.

The shadow clone that was originally staying on the opposite side also automatically released it after seeing the bright mirror, and transferred its memory back to the main body.

Retreat is not isolation from the world. Although he usually leaves a shadow clone in the ninja world as a cover, Mingjing will return to the ninja world every once in a while to learn about current events and prevent others from thinking that he is missing.

At least, his shadow clone can only last for a certain period of time. After a few days, the chakra inside is used up, and he still has to come back to divide another chakra.

"Recently... so many things have happened..."

After a long while, after receiving the memory, Ming Jing opened his eyes and walked towards the table.

"Kakashi entered school, the third eldest son retired, Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, and..."

Ming Jing picked up an invitation on the table with a big birthday written on the cover.

"How could Master Dan and Tsunade-sama be progressing so fast... They are already getting married!"

The wedding is in two days.

Ming Jing planned to temporarily leave the country at this time, visit Uchiha Yu, and then visit Uchiha Fugaku, and then see if there was any chance to get together with two teammates or something.

He took off his Demon Slayer uniform and put on his usual clothes, but he didn't take off his haori - this thing is still very handsome, and it can also be used to hide his movements during battle.

The matter between Kato Dan and Tsunade is obviously the most topical event in Konoha in the near future. As soon as you go out, you can hear people talking about it no matter where you go.

A village grass, a village beauty, both of them are famous top experts in the village. Tsunade-hime is even the granddaughter of the first Hokage. This matter cannot fail to attract attention.

The village also needs a happy event that can attract everyone's attention, so that it can wash away the haze of years of war and Konoha White Fang's suicide, so it also adds fuel to the fire.

"Grandpa Yu."

In Uchiha Yu's home, Ming Jing sat respectfully on the tatami, pouring tea for Uchiha Yu opposite him.

"Hmph, they are all special jounin who have opened the three magatama sharingan. To adapt to the three magatama sharingan, why not just come to me for advice. When I was young, I was second only to Madara-sama in the clan. Izuna-sama is the top master of illusion, ninjutsu, and swordsmanship in the clan, and I don’t know anything about it!”

Uchiha Yu took the tea cup, looking a little dissatisfied.

Ming Jing knew that this was the old man complaining that he had not seen him too often recently.

"Grandpa Yu, in fact, I have been studying ninjutsu and swordsmanship recently, trying to develop a new swordsmanship, so it will take a long time."

Ming Jing said with a smile.

"Swordsmanship? What swordsmanship is stronger than the Uchiha-style swordsmanship passed down from our ancestors? Mingjing, don't be too ambitious just because of your talent!"

Uchiha Yu reprimanded, but still brought Ming Jing to the training ground and asked Ming Jing to demonstrate to him.

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