Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 56 Sneak Attack

The almost non-stop rainy days in the Land of Rain are very detrimental to Aburame Nami's combat, so recently she has been cultivating and using this insect with strong ability to burrow into the ground.


After Aburame Nami took back the bugs, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Uchiha Mirror with her eyes hidden under her sunglasses.

"There's something wrong on the west side of town."


"There is a team of Suna Ninja there, handing over to the Iwa Ninja. Both sides should have jounin-level masters."

Uchiha Mingjing's face became serious, and he looked at the Inuzuka Ryu next to him.

Since the Sannin War half a year ago, Hanzo has formed an alliance with Konoha. Konoha is responsible for dealing with Sunagakure, and Amegakure is responsible for dealing with Iwagakure. Konoha is responsible for Amegakure who lacks logistics because the country of rain was almost destroyed. To provide supplies, Amegakure also needs to provide convenience to Konoha based on his home field capabilities. Both parties share intelligence and often cooperate in actions.

It is precisely because of this that Sunagakure and Iwagakure also began to cooperate with each other and form an alliance - facing the alliance of Konoha, the strongest ninja village, and Amegakure, who has the advantage of home field, it is impossible for them to be opponent.

"What's the specific number of people?"

Ming Jing asked Aburame Nami.

"They are all a standard four-person team."

Aburame Nami replied.

"In this case, their number is only eight. This number should not be used to raid Konoha's nearby strongholds. Even if they want to attack our logistics road, the number is a bit reluctant, unless it is led by those on the top. The top figures among the ninjas lead the team. In this case, information exchange is impossible, because ordinary intelligence will never use the precious number of jounin. Considering that this is the junction of the four forces, it is more likely that the two forces Some pre-operation handover preparations are underway.”

Ming Jing touched his chin and began to analyze.

"It's probably not a top jounin. Although the insect can't bring back more specific identity information of those people, it can sense their danger level. Even the strongest one among them can still give the insect a sense of threat. Far inferior to the jonins of Dan-sensei and the others, if we want to make an analogy..."

Aburame Nami tilted her head and thought for a moment.

"That Iwagakure's strength should be about the same as that of the Paladin Jounin, and the one from Sunagakure will be slightly stronger than the Shiakumo Jounin."

Ming Jing suddenly felt confident.

According to Inuzuka Yu, Inuzuka Paladin's strength ranks among the top among the jounin of the Inuzuka clan. He is at least a veteran jounin, and his strength may also reach the level of an elite jounin.

As for Baiyun Shixin's strength, it will be lower.

He still holds the title of Special Jonin. Although his strength has barely reached the passing line of Jonin, as a civilian ninja, he wants to take another step forward and become a very high status in the village, and has a lot of power. It is still somewhat difficult for a Jōnin to gain political power.

Mainly just hanging out, lacking some background.

If there is a ninja clan behind him, then it can work, or like Kakashi in the future, there is a good teacher who has a name with the Hokage himself. As long as the strength reaches the passing line of Jonin, he can He was taken to perform S-level missions by Namikaze Minato - he has a record of completing S-level missions, and has a certain number of A-level missions to prepare for. In addition, his strength has indeed reached the standard of jounin, and he can also convince others. A lot of people say it.

However, as a civilian ninja, Shirayun Tokinobu did not have these things.

In particular, jounin is almost the career ceiling that can be achieved by civilian ninjas with certain talents who lack strong teachings, strong inheritance and blood stains.

Fortunately, they all have these things.

"You can try to intercept their information. If there are jounin among the enemy, if there is a jounin of the level of Shirounjounin, I can't win with the Sharingan, but I can definitely delay it for a long time. My suggestion is , if we can sneak attack and kill one person in Sunagakure's team at the beginning, then you can support me after you deal with the remaining two chuunin. If their chuunin is relatively strong and difficult to win, then you can support me. The strength of our team is also sure to escape intact.”

"And if we fail to successfully reduce Sunagakure's numbers at the beginning as planned by the tactics, then there is no need to hesitate, there will definitely be no need to fight and we will just run away."

Ming Jing took a wooden stick and wrote on the ground, making tactical arrangements for the next battle.

It's not that Ming Jing's team is too arrogant and dares to provoke Jonin, it's mainly because their team is not bad in combat and can run - the one who runs away.

Among the three-person team, Uchiha Mingjing is the strongest and fastest, followed by Inuzuka and Tetsumaru. However, his endurance for long-distance attacks is super strong. As long as the enemy cannot catch up with him at the first time, he will definitely have no chance in the follow-up. .

Although Aburame Nami is not as good as the other two teammates in terms of physical skills and agility burst, it doesn't matter. Just let her sit on Tetsumaru and let Tetsumaru take her to escape, and her bugs can simply interfere with the enemy and carry out The best choice after a break.

When it comes to strength, the current Aburame Nami and Inuzuka Inu have gone through half a year of war training, and they have no shortage of powerful ninja guidance. The families behind them have already helped them plan the most suitable route for the development of their strength. With the ninjutsu inherited from the family as the foundation, he has made rapid progress in the past six months.

Among all the Chunins, they are considered top-notch players. Ordinary Chunins are not their opponents. However, they are limited by their age and chakra. Their progress may be limited by their physical development for a long time in the future.

Not to mention Ming Jing.

The Sharingan is the top blood limit, and with the guidance of Uchiha Fugaku, his progress in ninjutsu is extremely rapid.

According to Uchiha Fugaku, Ming Jing's attainments in fire escape have actually reached the level of a jonin, but there are still deficiencies in other aspects. However, with the Sharingan with double magatama, he still has the ability to compete with ordinary jonin for a certain period of time.

Of course, with his chakra, if the battle continues for a long time, Ming Jing will most likely lose in the end.

With such a strong team configuration, coupled with the tactics and intelligence that can most affect the ninja battle, this Sand Village team is actually within their range of handling.

Half an hour later.

In a jungle with few people.

These Sand Villages seem to have chosen such places with few people on their way to avoid being discovered.

But this kind of terrain is just right for Mingjing and others to perform.

A bug was quietly lying on the leaves, spying on the Sand Village team's every move.

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