Chapter 271 Instructions


Genos' figure was like a missile, smashing into the mountain wall on one side, shaking off countless rubble.

"Not fast enough, Genos, and your attack intention is too obvious."

Mingjing stood still and said to Genos.


With the observation Haki that can foresee the future, it is difficult to cause damage to Mingjing unless the strength is close to Mingjing, or above it.

Now Genos has no problem dealing with ordinary ghost-level monsters, but if he faces a peak ghost-level monster, he will not be able to look at it.

Not to mention Mingjing now.

Genos groaned, overloaded the jet on his body, flew towards Mingjing again, and swung his hands forward quickly.

"Machine gun fire punch!"

Ming Jing still stood still, but his body turned sideways to Genos to reduce his attack surface. His left hand was wrapped with armed color domineering, and he stretched forward with one hand, accurately blocking every attack of Genos.

"Not fast enough. When your speed is not as fast as the enemy, you need to consider the changes in your next moves, and have the ability to deal with the enemy's counterattack, and then, win with one blow!"

The strange punch was launched, and Ming Jing punched Genos again.

Flames spurted out from Genos' feet again, and he controlled his body to force a turn in mid-air, with his hands together.

With the sound of the machine clicking, Genos's hands turned into a rectangular muzzle.


The sky was full of flames, scorching everything in front of Genos.

"Well, not bad, finally there are more changes, the temperature is good, and the impact is also okay."

Ming Jing stood in the Susanoo mixed with natural energy, nodded slightly and commented, his feet still standing still.

"Mr. Mingjing, please don't do the same as Mr. Saitama and not fight back. If you do that, I won't be able to see the gap between you and me!"

Genos stopped the incinerator and said with difficulty.

It stands to reason that his body won't feel tired, but the problem is that his energy output has a limit. The overload operation just now made his energy supply a little insufficient for a while.

"Ah, okay."

Mingjing teleported in front of Genos and smiled, and kicked forward with his right foot, sending Genos flying to the edge of the mountain again.


A clear sword sounded, and Genos rolled around in a mess to avoid Mingjing's side slash.

"Fighting is not just about using firepower and your own physical fitness to deal with opponents. That can only deal with people who are much weaker than you. There are also tactical planning and application, judgment of the situation, etc., which can allow you to defeat stronger enemies than you with the same configuration."

Mingjing controlled his speed and strength to be just one level higher than Genos and fought with him, but still beat Genos into a mess.

Genos has indeed experienced some battles in recent years and has some combat experience.

But the problem is that Dr. Kusno's skills are too good, which makes him have good combat power at the beginning, and he basically crushes the enemy in battle.

He lacks real experience.

This makes it easy for him to appear in the situation of "damn, careless again" in battle.

And Mingjing today is absolutely battle-hardened. Since he entered the ninja school at the age of six, he learned how to kill people. At the age of ten, he stepped onto the battlefield of the most brutal ninja world war. How many battles has he experienced?

"When defending, you must keep your core stable and don't fall into the opponent's rhythm too easily."

"When the situation is passive, you need to find a way to try to break the situation."

"Generally speaking, there are three keys to breaking the situation. One is whether you can seize the enemy's flaws and find the opportunity, and the other is whether you have other trump cards."

"If you don't have any of these, you should start to consider whether you have to pay a certain price to achieve certain results to open the situation. This is a gamble. You must learn to use the smallest price to gain the greatest results."

Mingjing continued to put pressure on Genos while giving instructions.

He couldn't modify Genos to replace stronger accessories, but the combat awareness and combat skills alone were enough to make Genos' strength rise to a higher level.

Genos obviously learned very hard, wrote down all of Mingjing's words, and put them into practice.


Another tomahawk-style rocket split, the difference is that this time, in order to avoid Mingjing's counterattack, Genos directly left his leg out of his body and relied on the reaction force to distance himself from Mingjing.


The fierce flame laser rushed towards Mingjing again.

This time, in order to force Mingjing to use more strength, Genos could be said to be overloaded, pouring out most of his energy, the power was more than twice that of the previous time.

"Didn't you see that teacher Mingjing used that golden giant move? Didn't you block it with other methods?"

The light of the incineration cannon dimmed.

Genos lay down on the spot because he lost a leg and used up most of his energy.

But he still scanned everything in front of him with his electronic eyes, wanting to know whether he had achieved results.

"You did a good job, Genos, you have a good understanding and are making rapid progress. Look, I brought your leg out."

Ming Jing patted Genos's shoulder with a pleased expression, and waved one of Genos' mechanical legs with his other hand.

With the ability to foresee the future, if Ming Jing does not want to be hit, then there is no possibility of hitting Ming Jing with a speed like Genos.

When Genos fired the incendiary cannon, Ming Jing had already teleported behind Genos using the power of his heavenly hand.

"Mingjing, teacher...I..."

Genos's eyes were dull, not knowing what to say.

He couldn't see the upper limit of Saitama's strength at all. As for Ming Jing, Genos also saw that Ming Jing was more powerful than he had ever seen through the previous battle between Ming Jing and Asura Unicorn.

But he didn't expect that the gap between himself and the other party would be so big!

All of his thoughts were completely seen through.

This is a difference in realm.

"Okay, you have a lot to learn. Don't think about the things that are available and not available. By the way, how are you going to put your legs on?"

"Uh, Teacher Ming Jing, I have a welding gun on my hand, I can reattach it."

Genos lay on the ground and said with some embarrassment.

Mingjing helped Genos fix his legs. A piece of mechanical interface was extended from the root of Genos' thigh to connect with the mechanical leg. He fixed it with a welding gun before regaining his basic mobility.

"Ah, it's over, let's go eat udon noodles!"

Saitama's bald head suddenly appeared from the side and said to the two of them with a smile.



Dusk passed and night fell.

Z city, old street, noodle shop.

"Let me tell you, the noodles here taste very good! Also, Genos and Mirror, are you interested in competing again?"

Saitama wiped his mouth and pointed to the poster on the wall.

"Looking for a Big Eater?" Big bucket of udon challenge! Anyone who can eat our huge vat of udon noodles in one sitting will get the order for free! ใ€‹

"Since it is Teacher Saitama's request, I must accept it!"

Genos said with a straight face.

Ming Jing touched his belly with a look of approval.

With his appetite, this little noodle couldn't satisfy him at all.

Half an hour later.

Saitama looked at the noodle bucket that finally bottomed out and fell down on the table.

"Hiccup~ I'm so full!"

"Gudu Gudu Gudu~"

Genos held the noodle bucket and drank the soup without changing his expression.

He is a robot. Although he can survive without food, Dr. Kusno still retained the ability to eat for Genos so that Genos could maintain his human form.

There is a small incinerator in his body that can convert the food he eats into fuel to supply his own energy.

It can be food such as pasta, but it can also be more efficient gasoline, diesel, etc.



The noodle shop owner and his wife looked at the noodle buckets stacked high on the table with shocked expressions.

"I've been running a noodle shop for 20 years, and this is the first time I've met such a good eater!"

The noodle shop owner exclaimed.

"one more bowl!"

Ming Jing put down the bucket and raised his hand.


The landlady had a troubled look on her face.

"Don't worry. Although the poster says that you can pay for it, if I really eat so much without paying, you will probably lose a lot of money, right? No, are these enough?"

Ming Jing said as he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket.

"This is not a problem. The key is that we no longer have the ingredients in reserve."

The landlady looked confused.

"Oh well."

Ming Jing shrugged.

Seeing this scene, Genos seemed to have discovered some key point, holding a booklet and writing quickly.

"Genos, what are you writing?"

Saitama curiously moved his head next to Genos.

"I am trying to find out the reason why the two teachers are so powerful from the words and deeds of their lives! Now I have found the first key point, which is to be able to eat! Being able to eat represents physical possession More energy can be consumed, so next I need to upgrade the energy core in my body!โ€

Genos said seriously.

"It seems to make sense!"

Saitama said with a look of approval.

"Si Guoyi! This appetite is really terrifying! It reminds me of the S-class hero Pig God. It is said that he can eat this much!"

In Linzhuo's position, a sweet-looking girl with long hair secretly looked at Mingjing's position.

At first, she was attracted by the looks of Ming Jing and Genos, but now her focus has shifted to Ming Jing's appetite.

Is this the amount of food a person can have?

"Ah, I found it! I said they look familiar! The most handsome one with a big appetite is Uchiha Mirror, the 17th newly promoted S-class hero, and the cool blond man is the newly promoted S-class hero. The 18th Super Hero Genos!"

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