Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 268 Association Assessment

Chapter 269 Association Assessment

Genos turned on the computer, called up the official website of the Hero Association, and introduced the Hero Association to Saitama in detail.

"Yoshi! Then let's go to the assessment with Mingjing tomorrow!"

Saitama clapped his hands excitedly.

He actually wanted to have fans or something.

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The next day, early morning.

"The 55th Professional Hero Test Assessment Z City Examination Center"

"It's really impressive! And there are so many people!"

Saitama stood in front of the Hero Association branch in Z City and looked around with curiosity.

There were at least a thousand people around, many of whom were dressed in strange shapes.

Killing Matt, tights, are common, Mingjing even saw a person wearing underwear on his head backwards.

"According to the news released by the official website of the Hero Association, as of the registration deadline at 12 o'clock last night, a total of more than 10,000 people in the six urban areas participated in this assessment."

Genos said beside Saitama.

"Oh, so many people, the competition must be fierce!"

"With the strength of me and the two teachers, the entrance examination should not be difficult."

Genos said as he looked at the people queuing in front.

"Number 193, Genos!"

An association staff member in a suit stood at the door, shouting Genos' name with a loud speaker.

"Mingjing teacher, Saitama teacher, I'll go first."

Hearing his name, Genos said goodbye to Mingjing and Saitama and walked forward.

"Number 197, Uchiha Mingjing!"

Not long after, the staff called Mingjing's name again.

"It seems that Genos and I should be in the same batch of assessments."

Mingjing also walked to the entrance and greeted Genos.

"First, we will conduct an agility test! The first test is to jump back and forth from side to side! Please stand above the instrument to take the test!"

"No. 191, please come forward!"

"No. 192, please come forward!"

Those who dare to come to participate in the test of the Hero Association are more or less capable. At least generally speaking, they must have better physical fitness than ordinary people.

The first two people who took the test both jumped more than 100 times in one minute. The next one to appear was Genos.

"Teacher Mingjing, then I will go first."

Genos finished his conversation with Mingjing and walked to the front of the instrument.

On both sides of his shoulders, and at the positions of his palms and soles, a small turbine jet was opened. With the thrust assistance of the jet, Genos's speed was so fast that afterimages appeared.

The crowd of onlookers around was greatly surprised.

"One... one thousand and eighty-three! Full marks!"

The voice of the staff seemed a little surprised.

To be able to get a thousand, this is an absolute full mark!

Perhaps influenced by Genos, the performance of the next few testers was not very good until Mingjing stood on the instrument.

"Can we start?"

Mingjing said to the staff with crackling arcs flashing on her body.

"Yes... yes."

The staff stuttered.


The dazzling electric light suddenly bloomed from above the instrument.

Mingjing's figure was so fast that it could not be captured by the naked eye. Only arcs of electricity could be seen moving quickly with a blurry figure.

"So fast! Even my electronic eyes can barely catch the figure of Teacher Mingjing! Is this the speed of Teacher Mingjing? No... When fighting with Asura Rhinoceros Beetle before, Teacher Mingjing's speed was even faster! I understand, are you worried that the instrument will be damaged by moving too fast?"

Genos looked at the scene on the stage and whispered softly.

"Three... three thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight! This result has broken the record!"

The staff was so surprised that they couldn't speak.

"No... No, Mr. Domoto! The upper limit of the instrument is 4,000 per minute! But in the last few seconds, the number on the instrument stopped changing, which means it has exceeded this number! The instrument failed in the end because of the current interference from this gentleman!"

The staff in white coats responsible for equipment debugging saw Ming Jing as if they had seen a ghost.

He has never seen such a pervert in the three years he has been in this business!

Oh, maybe those S-class heroes who are good at speed can match it, but the problem is, that is S-class!

"Uh... Now the instrument is broken, how to test it next?"

The staff member named Domoto looked at the booklet for statistical data in his hand and said in panic.

"There are backup parts in the warehouse. I should be able to fix it. Next, Mr. Domoto, why don't you take them to test other projects first?"

"Then there is only this solution."

Doumoto said helplessly.

The news about Ming Jing and Genos was soon known to the top leaders of the Hero Association.

It was not because their test scores were too good, but because the top leaders of the Hero Association had already noticed these two people.

Since Genos received surgery from Dr. Kusno and transformed himself into a robot, he has been tracking down the whereabouts of the murderers for many years. He has destroyed many evil organizations in the past few years, and the Hero Association has been paying attention to him.

As for Mingjing, it can be traced back to the time when the vaccine man appeared.

Including the later giant brother and so on.

After all, anyone who is not blind can easily notice such a huge Susanoo.

If the results of the physical test are not good, it will be beyond their expectations.

"This...if I hadn't used the photoelectric gate to test, I'm afraid he could have run a hundred meters before I could react!"

Domoto held on to his glasses that were about to fall off and looked at the data displayed on the electronic watch in surprise.

Spiegel ran 100 meters in 0.256 seconds.

Domoto only heard a harsh sonic boom, and Ming Jing had reached the finish line.

"The agility test, explosive power test, speed test and endurance test are all over. Is there anything else left?"

Ming Jing put on the blue and black feather fabric, walked to Domoto and asked.

"The next step is the strength test. Mr. Mingjing, you need to use all your strength to attack this punch."

"Are you sure you want to use all your strength? If you break it, you don't have to pay for it, right? By the way, there's also the previous instrument, so I shouldn't have to pay for it, right?"

Ming Jing didn't want to owe money to the Heroes Association before he even started making money.

"No, of course not. We have invited Super Alloy Black Light to test the boxing machine in the past...Forget it, you'd better take it easy."

In the middle of speaking, Domoto glanced at Susan's arm that suddenly stretched out from Ming Jing's body, and said decisively.


The boxing machine let out a mournful cry and shook the screen.

Domoto looked at the MAX icon displayed on the boxing machine and wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Fortunately, it's not broken.

Agility test, explosive power test, speed test, endurance test and strength test are the five links in the physical test. The full score of each test is ten points, totaling fifty points.

As for the remaining fifty points, it is the content of the written test.

Regarding these, Mingjing is still very confident.

In any case, he also came from the ninja school in Konoha Ninja Village, and he has a serious academic background.

The command ability, battle situation control ability, and tactical layout ability of every Konoha Jonin are all above the passing line.

The content on this test paper is actually not difficult. Most of it is about the code of conduct of a professional hero, and some are common intelligence test questions and certain difficult questions in mathematics, physics, psychology, etc. , in order to examine the educational level and mental health of the test taker.

ten minutes later.

Both the physical test and the written test ended successfully, but when Ming Jing and Genos had just arrived at the examiner's lounge, they received an interview notice.

City Z, association branch, top floor.

The three Hero Association officers sat behind the table and looked at Ming Jing and Genos sitting on the sofa in front of them.

"Mr. Uchiha Mirror, I would like to ask, is it you who uses this golden-orange giant to fight against the weirdos in these two satellite images?"

A bearded association official took out two pictures and asked the mirror.

The first picture is very blurry and should be a frame taken from the video, showing the scene of the battle between Mirror and the Vaccine Man.

The second picture is the scene when Ming Jing activates Susanoo and uses the tail feathers of the sky to absorb the corpse of his giant brother.

"Ah, it was me, but actually, there was someone else who dealt with these two weirdos."

Ming Jing nodded.

"We know that."

The bearded man nodded to the mirror with a serious face, and then looked at Genos.

"Then the scene in this picture, the scene in this picture, was done by you?"

The scumbag man took out another comparison chart.

On the left is the original eight-story Evolution House, and on the right is the pattern after it was bombed by Genos.

"I did it, what happened?"

Genos asked the scumbag man.

"Nothing. Anyway, congratulations on passing the exam. Here are your transcripts."

The bearded man handed the two document bags to Ming Jing and Genos respectively.

"If nothing happens, then Teacher Ming Jing and I will leave first."

Genos still maintained his paralyzed face, stood up and said.

"I'll send you two off."

The bearded man also stood up and sent Ming Jing and Genos away.

"Are these two really still in a teacher-student relationship? How are the discussions going on with other senior leaders of the association?"

A cadre wearing glasses said to the bearded man.

"We have very detailed records about Genos. The association's top management believes that he can be promoted to S-level as an exception. As for Uchiha Mirror, he has a record of fighting against dragon-level monsters. Although both times were ultimately solved by King, But it undoubtedly shows that he has S-level strength, and Sweetie Mask, who is number one in A-level, also believes that he is qualified enough to become S-level.”

Another fat cadre looked at the text message received on his mobile phone and said to the two of them.

"The next step should be to evaluate the ranking of the two of them, right? After all, they became S-class at the same time."

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