Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 279: The former consultant who died in battle

Chapter 280 The former consultant who died in the battle

Uchiha Madara's strength was so strong that Ming Jing could only hold out against him even if he had used all his means.

Faced with Ming Jing's retort, Uchiha Madara just sneered and continued to fight with Ming Jing.

"Really? Then let's see how long those people below can drag it out."

Ming Jing's face sank slightly.

At this point, on the most critical battlefield, he and Madara were in a stalemate. Neither side could kill the other, so the weight that determined whether Konoha could win this battle was no longer here.

At the same time, more than ten kilometers away from the battle site between the two sides.

"Even if the revived big brother has only about half of his strength when he was alive, the amount of chakra is still extremely huge. Unless the caster has a super perception ability equivalent to the Sage Mode, he must be in a position not far from big brother!"

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"Otherwise, with the amount of chakra of big brother, he can definitely break free from the shackles of the Impure World Reincarnation!"

In a team of high-speed moving figures, the leader Senju Tobirama said in a deep voice to the Konoha ninjas behind him.

The moment the first generation of Hokage who was resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation appeared, Senju Tobirama quickly made a judgment and temporarily pulled together a team with reconnaissance and high mobility to try to quickly find the position of the caster.

"But, Second Generation, I have checked the surrounding kilometers with my Byakugan and found no trace of the enemy!"

Hinata Hizashi opened his white eyes, and the veins around his eyes bulged, and said to Senju Tobirama.

Senju Tobirama frowned.

"The enemy should not exceed this range. Since they can avoid the detection of the Byakugan, they should have taken precautions long ago."

Senju Tobirama put his index and middle fingers together and placed them on the ground, using his perception ninjutsu to check the surroundings.

Before his death, Senju Tobirama was also a first-class perception ninja in the ninja world, and he could even sense chakra from dozens of kilometers away. Apart from the Kagura Heart Eye of the Uzumaki clan, there were not many ninjutsu that could exceed this range.

But even Senju Tobirama could not find the enemy's position.

Everything looks normal.

But this place should not be so normal.

"Second generation, the white monster among the enemies has a strong ability to camouflage and lurk, and can attach to people. Could it be that the enemy is hiding with the help of that white monster? If that's the case, I also need someone who has mastered the Sage Mode to see through it."

Uchiha Shisui stopped and said to Senju Tobirama.

"That's troublesome. Now all the ninjas who can use the Sage Mode in the village are entangled by Madara's strange clone."

Senju Tobirama calmed down and continued to think about countermeasures.

"Second-generation sir, there is another ninja who can use the Sage Mode in the village!"

Suddenly, Yamanaka Inoichi's voice came again.

Soon, two female ninjas, Yuhi Kurenai and Mitarashi Anko, escorted a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old to the scene.

"Second-generation sir, I am Kabuto Yakushi, the new disciple of Orochimaru last year. Recently, I have barely entered the door of the Sage Mode with teacher Orochimaru."

Kabuto Yakushi pushed his glasses and said to the second-generation Hokage.

After graduating from the Ninja School with excellent grades, he entered the medical department as the assistant of Yakushi Nono, and showed his outstanding talents in medical and scientific research. With the recommendation of Mingjing, he passed the assessment of Orochimaru and became his disciple.

"Well, young man, it's up to you next."

Senju Tobirama nodded and gestured to the young man.

He was deeply impressed by Orochimaru, because this guy was very similar to himself in some aspects. The boy in front of him must be very capable to be Orochimaru's disciple.

In a gloomy tree hole somewhere, a pitcher plant emerged from the ground.

"Hey! Hokuro, those guys seem to be coming here!"

White Zetsu shook his head and shouted at the empty tree hole with an electric sound.

The ground in the tree hole twisted, and Hokuro, wearing a white Zetsu coat, emerged from the muddy ground.

"The main force of Konoha is now dealing with Madara and the others. Those who can come to me should not be powerful characters. But after getting rid of them, I have to move as soon as possible to prevent them from dividing their main force to deal with me."

"If you think so, you are wrong."

A Flying Thunder God Kunai was inserted into the ground, and the figure of Senju Tobirama instantly flashed in front of Hokuro.

Outside the tree hole, five living people, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, Kabuto Yakushi, Hyuga Hizashi, and Uchiha Shisui, and two Impure World Reincarnation people, Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Kagami, surrounded the place.

"Five jonins, and three Impure World Reincarnation people with only 20% of their strength in life, you want to go against me."

Hiroyuu chuckled, but the next moment, the figure of Senju Tobirama flashed behind him.

"Spiritual Summoning·Multiplication Detonating Talisman!"

In an instant, pieces of detonating talismans flew and ignited, razing the place where the thousand-year-old tree was made to the ground.

"Most of my ninjutsu can only exert 20% of its power, but the power of the detonating talisman is not affected, and the speed of Flying Thunder God will not be slowed down."

The figure of Senju Tobirama flashed to the side of Kabuto Yakushi, looking at his slowly repaired arm and said.

"Awesome, worthy of being the second generation Hokage!"

In the rolling smoke and dust, Beiluo took off the bandage on his mouth and walked out unscathed.

"Is this... using steel escape to block my mutual detonation tag? No, simple steel escape may not be enough!"

The red pupils of Senju Tobirama suddenly revealed a bit of solemnity.

The guy in front of him seemed to be more difficult than he thought. He might be the most troublesome one among the enemies besides Madara and the first generation.

"You like explosions, right? I'll give it back to you now!"

Beiluo patted his shoulders and raised one hand.

"Nether escape: Evil self-destruction battle!"

The terrifying explosion sounded again.




The roar that resounded through the sky continued to spread into Konoha Village.

"The barrier area No. 3 has been destroyed!"

"We'll go now, Master Kushina!"

"Master Kushina, the backup barrier in area No. 5 has been activated!"

In the Sealing Squad, Kushina, as the squad leader of the Sealing Squad, kept directing the staff, while a series of diamond chains stretched out from behind her, connecting the barrier of Konoha.

After many years, with the efforts of Kushina and the Sealing Squad, the protective barrier left by Uzumaki Mito still maintains its powerful ability, protecting Konoha Village from the aftermath of the battle outside the village.

A long time ago, when Uzumaki Mito designed the barrier, it was to face this kind of scene. Even if enemies of the level of Mingjing and Madara directly attacked the barrier, Kushina could draw on the power of the Nine-Tails to strengthen the barrier, even if they needed a lot of effort to break it.

Uzumaki Mito and Kushina, two generations of Uzumaki clan seal masters who are both Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, are the best candidates to preside over this barrier.

Now it is just to prevent the aftermath of the battle outside, and the strength of this barrier is naturally more than enough.

But even so, the ninjas in Konoha Village could see the huge wooden man in the distance, Akimichi Tofu and the Three-Tails wearing Susanoo, and two perfect Susanoo flying in the sky, hundreds of meters high.

"Is this... the ultimate power of the Sharingan? This is simply... the power of God!"

Uchiha Jin looked at the two perfect Susanoo fighting in the sky with fanatical eyes, muttering to himself.

"I am eighty-three years old this year. I didn't expect that I could see the ultimate power of Uchiha again, and there are two of them, one of whom was even taught by me!"

Uchiha Yuzhu was holding a cane, and with the support of Uchiha Chen, he watched the battle in the sky, feeling a little excited, and at the same time, he was a little worried about Mingjing.

He became famous in the era when Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were at their most powerful. In his heart, these two names represent invincible myths.

As an Uchiha of that era, Uchiha Madara's name obviously occupies a special place in his heart.

Now, Uchiha Mingjing, who he had raised and was as close as a grandfather and grandson, was fighting against this terrible Shura of the Ninja World. Even though it seemed that both sides were evenly matched, Uchiha Yu was inevitably a little worried.

"I finally know why the first generation of Hokage was praised as the God of Ninja. This kind of battle between gods is no longer something that ninjas like us can intervene in."

Uchiha Jin sighed as he looked at the battle in the sky.

Although he is now the best among the younger generation of Uchiha and the undisputed elite among the jonin, it is estimated that the complete Susanoo can crush him to death with one foot.

"It's a pity that my body has become like this, otherwise, I would barely have the ability to support another battlefield."

Konan sat in a wheelchair and sighed as he looked at the battle in the distance.

Uchiha Yu, who noticed this, turned his head sharply and found that it was a young and beautiful woman. He couldn't help but touch his beard.

"Don't worry, Konan. Lady Tsunade and Lady Mingjing have already developed a treatment plan for you. When this war stops, there will be time for follow-up treatment."

Pharmacist Nono, who was pushing a wheelchair, said gently.

"There is another battlefield that we are capable of supporting."

Nara Shikahei walked out of the Hokage building and said to everyone in front of him.

Two retired consultants also rushed to the scene in combat uniforms to calm people's hearts.

Such a big thing would definitely alarm them.

"All the Root, Anbu, and Police Department's senior ninjas will assemble, led by Mitarashi Shishao, Mume Gongdao, and Uchiha Yashiro, to support the battlefield where the Second Hokage is! The rest of the Konoha senior ninjas will take over the village's defense work. The more critical the moment, the more we must ensure the stability of the village and not give hostile ninjas any chance to cause trouble!"

Mito Kado En shouted in an old voice.

As a consultant of the Third Generation, he still has a little prestige.

At this time, the current senior leaders in the village are not here, and it is time for them to stand up.

In just a few minutes, Konoha's three major combat departments gathered more than 40 jonins, led by their respective department cadres, and set out from the village to support the Second Hokage.

Uchiha Madara and the First Hokage were super-standard enemies. Conventional ninjas, even jonins, did not have the ability to intervene in this level of battle.

But Koruhu was different.

No matter how strong this person was, he was equivalent to a relatively strong Kage-level master. The organized elite ninja troops were capable of threatening Koruhu.

More than 40 jonins, including many elite jonin-level strongmen, would scare even the contemporary Five Kage.

"Elder Koharu, Elder Yan, you two should stay in the village to take charge of the situation."

Kume Goto looked at Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En who had caught up with the main force, and said with some concern.

These two have not taken action for more than ten years since the Second Ninja World War. They are over sixty years old. Even if they were very strong when they were young, it is hard to say how much strength they have left now.

"Goto, don't underestimate us. You are not much younger than us."

Mitomon En said to Kimume Goto.

He carried two large scrolls on his back and another scroll on his neck. The front end of the scroll slid down and fell in front of him like an apron.

(As shown in the picture, the ones next to the third generation are Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En, and the one behind is Akimichi Tofu)

The outfit is a bit strange, but this is Mitomon En's combat outfit. He is as proficient in ninja tool manipulation as Tenten, but their levels are not of the same order of magnitude, and he has good attainments in ninjutsu and taijutsu.

To be noticed by the Second Hokage, he must have been quite capable back then. Even if he is not as good as he used to be, he would still be much better than an ordinary jonin.

"This is different."

Kume Koto shook his gray hair.

He is over 50 years old, but he still sticks to the frontline of the Anbu. He usually carries out many missions. It is estimated that he can maintain this status for a few years.

"That's right, and we haven't fought with Kagami and Tobirama for many years. I really miss the time when we were young."

Utatane Koharu interrupted.

Her outfit is not as unusual as Mito Kado En.

Kume Koto had to accept it.

Because they have arrived at the battlefield now.

"Oh, Hiruhu, it seems a little bad now. Can your Dark Release absorb the ninjutsu released by so many people at the same time?"

A head of White Zetsu with green hair grew on Hiruhu's White Zetsu coat and said to Hiruhu.

"Nonsense! Retreat quickly!"

Hiruhu cursed inwardly and slapped his hands on the ground.

The summoning seal left by Okuro on the First Hokage and several other Impure World Reincarnations on another battlefield was instantly activated, and the summoning was to Okuro's side.

"Huh... Fortunately, I kept a trick."

Standing on the head of the Wood Release Buddha, Okuro wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But the other Konoha ninjas around him changed their faces.

These people on their side alone can't stop the Wood Release Buddha of the First Hokage!

"Okuro... this guy... is really not good enough to do things, but more likely to cause trouble."

In mid-air, Uchiha Madara frowned.

"Ah, I said it a long time ago, there are many things you didn't expect, for example, you definitely didn't expect that your subordinates are such a waste."

Mingjing used the Sun Wheel Mirror to block Uchiha Madara's Yasaka Magatama, and used the Ten-fisted Sword to suppress Madara's Susano Long Sword.

The Ten-fisted Sword in his hand was originally a spiritual weapon, and now it has swallowed a precious mythical beast fruit, and it has also played a good role in this level of battle.

The ability to seal and suck blood, even Madara showed fear, and did not dare to let the Ten-fist Sword cause harm to himself easily.

"It's really unpleasant. The second battle between you and me still couldn't decide the final winner."

Uchiha Madara took a deep look at Mingjing, and took the initiative to control the perfect Susanoo to land on the ground.

There were casualties among the people he brought. If he didn't go down and use the perfect Susanoo to protect them, these people would probably be wiped out.

He still had use for these people.

Uchiha Mingjing's strength was beyond his previous estimation. For some reason, he opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and gained the ability to foresee the future. Even he couldn't take it.

The reincarnated Senju Hashirama was also blocked by Konoha's gathering of multiple Kage-level combat forces, and now he was taken away by Beiruhu with multiple reincarnated bodies.

It is estimated that he cannot take the Nine-Tails away this time. Uchiha Madara can only change the plan temporarily, collect other tailed beasts first, and strengthen his own strength at the same time, and wait until he can defeat Konoha before catching the Nine-Tails.

Outside the barrier of Konoha, Mingjing's golden Susanoo blocked Madara's blue Susanoo.

When the two fought in the sky, they could feel that they were very big, but when two hundreds of meters of complete Susanoo landed on the ground, everyone really felt the horror of their strength.

"This is the power of Uchiha, the power of God!"

Uchiha Madara suddenly spoke loudly.

Mingjing frowned slightly, not knowing what medicine Madara was selling.

"Fifty years ago, I chose to leave Konoha in order to seek a new peace, but the Uchiha clan betrayed me at that time. Now, I will give you another chance."

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he controlled the complete Susanoo and flew away with his gang.

Mingjing stood where he was and did not stop him.

The strength of both sides is at the same level, and neither can stop the other.

On the other side, long before Uchiha Madara left, after paying the price of the Third Mizukage being sealed, Higurashi broke out of the siege with the powerful strength of the First Generation of the Impure World Reincarnation.

In addition, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza, two former members of the Ninja Swordsmen, were also killed here.

Namikaze Minato had set up a backup plan for the seven ninja swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist Hidden Ninja Swordsmen, so when he saw these two people, Namikaze Minato made a plan to summon these two ninja swords at the critical moment of the battle.

Without ninja swords in their hands, the strength of these two men dropped sharply. Faced with the siege of many strong men from Konoha, they could only drink in anger on the spot.

However, it is not without cost on Konoha's side.

The first Hokage, who was reincarnated from the dirty land, was too powerful for regular ninjas.

Even when the first Hokage disappeared, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Obito each used time and space ninjutsu to bring reinforcements over. However, in the process, more than ten Konoha jonins died, including Including some members with special status.

"Hey, now, even the last old guy is gone."

The Third Hokage wore a tattered battle uniform and looked at the two people lying on the ground with sad eyes.

Koharu and Mito Kaden's strength has declined drastically. Although they had combat prowess close to Kage level when they were young, their physical functions have declined significantly as they age. Secondly, they have not been on the battlefield for more than ten years. Not only have they lost Being sensitive to danger, he also misjudged his own strength.

As a result, Koharu was stabbed to death by the first Hokage's penetration technique when he moved to bed, and Mito Katoyan was also hit by a tree gun.

Uchiha Mirror looked at the bodies of the two teammates lying on the ground and remained silent.

"Their fighting style relies a lot on physical skills. At this age, the strength has indeed declined a lot. In fact, in a few years, even with the golden potion, my body will probably be difficult to support this intensity. Fighting."

Qiudao Qifeng sighed.

Everyone of their generation has now passed their sixties.

Even Hiruzen Sarutobi, the strongest among them, has transformed from the original hexagonal ninja to a ninjutsu-type ninja. In battle, he mainly uses five-attribute combination ninjutsu, supplemented by close combat physical skills, and the original ninjutsu. It's almost the same as it was during the time and space ninja exams.

"Now is not the time to be sentimental, the important thing is to discuss how to deal with the next situation."

Senju Tobirama was also a little touched by the deaths of his two disciples, but he was a ninja who came out of the war-torn Warring States period.

He has experienced countless sacrifices of relatives and friends, and has developed a heart that can maintain sanity at all times.

"The second generation is right, ANBU, please restrain your body."

Kato Dan looked at Uchiha Mirror.

"Ding Jing, how do you judge Madara's strength?"

Senju Tobirama and the others also silently moved their gazes to the mirror.

They all saw the scene that looked like a battle between gods.

Senju Tobirama was okay, although he was surprised that Ming Jing could fight like this with Madara, but he had also seen the scene when Madara and the first generation fought with all their strength.

But it was the first time for others to see this kind of power that could be described as devastating.

The two fought in the air, but the aftermath of the battle was enough to change the terrain on a large scale.

If Konoha hadn't been protected by the barrier left by Uzumaki Mito, this place would have been razed to the ground.

"It's so strong that even though I tried my best, I couldn't do anything to Madara. I even asked him to release those several Ring Tomb clones, and I had no way to stop him. But overall, it's hard for Madara to cause harm to me. , if the fight continues, it is probably to see which side has longer combat endurance. "

Ming Jing recalled the details of the battle with Madara and said.

"It was similar to the battle in the Valley of the End. Madara controlled the Nine-Tails and fought with my eldest brother for three days and three nights before we could barely decide the winner. After that battle, my eldest brother was also seriously injured. A few years later Died of illness."

After Qianju Tobirama finished speaking, he suddenly asked:

"Then if you add the power of the Nine-Tails, are you sure you can defeat Madara?"


Namikaze Minato stopped talking.

"It's hard to say. Back then, Madara had the same Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan as me, but now he has opened the Rinnegan and is stronger."

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