"What happened? Why did you suddenly ask us to retreat?"

Uchiha Mingjing had a bit of confusion on his face, and he fled behind the camp with his two teammates. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

"My bugs told me that there... there are many ninjas coming here, and among them... there should be a very strong creature, but the air there is poisonous, and the bugs can't get too close, so they can't check it. Get more information."

Aburame Nami stretched out her hand to take back a bug, turned to the mirror beside her and said.

Ming Jing nodded heavily.

"Hey, you three are Duan's disciples, right?"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded.

Directly in front of them, there were three people standing, and the one speaking was the blond woman standing in the middle.

Tsunade heard about Kato Suan's three disciples, and even showed Tsunade a group photo of Kato's class, so she could recognize them.

"Are you...Tsunade-senpai?"

"Uchiha brat, do you recognize me?"

"Teacher Dan often mentions you in front of us, as well as Orochimaru-senpai and Jiraiya-senpai."

"Run quickly! Hanzo is coming!"

Ming Jing turned his head.

The end of the field of vision was shrouded in a thick layer of purple smoke.

This is the extremely poisonous nature of Sansho Fish Hanzo.

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Ming Jing hurriedly took out three gas masks from the ninja bag on his waist.

This was taken from several Yugakure when they were cleaning the battlefield during the previous attack in the canyon.

Tsunade's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Tsunade-senpai, I don't know if these can help you."

"Hanzo's poison can not only be spread through breathing, but can also invade the skin. But with this, at least the poisoning speed will be much slower. When we fight Hanzo later, the interval between each poison extraction can be longer! More! It’s good for us to fight!”

Tsunade hurriedly took the gas mask and handed it to Jiraiya and Orochimaru beside her.

"Be careful not to be broken by Hanzo during the battle!"

Orochimaru nodded silently.

Jiraiya gave himself a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Tsunade!"

Hanzo's poison was getting closer and closer, almost approaching the edge of the camp.

"Tsunade-senpai, Orochimaru-senpai and Jiraiya-senpai, let's go first!"

Seeing this, Ming Jing hurriedly pulled the two companions around him, confessed his crime to Tsunade, and then used the teleportation technique together to leave towards the distance.

"Well...then it's up to us!"

Tsunade's gaze was cast on the purple poisonous mist in the distance.

Three hours later.

In the Kingdom of Rain, somewhere in a dense forest.

Der Spiegel feels fortunate to have two companions with excellent reconnaissance capabilities in his team.

Their presence really helped my team avoid too many dangers.

"Nami, Ryu, how is the situation now!"

"Not very good."

Inuzuka shook his head.

"Today's rain is much heavier than the past few days! Both Tetsumaru and I's sense of smell has been greatly affected!"

Water can effectively block odors.

"Where's Nami?"

Ming Jing moved his gaze to another companion.

"The rain is too heavy, and the flight of insects is also affected, and the detection range is very small."

Aburame Nami said as she looked at an insect that was slapped to the ground by the rain in front of her.

"In three hours, we avoided most of the chasing Yu nin. According to the distance estimate, we are still about a hundred kilometers away from the village's garrison point on the border. Now the most dangerous moment has been avoided by us. , as long as we walk this hundred kilometers, we can join Inuzuka Paladin and the others at the previous stronghold, and then wait and see the battle situation on Tsunade-senpai's side. "

Der Spiegel speculates whether this could be the battle of the three ninjas in the original plot.

In the original plot, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya faced off against Hanzo on the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

Although the three of them lost to Hanzo in this battle, it was also because of this that Hanzo believed that there were young people like Tsunade in the Fire Country who were powerful, and believed that Konoha would win in the end, so he let him go He married three people and gave them the name of Sannin, and then formed an alliance with Konoha, changing the direction of the war.

"Then what will happen if Tsunade-senpai and the others lose."

Inuzuka asked worriedly.

Ming Jing couldn't help but paused.

He couldn't say that there was a high probability that Hanzo would win this battle, but in the end he let Tsunade and the others go and chose to ally with Konoha, right?

Even Inuzuka would not believe it.

The thoughts in my mind changed and I began to deduce the normal situation.

"If Tsunade-senpai and the others are defeated, then there is no doubt that the village's troops will temporarily withdraw from the battlefield of Rain Country. However, Mr. Dan has gone out to perform a mission. Mitomon Advisor has probably retreated with some ninjas. They should be able to summon them by then. The remaining ninjas are defending based on several strongholds on the border. Hanzo's goal is to protect the mainland of Rain Country. After driving away Konoha, the target will definitely turn to Sunagakure and Iwagakure. After that, it depends on whether the village decides to continue Send more reinforcements, or just let us retreat."

Ming Jing used his fingers to make famous analysis, and then continued:

"But no matter what, what we have to do now is to pass through this dense forest and rush to the border stronghold as quickly as possible before the following Amegakure ninjas catch up."

After saying that, Ming Jing stood up, patted the mud on his pants, and called Inuzuka Ryo and Aburame Nami to continue moving forward.

The sooner you leave, the safer you will be.

"Something is wrong!"

After walking for more than half an hour, when the rain subsided, Inuzuka Ryo suddenly sniffed.

"There seems to be someone around!"

After Ming Jing and Aburame Nami reacted, they quickly stood beside Inuzuka Ryo and formed a defensive formation.

At the same time, not far away.

A small Rain Hidden Ninja wearing a gas mask silently called out to the two teammates around him.

They are an elite Rain Hidden Ninja team responsible for chasing Konoha ninjas. The whole team consists of four Chunins. Although they successfully killed a Konoha team in the previous chase, they also lost a man.

Fortunately, the most important perception ninja in the team was not in trouble.

The short Yuyin was the perception ninja of this team. Now, he sensed the traces of Mingjing and others based on the vibration of the surrounding ground.

Inuzuka Ryo and Tiewan were still following the smell to sense the enemy's position.

Aburame Nami relied on the "Secret Technique Cocoon" to quickly hatch a large number of insects to prepare for the subsequent battle.

This kind of rainy day is not conducive to her insects to play a role. She can only rely on consuming a large amount of chakra in a short period of time, temporarily cultivating more insects to make up for this shortcoming, and taking the soldier pills to restore chakra as much as possible.

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