Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 294 The Second Genetic Modification

Chapter 296 The Second Genetic Modification

This pair of three magatama sharingan was originally just an ordinary sharingan, but it has stayed in Uchiha Madara's eye socket for many years.

Even though Madara transplanted his Samsara Eye into Nagato's body for more than 20 years, his level is still there. The high-quality Yin escape chakra originally used to provide the Samsara Eye was used to supply these three magatama writing wheels. Eyes also make this pair of three-magatama sharingan, although they have not been promoted to kaleidoscope, their pupil power is also far superior to the ordinary three-magatama sharingan.

To give a specific analogy, it is like a kaleidoscope-level Uchiha using his three-magatama state. There is no pupil technique, but the power in all aspects will still be greatly improved compared to the three-magatama when he has not yet opened the kaleidoscope sharingan. .

Coupled with the phagocytosis ability of Oni Luo Mei's art itself, it is enough to balance the first generation cells.

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"Is this the power of the Sharingan?"

Not long after, Beiliu opened his pair of three magatama sharingan eyes excitedly and looked around.

"After obtaining the Sharingan, a ninja's all-round qualities will be improved. Unfortunately, your Sharingan is not at the kaleidoscope level. Otherwise, coupled with Hashirama's Wood Release, you will be able to fight against me and Uchi. Bo Mingjing may not be able to fight."

Uchiha Madara looked at Beiliuhu with a calm expression.

In fact, he felt that it was just right as it was now.

No matter how strong Beiliuhu was, it would not be conducive to Madara's control.

"It doesn't matter. After I devour the first-generation cells, I can devour a top-level blood successor. By then, my strength will still have greatly increased."

Beiliu didn't care at all, but with blazing eyes he picked up the cells from Hashirama and brought them to the mouthparts on his stomach.


Beiliuhu's face suddenly turned red, and his body kept twitching.

Uchiha Madara frowned slightly when he saw this, and opened his samsara eye, ready to absorb the chakra from Hashirama's cells in Hiroshima's body at any time to save his life.

This was something the two of them had discussed in advance.

This person is of great use to Uchiha Madara.

A painful scream came out of Beiliuhu's mouth, and a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan kept spinning because of the pain.


Feeling the strange movement of the Three Magatama Sharingan, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Is it possible that the three magatama sharingan opened into a kaleidoscope because of this pain?

But what made Madara feel regretful was that he soon felt that the pupil power riot of the three Magatama Sharingan in Beiliuhu's eyes gradually subsided.

The pain in Beiliuhu's body was lessening.

Madara took another careful look and confirmed that there were no saplings sprouting from Beiliu's body, nor were there any traces of woodification.

Now, he could confirm that Beiruhu had successfully devoured Hashirama's cells.

a long time.

With a rosy complexion, Beiliu climbed up from the bed, his red Sharingan flashing, and he looked at his body excitedly.

"This body full of vitality and power is so powerful, so powerful!"

Beiruhu shook his hand and then punched forward.

The end of the fist was quickly wrapped by trees and turned into a huge wooden gun, punching through the room.

"Very good. Next, let's go outside and let me see how much of Hashirama's power you have gained now."

Uchiha Madara moved his shoulders twice and walked out.

Soon, the wooden dragon and the forest appeared, attracting crowds of Akatsuki members and Sunagakure Village ninjas to watch.

Not long after, Beiliu was held by Uchiha Madara's throat with one palm and lifted up.

"Not bad. You are 60% of Hashirama's level during his lifetime. The hardening of Steel Release and the absorption of Dark Release have also improved the original characteristics of Wood Release to another level. Your current strength is enough to sweep away Uchiha and I. Everyone except Mingjing, when the time comes, the capture of Nine Tails will be left to you."

Uchiha Madara put down Beiliuhu and said with satisfaction.

He and Uchiha Mingjing were a bit stronger than Senju Hashirama at his peak. Even though Beiliu was already extremely powerful now, after dealing with Madara for a while, he was still captured by the opponent.

"Ahem, speaking of which, our plan is that you and the first-generation Hokage who was reincarnated from the earth will join forces to take down the Uchiha Mirror. Why not take this opportunity and try again? But let me say it first, the complete form of Senju Hashirama, I can only control his body as much as I can. I still can’t control what he says and thinks.”

Beiliuhu was eager to try.

"That's enough. It just so happens that I also have something to say to Hashirama."

The spotted-headed Uchiha responded.

Immediately, Bei Liuhu formed a seal with his hands and summoned an upright coffin.

The coffin board collapsed, revealing the tall figure of the First Hokage in armor.

"Well, this is..."

Senju Hashirama looked around curiously and saw Uchiha Madara at a glance.

"Madara? I...is this the ninjutsu that Tobirama created to desecrate the dead? I remember that I was awakened before. Madara, were you also resurrected?"

Senju Hashirama looked at his cracked palms and looked at Uchiha Madara.

"No, Hashirama, I have never died, never, including that time in the Valley of the End, so there is no resurrection at all."

Uchiha Madara had a mocking smile on his face and said to Senju Hashirama.

"Madara, you were not reincarnated from the dirty soil, and you are... the rebellious ninja of the village. What are you going to do?"

Only then did Senju Tobirama notice the Konoha rebel forehead protector on Beiliuhu's forehead.

"Of course I will do what I want to do, which is what I told you before I left Konoha, to pursue peace in my own way."

Uchiha Madara crossed his shoulders and said to Senju Hashirama.

"When you talk about pursuing peace, do you mean attacking the village?"

Senju Hashirama asked in a deep voice.

"That's just a means that I must use in the process of pursuing peace. Hashirama, the peace you created is just a false peace. It only lasted for more than ten years. Not long after your death, it was far more than During the Warring States Period, a bigger war swept across the ninja world, and that guy Tobirama died in this war."

"And after that, there were still the second and third ninja wars. Your grandson also died on the battlefield at a young age, and even you and Tobirama's successor, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also personally sent countless young children to the battlefield. When they died, they seemed to be no younger than Itama Wama and others. "

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama's silent expression and felt secretly happy.

"Then why did you wake me up this time?"

"Of course I will take you to continue attacking Konoha!"

Uchiha Madara laughed.

"In that case, Madara, I have to stop you!"

Senju Hashirama's body erupted with powerful chakra, and he said to Uchiha Madara with a solemn expression.

"Do you think you can defeat me now? Hashirama!"

Uchiha Madara's body was also filled with thick blue chakra, condensed into Susanoo's skeleton.

"Madara-sama, the current art of reincarnation is different from the previous one. If you damage the body of the first Hokage, it will not be repaired automatically. Then you will have to spend a lot of precious materials and time to repair it."

Beiliuhu suddenly spoke up.

At the same time, he formed a seal with his left hand, suppressing Senju Hashirama's actions.

Senju Hashirama struggled hard, but couldn't break free.

"Fortunately, this is the improved filthy soil reincarnation. Now in your body, in addition to the flesh and blood that was originally used as a sacrifice, I also used a large number of precious materials to make the undead soil to strengthen it. Otherwise, simply relying on filthy soil reincarnation, I But I can’t control you.”

Beiruhu wiped a drop of cold sweat from his forehead and said to Senju Hashirama.

It was so dangerous, I almost lost control.

The current version of the Clay Reincarnation Jutsu is based on the original one, with the addition of a ninjutsu stolen from Fudo, one of the twelve guardian ninjas of the Land of Fire, who served under Kazuma.

Earth Escape·The Ultimate Technique of Creation·Soil of the Dead.

This technique can use soil to resurrect the dead. Although its performance in all aspects is far inferior to the technique of reincarnation from dirty soil, by combining the two, Bei Liuhu added a large number of precious items into Bai Jue's body as the material. That soil increases the upper limit of the strength that the reincarnated dirt can exert and strengthens its control.

Except that the resurrected person is still a dead person, has no heartbeat and temperature, and can be repaired after the injury, there is almost no difference between the resurrected person and the real alive person in other aspects.

"Madara! What do you want to do! We can talk."

Now Senju Hashirama can only try to persuade Uchiha Madara with his mouth.

"I want to remove all obstacles and use the most reliable method to end war forever and create an eternal peace! A world that is more perfect than the most perfect dream you can imagine!"

Uchiha Madara's tone was very firm.

"And this time, Hashirama, you can no longer stop me, but will become my most powerful assistant!"

Madara Uchiha stared at Senju Hashirama's dark pupils and said seriously.

"I see."

Senju Hashirama suddenly showed a look of enlightenment.

"What did you understand?"

Uchiha Madara looked strangely at Senju Hashirama, who had an expression on his face that seemed to be extremely intelligent.

"There should be juniors in the village who can stop you as well as me! Otherwise, you won't resurrect me to be your teammate!"

Senju Hashirama said with determination.

Uchiha Madara suddenly looked at Senju Hashirama in surprise.

"Eh? What's wrong? Why do you look like this?"

There was a quiet road between the Thousand-Hand Pillars.

"No, I'm just wondering when the reincarnation of the Earth will have the function of increasing IQ. In the past, you should have only paid attention to this kind of thing after Tobirama's reminder."

Uchiha Madara touched his chin and replied.

Senju Hashirama's face suddenly fell.

What is the function of increasing IQ?

His Senju Hashirama just has an external brain that is not around him, but he doesn't really have no brain.

"So, my guess is indeed right! There is already an outstanding junior in the village who can compete with you, Madara, or even defeat you. That's right! He must be the Hokage after that monkey guy!"

Senju Hashirama said proudly.


Uchiha Madara crossed his shoulders with his hands and snorted coldly.

"Hashirama, for a long time after your death, there was no ninja of our level in the ninja world until this generation."

"You are right. Now there is indeed an Uchiha in Konoha who can compete with me, called Uchiha Mirror, but he is not Hokage yet."

Senju Hashirama suddenly beamed with joy.

"It turns out they are one of your tribe, Madara!"

"Humph, you can still be happy for now. Then I will take you to solve this trouble with my own hands."

Uchiha Madara said coldly.

At this moment, Luo Sha flew from the distant sky on sand gold.

"What's the matter?"

Madara Uchiha ignored Senju Hashirama and asked Rasa.

"Madara-sama, over in Konoha, the Fourth Hokage plans to convene a new Five Kage Conference, and announced our attempt to capture all tailed beasts, and plans to summon the power of the entire ninja world to fight against us."

Luo Sha lowered her head and said respectfully.

"Oh? Five Kage Conference? Do you and Yagura also want to participate?"

Uchiha Madara said with interest.

"No, Konoha found Hayakura and Terumi Mei and asked these two women to participate in the names of the Fifth Kazekage and the Fifth Mizukage. They did not find me, the real Fourth Kazekage, nor Yagura. "The Fourth Mizukage."

Luo Sha replied.

Senju Hashirama, who was controlled and unable to move over there, was stunned when he heard this.

What the hell?

Is the person in front of me the Fourth Kazekage?

Is he now Madara's subordinate?

And there are four generations of Mizukage?

Doesn't Uchiha Madara already occupy half of the ninja world? !

"Madara, what do you want..."

"It's so noisy, Hashirama!"

Uchiha Madara cursed at Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama still wanted to speak, but Beiliuhu on the side had already heard the piano and understood its elegant meaning, and controlled Senju Hashirama to lie back in the coffin.

"Kato Dan and Uchiha Mingjing did a good thing. They gathered all the people who were against us in the entire ninja world for a meeting."

Uchiha Madara sneered.

"Madara-sama means..."

"Get ready to mobilize all the ninjas and prepare to attack the Land of Fire! Zetsu, tell that guy Yagura. This time, I will take this opportunity to clear all future obstacles in one fell swoop!"

Uchiha Madara looked at the horizon with a stern look in his eyes.



Ming Jing didn't know Madara's plan.

Now, he has once again come to the world of One-Punch Man.

This is naturally because after this period of preparation, Genos has debugged all the equipment and is ready to start the second genetic modification of Der Spiegel.

Kinos said that after the first experience, the time spent this time has been basically controlled within two hours.

"Are you ready?"

In a room made entirely of purple-black unknown alloy, Genos stood in front of the instrument button and asked the mirror.

This unknown alloy is the strongest part removed from Boros' spaceship. It is extremely hard. Even if it is a mirror, it would take a lot of effort to break it.

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