Chapter 315

Saitama smiled and said, blowing the wind, as if he was going out for a trip, with a comfortable look on his face, and then turned his head to look at Yanzi.

"Hey, where is the monster king you are talking about?"

"Uh... I am just the lowest level of the association. I only saw His Majesty the Monster King at the last meeting. At that time, he was in the deepest part here. Maybe because he is too big, he can only stay in such a big place?"

Yanzi didn't know that the monster king Orochi had already gone up and started fighting with Mingjing.

On the other side, King also nodded as if it was a matter of fact.

"According to the routine in the game, this kind of big boss is generally hidden in the deep underground where it takes a long way to get there. Moreover, there are usually a lot of small fish and monsters on the road to block the road. After defeating the monsters, you can also get experience for upgrading and gold coins for buying props..."

King was talking, and suddenly, a lot of monsters appeared on both sides of the road in front of him, attracted their attention, and looked over.

"It's exactly as you said!"

Saitama nodded in conviction and reached out to insert his hand into the hard mountain wall next to him.

The high-speed mine cart stopped just like that.

King, who was almost thrown out due to inertia, was caught by Saitama's other hand, but Yanzi was not so lucky. He fell out of the mine cart and landed on the rails in front of him.

"Yanzi? Why are you here! Forget it! Go and do my job for me!"

A weirdo who looked much bigger than Yanzi walked over arrogantly and threw the shovel in his hand.

Yanzi was hit on the head by the shovel with a confused look on his face. He just stood up and fell down again.

He was lazy and hid in the toilet before, but was caught by Saitama. After that, he planned to lure the two heroes here, hoping that his accomplices could kill Saitama and King.

Although those powerful monsters are all above, and those who are left here to dig gold and earn money for the Monster Association's financial income are all monsters with not much fighting power, at least they are in large numbers, and Yanzi thinks they still have a chance of winning.

But now, Yanzi hopes that these monsters who bully him can be killed by these two heroes.

"King, according to the flow, we just need to get rid of these monsters, and then continue to go down, we can see that so-and-so Monster King, right!"

Saitama looked at the large group of monsters in front of him and said excitedly.

If that so-and-so Monster King is so powerful, he shouldn't die with just one punch, right? !

"Well, they can even explode gold!"

King pointed to a small bag on the ground and said.

There were tiny bits of gold in the bag.

Saitama's eyes widened immediately, and he picked up the small bag full of gold.

Such a small bag of gold is probably enough for him to have enough food and drink for the rest of his life.


"This guy actually dared to steal the gold we dug!"

"There are only two of them, don't be afraid!"


A large group of monsters rushed towards Saitama and his friends, shouting.


Amid the roar of the Emperor Engine, King stood beside Saitama, patted Saitama on the shoulder, and signaled Saitama to take action.


"Good! What a terrible sense of oppression!"

"What's wrong with this man with three scars on his face!"

"This voice is... Emperor Engine! I recognized him! I heard of him before I joined the association! It is said that he is the strongest one in the S-level of the Hero Association! King, who is called the strongest man on the surface!"

A fat pig-headed monster pointed at King and shouted.

"King! To deal with this guy, you must at least be a cadre of the association! With us..."

The lizard monster standing next to the pig-headed monster was shocked when he heard this, and decisively retreated behind his companions.

So, seeing his action, the monsters who were just rushing stopped and began to retreat slowly, as if facing some terrible beast.

Eyes, who had just climbed up from the ground, saw this scene and turned around at a loss, looking at Saitama and King.

But it was also because of this that he did not mix with those monsters and saved his life.

A fist wearing a red glove quickly enlarged in the eyes of the monsters, and then...


Except for Eyes, all the monsters turned into a pile of flesh and blood.


Eyes swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stopped moving.

Saitama, however, picked him up again with a smile and put him in front of the mine car to act as a searchlight.

"Oh, by the way, there is also the gold just now, it should be..."

Saitama remembered the gold that he had just put aside before he took action. Just as he was about to get up, he felt something was wrong.

A tiny sound came from the sky, and then huge rocks fell from the top.

King was so scared that he hugged Saitama.

Because just now, a rock fell on the ground next to them, causing that small piece of ground to collapse and fall into the deepest part of the mine.

Unfortunately, the bag of gold that Saitama had found before was right there. Just when he was about to go and get it back, King hugged him again, and he had to watch the gold he had just got disappear again.

"Saitama-kun? What's wrong with you? I feel like you don't look very good?"

"No, it's nothing. Forget it, let's keep going. If we're lucky, we can find what I want after finding the King of Monsters."

Saitama waved his hands helplessly.

The two of them got on the mine cart again and drove down.

And at a higher level.

The culprit who caused this big shock, Uchiha Mingjing, was controlling Susaki to punch Orochi with one punch after another.

The best way to deal with a big snake is to crush it with absolute strength. Do not use any technical moves such as martial arts and swordsmanship.

Because this guy is like the hungry wolf in the later period. No matter what it is, he can learn it at a glance and do it more perfectly than the original owner.

Of course, compared to Mingjing's magical eyes, this is still far behind.




The surface of the earth has been lifted up, revealing a corner of the Weird Association.

Big snakes usually take many forms, ranging from six or seven meters to fifty or sixty meters in length.

This guy's control over his own flesh and blood has reached the pinnacle. As long as he has enough ability, he can further expand his size.

Now this guy's size is no smaller than that of a complete Susanoo. In front of the majestic wooden figure, he is only half a head shorter.

"This movement... is much bigger than we expected! Is there such a strong person in the Monster Association who can be on par with the Scarlet Ninja?"

In the distance, Seggins was sitting in an armored vehicle, using high-tech glasses to look at the details of the battle in the distance, and couldn't help but marvel.

Although the lasers emitted by his high-tech glasses can only hit wolf-level monsters, his other auxiliary abilities are still good.

The level of energy in the battle ahead was something he had never heard of before. It was more than a hundred times higher than the wrestling rhinoceros he met before who rated him 2 points!

Although, even without these high-tech glasses, you can still see how powerful both sides of the battle are.

"Tatsumaki and King, can you spare a hand to help?"

Seguingal asked the assistant beside him.

Since the enemy has the strength to compete with the Scarlet Ninja, the best way at the moment is to call in the association's other two highest combat powers to help.


"We have made contact with them through the instruments left behind. The tornado said that they are fighting now and have no time to pay attention to us. Mr. Erking said that he is now heading to the deepest part of the enemy's lair to find the real mastermind, so... "

"I see."

Seguingal sighed.

Among the second generation members of the association, he is the more talented one and the more motivated one. In the past, he relied on the strength behind him and his relatively excellent management and command ability among his peers. It can be said that he did things in the past. There is no disadvantage.

But now, under such terrifying power, even if there is any scheming, there is no ability to participate in it.

"It's pretty awesome. It's a bit tricky."

Ming Jing stood on top of Susanu's head, staring at the big snake in front of him, and couldn't help but admire it.

"You are very strong, human, but it's a pity that you met me. In order to show my recognition of your opponent, I will let you become a part of me. I will become stronger by then, even if it is Tatsumaki and King If we join forces, we will not be my opponent.”

The big snake's huge face full of cracks showed no emotion, and said to the mirror in an extremely cold tone.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you greedy for my body? That's such a coincidence, because I am also hungry for the huge energy contained in your body."

Ming Jing stared at the big snake with his samsara eyes, glanced at the ground, and then withdrew his gaze.

A large part of the reason why the Orochi can fight him for so long is because the tail under its body can penetrate into the ground, absorb the energy of the earth's core to attack, and strengthen itself.

If you want to kill him, you also need to find a way to stop the tail under him from contacting the ground.

To do this, one must either rely on superpowers or rely on the repulsive and suction power of the Samsara Eye. But this guy is huge and powerful, so finding an opportunity is not that easy.

"Then I will use all my strength next, Orochi. I hope you won't be beaten too badly and can leave a whole body."

Ming Jing murmured, then lined up his hands, and the blue and white feathers on his body fluttered in the wind under the strong momentum.

"Immortal Technique, Wood Release, Thousand Arms of Power, Transformation into Buddha on the Top!"

The Buddha's figure grew taller again, and the thousands of fists behind him that were wrapped in Susanoo's shining golden light were like countless meteorites falling from the sky, hitting the big snake.

At this moment, the big snake also showed his desperate skills and tore off the mask on his face.

Under the mask, there is a twisted face entwined with dragons and snakes. The mouths of these dragons and snakes are superimposed together to form the big snake's big mouth with layers of mouthparts.

At this moment, the original humanoid form of the serpent was also elongated, looking a bit like an enlarged version of the dragon snake, but the armor on his body and the waving tentacles made him look a bit like Elder Centipede.

Of course, in terms of size and power, the big snake in its true form at this moment is far superior to Elder Centipede.

The next second, endless dragons and snakes attracted the mirror's Senju Susanai Buddha.

A few kilometers away.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! We can't stay here any longer!"

Seggins sat in the armored car and waved everyone away.

This place is comparable to a magnitude 9 earthquake plus a magnitude 12 typhoon. The ground is cracking and the wind is howling. It is estimated that even without S-level strength, it is impossible to stay here.

Seggins could only be thankful that the association had dismissed the residents of several urban areas near the no-man's land at the beginning.

"It's not enough! Hey! Senior Xiqi, can you hear me? Quickly organize manpower to evacuate all the residents of Z City. Several nearby cities must also be prepared to evacuate at any time! Yes! There is! It’s so serious! If we continue to fight, City Z will definitely end up like City A where the aliens attacked before!”

Seggins shouted into the communicator.

Fortunately, this was a contact device made by Tong Di. If it had been another contact device, it would have lost its function under the chaotic magnetic field.

The battle continues.

But at this moment, the battle situation suddenly changed again.

The earth, which was already riddled with holes, was torn apart again at this moment.

The headquarters of the Monster Association, which has dozens of floors and occupies almost half of the uninhabited area of ​​Z City, was levitated by Tatsumaki's superpower.

At this moment, a hero was also protected by the tornado's superpower cover and floated out of it.

"Fortunately, Tatsumaki took action, otherwise I might really be killed now."

The Atomic Samurai held the knife and looked at the black wave pouring out of the Weird Association in the distance.

The ability of black sperm to differentiate is too restrained for a swordsman with a single ability like Atomic Samurai.

No matter how high the Atomic Samurai's slashing attack power is, it can't kill the black sperm.

The sexy prisoner lay unconscious in the superpower shield, and not far next to him, the superalloy black light that was broken by the hungry wolf to prevent autism hugged his knees and sat in another superpower shield with his head lowered. Silence.

On the other side, Flash Flash, Child Emperor, Pig God, Sweetheart Mask, etc. were all sent out one by one by the tornado through the previous buttons.

The only exceptions are Saitama and King.

"Where are Saitama-sensei and King?"

Genos was the first to notice something strange, but believed that with Saitama's strength, he could solve any difficulty he encountered.

"Now, my goal should be to get rid of these weirdos, so that I can live up to the teachings of the two teachers!"

Genos turned his attention to a tall robot.

It was a G5 machine god from a certain organization that came to support the Monster Association. It was an upgraded version of the G4 machine god that Genos killed before.

After the G4 Mecha was killed, Dr. Kunos removed the core and installed it on Genos, and equipped Genos with an upgraded version of the turbine and firepower. Now Genos even has The ability to compete with dragon-level monsters. If the extreme firepower mode is turned on overload, although it only lasts for ten seconds, it can still briefly deal with the peak dragon-level monsters.

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