Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 271 Dr. Kusno

Chapter 272 Dr. Kusno

The girl's companion, sitting opposite, looked at the content displayed on the phone and let out a small exclamation.

"Eh? Hero? S-class? Don't you have a hero title?"

The long-haired girl asked her best friend.

"The new heroes don't seem to have hero names."

"Could it be that the black-haired one is the same as the Pig God, and his ability is eating? It would be very inconsistent if he were given the title of a black-haired big eater or something like that!"

"Since he is an S-class hero, should we go there and get an autograph or something?"

Ming Jing couldn't help but twitch his lips when he heard the movement there.

Black-haired big eater?

What is this name?

"Hey, Saitama, what are you laughing at?"

Ming Jing looked at Saitama who was blushing and suppressing a smile, and said angrily.

"Ah, it's nothing, it's nothing. I'm just curious about what kind of hero title we will have in the future."

Saitama said pretending to be nonchalant.

At this moment, a brake sound sounded outside the door.

A tall and tall man with half-long blue hair and an unusually handsome face walked in.

"That is……"

The girl's best friend dropped the chopsticks in her hand.

"That's... Sweetheart Mask!"

The landlady stopped wiping the rag.

"Sweet, Mr. Sweet Mask! Can you sign your name for me?"

The girl's eyes turned into heart-shaped eyes at this moment.

"I never refuse requests from fans, but I should only be able to sign one tonight because I still have something else to look for."

Sweetheart Mask smiled and wrote his signature on the girl's clothes, then looked towards Mirror and Genos.

"Hey! Mirror, Genos, maybe this guy wants to educate the newbies!"

Saitama whispered to Ming Jing and Genos.

In Japanese culture, it is a very common social phenomenon to discriminate against newcomers in the workplace, with seniority and strict hierarchy.

"I see, then I'll just take care of it. I just want to eat up after dinner. Teacher Mingjing, please wait a moment with Teacher Saitama."

Genos stood up and watched Sweetheart Mask slowly walking towards him.

"No need, he's not hostile."

Ming Jing picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, then stood up.

It just so happens that I still have something I want to ask Sweetheart Mask.

"I guess you two are Genos and Uchiha Mingjing. I am Sweetheart Mask, the number one A-level person. I have something to say to you two."

Sweetheart Mask put his hands in his pockets and said with a faint smile on his face.

"There are too many people here, go out and talk."

Ming Jing stretched his waist and said.

The three of them walked out of the noodle shop one after another.

"I have read the information of the two of you, and I naturally recognize your strength, especially Mr. Ming Jing."

Sweetheart Mask said with a smile.

He cannot tolerate weirdos and evil. He believes that S-class heroes, as the highest level of the Hero Association, need to be strictly controlled, so he has always stayed at the top of A-class.

Within the Hero Association, Ming Jing has a record of dealing with dragon-level monsters twice, which naturally meets the requirements of Sweetheart Mask.

As for Genos, Sweet Mask strongly agrees with Genos's unscrupulous methods of killing evil indiscriminately in order to execute justice in the past few years.

"Teacher Ming Jing's strength is undoubtedly strong."

Genos said with a paralyzed expression.

"Teacher? Is it the same relationship as Atomic Samurai and his three students..."

Sweetheart Mask glanced at Ming Jing in surprise, and silently raised his evaluation of Ming Jing's strength to a higher level in his heart.

"Anyway, I'm here to visit you two in advance, get to know each other, and tell you that S-class heroes are not only the highest combat power of the association, but also representatives of justice in the eyes of the world, so I hope you can also Pay more attention to your image and words, and don’t let justice be tainted.”

"You have no authority over how we administer justice."

Maybe Genos still thinks that Sweet Mask is here to educate newcomers, and his words are not very polite.

"Well, don't be so fierce! Genos, how about you go back first and I'll talk to this sweet Mr. Mask?"

Ming Jing patted Genos on the shoulder and smiled.

"Yes, Teacher Mingjing."

Genos said seriously, then glanced at Sweetheart Mask, turned around and walked back to the noodle shop.

"Ah, young man is really full of blood, but Mr. Mirror, you said you want to talk to me?"

Sweetheart Mask asked curiously.

"Ahem, you are more experienced in this area, so I plan to ask you for advice. That is to say... well, if I can better expand my influence through my own actions, I can achieve a better effect of promoting justice. "

Ming Jing said seriously.

One month later.

In the past month, the two newly promoted S-class heroes have been the most talked about.

In particular, Uchiha Mingjing was very active and earned the nickname "Scarlet Ninja" because of his unique pair of Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes.

It's not great, but compared to other hero names, it's not too bad. Like Genos' "Devil Cyborg", it's a relatively unremarkable hero name.

At least, compared to Saitama's "Bald Caped Man", there are other hero names such as "Red Nose Clown", "Sexy Doctor", and "Wig Warrior" that are infinitely better.

This may also be regarded as an implicit benefit of S-class heroes, that is, the hero name given to you will not be too unpleasant.

In the past month, Ming Jing has only done three main things. One is to actively perform heroic tasks, kill weirdos, and replenish Bruce, who has just recently digested the energy of Asura.

As a hero of the Hero Association, being active in the public eye and enforcing justice is the best way to increase your popularity.

Spiegel also tried to make the event as grand as possible while minimizing possible losses to people and property.

Another thing is that Der Spiegel will use some of his free time to make money through entertainment media and other channels.

Other S-class heroes are often full of their own personality traits. Either they are difficult to get along with, or they are like prisoners of personality that people dare not get along with.

But Uchiha Mirror is different. After solving the weirdo, he often accepts interviews from local reporters.

His handsome face, strong strength, easy-to-get-together personality, gorgeous ninjutsu and various other cool abilities made his fame soar instantly.

Many people believe that he has the potential to become the second Sweetheart Mask.

Various agents promote, artist signing contracts, GG endorsements and invitations to variety shows emerge one after another. There are also invitations for Ming Jing to enter the entertainment industry to make movies and TV series.

Most of these were rejected by the Mirror.

He is here to make quick money, not to become a rich man. He does not need an agent at all, nor does he want to be tied to any entertainment company, nor does he want to spend a lot of time filming TV series and movies.

I only accepted some relatively generous GG endorsements and variety shows.

These things can also help Ming Jing quickly increase his fame and bring him a lot of wealth.

Ming Jing is not short of money, although it is not too much, but in fact money is enough for him, and making this money is just to find an excuse for part of his extra wealth.

Finally, during this month, Mingjing, with the help of Genos, carried out advance modification of the genes in some cells of the body to allow the body to adapt.

If there is an adverse reaction, this part can be removed and replaced by new cells cultivated by Genos based on the original cells to restore it to its original appearance.

In addition to these, something else happened.

Genos contacted Dr. Kunos and asked him about the borrowed supercomputer that Spiegel needed.

"Teacher Ming Jing! This is my benefactor, Dr. Kusno!"

In a spacious laboratory, Genos pointed respectfully at an old man wearing a bamboo hat.

For Genos, Kusno is the person who gave him life again, almost like his second father.

"You must be Genos's teacher, the S-class hero Scarlet Ninja. I've known you for a long time. I'm Dr. Kusno."

Dr. Kusnow said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Ah, thank you for agreeing to my unreasonable request."

Mirror shook hands with Dr. Kusno.

Through Genos's relationship, Ming Jing successfully contacted Dr. Kusno.

This person has a high reputation in the scientific community, is the world's first-class scientist, and is also an extremely well-known mechanical engineer. He is fully capable of renting a supercomputer at a very low cost.

"By the way, this one looks familiar. Could you introduce me to him? Maybe he is a colleague who knows the scientists."

"Hello, Dr. Kusno, it's been a long time since we met. The last time we met was at an academic seminar fifty years ago. You and I were both rising stars in the scientific research community at that time, but our research fields were in There wasn’t much interaction at that time, so there wasn’t much contact between us.”

Dr. Kusno's face suddenly showed a puzzled look.

He had indeed risen to fame fifty years ago, but he was already old now, but the man in front of him looked unusually young, no more than thirty years old.

"Forgot to introduce myself, I am Dr. Kinos, and I am currently the attending physician responsible for treating Uchiha Mingjing's genetic disease."

Jinos took out the words he had prepared before and said to Kusno.

Kusno's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Genos and then at the mirror, and the expression on his face became even more confused.

"Kinos? I remember that fifty years ago, you were removed from the scientific community for your radical thinking and illegal human experiments. Your current appearance... have you modified yourself to extend your life? Or? Just simply changed to the appearance of his youth? "

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