Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 312: The Monster King Dashe

Chapter 314 Monster King Orochi

Monster Association, deep in the prison.

Garou's hands and feet were tied with chains, and he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Previously, although he suppressed the Cutting King and Eyesight, the Monster Association soon had reinforcements.

Mud Jellyfish + Insect God, two monsters at the peak of the ghost level.

At that time, Garou was already at the end of his strength, and Snotlout was captured by the mud jellyfish as a hostage. He was afraid of the consequences and was finally defeated and captured here.

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At the same time, Sykes looked at Garou on the monitoring screen and controlled Big Eyes to go to the cell where Garou was.

"The strength of the monster king Orochi should be enough to deal with Tornado. If necessary, he can merge with me. Even if he faces the combination of Scarlet Ninja and Tornado, he may not be unable to fight. But there is still King who needs to make a plan."

"This guy is just like Orochi before he became a monster. He has the experience of dying in crisis after crisis and finally becoming stronger. This shows that he also has the qualifications to become the next Orochi. If we want to deal with King, it can only be him."

Big Eyes floated his body and shuttled quickly in the tunnel.

But the next moment, a roar sounded from the top of the tunnel, and the road in front of Big Eyes was obliterated by countless rubble.

Big Eyes' body slowly floated in the air, looking at Tornado in front of him.

This is controlled by Tornado.

Big Eyes, controlled by Sykes with superpowers, had almost no power to resist Tornado, the strongest superpower.

"Where are the hostages?"

Tornado was suspended in the air, looking down at Big Eyes from a high position.

"Hehe, the trembling Tornado is worthy of being the ultimate weapon of the Hero Association. The superpower is indeed incredibly powerful, but..."

"Chilling and whining!"

Tornado waved his hand impatiently and crushed the big eye in front of him into a standard cube, without even bleeding.

"Humph, is that really his personality?"

Sex was not surprised, but waved his hand, intending to let the big eye clone left behind go to the prison.


"Time is almost up, you guy, you are still hiding very deeply!"

Tornado frowned, looked at the bottom of his feet, waved his hand, lifted the ground, and opened a crack.

"Hey! There should be something that the enemy cares about on the road to the south of the east behind me. Maybe the hostage is there. Whoever has time, go there and take a look. I'm going to find the mastermind behind the Monster Association!"

Tornado said to the button on his collar, then jumped down and flew down quickly under the protection of telekinesis.

Sekes frowned.

No way?

This is deep in the earth's crust. No matter how strong Tornado's superpowers are, can she still sense this place?

Could it be that she found the location by capturing the telekinetic fluctuations through her superpowers of the same origin in Big Eyes?

As a superpower user, Sekes knew how exaggerated this was.

"There is no way. Garou can no longer be taken care of. The only way now is..."

Sekes sank his face and picked up a bottle of potion on the table and drank it.

The telekinetic fluctuations on his body, which originally belonged to the category of dragon-level monsters, increased several times again!


Thousands of meters underground, cracks were shaken out at this moment.

Sekes' long hair fluttered, and she tried her best to resist Tornado's attack.

Relying on the bottle of potion, she had superpowers that could deal with Tornado for a short time, but she couldn't hold on for too long.


"Boom boom..."

Mingjing took the Sky Tail Feather from a ghost-level monster called Crazy Sucker and looked at the cracked wall in front of him.

Although the blood from the Crazy Sucker had not been completely absorbed, Ming Jing still put away the Heavenly Tail Feather.

Because he could feel that there was a powerful being, so powerful that it was worth his real effort, coming towards him.

"This force..."

Ming Jing clenched his left fist and punched forward.

Today, even if it was just an ordinary punch, Ming Jing's current strength was enough to destroy a mountain. Now, through certain force techniques, this punch that was enough to destroy a mountain was confined within a certain range, enough to crush the dust again.

The wall broke, and the next moment, a monster that was more than ten meters long and shaped like a snake and a dragon roared and flew towards Ming Jing, colliding with his fist again.

Ming Jing took three steps back.

And the dragon-like monster also shrank back with its head pulled back.

Finally, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a giant more than fifty meters tall walked slowly towards here through the huge hole in the wall.

The dragon-like monster just now was one of his arms.

The King of Monsters, the Great Snake!

He had horns on his head, cracks on his face, and long dragon snakes as long as his arms wrapped around his body.

"Great Snake... Your Majesty... Save me..."

The Crazy Sucking Demon, who was sucked to his last breath by the Heavenly Tail Feather, stretched out his hand to the Great Snake and murmured.

The Great Snake did not answer, but stretched out a dragon snake from its shoulder, grabbed the Crazy Sucking Demon in front of the mirror, and then opened its mouth that seemed to have dozens of layers and ate it.

The calm face of the Great Snake changed a little.

He could feel that the energy contained in the blood of this ghost-level monster was somewhat lacking, and it could not even compare with some weaker tiger-level monsters.

"Did you do it? Scarlet Ninja, if that's the case, just offer yourself as compensation."

The big snake's plain voice without any emotion came from the mouth, and then the dragon snakes on the shoulders on both sides stood upright and opened their mouths.

Ultra-high temperature breath spurts out from the mouths of the big snake and these dragon snakes, and attacks the mirror.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Extinguishing Arrows!"

"Wind Release: Divine Wind Snare!"

The same ultra-high temperature flames were spit out from Ming Jing's mouth along with the strong wind.

In the world of Naruto, the upper limit of five-attribute ninjutsu is actually the level of the peak Kage level. In the one-punch world, it is estimated that it can only deal with monsters at the ghost level. Even if the third generation of Hokage at the peak comes, Ming Jing estimates that the most he can do is fight Deep Sea. Wang's kind of 50-50 ratio.

Ming Jing's fire escape is of course very strong, and can even be considered a T0 echelon in the history of the ninja world. Coupled with his own chakra that is now stronger than the first generation Hokage, the fire escape he releases has actually exceeded this limit.

But in the duel with the big snake's high-temperature breath, he still inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

Conventional ninjutsu can no longer play a big role when it reaches the super shadow level. You can only use tactics that match your own, such as shadow clones, as assistance.

"Sure enough, it's very powerful, and the energy and blood are also very strong!"

Seeing that the combined ninjutsu formed by his Wind Release and Fire Release was suppressed, Ming Jing nodded with satisfaction.

If Bruce can absorb this guy's energy and blood, his strength should be able to increase a lot, right?

Thinking of this, Ming Jing clapped his hands again.

"Wood Release: The Tree Realm is coming!"

Endless trees passed through the sea of ​​fire, carrying flames and waving towards the big snake.

The big snake remained expressionless, but controlled the tentacles on its head and the dragon snake on its body, and stretched out to start a battle with Ming Jing.



"The location Xiao Tatsumaki mentioned should be here."

The sexy prisoner knocked off the door lock in front of the cell with one palm, opened the door, and saw a muscular figure tied up with chains inside.

"It's not a hostage, but another lovely boy imprisoned? Hey! Sweetie, I'm here to rescue you..."

The sexy prisoner stepped forward with her big feet and ran forward.

But the movement seemed to make the people inside react.

Suddenly, the hungry wolf raised his head and faced the sexy prisoner.

The sexy prisoner's steps were paused.

"Hero Hunting...Aren't you from the Weird Association? Why are you locked up here?"

The hungry wolf did not answer the sexy prisoner's words, but used his arms to break the chains that bound him.

These chains could bind him before, but now, after experiencing another life-and-death crisis, the hungry wolf's strength has greatly improved again. Even though he is still sleepwalking, he cannot be trapped.

"Although I don't want to take action against cute boys, since you have injured other cute boys in the association, I'm sorry, hungry wolf!"

The sexy prisoner looked at the hungry wolf walking towards him and clenched his fists.

"Angel hits continuously!"

"Dark Angel hits continuously!"

"Angel shakes!"

Every move made by the sexy prisoner was easily caught by the hungry wolf.

Even in a state of sleepwalking, the hungry wolf can still rely on instinct to exert super strength.


The sexy prisoner's body was punched out more than ten meters, embedded in the wall, and he vomited blood.

"Incredible power, even if I turned on the bristle armor, I still couldn't defend myself..."

The sexy prisoner felt that the hungry wolf at this moment was countless times more powerful than the Deep Sea King he had encountered before.

The next moment, the hungry wolf rose up again and rushed towards the sexy prisoner.


There was a sound like the collision of metal, and the hungry wolf retreated again.

At this time, a tall, dark-skinned man with muscles like steel appeared in front of the sexy prisoner.

"Isn't it an attack launched by superior muscles? Hero Hunt is worthy of its reputation. Even I feel it slightly. Prisoner, are you okay? I can see that most of the muscles on your body are wailing."

The superalloy black light stared at the hungry wolf with small eyes, and at the same time expressed concern for the sexy prisoner behind him.

"I'm fine, Xiao Hei. I will recover for the sake of those cute boys captured by the Weird Association!"

The sexy prisoner said with affection.

During the previous weird invasion, the sexy prisoners escaped from prison and went out to deal with the weirdos, and other weirdos from the Weird Association took advantage of the sexy prisoners' absence and robbed a large number of prisoners in the prison.

Now, those prisoners are full of hatred for being violated by the sexy prisoners, so they took the weird cells and turned into weird people, intending to seek revenge from him.

It's just that the sexy prisoner doesn't know this yet, and is still hoping to save those "angel wings".

The hungry wolf stepped forward, like a swimming dragon, and quickly jumped in front of the super alloy black light. He flapped his hands like a stormy sea and hit the super alloy black light's body with continuous fists.

"What a powerful attack! But fortunately, there is no attack that my body cannot defend against!"

Super Alloy Black Light felt that the hungry wolf's attack had surpassed most of the dragon-level monsters.

Since his debut, even when Superalloy Black Light was hit by Boros in the second stage on the spaceship during the alien invasion, he only felt unprecedented pain, but he barely managed to bear it.

However, Garou is still in a sleepwalking state, but he already has the strength to surpass most dragon-level monsters, and once he wakes up...

"Superalloy Rocket Punch!"

Superalloy Black Light followed his previous habit. After blocking the enemy's attack with his muscles, he found the right time, gathered all his strength, and punched Garou's body.


Garou's body was blown away by Superalloy Black Light like a cannonball, and a large pit several meters deep, like a spider web, was smashed on the wall.

"Who is hitting me while I'm sleeping?"

Garou shook his head, rubbed his painful chest, and then looked at Superalloy Black Light in front of him, grinning and cracking his mouth.

"I've seen you in the hero atlas, the 11th S-class hero, Superalloy Darkshine. Did you just fight me when I was asleep?"

Superalloy Darkshine felt something was wrong.

The guy in front of him gave him a very special feeling.

It was a feeling that he couldn't tell the depth of. Superalloy Darkshine only felt it in two types of people. One was ordinary people who didn't have much strength at all. The gap between that kind of people and him was too big, so his perception was automatically blocked. The other was people whose strength was far above his.

In the past, only Tornado and King gave him this feeling, and then it was Scarlet Ninja, Boros and Saitama, who were also the strong ones that Superalloy Darkshine thought were stronger than him.

And now, Garou gave him exactly the same feeling...




Everything around him seemed to be shaking, like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Underground, a thousand meters deep.

Saitama had a silly expression on his face, and sat in a mine car with King, going down along the track.

In front of them, there was a monster with two horns and a big eye on his head.

Eyes, a low-level monster, that is, a monster that is so weak that it is not even at the wolf level. The only ability is to emit light from his eyes, and he can also use the horns on his head as switches to adjust the brightness of the light. It can replace a large flashlight, and even adjust the cold and warm tones of the light.

The main reason for the current scene is that King, as an ordinary person, can't walk, so the two of them caught a living monster as a guide and looked for a means of transportation, so they got on the mine cart.

King looked at the huge deep pit of the mine cave, and the mine cart that was moving faster and bumpier. He was so scared that the emperor's engine kept roaring, and his hands pressed the edge of the mine cart tightly.

On the contrary, Saitama still looked stupid.

"It's exactly the same as riding a roller coaster when I was a child!"

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