Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 79 Uzui Tengen's magical imagination

Yu Sui Tianyuan raised a finger, recalling the scene at that time, there was still an expression of disbelief on his face.

"The kid's red eyes are just like the red eyes of the other side mentioned by the original Style Butterfly Kanae. They have turned red. They have extremely terrifying dynamic vision and insight. Not only can he gain an advantage in battle, but also make me The advantages brought by the carefully prepared music charts are gone, and you can still learn any moves you see!”

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Ubuya Shiki Yaoya couldn't help but be surprised.

As the leader of the Demon Slayer Squad, he knows the power of the Vermillion Eyes of the Other Side.

That is the final form of Flower Breathing. By pressurizing the eyeballs, all the functions of the eyes are brought into play to the limit. Dynamic vision and insight will reach a terrifying level, and all flaws can be seen through.

When using the Vermillion Eyes of the Other Side, due to the overloaded operation of the eyes, the eyeballs will bleed and turn red. In Usui Tengen's view, this is exactly the same as Mingjing's Sharingan.

However, as a price, using the Vermillion Eyes of the Other Side once will most likely result in blindness.

Therefore, even the former Kanae, the butterfly butterfly, has never used this trick in front of others.

This led to a misunderstanding between Usui Tengen and Ubuyashiki Yaoya, who confused Ming Jing's Sharingan and even regarded it as the same thing.

"I speculate that Konoha style is definitely a very special ninja school in the past history. Not only does it master more special and gorgeous ninjutsu, but it may also develop the same technique as flower breathing, which pressurizes the eyeballs to form a blood-red color. Pupils and extremely strong eyesight.”

"According to the information left by the predecessor Hanashira, this technique is also very likely to cause blindness. This is probably the reason why Konoha-style ninjas cannot appear on a large scale in history like other ninja schools."

"Except the Uchiha."

Yusui Tianyuan analyzed it seriously and tried to connect all the information he knew.

The most important thing is that it really hooked him up.

"According to Uchiha Mirror, they call this kind of eye the Sharingan. If the Sharingan is developed to a higher level and used excessively, it will cause blindness like the other side of the eye."

"Based on this information, it can be basically concluded that the so-called Sharingan is the Vermilion Eye of the Other Side! But the Uchiha people are born with strong eyes, or have special structures. Without excessive use, they can fully withstand the impact of the Vermillion Eye of the Other Side. The burden on the eyes as a means of normalization!”

"Right now, he already has a strength that is no less than that of Hashira. If he can practice the breathing method to the level of Hashira, then the most powerful Hashira in the Demon Slayer Team in hundreds of years may be born, and he will become the nightmare of all ghosts! "

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya's eyes were filled with brilliance after hearing this.

Even if Mingjing doesn't have the potential that Yusui Tianyuan said, just looking at the moment, if he is equipped with a sun blade, he will actually be no different from a pillar in terms of combat effectiveness.

"That's great. Now that you have the strength of Zhu and have successfully killed ghosts, you don't need to go to Tengxi Mountain for trials anymore. But Yusui, I remember you told me, Every ninja has experienced inhumane training since childhood and climbed out of a pile of dead people. They view things differently from ordinary people in many aspects, and their moral values ​​are completely different, right? "

Ubuyashiki Yōya's face was filled with a faint smile, and he asked Usu Tengen.

Yusui Tianyuan sighed, and then continued:

"Ninjas are killing tools trained since childhood to perform tasks. Just like my brother, they have almost lost their humanity. But fortunately, Mingjing should still retain human emotions like me. But I can feel it. Perhaps because of his past experience as a ninja, he feels uncomfortable with many things in this era. Although he does not ignore the lives of others, he does not value them. "

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded to express his understanding.

"Well Yu Xu, since Ming Jing has almost the same past experience as you, I also hope that you can pay more attention to him. I will also talk to Xing Shou Lang about this after he comes back. With his character, it will definitely affect The people around you give everyone positive feedback.”

"In that case, let's leave this matter to me and Xing Jurou!"

Yusui Tianyuan promised as he slapped his strong chest loudly.

after one day.

"So that's it! Now that Ming Jing Boy has become our companion, this matter will be taken care of by me!"

Purgatory Anjuro, who returned from Kyoto, also patted his chest confidently after learning about this from Usui Tianyuan.

At this time, he had killed the second-ranked Pei Lang, successfully inherited the position of his father, Purgatory Shinjuro Enzhu, and put on the flame feather fabric.


Yusui Tianyuan suddenly remembered this guy's performance at the last Zhuhe meeting.

Although Anjuro's character is indeed very good and he can infect everyone around him with his positive energy, he is also a little weird in some aspects.

"I think this matter should be taken step by step, starting with small things, and then leading him on a few missions in a gorgeous way, there should be no problem, right?"

To be honest, Yusui Tianyuan felt that the matter was not that serious.

Ming Jing's character is still quite close to a normal person, but the moral concepts in the ninja world are completely different from here.

In the ninja world, it is common for teenage ninjas to be sent to the battlefield to kill people. Even ordinary genin must have a lot of lives on their hands. Those who can reach the stage of jounin must have experienced countless hardships. A fight to the death.

It has been two years since he became a ninja, and one and a half years since he entered the battlefield of the Ninja World War. Ming Jing has lost count of how many enemy village ninjas he has killed.

But in the Demon Slayer Corps, these swordsmen use their mortal bodies to fight against man-eating evil spirits for the sake of racial justice, and they must do their best to protect civilians even in battle.

If you were a ninja, if you had spare strength and conscience, you might pay a little attention to it, but basically you wouldn't care much about anything else. Completing the mission and killing the enemy is the top priority. The most basic starting point of the two is different, and there is a huge difference in what they do.

"Is that so? Thanks to Senior Yuzui for your guidance, I know what to do! If I start with small things, then I will fulfill my previous promise and teach the young Ming Jing how to breathe fire!"

Hearing Purgatory Xingjulang's words, Yusui Tianyuan could not help but be silent for a moment before opening his mouth and saying:

"It's not impossible...but my suggestion is that you have to be mentally prepared first."

Purgatory Xingshoulang ignored it, but soon he understood what Yusui Tianyuan meant.

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