Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 80 will be available tomorrow (please subscribe)

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As usual, the system will develop VIP coupons from about 12:05 to 12:10 tomorrow, and I will release new chapters as soon as possible.

Let me briefly talk about this book.

At the beginning, there should be many readers who came to this book because of the title of Samsara, but some people said that I was selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, and it has nothing to do with Samsara. This is mainly because the length of the early chapters in the Naruto world is slightly longer (about 130,000 words), and then many people felt cheated and left after a few curses...

It can be regarded as learning from experience. For the next book, I will try to open the cheating finger as early as possible. I apologize here.

It is mainly the first Naruto fan fiction I wrote before. Although it can be regarded as a mixed result, it is not bad, but because it is the first time to write a book, the length is not planned well, and it is finished at 600,000. This book wants to try to write a million, so the early timeline is selected earlier, and the plot is arranged a little more. I donโ€™t know if it is appropriate.

When I was writing, there were people who criticized me, and there were people who praised me. Of course, there were also people who affected my mood. However, I have written more than one million words, and I know that no matter how you write, there will be people who criticize you. Even when the newspaper seller was at the peak of his career, he was criticized by many people. I, a small loser, can't compare with them. However, this example also illustrates that after a certain number of readers, there will be praise and criticism. The praise will naturally encourage me, and if the criticism is reasonable, I can also learn from it, such as the point about the gold finger mentioned above.

Let's talk about the results briefly. For me, the current follow-up reading results of this book are good or not. If I say it's bad, it's not that bad (it should be). It could have been better. It may be that the previous Naruto chapters are a bit long, which attracted many people who were attracted by the infinite flow and ran away. In addition, the weight of fan fiction has decreased. If it was before, this result could continue to go down and get more recommendations and exposure. It may be like this in the current new book period.

Thank you to everyone who has been following it until now, and thank you for your votes and comments. I hope you will support me in the future.

However, it was able to be put on the shelves before 200,000 words, so there are still more than 300 readers. I hope that tomorrow's first order will exceed 200.

Then there will be tomorrow's update, five chapters (I will go back to write after writing the thank you for the release), and then I will ask for subscriptions. I hope everyone can try not to skip, because with the current results, if the average subscription can reach 500 in three months, it is still very important to me.

PY my friend's book:

"Man in Super God: The Power of Creation at the Beginning": This is the story of how the beginning obtains the power of creation from the Polar Fox World and holds the Desire Grand Prix in the Super God Academy and the Heavens.

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