Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 205: Ninja World in Uproar

"Mr. Mingjing, you really surprise me."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Mingjing, who didn't have any wounds on his body in front of him, and couldn't help but admired.

"I am now certain that even Sarutobi-sensei cannot defeat Mingjing-kun."

In Orochimaru's view, Uchiha Mingjing's strength is half a level higher than any Kage in the ninja world. He is already superior to everyone and can be called the strongest in the ninja world now.

Ming Jing ignored Orochimaru's words and said:

"Where's the stuff?"

"It has been prepared for Mr. Mingjing for a long time."

Orochimaru chuckled and pointed at the Yunrai Ninja Post on the table.

Ming Jing picked it up and took a look, and a deep smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Very well, Orochimaru-senpai, I hope... you won't forget our previous agreement."

"I'm not going to do anything like breaking the contract."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, looking at Ming Jing with a flash of displeasure, then deep fear.

According to the previous agreement, he had to help Uchiha Mingjing study ghost blood and Hashirama cells, and he had to agree to help Mingjing once.

Orochimaru also thought about whether to find a way to get rid of Uchiha Mingjing. This idea just flashed through his head and was thrown away.

As one of the five great ninja villages, Kumogakure Village had almost gathered the strength of the entire village to be unable to defeat Uchiha Mingjing. Who could deal with him?

Political tactics like White Fang's?

Orochimaru believes that strong men like Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Akira, who have reached the extreme in kendo, may have stronger personalities, but the problem is that Uchiha Akira is not a loner like Hatake Sakumo.

Elder Uchiha, the Deputy Minister of Police, is a direct descendant of the Hokage. He has two teachers, Tsunade and Kato Dan. This is a powerful political capital that even the Hokage himself cannot ignore!

If you want to bring down the Uchiha Mirror, you have to suppress the Uchiha clan and at the same time bring down Tsunade and Kato Dan.

But even without this incident, Orochimaru would have studied ghost blood and Hashirama cells in order to pursue immortality and greater power. Now he just wants to share the research results of Hashirama cells with Uchiha Mirror. By the way, I just helped him out once.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru felt much better.

"But Mr. Mingjing, if you want to study these things, you still need a lot of research funds, and with just one ghost blood, the number of samples is too small, and the progress of the research will be very slow..."

Orochimaru licked his lips and began to ask for research funds again.

When he was the second-in-command at Roots and studied Hashirama cells with Danzo, this was how he obtained a large sum of money from Danzo.

Of course these things are research funds, but Orochimaru will also take part of them to research other things.

This is how the immortal reincarnation, which is still being studied, came about.

"Research funds? Don't worry, the Uchiha clan will provide senior Orochimaru with the most high-end experimental equipment, and will also regularly invest tens of millions of funds as support. As for Oni's blood samples."

Ming Jing once again took out two copies of the blood of the winding ghost from the seal scroll.

"Ghosts have a very strong ability to recover. I only gave a small amount of nutrients to these test tubes to maintain their activity. As long as the ghost cells can eat other cells with vitality, they can proliferate quickly, and they may not even die. There is a possibility of resurrecting from this world, so there are as many samples as there are, but Orochimaru-senpai still needs to pay more attention when multiplying them. "

"I understand, Mr. Mingjing."

Orochimaru smiled and nodded in agreement. By the way, he handed over most of the things in the camp to Ming Jing, and ran to do experiments in his temporary laboratory.

Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, teamed up with Shunjing Mingjing to cause trouble in Kumogakure Village and demolished the Raikage Building. In a short period of time, the news spread throughout the entire ninja world.

The entire ninja world was in an uproar.

The actions of the two men this time were mainly due to Ming Jing's actions. There were nearly twenty jounin dead in Kumogakure Village alone, and there were nearly a thousand other chuunin and genin in total, and there were countless injured people. number.

This is a huge loss for any of the five great ninja villages.

Among the five major ninja villages, even in Konoha, which is currently the strongest, the number of jounin has been reduced to less than two hundred after so many years of war consumption. For other ninja villages that are not as strong as Konoha, that is A quantity that cannot be ignored.

Most of the nearly twenty Jonin were killed by Ming Jing on the battlefield. Among the remaining ones, there were ANBU whose faces were ripped off by Ming Jing and Orochimaru, and there was also the one who was controlled by the Mangekyou Sharingan genjutsu. , the ANBU captain who was later killed by Ming Jing when he went out, and the person who cut off the rear of the Fourth Raikage and others in the underground passage at the back.

As a direct victim, everyone in Yunyin Village wanted to spit on Ming Jing's flesh, and the Fourth Raikage even shouted cruel words like "I will fight until death."

The other Ninja Villages also had mixed reactions.

"Haha, after the death of that barbarian Third Raikage, has Cloud Hidden Village actually become so weak?! It seems that that little barbarian Fourth Raikage is nothing more than that!"

This was the first thing Ohnoki said when he received the information.

But after he finished reading the information, he fell silent.

"Uchiha Mirror, Mangekyō Sharingan, are they really the same eyes as Madara? No wonder they have such strength!"

Onoki's face became extremely serious, remembering the scene when he was humiliated by Uchiha Madara when he was a teenager and followed the second-generation Tsuchikage to Konoha to form an alliance decades ago.

The ninja Shura only recognized the First Hokage as a person of the same level as him, and was dismissive of Iwagakure's alliance.

What level is your Iwagakure Village, and what level is the Konoha that Hashirama and I have built? Do you deserve to form an alliance with me? After saying "There is no alliance, you just need to surrender to the power of Konoha", he directly turned on Susanoo to scare the children.

The report of the spies who infiltrated Kumogakure in Iwagakure also described the process of Uchiha Mirror opening Susanoo and putting it on Orochimaru's psychic beast as armor.

"From now on, any information about Uchiha Mirror must be reported to me immediately!"

Ohnoki gave an order to the loess in front of him.

He was afraid that another Uchiha Madara would appear in the ninja world.

By then, there will be no second Senju Hashirama in the ninja world to defeat him.

Kirigakure Village.

When the Anbu sent the information, the Elder Yuanshi immediately engrave a copy of the information and sent it to the Fourth Mizukage on the front line.

"Uchiha Mirror, Mangekyō Sharingan..."

Gotachibana Yagura looked at the information in his hand, and his eyes suddenly turned into the shape of three magatama sharingan eyes.

On his shoulder, a White Zetsu spore expanded, revealing a White Zetsu head.

"Oops, it's this Uchiha Mirror's information again. I have to hurry up and convey it to Madara-sama!"

In Sunagakure Village, after receiving the information, Rasa wondered if she should go to Konoha to further repair her relationship, mainly with Uchiha Mirror.

His relationship with Uchiha Mingjing is not very good, and he even made her feel sick during the last chuunin exam.

Luo Sha was worried that one day this guy might come to Sunagakure Village and demolish his Kazekage Building.

As for Konoha, the incident was widely publicized in the village as soon as the news came back.

For Konoha, which has experienced many years of war, it really needs such good news to boost morale.

"Have you made such a big fuss in Yunyin Village... Even when I was young, I probably wouldn't have been able to do this."

There was a hint of emotion in Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone.

In his opinion, Uchiha Mingjing's strength is definitely no worse than that of himself at his peak.

The top-level fire escape in the ninja world, super fast speed, superb swordsmanship, unpredictable mirror teleportation, close combat ability that can fight Raikage hand-to-hand, and the powerful Mangekyō Sharingan.

Such a strong man, coupled with Orochimaru, who is full of strategy and extremely intelligent, planning actions, is indeed terrifyingly powerful.

Only with such a lineup is it possible to achieve such a feat.

"Minato, try harder. If you are really outmatched by your best friend, even I can't help you."

The Third Hokage smoked his pipe silently and thought about the future.

And Minato Namikaze, who was talking about it in the mouth of the Third Hokage, had just received the information at this time.

He received the information from Kato Dan.

Now Jiraiya is in charge of the Kirigakure front, Kato Dan is the leader of the Iwagakure front, Tsunade is the deputy, and Namikaze Minato himself can only be ranked third due to his qualifications.

"Did Ming Jing and Orochimaru-senpai actually do such a big thing!"

Namikaze Minato looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but admire it.

Uchiha Obito and Kakashi on the side couldn't help but glance at the content above.

"Ah, they are indeed the two of them. With their extraordinary courage, Orochimaru's genius strategy, and the powerful strength both of them have, I think there is almost nothing in this world that can stop such a perfect combination. "

Kato Dan's face also showed a proud expression.

One of these two people is his good friend, and the other is his direct disciple who is regarded as the successor of the mantle. If they do such a big thing, Kato Dan's character will only be as happy as Namikaze Minato.

"Tch, these two guys are really brave enough. Aren't they afraid of death?"

Tsunade was a little unhappy.

Although Ming Jing and Orochimaru have done such great things together, he is also proud of this disciple.

But such a dangerous thing can easily lead to death!

"Okay, Tsunade, Ming Jing and Orochimaru have returned without any injuries, which means they must have done it with sufficient confidence."

With a faint smile on his face, Kato Dan comforted Tsunade.

"It seems that with the ability of Ming Jing and Orochimaru, the war on the Kumogakure front may be able to end soon. We have to work harder, everyone!"

Kumogakure front, Konoha camp.

Ming Jing's shadow clone was sitting at the table, issuing orders one after another.

And in another corner.

"One hundred and ninety-three, one hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and ninety-five..."

Ming Jing's body was currently on the other side doing push-ups.

Moreover, it was a handstand and one-handed push-up, and even weights were strapped to the body.

When exercising in the mirror, you can clearly see blue arcs traveling throughout the body, stimulating cells and enhancing the effect of exercise.

This is what Ming Jing did after he obtained the Thunder Chakra Mode.

Half an hour later.

"One thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, two thousand!"

After finishing a set of training, Ming Jing finally stopped.

He casually took off the short shirt with the red and white emblem of the Uchiha clan, revealing a strong and muscular body.

Because he mastered excellent medical ninjutsu, Ming Jing knew what kind of nutrition and exercise method could maximize the exercise of the muscles of the whole body. With the breathing method, he could also control his body from becoming the big and strong appearance of the third and fourth generation Raikage because of the use of the lightning chakra mode.

It's not that Ming Jing has any resistance to becoming a macho body, but his current body is the most suitable for his own swordsmanship level.

"Huh... The effect of this lightning chakra is really strong. With the breathing method, the effect of my physical training is much stronger than before!"

Ming Jing clenched his fist and felt the powerful power contained in it.

"If there is a flaw, the only flaw is..."

Ming Jing raised his head and looked out the door.

"Master Mingjing, today's lunch is ready!"

A logistics ninja pushed a dining cart and came to the door.

Behind him were three identical dining carts.

The food on each cart was piled high.

Mingjing now has a high demand for food.

If it was just normal, his demand for food would be more than that of ordinary ninjas, but it would be equivalent to that of an ordinary ninja of the Akimichi clan.

But now he frequently uses lightning chakra to strengthen his body, and in the process of improving his physical strength, he inevitably needs to absorb a lot of energy.

And all these foods were brought by him from the pirate world.

"Send it in."

Mingjing gave an order to the outside of the door, and several logistics ninjas quickly brought in four dining carts.

No chopsticks, no spoons, no need to worry about being hot, just pick up the plate and stuff it into your mouth.

There is no need to spit out the bones, just bite and chew a few times, and you can chew the bones into small pieces and swallow them.

Several logistics staff were already used to Ming Jing's eating habits. After Ming Jing finished eating, they packed up the food cart and pushed it out.

After a while, Orochimaru opened the door curtain and walked in.

"Ming Jing, just now, the Fourth Raikage appeared on the battlefield with a full 3,000 Kumogakure reinforcements."

Orochimaru said to Ming Jing.

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