Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 278 Mingjing VS Ban

Chapter 279 Ming Jing VS Madara

But in fact, Nara Shikaku also pretended to have this expression.

After the second generation and others were resurrected, before the meeting began, several high-level officials of Konoha found Nara Shikaku and Nara Shikahira to discuss countermeasures.

The specific situation has been discussed. Part of this meeting is to inform these important people in Konoha and tell them what to do next. Part of it is to inform the situation and stabilize the morale of the military. In other words, this meeting has a certain Degree of acting nature.

"Now that Uchiha Madara, the most troublesome among the enemies, can be blocked, the situation will be much easier to solve. In addition, Second Generation Sir, according to your estimate, if the First Generation Sir is resurrected and has half the strength of his lifetime, how many troops will we need to dispatch? Only with fighting strength can we stop it?”

"If it is an elder brother who is close to the peak of his strength, then except for masters of the same level, I really can't think of any way to stop him. But if it is only an elder brother with half the strength, then the second-generation Kages of the five great ninja villages will join forces and say There may be a two or three chance of winning.”

Senshou Tobirama pretended to figure it out and said.

"That should be similar to the level when Madara attacked Konoha before. More than half of the high-level combat forces in the village should be able to block it. In this case, the two most super-standard combat forces in the place can handle it. Then the rest of the people can rely on the village. The strength is not difficult to deal with.”

When Nara Shikaku said this, the others' faces suddenly showed a somewhat relaxed look.

As long as you can handle it, except for enemies of the first generation and Madara's level, others, even those who are strong at the Five Kage level, can be killed by sheer numbers.

The Third Raikage is the best proof.

Senju Tobirama looked at the Konoha ninjas in the room with a touch of relief in his eyes.

Listening to the Yondaime's introduction, Senju Tobirama already knew that Konoha now has more than ten shadow-level powerhouses, including Kakashi, Metkai, Shiranui Genma, Sarutobi Asuma, etc. among the younger generation. People have also begun to show considerable strength and are expected to reach this level in the next ten years.

[It seems that Monkey did quite well in the early and mid-term, and the Fourth Generation Eye's ability was even better than Monkey's. By balancing the forces of all parties, it solved the hidden dangers in the village and avoided the situation of prosperity and decline.

In addition, the position of the fifth generation Hokage in the future is destined to be the young Uchiha who can compete with Madara. This makes the strength of the fourth generation of the first generation strong enough and the political stability of the village. According to the current situation, in another ten or twenty years , Konoha's overall strength should be able to rise to another level. 】

Tobirama Senju thought while listening to Konan and Ming Jing, the head of Konoha's intelligence, introducing the various members of the Akatsuki organization to everyone, while looking at everyone in Konoha in the field.

To be honest, he had thought that Konoha would become very weak in the future, or perhaps become more prosperous than when he and the First Generation were together, but the scene in front of him still made this man who had been sleeping in the Pure Land for decades feel a little agitated. Feelings.

Perhaps, as the Uchiha mirror said, it is no longer the time for old guys like them.

However, Senju Tobirama still hopes that he can bring Uchiha Madara with him before he returns to the Pure Land.

It would be best to permanently seal Madara and throw it into the sea, lest someone use the art of reincarnation from dirty soil to resurrect Madara one day.

Thinking of this, Qian Shu Feijian felt a little angry.

If it weren't for Uchiha Madara, with the current situation of the village, if it develops for more than ten years, even without the Uchiha Mirror, it would be enough to suppress the entire ninja world.

It can be said that the current Senju Tobirama is very satisfied with the current situation in Konoha, except that he has some opinions about Uchiha becoming bigger and that the future fifth generation Hokage will most likely be an Uchiha.

"This one is the Scorpion of Red Sand. Everyone in Konoha must be familiar with his parents and grandmother. It was his parents who were killed by White Fang-senpai on the battlefield. Later, he poisoned the Third Kazekage. He was diagnosed with Sunagakure Village and was guided into the Akatsuki organization by me. He is good at making human puppets and can retain the abilities of the puppets during his lifetime, including the Blood Succession Limit. The third Kazekage is now the human puppet in his hands. "

In the conference room, Xiaonan pointed to the photo of Scorpion posted on the wall and said.

In addition to Scorpion, Qiangqiang also posted photos of a series of rebellious ninjas such as Madara Uchiha, Kisame Ingakisaki, Zabuza Momochi, Beruhu, and Hidan.

"Even if Madara is excluded, the strength of the Akatsuki organization is enough to compete with any large ninja village. Now, the situation in the ninja world that has been stable for several years is about to undergo drastic changes again."

The Third Hokage frowned, and the wrinkles on his face could kill a mosquito.

"The Akatsuki organization has a large number of rebellious ninjas from Kirigakure. We can consider communicating with the Kirigakure side and join forces to deal with the Akatsuki organization. We can even initiate the opening of the Five Kage Talks to discuss the consequences that Madara's appearance will bring to the ninja world. The other Great Ninja Villages are definitely not willing to have such a disruptor infringe on their interests."

Nara Shikaku suggested after studying it for a while.

"The Five Shadows Conference may not be able to be held."

Nara Shikahira suddenly interrupted his son.

This gray-haired old man retired because he was old and lacked physical energy, and because Nara Shikaku has now grown into a qualified military advisor.

But the latter is only in his twenties now. In terms of experience and judgment of the situation, he is still slightly inferior to your old Nara family master.

"If the ninja world still maintains a situation where the five major ninja villages check and balance each other and jointly divide the interests of the ninja world, then in order to protect their own interests, the Five Kage Conference will definitely be held successfully, but it is different now."

"Last time at the border of the Land of Fire, the battle between Consultant Mirror and Madara Uchiha directly changed the terrain there. It is impossible for other ninja villages not to send people to investigate, and they will inevitably make a decision on the lower limit of Consultant Mirror's strength. It is estimated that, coupled with the fact that the village now has more than ten people who can compete with the Kage, this is enough to compete with the entire ninja world with the power of one village. "

"If there is a Fourth Ninja War, then the final result will definitely be that the other four villages join forces to fight against Konoha, either returning Konoha to its previous situation, or even destroying it, or Konoha defeats the other four villages and changes again The historical process of the ninja world."

"Now, with regard to Madara's appearance, they will most likely sit on the sidelines and even be happy to see it happen. When they see someone can come out to block the momentum of Konoha's development, and maintain the deadlock as much as possible, they will help whichever side is weak. , Unless Madara does something that endangers the survival of their village, they will never end too early. "

Nara Shikahei pushed up the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and concluded.

"What Luhei said is indeed the most likely scenario, Yondaime, I suggest..."


A sudden loud noise interrupted Qianju Tobirama's words.

"It's not good, Yondaime-sama! And all the senior officials!"

Hinata Hizashi opened his eyes and hurriedly ran in from the door.

"Uchiha Madara...is here!"

A few kilometers away from Konoha Village.

"It's a pity that it's a separate family, otherwise I could have made a human puppet with Byakugan."

Scorpion looked at the Hinata branch ninja who automatically destroyed his Byakugan before death because of the caged bird, and his indifferent expression showed a tone of pity.

"Hey, it's not bad, there is also an Uchiha with double magatama. After all, this should be a patrol team of the police department. Uchiha can actually coexist with Hinata in the same team. It seems that I have left the village these years There have indeed been quite a few changes.”

Beiliu reached out and dug out the Sharingan of a dead Uchiha, put it into a vessel and said.

"What is this? The white-eyed ninja just said a few words to this thing after seeing us. Is it some kind of ninja tool that can quickly transmit information?"

Uchiha Madara looked at a large walkie-talkie that he pulled out from the hand of the Byakugan Ninja with some curiosity.

He, an old antique from the Warring States Period, had never seen anything like this before.

"Madara-sama, that is a ninja called a walkie-talkie introduced by Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru a few years ago. It seems to be something that can quickly transmit information several kilometers away, or even further. The principle seems to be What kind of electromagnetic wave is it? I don’t know whether it is thunder escape or magnetic escape.”

Black Zetsu walked up to Madara and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Like Tobirama, I like tinkering with these weird things."

Madara Uchiha commented as he crushed the walkie-talkie.

"What! So the people in Konoha already know that we are coming? I still want to rush in and kill them!"

Hidan held the scythe and said with an unhappy look on his face.

"It doesn't matter. If Madara-sama takes action, the final result should be the same!"

Bailiu spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

"They're coming!"

Xie suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance and said.

Beiliuhu quickly merged with a White Zetsu, sank into the ground, and prepared to slip away into the distance.

He needs a safe environment to perform the art of reincarnation from dirty soil.

"Madara! Let's capture him without any effort!"

A Flying Thunder God Kunai was inserted into the ground, and Senju Tobirama's figure flashed in front of Uchiha Madara.

Appearing at the same time were Ming Jing and Minato, two ninjas whose speed was no less than Senju Tobirama.

After that, there were Kato Dan, the Third Hokage and others.

"Have you even come out, Tobirama? It seems that you are indeed trying to reincarnate Hashirama's filth to fight against me as I expected. Unfortunately, I have anticipated this step."

"Young Master is proud of you, Madara, I will do it with my own hands."

"You're not qualified!"

Uchiha Madara interrupted with a sneer.

"There are only one and a half people in this world who are worthy of being my opponent, one is Hashirama, and the remaining half... Uchiha Mirror, this time, I will let you see the power of my heyday!"

Uchiha Madara smiled wildly and looked at the mirror.

"Our last fight hasn't ended yet. How are you going to catch my first piece this time?"

Uchiha Madara said, looking up at the sky.

There, a huge meteorite fell from the sky carrying the terrifying power of annihilating everything.

"Ah, I happened to see a meteorite bigger than this some time ago."

Ming Jing stepped hard, shattering the surrounding ground. A sonic explosion sounded around him, and he disappeared instantly.

The next second, a golden Susana with a height of several hundred meters appeared in the sky with wings raised on his back. His two swords split the meteorite, and countless golden magatama exploded the meteorite.

"Complete Susanoo? How did he activate the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Uchiha Madara was a little confused, but then the emotion that emerged was excitement.

"Very good. Only when you defeat such an enemy can you feel a sense of accomplishment!"

Light blue chakra condensed around Uchiha Madara, turning into a double-faced Susanoo whose size was not inferior to that of Ming Jing. He drew his sword and moved forward, blocking Ming Jing's sword from the sky.

"Is this... Uchiha Madara's strength in his heyday? How did my grandfather defeat such a terrifying enemy back then, and how can we defeat my grandfather who may appear at any time now?"

Tsunade said in amazement as she looked at the two behemoths fighting fiercely in mid-air.

"Konoha ninja, work with me to deal with these guys first!"

Senju Tobirama looked at Hidan and the others with piercing eyes.

"I have long wanted to have a big fight!"

Hidan rushed forward like crazy, but was blocked by Shiranui Genma's sword.

"According to the intelligence, the enemy has an immortal body and is a taijutsu-type ninja. Yamato, use wood escape to restrain this guy. Ebisu, you and I work together to try to seal this guy!"

The rest of the people also found their opponents, but the Konoha side was the one that fought against their opponents in groups.

The only ones who found Scorpion were Kakashi, Tsunade, and Gai, three strong men with the ability to restrain the puppet master.

"Wood Release: The Tree Realm is coming!"

Suddenly, countless trees appeared overwhelmingly, forcing everyone in Konoha back.

"I am the eldest brother of Mu Dun at this scale!"

Qianju Feijian's eyes were solemn, and he looked in a certain direction as if he was sensing something.

There, a tall man wearing red armor and a majestic face was standing on a thick tree.

The first Hokage!

Behind him were the third generation Kazekage reincarnated from the dirt, the water shadows of all generations, and the White Zetsu.

Even the fourth generation of Mizukages in Kirigakure Village were controlled by Madara. It would not be easy to dig up the graves of all Mizukages.

"Now, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose."

In a dark jungle ten kilometers away, Bei Liuhu, who was wrapped in a white coat, formed a seal with his hands and said silently.

Behind him are a series of open coffin panels.

"It's hard to say who will win between us, Madara."

Among the tall Susanoo, Ming Jing said while fighting Uchiha Madara.

It's both Susanoo, but Mingjing can feel that the power of his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is actually suppressed by Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan.

The reality is that he relied on senjutsu + high-level application of two-color Haki and his great swordsman-level combat ability to qualify for a head-on confrontation with Madara.

"Very good! Uchiha Mirror! You succeeded in pleasing me! The feeling you give me is no worse than Hashirama!"

Uchiha Madara stood on top of Susanoo with a flame fan in one hand and a sickle in the other, his unruly face full of excitement.

"Um, sorry, but, I don't like men."

Listening to Uchiha Madara's terrible lines, Ming Jing couldn't help but cover his forehead and said.

"I take back what I said at the beginning. Hashirama is my lifelong opponent, and you, Uchiha Mingjing, are also qualified enough to be my opponent. So don't die with this next move."

In Susanoo, Madara Uchiha carried the flame fan and sickle behind his back, and made a seal with both hands.

"Wheel Tomb·Border Prison!"

Four clones separated from Madara's body that were almost imperceptible to normal perception methods. Attacking the mirror.

"This is……"

Ming Jing suddenly turned his head, controlled Susanoo, and used the Sun Mirror to block several attacks from the Rin Tomb clones.


Uchiha Madara frowned slightly.

"Is it the kind of sensory ninjutsu that can predict attacks and determines that I will be attacked from this direction, or is it the perception ability of senjutsu that detects the ring tomb clone? But since it can be detected..."

Uchiha Madara stretched out his hand and pressed down, letting the four Ring Tomb clones go down to find the others. He once again controlled Susanoo to attack the mirror.

The Ring Tomb clone can be detected by the opponent, and the opponent possesses some unknown time and space ninjutsu, so even if the Ring Tomb clone is added, it will be difficult to defeat Ming Jing.

Madara simply continued to manipulate Susanoo and Ming Jing to maintain a deadlock, allowing Rinku clones to go down and expand the results of the battle.

Ming Jing watched this scene and silently conveyed the information he knew to others through Yamanaka Haiichi's spiritual connection.

"Be careful! Madara's clone is coming!"

Namikaze Minato opened his eyes like a toad and quickly threw out the Flying Thunder God Kunai, using the Flying Thunder God to save Kakashi who was almost attacked by Madara's Ring Tomb clone.

The Rinne Tomb Clone is the pupil technique of Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye. It can be understood as a shadow clone that is almost imperceptible and will not disappear when attacked. It will not disappear even if it is killed, but will be transferred to the main body to recover. After a while There is still time to come out.

If the main body is injured, Madara can also use one of his clones to take the responsibility on his behalf.

In other words, if you want to kill or seal Madara, you must first seal or kill Madara's four ring tomb clones. Moreover, after they are killed, they can reappear after a period of time. Killing them all before the CD ends is equivalent to killing Madara five times in a short period of time.

In the original time and space, even Sasuke, who had the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, could not detect the Ring Tomb clone. Instead, he could only see Madara with the same level of pupil power when the Sage of Six Paths sent him and opened a reincarnation eye. The tomb clone.

Naruto, relying on the powerful perception ability brought by the Sage Mode, was able to barely sense the existence of Madara's Chakram clone, and then split a bunch of shadow clones to entangle Madara's Chakram clone.

He could only entangle it, because Madara's Chakram clone was really strong, and Naruto's shadow clone could not cause much damage to Madara's Chakram clone.

For Naruto and Sasuke, who were both at the level of the Six Paths, Madara's Chakram clone did not seem to have made much progress except that it was used as a substitute by Madara once when it was almost hit by Naruto and Sasuke's Six Paths power.

But at this moment, even if Madara was not the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki at the time, the strength of the Chakram clone did not rise with the tide, but it still brought a lot of pressure to the people on the Konoha side.

Fortunately, there were people on the Konoha side who could use the Sage Mode and barely sense Madara's position.

"Sage Technique·Zangdi Needle!"

Jiraiya also entered the Sage Mode with the help of the two Myoboku Mountain Sages, and barely dragged a Madara Chakram clone at the cost of his life.

"Yoshi! Successfully transferred this invisible guy to the Kamui space!"

Uchiha Obito excitedly punched.

He just cooperated with Orochimaru, using himself as bait, and successfully transferred a Chakram clone to the Kamui space.

As for why Orochimaru could also see through Madara's Chakram clone, it was naturally because after years of research, he finally made a breakthrough in the Sage Mode.

"Haha, Obito boy, you did a good job."

Orochimaru licked his lips, and there was no alienation of the Sage Mode on his body.

The most perfect and most suitable Sage Mode for humans has been developed by Orochimaru at some point.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Namikaze Minato, one person each, barely entangled Madara's Chakram clone with the help of everyone.



Amid the deafening roar, several behemoths surrounded the wooden man controlled by Senju Hashirama.

Although the scale of this wooden man is not as large as the complete Susanoo of Mingjing and Madara, it is more than twice as large as a tailed beast.

"Rin! Are you okay?"

Uchiha Obito hurried to the side of Nohara Rin who had transformed into a tailed beast, and covered the three-tailed beast with his Susanoo.

At this time, Nohara Rin, after several years of training, could already borrow most of the power of the three-tailed beast.

"I'm fine, Obito. I don't know why, when dealing with the first generation, the always lazy Isobu became very cooperative."

This is naturally because the first generation beat the three-tailed beast when collecting the tailed beasts.

On the other side, Uchiha Fugaku and Akimichi Tofu once again launched a combination technique, covering the latter who activated the super multiplication technique with their own Susanoo.

Tsunade was standing in Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo at this moment, unlocking the Yin seal and supplying chakra to Akimichi Tofu.

At the same time, in the remaining two directions, Might and his son opened the Eight Gates to the Seventh Gate, relying on their powerful bodies to shake the Wood Release of the First Generation.

"Hey, Yamato, why are they all Wood Release? Yours is a little different from the First Generation."

Kakashi, who was fighting with Hidan, sensed this scene and did not forget to complain to Yamato.

"Ah, this is normal, just like the Sharingan. Can ordinary Sharingans be compared with the Sharingan of Master Mingjing?"

Yamato used the wooden ingot wall to block the water cannon of the Second Generation Mizukage and answered speechlessly.

"Don't be distracted during the battle!"

Kato Dan was suspended in the air, using telekinesis to suppress the Sand Iron of the Third Generation Kazekage while scolding.

"Did you actually entangle my Chakram clone? I didn't expect that among the ninjas of your generation, except for you, others are also good at it."

In the blue Susano, Uchiha Madara dragged his chin and said with interest.

"There are still many things you didn't expect."

In the golden Susanoo, Mingjing also said stubbornly.

There seems to be very little information about Madara's Wheel Grave Prison. Except for a page in the official book, the information on the Internet seems to be inferred based on their own ideas. The only thing that can be confirmed is that Sasuke can see it with the Samsara Eye, and Naruto can sense it, but it is not sure whether it can be sensed by the Six Paths Mode or the Sage Mode, and there is no other person who can use the Sage Mode to prove this. So I feel that this thing can be said in any way. For the smoothness of the subsequent plot, I adopted the second statement.

In addition, considering that in the original work, Madara was already a Six Paths-level Ten-Tails Jinchuriki when he used the Wheel Grave, only Naruto and Sasuke who also possessed the power of the Six Paths could cause damage, but the Madara here did not seize the first generation's senjutsu, nor did he become the Ten-Tails, so his strength is naturally not that amazing. It is probably the same as those Otsutsuki in Boruto, who can rely on the power of the Samsara Eye to be immune to the ninjutsu of the chakra system, but senjutsu and physical attacks of sufficient strength can also cause damage to him.

As for the claim that the Rinnegan clone has almost the same strength as the original body, if this thing can also use ninjutsu, open five Storm Release Light Fangs and five complete Susanoo forms, I guess even if Naruto and Sasuke were twice as strong they would still not be able to beat them. This is not shown in the original work, so the attack method is probably the same as in the anime.

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