Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 208: Violent Hammer Thunder Shadow

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"Youth Power Prelude!"

While Kirabi's incarnation of Eight-Tails was still fighting fiercely with Ming Jing, Matt Dai successfully shook his huge body with a flying kick, causing Ming Jing to seize the opportunity and chop off two of Eight-Tails' arms with the Ten Fist Sword in one fell swoop. . {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Although the next moment, the Fourth Raikage also took this opportunity to smash Susanoo's side with a punch.

"Night Phoenix!"

Mattei stepped on the air with his feet, first using the moon step technique to make his body stay in the air for a short time, and then quickly kicked his legs, kicking out blue air slashes and bombarding Kirabi.

This reaction force from the air slash also allowed Matt Dai's body to fly steadily in the air.

The combination of countless blue slashes produced by its body as the center looks a bit like a flying blue phoenix from a distance, hence its name.

Night Phoenix's move was based on the technique of Lan Jiao in the Sixth Navy Style, combined with the move he used in the Seven Gates developed by Chao Peacock, so it showed that it combined some of the characteristics of the two.

Facing such a violent attack, Kirabi could only use the eight-tailed tentacles to surround himself and resist.

Seeing that Kirabi had been stopped by Matt Dai who opened the seven doors, Ming Jing reached out and wiped away the blood and tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, and dismissed Susanoo.

Without turning on Susanoo, it would be difficult for him to face the super-fast Fourth Raikage and the huge Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki at the same time.

Now, Ming Jing only had to face the Fourth Raikage alone, so naturally it was better to save his eye power.

Moreover, it is inconvenient to drive a heavy three-stage Susana against such an extremely fast individual.

"Hmph, are you finally willing to escape from that turtle shell of yours? It seems that this kind of pupil technique puts a heavy burden on your Mangekyo Sharingan!"

The Fourth Raikage hit the Seven-Star Sword with a wave of his hand, turning into a blue lightning and rushing towards the mirror.

He just saw the blood and tears flowing from Ming Jing's eyes.

Therefore, he was sure that Ming Jing's current condition would not be very good.


Ming Jing sneered, and also divided into a dozen clones, rushing towards the Fourth Raikage.

The Mangekyo Sharingan will put a lot of burden on the body, but with his current physical fitness, he can easily bear it.


Ming Jing's thoughts changed, and electric arcs flashed on his body, and a blue chakra emerged, transforming into the same state as the Fourth Raikage!

"Damn guy!"

The Fourth Raikage saw this scene and became even more furious. They immediately knew that Ming Jing had successfully cultivated the Thunder Release Chakra Mode that he had taken away from them before.


The Seven Star Sword and the Heavenly Tail Feather collided with each other in the high-speed impact, causing sparks to rub out.

"You despicable fellow!"

The Fourth Raikage said fiercely to Ming Jing, but he did not dare to look into Ming Jing's eyes.

He was afraid that Ming Jing would activate the Mangekyō Sharingan at this time and drag him into the illusion.

"It has always been Yunyin Village who robbed other people's things. Now I rob you guys once, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Ming Jing chuckled lightly and passed by the Fourth Raikage.

The two extremely fast ninjas shuttled around the battlefield, turning into two streams of light entangled with each other.

In this state, although Ming Jing's Mirror Flash can still be used, it is relatively limited.

Because with the strength of the clone, it cannot bear the burden caused by the stimulation of the body by Lei Dun.

But against the Fourth Raikage, Ming Jing doesn't need to use mirror teleportation to avoid damage!

"Lei Dou Ninja encounters the Toto Reiki Sword!"

"Breath of the Sun·Thirteen Types!"

The two lightning beams collided together again!

The figures of the Fourth Raikage and Ming Jing retreated at the same time, but it was obvious that the Fourth Raikage retreated further.

In other words, he was the one at a disadvantage in this fight.

"Today, even if I risk my life, I will get rid of this guy like you!"

By now, the Fourth Raikage's body had a lot of wounds, and the white robe on his body had turned into torn strips of cloth hanging on his body, showing no trace of the Raikage's majesty.

But still like a furious lion.

"Do you have the strength to compete with me, Uchiha Mingjing?"

Ming Jing had a look of disdain on his face, but he was extremely cautious in his heart.

This guy is going to die.

Amidst the roaring thunder and lightning, a large amount of electricity gathered in the arm of the Fourth Raikage's hand. Under the gaze of the mirror, he stretched out two fingers, and then slowly retracted the lower middle finger.

On the index finger, the skin suddenly opened and the flesh was torn, and the white bones were faintly visible.

This is the burden caused by the lack of physical strength and the forced use of one hand.

Seeing this scene, Ming Jing immediately made the same move, and at the same time wrapped a layer of armed domineering energy around his hand to offset the burden of a large amount of chakra on his fingers.

"Hell Thrust·Ipponsen Hand!"×2

Two blue lightnings collided with each other, like the tips of needles facing each other.

At this moment, both Ming Jing and the Fourth Raikage were in a stalemate.

Streams of blue steam rose from the two men's bodies.

This is somewhat similar to the situation when Matt Dai opened the Seven Gates, but the difference is that this is caused by Ming Jing and the Fourth Hokage bursting out a lot of physical strength in a short period of time, and the large amount of sweat produced was evaporated by the Thunder Chakra. .

"Now you, like me, should not dare to let go and retreat at will, otherwise at the next moment, any one of us may be penetrated by the other party's heart. No, you are the one who cannot move, and I can still use Mirror and leave here."

Ming Jing opened his Mangekyō Sharingan, looked at the Fourth Raikage and said, with a somewhat evil smile on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Of course that's what it means!"

A line of blood and tears flowed from one of Ming Jing's kaleidoscope sharingan eyes.

The Fourth Raikage was suddenly startled.


A black flame suddenly ignited in the void. The moment it was about to come into contact with the Fourth Raikage, the opponent raised his other hand to block his chest to prevent his head from being burned. end.

But even so, the Fourth Raikage knew that his arm was going to be useless.

And without the intervention of external forces, as the Amaterasu flames continued to burn, he would still inevitably face death, and his entire body would be burned up.

"Lord Raikage!"

On the other side, Dodai was knocked to the ground by Orochimaru's blow. He turned around and saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel anxious.


Kirabi was also extremely anxious, but was stopped by the seven-door Matt Dai.

"You actually dare to be distracted when you are fighting with me, but it doesn't matter. With Mirror-kun's strength, you may be able to kill the Fourth Raikage soon, and I will send you down with me when the time comes."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his mouth, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"If anyone in Yunyin Village is going to die today, it will be me!"

Tutai struggled to get up from the ground on his knees, showing a determined expression.

"Relting Escape·Super·Humo Purgatory!"

Endless high-temperature rubber liquid burning with flames spurted out from the air on the earth platform, flew into the sky, and turned into meteors and fire rain all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru did not dare to move forward easily. Instead, he stopped and quickly formed seals. First, he released a rotating Water Release and Water Chongbo centered on himself on the spot to protect himself, and then in it Add the Wind Release and Wind Cut technique to turn it into a tall waterspout.

Seeing that Orochimaru had been forced back, Dodai continued to spit out the rubber, connected it to the golden rope, threw it and then entangled it towards the mirror.

He could see clearly that in this state, neither Ming Jing nor the Fourth Raikage could move easily. Uchiha Ming Jing faced the golden rope, or was entangled, and was finally sealed by the Seven-Star Sword. Among the red gourds, he could only use his special teleportation technique to teleport himself to the location of his clone.

In this way, the Fourth Raikage can be liberated.

As expected by the unearthed platform, Ming Jing used the mirror to switch positions, leaving behind a clone that could be broken with a single poke, and was destroyed by the fourth generation Raikage's original hand.

Without the mirror's obstruction, the Fourth Raikage's figure could not stop himself from braking, and the aftermath of the lightning in his hand left a deep and long chasm on the ground.

As a price, almost all the flesh and blood on the front half of his finger fell off, exposing the white phalanges.

"Fortunately, injuries of this level can still be cured as long as there are good enough medical ninjas, but Sir Yondaime, I'm afraid your hand will stay!"

Under the gaze of the Fourth Raikage, Dodai took off the Seven Star Sword from his back.

"Do it, Tutai."

The Fourth Raikage nodded towards the platform and said.

With a flash of sword light, the Fourth Raikage's arm that was ignited by Amaterasu was chopped off cleanly by Dodai.

"What should I do now? Your Gomo Purgatory is about to end. After using it once, you won't have much chakra left. I also lost a hand, and my strength is probably only 70% of what it was before."

The Fourth Raikage looked at the huge noise caused by the battle between Matt Dai and Kirabi in the distance, and asked the most trustworthy and wisest strategist beside him.

"Yondaime-sama, with all due respect, we have failed."

Dodai took a deep look at the Fourth Raikage and took off his hat.

"The responsibility for the defeat lies with me, and I will take the initiative to stay and fight for you."

"No, Tutai! I have already failed once, I can't fail again!"

The Fourth Raikage's remaining hand held Dodai's arm.

"No, Yondaime-sama, the myth of Raikage's invincibility has now been broken by the enemy. What you have to do now is to evacuate with as much of the main force as possible, recuperate and grow like the young Yondaime-sama, and strengthen Kumoyin Village!"

Dodai shook his head calmly and decisively, looking at Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru who were gathering in the distance and rushing towards here. Knowing that there was not much time left, he waved the banana fan in his hand and released the wind escape, which would kill everyone. The defensive Fourth Raikage flew in the direction of Kirabi, and then waited for the coming person.


The Fourth Raikage's body was smashed to the ground, creating a deep pit.

Looking at the panting Matt Dai and the eight-tailed giant beast not far ahead, the fourth generation Raikage wanted to solve it here with Kirabi, but the consequence of doing so would undoubtedly be Matt Dai's death. , but he and Kirabi would also waste the time bought by Tudai's sacrifice, and were eventually besieged by Uchiha Mirror and Orochimaru, and eventually died in battle.

"Bi! Let's retreat!"

"But brother..."


"You are brave enough to choose to stay alone and face the two of us..."

Orochimaru felt that he had not eliminated Dodai and had lost face in front of Ming Jing, so he looked at Dodai with a rather unkind look.

"Orochimaru, I'll leave this guy to you. Don't make any more mistakes. I'll go after the Raikage."

Ming Jing patted Orochimaru's shoulder and was about to rush forward.

However, at this time, Tudai once again spit out large swaths of rubber liquid towards the ground, forcing Ming Jing and Orochimaru back. At the same time, he waved the banana fan in his hand with all his strength, releasing strong winds and sea of ​​fire.

"This guy...has reached this level and is still squeezing the limits of his body and extracting a large amount of chakra..."

In the mirror's clear view of the world, Tutai's current physical condition can be clearly seen.

This guy is basically overdrawing his life force to extract chakra.

"Wind Escape·Gale Wind Formation!"

Orochimaru took a step forward, spread his hands and pushed out the strong wind, trying to overcome the strong wind and sea of ​​fire fanned by the banana fan.

Ming Jing also made several seals with his hands, and finally kept the Yin seal that most often appeared at the end of the Fire Release Ninjutsu on his mouth.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

The two gusts of wind rushed together carrying fierce flames, and the scalding heat even caused the ground around the battlefield to crack.

"Kumogakure is about to withdraw. With the speed of the Fourth Raikage, it will be difficult for us to catch up with them."

Orochimaru spread his hands, maintaining a large-scale wind escape, and said to the mirror beside him.

Ming Jing stopped using Fire Escape.

"In this case, let's get rid of this guy as soon as possible, and then lead the army to fully pursue Kumogakure. Even if the Fourth Raikage cannot be left alive, we must defeat all their main forces!"

The raging flames once again climbed up the tail feathers of the sky. Ming Jing's eyes passed through the sea of ​​​​fire and saw the earth platform on the opposite side, covered in sweat and panting, almost unable to stand because the chakra had been drained.

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Mingjing."

A faint smile appeared on Orochimaru's face, and he changed the ninjutsu in his hand.

"Wind Release·Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

A series of huge and solid wind blades were spit out from Orochimaru's mouth, and they rushed towards the sea of ​​​​fire ahead, splitting it in half.

Ming Jing's figure followed closely behind the last huge wind blade, then crossed the sea of ​​fire and slashed towards the earth platform with one sword.


The platform sprayed out rubber again, turning it into a sphere to try to protect itself, trying its best to make the final resistance.

But now that he has run out of energy, he can no longer extract much chakra, and the rubber sphere he barely formed does not have the high strength and toughness of the past.

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