Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 55 Half a Year Later

To be honest, Ming Jing now wants to study and adapt his double magatama Sharingan more than to carry out the mission.

After opening the double magatama, Ming Jing can clearly feel that his eyes' insight and dynamic vision have been greatly improved.

This allows him to learn most of the ninjutsu that does not involve the change of chakra properties and forms after just one look. Even if the enemy uses ninjutsu in front of him, he can copy and release the ninjutsu almost at the same time.

Ming Jing speculates that if it is those high-level ninjutsu, as long as he masters the chakra changes of the corresponding attributes, he can also copy it after just one look.

Not only ninjutsu, but also physical skills are the same, as long as his body can withstand it.

At least, Ming Jing can almost replicate the Inuzuka fluid skills used by Inuzuka Ryo, except for those physical skills involving cooperation with ninja dogs.

With such strength addition, as well as the excellent intelligence acquisition ability of Aburame Nami and Inuzuka Ryo, the first task was easily solved.

There were only two teams led by ordinary Sand Village Chunin in the dense forest, which was not a particularly strong opponent for Uchiha Mingjing and his team.

The following days lasted for nearly half a year, and the members of Mingjing team basically repeated this kind of intelligence mission.

In the first month, because Konoha won a large-scale battle, there were many things to do later, so as an intelligence reconnaissance team, Mingjing team was the busiest.

Although there were still many tasks to be completed in the subsequent time, they could more or less spare some time to do other things.

For example, practicing fire escape and swordsmanship, and studying Sharingan.

First of all, fire escape ninjutsu.

Mingjing has basically mastered the changes in the nature of fire escape. When using fire escape, the color of the flame core can reach white.

The Haolong Fire Technique can be used very skillfully, and as the mastery of the changes in the form of fire escape deepens, two fire dragons can be released at a time.

In the Uchiha Fire Style, combining the Great Dragon Fire Style and the Phoenix Fire Style, releasing a large number of fire dragons at once, and infusing them with fire style chakra with strong explosive properties, is the Dragon Flame Song Style.

This is almost one of the most powerful fire styles of the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Madara used this trick during the Fourth World War to achieve impressive results.

Although Madara can achieve impressive results with any ninjutsu, being able to perform the Dragon Flame Song Style means that the nature and form changes of the fire style have reached an extremely high level, which is almost one of the highest level ninjutsu of the Uchiha Fire Style.

The Dragon Flame Song Style of Fire Style is a bit of a stretch for Mingjing's current Fire Style attainments, but at least with the help of the double magatama Sharingan and the fire style nature and form changes, Mingjing has copied all the ninjutsu he can copy from Uchiha Fugaku.

On the battlefield, he also copied a lot of wind style and lightning style ninjutsu that he can master.

Compared with the huge progress in fire escape, Ming Jing is not so outstanding in swordsmanship.

Although the double magatama Sharingan can bring great bonuses to swordsmanship in terms of insight and dynamic vision, in fact, Ming Jing can clearly feel that his swordsmanship has reached a bottleneck.

The physical fitness of his body, which is less than twelve years old, limits the performance of swordsmanship.

Ming Jing feels that the progress in swordsmanship in the past six months is more brought about by the further development of the body. In this regard, perhaps only time can be accumulated.

In addition, he basically learned some almost universal B-level conventional ninjutsu such as shadow clones, and received a lot of guidance from Uchiha Fugaku in illusion. In general, Ming Jing now has no obvious shortcomings in ninjutsu.

At this time, in terms of strength, he should be stronger than the special ninja from the Sand Village he met on the battlefield half a year ago, but there may be some gaps between him and the real ninja.

The jonin of the five major ninja villages are all the embodiment of the high-end combat power of a ninja village. They have mastered at least two or more chakra nature changes. At the same time, they have reached a level that can crush the chunin in terms of physical skills, and at least have the ability to remove most illusions. In terms of combat consciousness experience, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

But at least, Ming Jing believes that if he were to go back to half a year ago, he would definitely have the ability to defeat the special jonin of Sand Village.

Rain Country.

In a town that has long been in ruins due to war.

Ming Jing and his team have just completed a mission to intercept the intelligence of the Sand Village logistics supply line and are on their way back to the camp.

First, avoiding the civilians of the Rain Country who are struggling to survive in the ruins, Ming Jing and his three people found a house with a collapsed wall but barely able to shelter from the rain.

Set up an iron pot, put in the river fish that had just been caught and processed in the river, and add some things like dug vegetable roots, and finally use Ming Jing's unique smokeless fire escape to make a fire.

Because the canned food had been eaten long ago, Ming Jing and the others had to bear with their stomachs.

But in fact, the taste of this fish soup was quite good. With Ming Jing's current attainments in fire escape, he was very precise in controlling the heat, which was very useful for cooking soup.

The white fish soup is constantly churning with bubbles. The vegetable leaves are rolling with the heat wave in the soup. A piece of crystal white fish fillet is picked up and brought into the mouth. Along with a mouthful of fish soup, a warm current flows straight from the throat into the abdomen, which relieves the pain. Hunger in the belly.

On such a rainy day, having a bowl of fresh and hot fish soup is a great comfort to Ming Jing and others who have been performing tasks for several days.


Inuzukaru drank the last sip of the soup and couldn't help but lean against the wall behind him, in sync with the movements of the fat and paralyzed Tetsumaru next to him.

"Ding Jing, your skills have improved again!"

Inuzuka patted his belly and said lazily.

"After returning to the camp from the last mission, I happened to meet senior Gu Jie and asked him for some cooking skills."

Ming Jing wiped his mouth, then sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a handkerchief and began to care for the wakizashi in his hand.

"Well, then Mr. Gu Jie's teammates should also be very happy. Not only do they have good food to eat when performing missions, but Mr. Gu Jie is also so strong."

Inuzuka murmured and looked at the dark clouds that were gradually dissipating in the distance.

The rain has lightened up a lot.

Drops of raindrops like thin lines hit the accumulated water on the ground, causing ripples in circles.

At this moment, several small insects quietly emerged from the ground and crawled into the palm of Aburame Nami's hand.

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