Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 267 Kinos's Plan

Chapter 268 Genos’ plan

"No, no, no, of course it can be done. I have the technology, but the time and money costs will be relatively large. It may take several years. The budget is still uncertain.

Several years?

Ming Jing frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Although it takes a long time, it is not unacceptable if success can be ensured.

The only variable is Madara in the Naruto world.

"Tell me what you plan to do first."

"Well, it's very simple. First, extract a part of the stem cells from your body, start with the genetic modification of this part of the stem cells, reverse-transcribe the homologous genes of your tribe into it, and then inject the stem cells back into your body. First, do a preliminary The transformation allows your body to adapt, and then there are cells that cannot differentiate, including nerve cells. This part is more troublesome and requires the use of a protein called 'gene scissors' to shorten part of your genetic sequence. , and then introduce the genes you need into these cells to completely transform your whole body, including your brain.”

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Dr. Kinos took a pen and paper to write and draw, and gestured with an abstract cartoon in front of the mirror.

The content of the comic is basically to use scissors to cut out the gene fragments in DNA and insert a new one.

"Won't doing this have an impact on my personality, memory, character, etc.?"

"Of course it does, but I have other ways to get around these barriers."

Dr. Genos put his hands on his hips and pointed proudly at the punch clone in the distance.

"These are my clones and possess part of my memory, because only I know what I need to do, and only what I make can satisfy me. They are the most perfect experimental assistants!

When the time comes, I can create a clone for you, and then use the consciousness transmission technology I invented to introduce your thoughts into the clone. After the transformation of your body is completed, I can transfer the consciousness back again. "

"Transfer of consciousness...are you sure there won't be any accidents?"

"I don't know about this anymore. The consciousness of these clones is the product of this technology and a copy of my own will. After testing, they basically possess 63% to 81% of my own Memory, but I can improve this technology to maintain the memory of copy transmission at more than 80%. As for the remaining 20%, I think this is a price that can be paid. "

Jinos looked at the mirror and said solemnly.

The white light reflected through the lenses of the glasses and shone on the mirror's Sharingan.

"What about the time cost and money cost you just mentioned?"

Ming Jing asked again.

He planned to learn more about it before making plans.

"The time cost is the time it takes for the clone to mature. It takes about two years to mature the clone into an adult. As for the monetary cost, using genetic scissors to modify your genetic sequence is not only a delicate job, but also a big project. , after all, there are hundreds of millions of cells in your body, so I need to create a large number of nanorobots to perform this process, and this process will generate extremely large amounts of data. I need a supercomputer with sufficient computing power to process the data. Control nanobots."

"Then, how long will this transformation process last?"

Ming Jing continued to ask Jinos.

"Well, it depends on the number of nanorobots and the effect of the first stage. If the effect is good enough and there are enough nanorobots, this process can be completed in less than an hour. If it takes longer, it may be It will take several days.”

"Is that so?"

Ming Jing closed his eyes and fell into thinking.

Jinos also closed his mouth and sat quietly next to him.

He is eager to make Ming Jing a more perfect and more powerful work than Asura Unicorn, and then see who is stronger between Ming Jing and Saitama.

"I have a ninjutsu. You can think of it as a super power. That is, I can make the soul leave the body within a certain period of time and generate it in a spiritual state. I think this should be able to replace your consciousness transfer. Technology allows my soul to leave my body before transformation, and then returns my soul to its original body after transformation.”

The ninjutsu that Ming Jing mentioned is naturally the spiritual transformation technique that he just mastered some time ago.

"Do you actually have this magical ability?"

Genos's eyes burned with blazing fire again.

His appetite for research has never been higher.

But soon, he returned his attention to the current topic.

"How long can your out-of-body ability last?"

"About two to seven hours."

Mirror replied.

Two hours is the maximum time that the mirror can be maintained while performing the Spiritualization Technique and other secret techniques related to the Spiritualization Technique, assassinating the enemy, and incurring a certain amount of consumption when detecting intelligence.

Seven hours is the maximum time that one can remain in the spirit state without taking any other actions.

"I do have a plan. I can clone only one of your brains, and then place this brain on a robot like the armored gorilla. This can greatly save time and cost. If the transformation of your body cannot be done in your soul, If the out-of-body experience is completed before the end of time, then temporarily place your soul in another brain and wait until the transformation of the body is completed before moving back. However, the price of doing so is that the monetary cost will further increase. "

Ming Jing hesitated slightly.

This does sound like a plan with a high success rate.

To be honest, he was a little moved.

"Can you ensure the success rate?"

Ming Jing asked Jinos.

"Of course! As long as a meteorite doesn't suddenly fall from the sky to destroy this place during the transformation, I can ensure a 100% success rate!"

Ming Jing nodded silently.

In other words, as long as there are no accidents during the process, the experiment can be 100% successful.

At that time, all you need to do is call Saitama to help guard the gate, and that won't even happen if Boros comes.

"Next, I will prepare you genetic samples from people of my own race, and then we can start the experiment."

Mirror finally made up his mind.

However, Kinos poured another basin of cold water on him.

"No, not yet. You see, my entire base has been destroyed by you. There is no equipment or anything, and almost no funds. In other words, you have to give me enough money to rent a super Computers and production lines for making nanorobots all cost money.”

Kinos said with a shrug.

Ming Jing rubbed his temples in distress.

As for money, he is not short of small coins. He just needs some gold.

But Jinos obviously wanted a lot of money. If he took out a large amount of gold in one go, there would definitely be problems.

And Der Spiegel doesn’t know if it’s enough.

"Actually, if you want to rent a supercomputer or purchase some raw materials for producing nanorobots, money alone is not enough. You also need to have a certain identity. Therefore, I can personally give you a suggestion."

Kinos took off his glasses, looked at the mirror and said.

"What advice?"

"Tomorrow is the Hero Association's professional hero registration assessment. With your strength, you will definitely be able to upgrade your level to S-level in a short time after joining the Hero Association, and you will definitely be able to meet the status requirements.

As for money, every professional hero can receive a certain amount of subsidies every month, and can receive generous rewards while completing hero activities. Of course, these are just small amounts of money. What I want you to do is to be like him. "

Genos opened the official website of the Heroes Association on his computer, clicked on a link, and jumped to a new page.

Ming Jing looked up and saw an unusually handsome man with light blue semi-long hair and a golden-proportioned face appearing on the screen.

"Sweetheart Mask?"

Ming Jing remembers that when he came to this world, the first book he read was about Sweetheart Mask.

"That's right, it's the No. 1 A-level hero, Sweetheart Mask. With this face, he has appeared in a large number of movies and TV series. He has been involved in many movies and TV series, and his personal peripherals are also sold very hotly. He is a professional While he is a hero, he is also a phenomenal idol star, ranking high on the list of new rich people in the past two years.

You are actually very handsome and have the strength to match an S-class hero, so I think you can definitely recreate the experience of Sweetheart Mask! "

Ming Jing touched his chin and felt that what Genos said made sense.

With your various abilities, if you want to quickly earn a lot of money in this world and gain a certain status, becoming a hero of the Hero Association is indeed a good way.

When he returned home, Saitama had a sad look on his face, and he didn't even bother to use his chopsticks for the dinner Genos had carefully prepared on the table.

"Saitama, are you... broken in love?"

Ming Jing asked curiously.

"No, I just want to know that I have been a hero for three years, but in the end I don't even have fans. No one even recognizes me when I walk on the street!"

Saitama hugged his head with an annoyed look on his face.

"This morning there was a group of criminals called the Taoyuan Group. They shaved their hair as a symbol. Teacher Saitama was regarded as a member of the Taoyuan Group. They also met a ninja named Sonic. The other party also regarded Saitama as a member of the Taoyuan Group. The teacher is considered a member of the Taoyuan Group."

Genos explained.

"By the way, Teacher Mingjing, I remember you are also a ninja. Do you know that Sonic?"

Genos asked again.

"Sonic Sonic? I've heard of this guy. He's a Class A bounty criminal in the underground world, but I've never had any dealings with him."

Ming Jing casually put the paper in his hand on the table and said.

Genos caught a glimpse of the contents on the paper.

"Is there a registration form for the professional hero assessment of the Hero Association? Teacher Saitama! I think this is also a way to solve your troubles!"

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