Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 215 How can everything be blamed on Danzo?

Chapter 215 How come everything can be blamed on Danzo?

"There's no rush, Teacher Duan."

Ming Jing shook his head at Kato Suan, then turned his head towards Namikaze Minato.

"Minato, I would also like to trouble you to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to bring Obito's secret here. Remember, don't be discovered by anyone, otherwise, I'm worried that other people will pay unnecessary attention to Obito. "

"I see."

Namikaze Minato reached out and burned the Flying Thunder God's mark at his feet, and then disappeared instantly.

Just a second later, Namikaze Minato appeared in front of everyone with Uchiha Obito.

"Teacher Minato...and Mr. Mingjing and the patriarch, what on earth...is going on?"

Uchiha Obito's head was getting big at this time.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Obito, what is Article 29 of the Ninja Code?"

Ming Jing asked Uchiha Obito.

"Uh... this... this..."

Uchiha Obito scratched his head and hesitated.

"Ah, I remembered. When a ninja is performing a mission, he must not add any extraneous matters. Everything should focus on the mission!"

Uchiha Obito said with great certainty.

Namikaze Minato covered his face helplessly.

"Obito, what you just said is the 28th article of the ninja code. The 29th article is that ninjas must avoid leaking information at all times. I remember that I clearly said before the chunin exam last year I also reviewed it with you and Lin."

"Ahaha, yes, I remembered it wrong!"

Uchiha Obito said while scratching his head in embarrassment.

Namikaze Minato had reviewed these contents with him, but unfortunately he seemed to be so fascinated by peeking at Lin that he didn't remember them clearly at all.

Ming Jing sighed leisurely and cast an understanding look at Minato Namikaze.

Metkai is actually like this in this regard...

"Okay, Obito, remember, you must not leak what you say next, even to the closest people! Because what you are going to hear next is about you and me, and the entire Uchiha clan. , some news that is very important to the entire Konoha and even the ninja world."

Ming Jing said to Uchiha Obito with a straight face.

"I understand, Teacher Mingjing!"

Uchiha Obito stood at attention on the spot.

"very good."

Ming Jing nodded, opened the seal scroll, and took out two Bai Jue corpses.

"I saw this thing once several years ago. When I was fourteen years old, I went to the Hidden Rain Village with Nami and Ryu on the way back to retrieve the Second Hokage's sword."

Namikaze Minato, Kato Dan and Tsunade couldn't help but silently recall this incident.

The former encountered the big explosion when Ming Jing met Xuanyuan Zhong on his way back.

At that time, it was he who used the Flying Thunder God technique to send Ming Jing away from the scope of the explosion.

The latter two knew that Xuanyuan Zhong was actually hired by Danzo to target Uchiha Mirror.

It was precisely because of this incident that caused the initial dispute between them and Danzo.

The subsequent struggle for power and the position of the next Hokage, coupled with the efforts of the third Hokage to balance the forces, intensified the struggle between the two factions.

"At that time, I killed two of these white creatures on the spot. They called themselves Bai Jue, but later their bodies also disappeared in the explosion. At that time, I also thought that this was some kind of weird thing controlled by Xuanyuan Zhong. means, so let it go.”

Ming Jing made half-truths and half-false lies.

"When I turned on Sage Mode on the battlefield to fight against the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, it was the second time I encountered a creature like White Zetsu. From then on, I realized that this thing is not simple."

As Ming Jing spoke, he turned his attention to Uchiha Obito.

"At first, I thought their target was still me, but it's not until now that I finally confirmed that their real target is you, Obito."


Uchiha Obito pointed at himself.

"Because the distance was too far at the time, I could only barely perceive them with some of my abilities. In addition, I was fighting the Four-Tails at the time and it was not convenient to take action, so I used my clone to tell Genma to guide Gai and Kakashi. Competition, because the strength of the two of them together is enough to resolve the crisis you encountered at that time. "

"Then why did these things target the Mirror many years ago, and now they target Obito? Who is behind them? What is their purpose?"

Namikaze Minato said with a frown.

Uchiha Mingjing is his friend, and Uchiha Obito is his student. With the character of Namikaze Minato, he will not stand idly by no matter what.

"Judging from the characteristics, they should be focusing on young Uchiha with potential. It seems that their purpose should be to cultivate an Uchiha master of their own to help them do something. The key to the problem is , It is not easy for people or forces to cultivate something with such a hidden ability, and the fact that they spend such a long time doing this can only mean two things. "

Kato Dan put his hands on the table and analyzed quickly with his mind.

"The first thing is that they have very high vision. Even if an ordinary young Uchiha has the qualifications to open the Three Magatama Sharingan, he cannot catch their eye. What they are pursuing is probably the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. "

"Secondly, since they are willing to spend such a long time to do this, and they also need an Uchiha who is so powerful and can be used by them, they must have a big plan, and most of what they want to do will not be a good thing, otherwise Instead of hiding the traces like this, just go to the village and hire ninjas from the Uchiha clan to take action. "

Everyone couldn't help but nod their heads after hearing this.

Ming Jing also felt that his teacher was good at intelligence analysis, and he was indeed the strongest intelligence ninja in Konoha.

"So, Obito, you must be more careful in the future. The enemy will definitely try every means to set up a trap to recruit you and train you as their tool, especially those you care about and care about the most. They are likely to attack them as the key to setting up a trap.”

"The person I care about the most? Isn't that..."

Obito's face paled.

Namikaze Minato pressed Obito's shoulders firmly with his hands.

He knew exactly which people he, the silly, love-minded disciple, cared about the most.

"Obito is my student, and so are Kakashi and Lin. No matter what happens, as a teacher, I will do my best to protect them."

If something happened to Nohara Rin under the nose of Uchiha Obito, anything would happen to this silly boy.

"So you can't talk to anyone else about this, because it's very likely to drag them down."

Mirror looked into Uchiha Obito's eyes and said.

His purpose today is to give Uchiha Obito and others a vaccination.

Even if there is no evidence to prove that Uchiha Madara is still alive, the incident of White Zetsu must be used to make these people realize that there is still such a force that is not very friendly to them in the ninja world, and be more prepared.

"I know! Teacher Mingjing!"

Uchiha Obito clenched his fists and nodded fiercely.

No matter who it is, if he wants to control Lin with the purpose of hurting him, he, Uchiha Obito, will definitely protect Nohara Lin with all his life.

Uchiha Obito's matter has come to an end for the time being.

White Zetsu is still sealed in the scroll, waiting for subsequent research by Tsunade, Uchiha Mirror and even Orochimaru.

For Ming Jing, Kato Dan and others, what they need to face now is the war between Konoha and Iwagakure.

The four-tailed Jinchuriki died, Onoki was seriously injured, the high-level combat capabilities of Iwagakure Village were reduced, and the overall morale was no better than before.

Kato Dan, Uchiha Mingjing, Tsunade, Uchiha Fugaku, Namikaze Minato and Matt Dai formed a lineup luxurious enough to suppress a great country's ninja village, leading the Konoha ninjas to attack Huanglong.

after one day.

Kannabi Bridge.

This place was not destroyed like the original time and space, but was directly occupied by Konoha ninjas, using this important logistics channel of Iwagakure in the past as an important springboard for the subsequent counterattack against Iwagakure.

"Itachi, kill him!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at a seriously injured Iwagakure ninja who fell to the ground. He took out a kunai from the ninja tool bag on his waist and stuffed it into Uchiha Itachi's hand.

"Father, why is there a war? Why do I have to kill him?"

Five-year-old Itachi Uchiha asked Uchiha Fugaku with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Before Fugaku could reply, the Iwagakure ninja who had fallen on the ground suddenly rose up and used his last bit of strength to stab Uchiha Itachi with the weapon in his hand.

Uchiha Itachi subconsciously followed what he had done in the past ninja training, lowered his head, dodged, and quickly wiped the throat of the Iwagakure ninja with the kunai held in his right hand, ending his life.

"sorry, I……"

Uchiha Itachi looked at the unwilling eyes of the Iwagakure ninja and opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say. He just felt that his eyes were a little astringent and he saw things a little differently.

"That's why you have to kill him, because if you don't kill him, he will kill you."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Itachi, filled with pride.

Judging from the move just now, Uchiha Itachi clearly has a strong instinct to fight independently, and...

"As expected of my son, he actually opened the Sharingan at the age of five."

Thanks to the tyrannical strength of Konoha, in just a few days, all the Iwagakure ninjas in the entire Grass Country were forced to retreat. Some of them set up defenses on the northern border of the country, and the other part changed their direction and headed for Takino. The southern part of the country intends to disperse part of Konoha's power and delay as much time as possible.

At the same time, Onoki also deployed the last reserve forces in Iwagakure Village to the east of Earth Country.

Because just when Konoha and Iwagakure launched a war, the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Rabbi Kiri, through some unknown means, led a group of elite forces from Kumogakure Village to attack across the sea. The Kingdom of Earth looted a large amount of supplies, and at the same time boosted the already weak morale of Yunyin Village.

Yanyin Village has now reached its limit.

Ohnoki realized that it was now impossible for Iwagakure to defeat Konoha.

But as a wily man, he also knew that Konoha also had its own difficulties now.

Throughout the Ninja World War, Konoha first fought against Sunagakure, and then Iwagakure and Kumogakure. Although Sunagakure did not live up to expectations and lost early, Kumogakure was also greatly weakened by the Third Raikage and could not resist. The combination of Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru was eliminated, but wasn't there another Kirigakure who was also fighting Konoha?

After fighting for so many years, the four major ninja villages have been fought one by one. Although Konoha is the strongest, it also consumes the most logistics and has the most people dead.

If the war continues with this intensity, Konoha will definitely collapse inside!

At this time, Onoki has to show the true nature of the will of the stone and continue to persevere.

Even if he cannot defeat Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen will give up a lot of benefits in subsequent negotiations in order to end the war as soon as possible!

Ohnoki was ready to talk while fighting.

Konoha camp, medical class, laboratory.


Tsunade's eyes widened as she looked at the rows of data displayed on the big ass computer in front of her.

"Tsunade-sensei, what's wrong?"

On the other side, Ming Jing made Bai Zetsu's corpse into a specimen, turned his head and asked Tsunade.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment, then said:

"The genetic sequence of these White Zetsus is exactly the same as that of my grandfather, the first Hokage! From a certain perspective, this is almost..."

Tsunade's hands tightly grasped the metal railing next to her, crushing it out of shape.

"This is almost a clone created from first-generation cells through some unknown method!"

At this moment, suspicions quickly flashed through Tsunade's mind.

"Not many people have the cells of the first generation in their hands. As far as I know, apart from myself, there are only three people who have access to the cells of the first generation Hokage."

Without Tsunade saying anything, Ming Jing also knew who Tsunade was pointing to.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the two generations Danzo and Orochimaru were the ones in charge of the Wood Release Plan after the death of Senju Tobirama.

"It should be impossible for the old man. With his identity and status as Hokage, there is no need to do anything like this. If you want to achieve any goal, you can rely on the power of the entire Konoha. Orochimaru's words are certainly possible, but compared to others, this It’s obviously more in line with Shimura Danzo’s style.”

Tsunade frowned and deduced after thinking for a while.

Ah this...

Ming Jing was confused.

How come everything can be blamed on Danzo?

"Yes, with such a sneaky style, and specifically targeting the geniuses of the Uchiha clan, who else could it be but Danzo? Mirror, the last time you met Xuanyuan Zhong at the border of the Land of Rain, maybe it was Danzo who prepared it Backhand!"

The more Tsunade talked about it, the more likely it seemed.

"Including what happened with Obito this time, he is trying to find a way to exclude Uchiha who in his eyes may become a threat in the future! He is even thinking of abducting him under his command!"

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