Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 214 Obito's eyes open and White Zetsu

Later, Kato Dan was able to expand his advantage and seriously injured Ohnoki under the overload of telekinesis.

The four tails were dead, and the army had been severely damaged by Namikaze Minato and Matt Dai's men. Iwagakure had no chance of winning in this battle.


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Ohnoki lay on his son's back, looking at the difficult battle situation, and finally uttered two words unwillingly.

Even though they suffered a defeat, the ninjas of Iwagakure still worked together as one, and quickly retreated under the cover of the remaining masters' hard work.

Part of the reason for this is that Kato Dan was not in very good condition at this time, and the Konoha ninjas did not form an effective pursuit to expand the results under his command.

Of course, in terms of subsequent results, Konoha's side still achieved certain results.

"Breaking! Are you okay?"

Tsunade had a somewhat worried look on her face. She supported Kato Dan with one hand and held Kato Dan's wrist with the other hand to check his pulse.

"Ahem, I'm fine. I just suffered a slight injury. I just lost strength due to excessive use of telekinesis."

Kato Dan coughed twice, covering his chest and said.

Because Ming Jing first called Kato Dan's ability telekinesis, Kato Dan later called this entire system telekinesis.

"Tsunade-sensei, Dan-sensei has no serious physical injuries except that the body tissue on the left side of the chest may have been affected by the Tsuchikage's Earth Release, causing internal bleeding. However, Dan-sensei's use of chakra is a bit excessive, and it still needs to be done as soon as possible. Well rested.”

After observing Kato Dan's body for a while with a clear view of the world, Ming Jing said to the steel hand.

After hearing Ming Jing's words, Tsunade finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew her disciple's abilities, and her perception was more precise and precise than the most advanced fluoroscopic scanning equipment in the ninja world.

Since Ming Jing said so, Kato Dan should be fine.

"I'll take Zangzhi and take a rest first. I'll leave the post-war arrangements to you, Ming Jing, and Minato. You've been on the Iwagakure front for a long time, and you're more familiar with it. You still need to come here. assist."

Tsunade gave instructions to Ming Jing and then helped Kato Dan back to rest.

Another corner of the battlefield.

"Lin, are you okay?"

Uchiha Obito looked at Nohara Rin with concerned eyes.

"Obito, next time, you must not do such a dangerous thing again!"

Nohara Rin's voice was stern, and she bandaged the wound on Uchiha Obito's shoulder with a straight face.

Uchiha Obito chuckled.

He will dare next time!

Whenever Nohara Lin is in danger, Obito Uchiha will definitely be the first to rescue her.

And this time, he was not without gains.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but open his newly opened double magatama sharingan.

This is the power he activated in order to protect Nohara Rin who was in danger.

In the distance, Hei Jue, who was lurking under the ground of the battlefield, couldn't help but sigh.

How could things become like this?

When Bai Zeze discovered that Konoha was preparing to launch the Kannabi Bridge Project, he and Uchiha Madara planned the next action plan, so that this silly boy would be stimulated enough to judge whether he really had the ability to open the bridge. Mangekyou Sharingan's aptitude, and then take it away to start the follow-up plan.

However, Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku came.

The two Mangekyō Sharingan, plus some Uchiha elites and elites who had experienced countless training on the Kumogakure battlefield, greatly changed the strength comparison between Konoha and Iwagakure, making Kato Dan decide to launch a direct attack.

It didn't matter that the situation had changed. Black Zetsu didn't have any other back-ups. The plan was temporarily adjusted and abducted Uchiha Obito directly on the battlefield.

He did indeed open the Sharingan as Madara had judged, and once opened it was a double magatama, showing extremely high aptitude.

But just when he was about to take action, three people from the Mirror Class suddenly appeared.

Metkai's strength is not inferior to Kakashi's, and the remaining two also have good combat effectiveness. Several White Zetsu with Jonin strength can't beat them, and if White Zetsu with higher strength is deployed, then It's bound to attract other people's attention.

Konoha was on the battlefield, and there were two top masters, Namikaze Minato and Matt Dai, who no one could stop.

When Metkai proposed "to compete with Kakashi to see whose team can defeat more enemies," this crisis against Uchiha Obito was passed through without any danger.

Black Zetsu knew that after this time, it would be difficult to attack Obito Uchiha again.

Uchiha Obito himself learned the Breath of Fire from Ming Jing before his eyes, and his strength is quite good. Now that he has opened the double magatama Sharingan, he is afraid that the growth rate of his strength will usher in an explosion, and then he wants to take it. It's not a simple matter.

"Oh? I opened my eyes at the age of twelve, but when I opened my eyes, was it the double magatama Sharingan?"

As the patriarch and the most powerful elder of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mingjing soon received the news that Obito had opened his eyes.

"When you open your eyes, you will see double magatama. This is very rare in the history of the clan. It seems that most of the Uchiha who have experienced this have finally opened the same eyes as you and me."

Uchiha Mingjing said to Uchiha Fugaku.

"Ding Jing, let's go meet Obito together. We should pay more attention to such a talented junior."

As Uchiha Fugaku spoke, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Another extremely talented Uchiha, who was normalized by the Hokage line.

Now while Uchiha Obito is still young, it's time to make some connections.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but glance at Uchiha Itachi who was training outside the camp.

I don’t know when his son will open his eyes again, and whether he has the qualifications to open the kaleidoscope.

"Minato-sensei! There was a bang, then a bang, and I used the powerful fireball to defeat the enemy and save Lin. When I came to my senses again, Lin pointed at my eyes and said in surprise I was speechless, and then I realized that I had opened the Sharingan! It was a double magatama!"

In the tent, Namikaze Minato smiled and looked at Obito Uchiha, who was dancing when he got excited.

He was always separated from his three disciples and could not protect them all the time.

The best protection for them is actually to find ways to make them stronger.

Now that Uchiha Obito has opened the double Magatama Sharingan, his strength has greatly increased, and Namikaze Minato is of course happy.

"It's quite lively."

Ming Jing opened the door curtain and stepped into the camp one after another with Uchiha Fugaku.

"Minato, as well as Kakashi Jounin, Rin Chuunin, and Obito."

Uchiha Fugaku looked calm and nodded slightly to several people.

"Ah, it's Ming Jing and Fugaku, you guys are here to see Obito."

When Namikaze Minato saw Ming Jing and Fugaku, he immediately understood the purpose of these two people.

"Ah, yes, every clan member who activates the Sharingan will receive more support and training from the family. There are some ninjutsu illusions that also require the Sharingan to be used. We are here to teach Obito some ways to use the Sharingan. Chakra-eye experience.”

Ming Jing said to Namikaze Minato with a smile.

"If that's the case, then I'll take Kakashi and Lin out for training for a while."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly and walked out with Kakashi and Nohara Rin.

Since it is related to the inheritance within the Uchiha clan, it is not suitable for people who are not from the Uchiha clan to be present for such relatively confidential things.

Uchiha Fugaku opened his mouth and was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by Ming Jing's movement.


I saw Uchiha Mingjing clasping his hands together, with a sage-mode facial makeup appearing on his face.

He was sensing the presence of White Zetsu around him.

"Ding Jing, what are you..."

Uchiha Fugaku didn't know why.

Although the series of genjutsu and ninjutsu related to the Sharingan are also important inheritance within the Uchiha clan, they don't have to turn on the sage mode to defend themselves, right?

"found it!"

Ming Jing opened his Mangekyou Sharingan, shouted, and disappeared instantly.

Outside the camp, Minato Namikaze had just left with Kakashi and Nohara Rin, but suddenly he felt the gathering of natural energy around him. He turned his head and saw a very fast blue lightning coming out of the camp where he was. .

"Ding Jing, this is..."

Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment.

"Kakashi, you take Linre to warm up first. I'll be right back."

Having said that, Namikaze Minato also clapped his hands and entered the sage mode, turning into a golden flash of light and running towards the mirror's location.


A loud noise exploded outside the Konoha camp, and a deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, with smoke and dust billowing for a moment.

A trident kunai was inserted into the ground, and Namikaze Minato's figure flashed beside Ming Jing.

"Ding Jing, what's going on?"

Ming Jing glanced at Namikaze Minato who had rushed to the position, and slowly pointed his finger towards the center of the pit.

"Look at that, I just stopped trying and left these two things completely dead."

Namikaze Minato looked where the mirror pointed and saw two pale humanoid creatures lying at the bottom of the pit.

Bai Jue!

A few kilometers away from the incident site.

Hei Jue ran away in a panic.

"Damn, damn! Why does a ninja from the Uchiha clan have such perverted perception abilities! Coupled with the bonus of Sage Mode, no one within the surrounding five kilometers can hide under this guy's nose. !”

If he hadn't thrown two White Zetsu in time to attract Uchiha Mirror's attention, I'm afraid he would have been discovered by Uchiha Mirror.

However, for Black Zetsu, as long as he and Uchiha Madara's existence are not discovered and Uchiha Mirror does not obtain any relevant information, it will not have much impact on his plan.

Even Black Zetsu felt that it was a pity. If Uchiha Mingjing was the next generation of Indra after Uchiha Madara, and there was another brother with the qualifications to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, he might not be able to open the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Seeking the possibility of Asura Chakra to open the Samsara Eye.

Otherwise, besides Madara, he can have another alternative with the ability to achieve unlimited moon reading.

As for letting Uchiha Mingjing become Madara's spokesperson, it's not that he and Uchiha Madara hadn't thought about this possibility. Even at the end of the Second Ninja War, they set their sights on Uchiha Mingjing, who was gradually becoming famous.

It was just that Uchiha Mingjing had already opened the three-magatama Sharingan at that time, and had good combat power. In the subsequent peaceful period, Uchiha Mingjing rarely left Konoha, and stayed at home to practice. When he took action again, he had already shown a strong strength that could fight Hanzo.

From then on, Uchiha Madara and him realized that it would be difficult for them to attack Uchiha Mingjing, who was already close to the top level of the current ninja world.

Even if they succeeded, Uchiha Mingjing had already shaped his own values ​​and thinking at that time, and he was not a wise second like Uchiha Obito, so the probability of pulling them into his lineup was very low.

Instead of gambling on Uchiha Mingjing, it is better to cultivate other alternative characters.

But now, Uchiha Obito, the first alternative, seems to have some problems.

"What is this...? Could it be a biological weapon developed by the Hidden Rock Village to spy on intelligence and assassinate enemies?"

Namikaze Minato's face was a little solemn.

Even at such a close distance from the Konoha camp, it was not sensed by many excellent perception ninjas around, which is enough to show how terrible the hiding ability of this creature is.

There was such a big commotion around the camp. In a few seconds, Kato Dan and Tsunade, as well as some other Konoha ninjas, came here.

"This white creature... gives me an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Dan, seal the scene. Mingjing, you seal the sample into the scroll. We will study it later. Let me explain the specific situation first!"

Tsunade put her hand back from the body of White Zetsu, released the perception ninjutsu, and said to Mingjing.

Uchiha Obito, who was brought here by Uchiha Fugaku, suddenly became more confused with his not very smart brain.

What's going on?

Didn't Mingjing teacher and the clan leader come to teach him some skills related to Sharingan at the beginning?

How did it develop into this again?

In fact, let alone him, even Uchiha Fugaku himself couldn't understand the current situation at all.

"Okay, regarding this matter, Mr. Dan, Mr. Tsunade, Minato, and Chief Fugaku, we may need to have a meeting."

Mingjing still had the sage mask on his face and said to the people around him.


Kato Dan glanced around and nodded.

A few minutes later, after Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato used the sage mode together and checked one by one within a few kilometers around them to see if there were any other abnormalities, they gathered in the command room.

"Mingjing, can you tell me the details of what happened now?"

Kato Dan sat at the top and asked Uchiha Mingjing.

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