Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 33 Hanzo's Attack

Originally, in addition to them, there should also be Kato Dan and an elite jounin named Mumu Gadao.

The latter was quite powerful and was also the absolute confidant of Hiruzen Sarutobi, but at this time the two men had already taken another jounin to perform a secret mission.

"Let's talk about what to do now. The troops sent to attack Yugakure's rear are now probably close to being wiped out."

Mito Kadoyan sighed heavily and asked the three people in front of him.

"Senior Yan, you shouldn't provoke Hanzo at this time. Judging from the current situation, the troops who went to attack should have been noticed and met Hanzo himself."

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Tsunade shook her head, indicating that there was nothing she could do.

As the strongest medical master in medical ninjutsu in the entire ninja world, she knew very well how terrifying Hanzo's poison was.

This highly corrosive poison is so corrosive that even she has not yet developed an antidote that can work quickly. She can only use the technique of extracting minor symptoms to expel the toxin from the body with her superb chakra control ability.

But today, when medical ninjas have not yet been trained on a large scale, there are very few people who can use this technique. Even if Tsunade has urgently trained a group of medical ninjas after arriving in the Land of Rain, there are only a few A few people can learn it.

Hanzo's poison is not only highly corrosive, but also has an absurdly large range, capable of covering a large area of ​​the battlefield.

Under that kind of large-scale invasion, as long as Hanzo's chakra is not consumed, then quantity has no meaning in front of him.

I am afraid that few of the teams that went to raid would come back alive.

"Hey, if we could have planned as Orochimaru said before, giving priority to attacking Sunagakure, showing strength to Amegakure Village, and trying to win over them to form an alliance, I am afraid that the people of Sunagakure Village should be worried now. Chiyo."

Jiraiya shook his head helplessly, and then turned his gaze to his companions.

The most talented and smartest companion in his heart.

But Orochimaru still sat quietly in his position, his eyes gloomy, not knowing what he was thinking.

"This matter is indeed my fault. I will apologize to the village and take responsibility. However, I also feel that Sunagakure and us are the same five major countries and are stronger. It would be safer to deal with Yugakure first..."

While Mito Kaden was chattering, he also turned his attention to Orochimaru.

"Now is not the time to talk about this."

Orochimaru finally spoke.

"What I'm worried about now is the intelligence capabilities of Yuyin Village."

"Huh? Orochimaru, what did you think of?"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on this pale-skinned young man.

"Why is Yuyin Village able to detect traces of our troops? If they have this ability, what will they know and do now."

"Orochimaru...you mean, there is a mole here?"

Mito Kadoyan frowned and quickly listed a series of questionable candidates in his mind.

"That's not what's important."

Orochimaru shook his head.

"Since they know this, will they know the whereabouts of Senior Kung Dao and Dan?"

Tsunade's expression suddenly changed.

"Orochimaru, what you mean is... Hanzo may go to kill them!"

They knew Hanzo's strength only too well.

Their own strength is now on par with Kato Dan's, and Kato Dan's spiritual transformation technique must also be taken into consideration.

Excluding the art of spiritual transformation, although Kato Dan's strength has reached the standard of an elite jounin, once he faces Hanzo head-on, he will definitely not be his opponent, and it may be difficult for him to even come back alive.

"No, Hanzo won't! Because if I were Hanzo, I would take advantage of the fact that our elite troops are damaged and the two powerful forces of Kato Dan and Kimu Kato are not available to directly attack Konoha's camp and establish victory in one fell swoop. , Only in this way can the results be maximized!”

Orochimaru's words surprised everyone.

Because if such a thing really happened, then Konoha's war on the Rain Country battlefield would be enough to declare a failure!

However, according to Hanzo's character and courage, it is indeed very likely that he will make such a choice.

"I'll go arrange the garrison of the camp first!"

Mito Kabuto suddenly stood up from his position.

"I'm afraid... it's too late."

Tsunade turned her head, and at this moment, a ninja suddenly broke in outside the command room.

"Master Yan, and all of you! A sentient ninja observed that a few kilometers away, the main army of Yuyin Village was charging towards the camp!"

Mito Kadoyan's movements suddenly froze in place, hesitating for a few seconds, and then opened his mouth and said:

"You take the troops from the village and retreat first. I will personally lead those who are willing to stay to cut off your rear!"

"Elder Yan's momentum is commendable, but unfortunately, with your strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop Hanzo for long."

Orochimaru shook his head without hesitation.

"The three of us are the ones who should stay. Elder Yan, please arrange for most of the ninjas to retreat as soon as possible, and then select the elites to join Dan and Gong Dao-senpai. Since Hanzo is attacking our camp, you should also attack Hanzo's Yugakure. No matter how bad the result is, we will at least be tied with Hanzo!"

At this time, he was still the perfect successor to Hokage in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart. Before his friend Kato Dan died, he had not yet embarked on another path because of his understanding of the fragility of life.

But the same thing is that under the calm and rational heart, there is still a madness!


Mitokado En wanted to say something else.

"Orochimaru is right."

Tsunade and Jiraiya stood up together.

"I am the only one who can use the fine-vein extraction technique to detoxify while fighting! Only when I am here can I have the possibility of fighting Hanzo for a long time!"

Tsunade's tone was full of heroism.

"I will stay with you!"

"No, Elder Yan, you should do what Orochimaru said, because when I am fighting, I can only help two people detoxify at the same time."

Tsunade shook her head and rejected Mitokado En.

"And if the three of us join forces, it is not certain who will win or lose against Hanzo!"

Tsunade's tone was full of confidence.

She knew how strong Hanzo was, but she and her friends were not bad either.

Perhaps this battle could become a stepping stone for the three of them to break through.

Mizutomon Yan took a deep look at the three young men in front of him, and thought of the meeting held on the ground before the second generation died.

When he was young, he was far worse than these three young men!

Hiruzen, they are worthy of being your disciples!

"Remember, come back alive, you are the future of the village!"

Mizutomon Yan said the last sentence, then turned and left to select the remaining ninjas who were willing to stay behind.

In the original work, when Kato Dan died, he was injured while performing a mission with Kime Koto and Tsunade. Judging from the fact that he was qualified to scold Tsunade who was panicked because of Kato Dan's serious injury on the battlefield, Kime Koto should be a high-ranking jonin, and he can perform missions with Tsunade and Kato Dan, and his strength should be at the level of an elite jonin.

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