Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 295 Wood Release

Chapter 297 Wood Escape

With such a super alloy layer as external protection, even if a dragon-level monster comes to destroy it at this time, it can buy Mingjing time to complete the transformation.

"Ah, then I'll start."

Ming Jing was still like last time, shirtless, with various tubes inserted into his body, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Next to him, as before, stood a huge mecha with a cloned brain.

Forming seals with both hands, the spiritual transformation technique was activated, and Ming Jing quickly separated from his body, floated to the position of the giant mecha, and possessed the clone's brain.

As the brain waves of the cloned brain became active, consciousness was transmitted into the mecha through the brain-computer interface, and the mecha's eyes also lit up with red light.

"let's start."

Ming Jing's voice came out through the mask of the huge mecha.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Genos pressed the button immediately.

Various solutions were introduced into Ming Jing's body through the needle, and then the nanorobots were also injected through the needle and began to transform Ming Jing's body internally.

Now the nanorobot will work through the signals emitted by the electrode patches attached to Ming Jing's body.

Two hours later, Der Spiegel felt something was wrong.

"Why does my skin look like this?"

Ming Jing discovered that on his body, his skin had a pale color similar to that of the Otsutsuki clan, but the color was lighter. He looked like a vampire who had overindulged in sexual activities.

"This is just a new genetic trait produced by the combination of two genes. This just shows that your body has evolved and become a higher-level life form. Your body considers the pigment deposited on the surface of the body to be useless. , it will be discharged naturally, and it will become like this.”

Kinos explained.

"Can I change back?"

Ming Jing still hopes that she will look like her original self instead of looking like a different person.

"Of course, just wait for me for ten minutes."

Jinos waved his hand.

Kinos did not let Ming Jing really wait for more than ten minutes.

In less than ten minutes, the mirror was restored to its original appearance.

"My current body...the physical strength has not changed much, but I can feel that my physical activity has increased a lot."

Ming Jing squeezed his clattering fist and said.

He had felt this way in the past when he took the golden potion, but it would subside quickly.

But now, what he can feel is the endless vitality in his body.

"Now, your body's recovery ability should be greatly improved. It may be difficult to reach the level of Boros or Zombie Man, but it is enough to ignore ordinary wounds."

Kinos said while looking at the various data on Ming Jing's body displayed on the screen.

Upon hearing this, Ming Jing's hand suddenly condensed with a light blue chakra scalpel and cut it towards his arm.

A shallow white mark appeared on the body surface.

Ming Jing continued to increase his strength and used 40% of his strength before finally cutting the surface of the skin.

Just as soon as the chakra scalpel left, within ten seconds, scabs began to form on both sides of the wound, and it took a minute or two for it to fully recover.

Spiegel tried again.

Only this time, he used 60% of his force and cut the muscle tissue under the skin.

Ming Jing made a fist with one hand and bulged his muscles to speed up the wound to stop the bleeding. At the same time, his Yang Escape Chakra was also gathering towards the wound.

In just a few minutes, the wound returned to its original state. After wiping it with water and wiping away the blood, the original fair and healthy complexion remained.

"With this ability, even if you are facing someone with stronger strength, you can persist for a long time and find an opportunity to turn defeat into victory. Now you should be able to win against Boros in armor state, but if you are facing against Boros in the second state..."

Kinos said while typing a few times on the computer keyboard.

"According to the results of computer simulation, you now only have a 13.65% winning rate."

"Thirteen point sixty-five percent? It should be a little higher. I think there should still be a 20% chance of winning."

Ming Jing shook his head and then stretched out his palm.

A thick tree appeared indoors, reaching the ceiling.

"Does it still have the ability to naturally form trees? Yes, the previous cells were so overbearing that they could make other biological cells and tissues woody. It is really not surprising that this ability appears now."

Jinos dragged his chin and nodded.

At first, Ming Jing cooperated with a group of powerful S-class heroes such as Tatsumaki and Super Alloy Black Light to force Boros into the third stage.

Facing Boros in that state, they didn't have much ability to fight back.

In Ming Jing's view, that was basically the level of the Six Paths level. Even the Six Paths Nazusa who had a decisive battle with each other after defeating Kaguya was probably at this level.

As for the fourth stage, Boros in black state...

Ming Jing didn't know if the power of a Roaring Star Collapsing Cannon could kill Kaguya.

That was completely in two dimensions with him now, and it was not a level that the current Ming Jing could match.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Ming Jing waved his hand at Jinos.

"Ah, be careful. There seems to be a guy who is a hero hunter recently. It is said that even your S-class vest master has been admitted to the hospital. Although I don't think that guy is your opponent, but if he is attacked by a sneak attack, , it should be a bit troublesome, right?"

Jinos looked at Ming Jing's retreating back and ordered.

"I see!"

Leaving Kinos's "Evolution Takoyaki Chain Group", Der Spiegel found an alley without surveillance.

After casually knocking out a few bad boys who were blackmailing the children, and then sending the children out of the alley to go home, Ming Jing clapped his hands, and a tree suddenly grew from behind and grew to the side, and quickly transformed into Ming Jing's appearance.

The wood clone has an entity, which makes it have stronger camouflage and ability to withstand hits. And due to the characteristics of wood escape, the wood clone can store more and longer than other physical clones such as earth clone and water clone. Chakra, the combat power is also more powerful.

This is almost the most perfect clone technique in the Naruto world.

With Ming Jing's current strength, a wooden clone can fully possess the combat power that an S-class hero should have, and it can last longer. When the clone stays in other worlds, it can do more things than the original shadow clone. Much more.

Ming Jing's wooden clone moved its hands and feet, took the mobile phone, wallet and other items handed over by the main body, and walked out of the alley in a swagger.

A faint blue light flashed, and Ming Jing's body suddenly disappeared into the world of one punch.



"Have Hagura and Mei Terumi arrived in Konoha?"

Ming Jing sat on his desk, processing several documents submitted by Yamanaka Haiichi.

The affairs within the intelligence analysis class are basically handled by three elite jounin, Aburame Nami, Inuzuka Ruri, and Yamanaka Kaiichi. Ming Jing only needs a simple approval document and is appointed as a high-level Konoha official. Just keep abreast of the important information happening inside and outside Konoha.

"Both of them have arrived. Now the Fourth Generation has arranged for a few tailors to make them costumes for the Fifth Kazekage and the Fifth Mizukage. Now they are accompanied by Lady Tsunade and several wives of senior officials."

Ming Jing nodded slightly when he heard this.

Now, except for him and Orochimaru, all the high-ranking officials in Konoha are married.

In this way, the people currently staring at Terumi Mei and Hagura are Tsunade, Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto, and Sarutobi Biwako.

As for Qiu Daochengfeng's wife, she passed away many years ago.

This lineup is enough to watch these two women.

Nowadays, Tsunade has entered the new sage mode, and her strength has been greatly improved compared to before. With the accumulation of Yin Seal and Baihao Jutsu for many years, her strength is undoubtedly the peak of the shadow level.

Kushina has now also entered the new sage mode.

Moreover, due to the accumulation of so many years more than the original time and space, Kushina's sealing technique has reached an incredible level.

Even Senju Tobirama said that Kushina has reached the same level as the original Uzumaki Mito.

Now Kushina has become a perfect Jinchuuriki - of course, the reason why Kushina is willing to cooperate with Kushina is because Kushina and Kushina said that the enemies they have to deal with are Uchiha Madara and The first Hokage who was resurrected by Madara.

Kyuubi hates Uchiha and Konoha, but in fact this is the house of hatred.

The person he hates the most is Senju Hashirama, because the big pillar's decision caused the Nine-Tails to be sealed in the jinchuriki's body for decades, and the second most annoying person is Uchiha Madara, because it was Uchiha Madara who returned the He grabbed him while he was sleeping and used an illusion to hypnotize him, causing him to be beaten violently by Senju Hashirama, and what happened next.

Now Konoha is going to beat the first generation and Madara under the leadership of an Uchiha who is as strong as Madara. When Kyuubi heard that there was such a good thing, he reached an agreement with Kushina in the mental space on the spot.

Therefore, Kushina's paper strength is even higher than that of Tsunade - what she lacks is the combat experience and combat consciousness that a shadow-level or even super-kage level strong person should have.

Coupled with the two powerful jonins, Uchiha Mikoto and Sarutobi Biwako, even if Terumi Mei and Hayakura had any small ideas, they had to keep them in check.

"Where are the other two ninja villages? Did the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage bring tailed beasts to Konoha?"

Ming Jing continued to ask Yamanaka Haiichi.

"The Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage have already set off and are expected to arrive in Konoha tomorrow. According to the intelligence sent back by the spies stationed in these two villages, these two did not bring the Jinchūriki with them."

Yamanaka Hai had been prepared early in the morning and pointed to a document on the table that Ming Jing had not reviewed yet.

Mirror opened it and found a detailed follow-up report from Root Ninja on these two incidents.

Letting the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage bring jinchūriki with them was originally a method used by Ming Jing to prevent Madara from collecting tailed beasts.

"What about the Takigakure Village? Is there any news about the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki?"

Ming Jing asked again.

Yamanaka Haiichi said:

"Master Mingjing, the people in Takigakure Village... seem to still hold grudges against Master Orochimaru and the others for what they did in the past few years. Between Konoha and Uchiha Madara, they seem to be more inclined towards Uchiha Madara."

A few years ago, because of the Earthly Resentment Yu on Uchiha Madara, Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, and Jiraiya, who was still traveling at the time, jointly visited Takigakure Village in an attempt to obtain information about the Earthly Resentment Yu's secret technique. .

Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya may still act a little more gently, but Orochimaru will not.

Uncle Snake was surprised to find that Takigakure Village also had a new and unprecedented thing like water of heroes, and he immediately went out to plunder everything he could.

With Orochimaru's acting style, he would not care about what the people of Takigakure think.

"What do you think?"

Ming Jing continued to ask Yamanaka Haiichi.

"Mr. Spiegel, according to my speculation, the fundamental reason why Takigakure Village prefers Uchiha Madara is that in the system and structure of the ninja world originally represented by Konoha and other large ninja villages, Takigakure Village cannot be included in it. To gain profit and gain a position as a great power, Uchiha Madara was chosen as a new force, hoping to achieve change after Madara wins.”

Ming Jing had to admit that what Yamanaka Haiichi said made sense.

If there were no Uchiha Madara, the five great ninja villages would become a mountain that would always weigh on the other ninja villages, unable to stand up.

However, the tradition of Takigakure Village is to be ambitious and ambitious. It is the same as that of the Star Ninja Village. It even sent Kakuzu to assassinate the first Hokage...

Since most of the Takigakure Village has turned to Uchiha Madara, the Seven-Tails may have to be delivered to Uchiha Madara sooner or later, and may even have been swallowed by the heretic demon.

Among the remaining tailed beasts, the one-tailed beast and the six-tailed beast have long been in Madara's possession. At this time, Ye must have been swallowed by the heretic demon. The three-tailed beast and the nine-tailed beast are in Konoha. The tail and eight tails are in the hands of Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

"Tsk, I originally wanted to add more trouble to Madara, but now it seems that the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage still think that the current structure of the ninja village is ten years ago, and think that tailed beasts are an important guarantee for their village to maintain its status. No. Dare to bring Konoha.”

Ming Jing threw the document on the table and shook his head helplessly.

The current structure of the ninja world has changed from one super power to a bipolar structure.

"The Nine-Tails and Three-Tails are still in the village. As long as the jinchuriki of the village are protected, even if Madara has any plans, they will not succeed."

Yamanaka Haiichi replied.

"It can only be the."

Ming Jing stood up from his seat.

Tomorrow the Kage from other ninja villages will come, and as a high-ranking official in Konoha, he has to start getting busy.

Before that, though, there's one more thing to resolve.



"This should be a blood disease."

In Konoha Hospital, Tsunade concluded after diagnosing Ghost Light Mangetsu.

"How could it be possible? Our Guideng clan is a secret arts family, not a blood family, and we have no blood inheritance limits. How could my eldest brother have a blood disease?"

Ghost Deng Shuiyue shouted loudly.

"Suigetsu! Be quiet! Tsunade-sama is the best medical ninja in the ninja world, and her diagnosis results will not be wrong."

Gui Deng Man Yue lay on the bed and said weakly.

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