Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 209 Wet Bone Forest and Immortal Arts

The rubber ball shattered instantly, revealing the figure of Dodai.

At this time, he could no longer stand, and even the banana fan and golden rope in his hands fell to the ground next to him.

The sharp sword tip of Tian Zhi Tail Feather was now pressed against his throat.

"Haha, you didn't kill me immediately. Do you want to get information from me? That's right, no matter how amazing the abilities of the mountain clan are, they cannot completely read the other party's memory after death."

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Tu Tai's blood-stained face held a somewhat free and easy smile, even though he might be killed by Ming Jing in the next second.

"Do you think you are going to die soon after running out of chakra, so you show such an expression? But don't worry, I will use the sealing technique to seal you first, and then use the medical ninjutsu to hang your life, no need Doubt my medical ability, my teacher is Tsunade."

The corners of Ming Jing's mouth curved slightly, and coupled with the Sharingan that was shining with scarlet light, in Todai's eyes, this was simply the smile of a devil.

But he still had the calmness on his face.

Ming Jing's other palm had already pressed on his stomach, about to seal it.

"Want to seal me? Why not let me seal you, Uchiha Mirror."

Tutai looked at Ming Jing's hand touching his abdomen, the smile on his face became more wanton, and he stretched out his hand to pull away his shoulders.

There, a series of mysterious sealing techniques were engraved, forming an awkward word "dust", which looked very similar to the pattern on the amber bottle.

"Li Amber Seal!"

Ming Jing's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly activated Mirror Teleport to teleport himself elsewhere.

"It's very common for high-level personnel like them who are in charge of a large amount of confidential information in a ninja village to have this kind of seal on their body as a trump card. When the seal is activated, they can destroy all the information in their brains and cause a lot of damage to the enemy. "

Orochimaru strolled up to the teleported body of Ming Jing, looked at the huge black ball that suddenly erupted in the distance, and said to Ming Jing.

"His real purpose should actually be to seal the Banana Fan and the Golden Rope into his body. If we can't crack it, we won't be able to take out these two ninja tools passed down from the Six Paths Sage, so that Yunyin Village can survive in the future. During the negotiation, there is a chance to get his body back and retrieve the ninja tool.”

"At the same time, let's try to see if we can seal away Mingjing-kun, the enemy who poses a huge threat to Kumogakure. After all, we are all going to die. Even if we know that it is difficult to seal you who mastered the time and space ninjutsu, even if you only have a thousand One in three chances, he will try.”

During the conversation, the huge black ball formed by Li Amber's seal had also disappeared, leaving a large crater with a diameter of tens of meters in place.

Tutai's body lay peacefully among it, and the banana fan and golden rope that were originally beside him had also disappeared.

The sunset was like blood, dyeing the sky red, and the smoke and dust in the sky, accompanied by tragedy and desolation, disappeared into the shouts of killing on the battlefield.

"This is an opponent worthy of respect, but it is better to call someone to collect his body as soon as possible and bring it back to Konoha to give it to Kushina and the ninjas of the sealing class to break the Li Kohaku seal."

Ming Jing's tone was cold and she sheathed the knife.

"Next, I have to rely on you, Orochimaru-senpai, to command and annihilate Kumogakure's main force with all your strength."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Orochimaru was a little regretful that he could not get the plantain fan and the golden rope directly, but he quickly picked up his mood and led the army to pursue Kumogakure and expand the results.


"Lord Mirror!"

As soon as Orochimaru walked away, Inuzuka Ryu came over supporting Matt Dai.

Behind them were a small number of Konoha's elite ninjas led by Aburame Nami.

They had previously charged into battle behind Matt Dai.

It can be seen that Matt Dai's previous performance completely conquered them.

After taking a look with the Transparent World and confirming that Matt Dai was only out of strength and suffered some minor injuries, Ming Jing couldn't help but nodded.

The power of the Eight-door Dunjia is still very strong. In the Seven-door state, Matt Dai, after possessing the skills of the Six-style, is fully capable of fighting the Eight-Tails head-on.

"Dai will be left to you to take care of for the time being. Others, come with me and Orochimaru-senpai to hunt down Kumogakure!"

In this battle, due to the emergence of Matt Dai, Kumogakure's army was completely suppressed by Konoha. The main force of the army was severely injured, and the fourth generation Raikage broke his arm and was seriously injured. The result of the court official's death in battle after his earthen platform was cut off.

Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru continued to lead the Konoha army towards the northeast, with their troops pointing directly at the mainland of the Land of Thunder.

Konoha's side was cheering, but Kumogakure's side was gloomy.

"The daimyo actually asked us to negotiate peace with Konoha!"

The Fourth Raikage, who was still gathering the defeated troops at the front, was so angry that he slammed the table on the spot.

But he also knew that Cloud Hidden Village really didn't have the ability to fight Konoha now.

Uchiha Mingjing alone can block the AB combination formed by him and Kirabi. What else can the Hidden Cloud Village come up with to block Orochimaru and the guy wearing green leather tights who can fight the Eight-Tails hand-to-hand?

Not to mention that the Fourth Raikage now has a broken arm and his strength has dropped to about 70% of its original strength.

With anger and helplessness, the Fourth Raikage had to agree to the Daimyo's request and took the initiative to initiate peace talks with Konoha.

After the Third Raikage and Dodai died one after another, this reckless man had to force himself to learn to do things that he was not good at in the past.

Since Konoha is still fighting with Iwagakure and Kirigakure, the Third Hokage quickly issued an order to agree to peace talks and asked Ming Jing and Orochimaru to give up attacking the mainland of the Land of Lightning.

At the same time, Mizutomon En, a professional in diplomatic negotiations, was also sent to the front line.

Seeing this little old man with glasses, Ming Jing knew that Danzo had been reinstated, otherwise he would not have been sent out by the Third Generation.

Unlike before in Sand Village, this time Ming Jing, as the deputy commander of the front line, also had to participate in the negotiation process.

However, he had no experience in this regard, so most of the specific affairs were handed over to Mizutomon En to lead, and Orochimaru was too obsessed with experiments to worry about these.



Wet Bone Forest.

This is a dark, humid swamp forest.

If ordinary people come here, they are likely to fall into the quagmire.

However, as a ninja who can even step on water, this place is naturally like walking on flat ground.

Mingjing poked a small slug resting on a leaf.

"Slug Senior?"

"Ah, it's Master Mingjing, you are finally here!"

The slug squirmed its body, half of its body stood up from the leaf, and made a crisp and sweet voice.

"Follow me, Master Mingjing."

The slug squirmed its body and led the way.

"Because the experience is too long and the memory is too complicated, the main body is like the Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain, lying at the bottom of the Wet Bone Forest Swamp and sleeping most of the time. Usually, the nutrition from the outside world is absorbed by us, the split bodies who only have memories of the past few decades."

The Wet Bone Forest is very large. After the slug brought Mingjing to a wide lake, he decisively plunged into it.

Ten seconds later, the lake was turbulent, and a huge head with tentacles emerged, followed by a fat body.

"This size... is a bit exaggerated."

The slug's body, just the head, is almost as big as Gamabunta's body.

No wonder Tsunade and Haruno Sakura, who were in the Yin Seal state, could only summon one-tenth of the slug's body.

"Oh, when Lady Mingjing saw my body, what she said was exactly the same as Lady Tsunade."

The slug lowered its huge head and said to Mingjing.

God knows how she can maintain such a big body and voice.

"Among the summoning contract users I have met in the past thousand years, only Hashirama is not surprised by my size."

"Uh... otherwise, why is he the first generation of Hokage."

Mingjing thought that with Hashirama's big nerves, he should be amazed after seeing it, but not too surprised.

The wooden man summoned by clapping his hands is much bigger than the slug.

"Master Mingjing, the chakra in your body is now very large, and you are qualified to learn the secret immortal arts that only the contract holders of the Wet Bone Forest can learn."

At this point, the slug lowered his head again and invited Mingjing to walk to his head.

"The principle of the immortal mode is to absorb the natural energy from the outside world and achieve a one-to-one balance with the spiritual energy and physical energy in the body to form immortal chakra. However, if it cannot be achieved, there is a danger of petrification."

"Touching the mucus secreted from the surface of my skin on the body can enhance the body's perception of natural energy. In addition, you can hang my split body on your body. Once the absorption of natural energy is excessive, the split body slug can also absorb the excess natural energy."

The slug immortal said a lot of things, all of which were some common sense and tips that need to be paid attention to in the process of practicing immortal arts.

Mingjing also sat on the top of the slug's head and listened carefully.

When he uses the breathing method, he can also absorb natural energy to form sage chakra and enhance the power of the moves.

However, the disadvantage is that it can only be used when using the moves that match the breathing method. It is impossible to integrate it into the regular ninjutsu like other people who have practiced the sage mode.

But now, after learning this from the slug sage...

"Mingjing, you can try to take off your clothes now and sit on my head to feel the natural energy..."

"Sage mode·on!"

The slug's voice was interrupted, and then he felt that the surrounding natural energy was gathering into Mingjing's body at an extremely fast speed.

The slug was stunned and hurriedly split a split body on his head.

She was worried that Mingjing would absorb too much natural energy and would not be able to control it.

However, to the slug's surprise, Mingjing didn't look wrong at this moment. There was only red eye shadow on her face, and there was a circle with a point on her forehead.

Slug:? ? ?

"I originally thought that no one could practice Sage Mode faster than Hashirama-sama, but I didn't expect that Master Mingjing's speed is even faster than Master Hashirama's!"

Slug's tone was full of amazement.

"Thank you, Senior Slug."

Mingjing looked at his reflection through the surface of the lake and felt that something was wrong.

After receiving the Sage Mode from the Slug Sage, Ming Jing discovered that the absorption and utilization of natural energy in the two worlds were different.

In the Demon Slayer world, the breathing method is to use the human body's own breathing function to inhale air into the lungs, transmit the natural energy in it to the cells of the whole body through the lungs, and then expel the remaining air in the lungs, so that white air comes out of the mouth when using the breathing method.

This makes these natural energies temporarily exist in the body. After using a move, you have to continue to absorb natural energy from the air.

However, doing so can also greatly improve your body's adaptability and perception of natural energy. This is why Ming Jing can perceive natural energy so quickly and enter the Sage Mode smoothly.

Because of the long-term use of the Sun Breathing, his body is increasingly developing in the direction of a Sage body - with a high affinity for natural energy and a yang attribute.

In the Naruto world, the ninja relies on their own perception ability and a peaceful state of mind to actively absorb the surrounding natural energy, and achieve a balance with their own chakra to merge, so as to obtain more natural energy that can be more easily controlled and used for a longer time.

In addition, there are some differences.

"Senior Slug, I remember that Minato Namikaze from my village and his teacher Jiraiya are both descendants of Myoboku Mountain. They also know the Sage Mode. I wonder what the difference is between the Sage Arts of the Wet Bone Forest and the Sage Arts of Myoboku Mountain?"

Mingjing asked the slug while feeling the perception bonus brought by the Sage Mode.

"Of course they are different. The Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain is suitable for toads, while the Sage Mode of Wet Bone Forest is more suitable for slugs. This is why some people will experience different alienation phenomena when using incomplete Sage Mode."

"In fact, the so-called Sage Mode is originally what you humans imitated from us, the summoning beasts that use natural energy."

"Oh? Can Slug Sage tell me in detail?"

Mingjing sat down on the slug's head and patted the slug's head gently.

When it is not secreting mucus, it feels smooth and smooth, and it feels good to rub it.

"This is a long story. I may need to spend some time searching for past memories."

The slug calmed down and began to sort out some long-lost memories of the past thousand years.

"Ah, I remember. Speaking of which, this matter may have a certain relationship with your ancestors, Mingjing-kun! By the way, it is also the ancestors of Tsunade-sama and Hashirama-sama!"

"My ancestors?"

Mingjing was stunned.

Thank you Bie Rumi for the reward of 500 Qidian coins!

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