Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 204: The Mighty Ten Thousand Snakes and the Amaterasu Dragon Dance


Ming Jing used the power of the sky hand again to flash to the head of the snake, stretched out his fist wrapped in the armed color domineering and hit the fourth generation of Raikage hard.

Smoke and dust spread, and the chin of the snake was hit hard on the ground by the reaction force generated by the fight between the two.

The violent concussion of the brain made him faintly wake up from the illusion.


Ming Jing used the illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan again to control the violent purple giant snake, while constantly strengthening the output of pupil power.

A layer of golden orange chakra armor slowly covered the whole body of the snake. From a distance, it looked like a dragon wearing golden scales.

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Powerful snake!

Ninjutsu bombarded it one after another, but could not cause any damage.

"What a joke! The defense of this summoned beast of Orochimaru is already very strong, and it is probably impossible to break it now!"

A Kumogakure ninja couldn't help but show a look of despair on his face.

"Let me do it!"

The fourth Raikage walked out of the crowd, his body flashing with terrifying lightning, his hair standing up, like an angry lion.

"Thunderbolt level Chiyo Mai!"

The figure of the fourth Raikage turned into a blue stream of light and rushed straight towards the mighty snake.

Ming Jing was about to move to stop it, but another huge ball made of rubber hit Ming Jing.

"Lavish Release·Super·Humoyu!"

Tottoi finally rushed over from a distance at this time.


Sparks floated up from the corners of Ming Jing's mouth.

"Sun Breathing·Thirteenth Form!"

The sharp sword light flashed, and the giant rubber ball was instantly split in half.

At the same time, the fourth Raikage's attack had already hit the mighty snake.

The Third Raikage was able to cut off one of the Eight-Tails' horns with this move, and the future Fourth Raikage also used this move to break Uchiha Madara's Susanoo. It is considered the most powerful move in the Raikage series, except for the Ippon-Ku series and the combination skill Zetsu-Gyu-Raili-Hot Knife.

"Crack, crack."

Mingjing's Susanoo was no exception. At this moment, a piece of Susanoo in Manshe's abdomen was shattered by the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage raised his other hand, flashing with surging lightning, and hit Manshe's abdomen in one fell swoop, opening a huge bloody hole in his body.

Suffering a fatal crisis, Manshe finally regained a little consciousness in pain, and instinctively summoned himself back to the Ryuchi Cave.

Mingjing released Susanoo, turned over lightly and landed on the ground, patting the dust off his clothes.

"I haven't felt so excited for a long time. It's so exciting to fight."

In this battle, Mingjing really used all his strength.

Although he still has a hidden trump card that he has not used, if there is no Tenmoku to help contain him, he really can't have been able to fight until now without any injuries.

A fourth-generation Raikage who is also a powerful master among the Kage, a top-level strongman like Dodai who is close to the Kage level, and a large number of Kumogakure ninjas.

Even the third-generation Hokage and the third-generation Raikage in their prime can only die of exhaustion after making the other party pay a relatively large price.

Without time and space ninjutsu, it is almost impossible to break through the siege in the vast crowd.

Fortunately, Mingjing has time and space ninjutsu, and all he has to do is to help Orochimaru delay enough time.

"Your blood is boiling, I will take off your head today, and see how you can still boil!"

The fourth-generation Raikage stared at Mingjing with a pair of tiger eyes, wishing to eat him alive.

The damage caused by Uchiha Mingjing in Kumogakure destroyed almost all the buildings nearby except the Raikage Building!

Apart from the Tailed Beast Riot, this was the first time that one of the five great ninja villages was beaten like this in their own home!

The Fourth Raikage decided to use his father's unique skills, even though his current physical strength could not perfectly perform them.

With a sizzling sound of electricity, a large amount of chakra quickly rushed to the palm of the Fourth Raikage, and then retracted his fingers one by one.

"Oh? One-pointed hand? No, with your physical strength, you may only be able to do two-pointed hand."

Mingjing looked at the Fourth Raikage and chuckled. He also raised one of his arms and posed in the same posture as the Fourth Raikage, pouring a large amount of lightning chakra into his palm, and retracting his fingers one by one.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The Fourth Raikage widened his eyes and looked at Mingjing's palm in disbelief.

How could he also do this trick?

Although the whole ninja world knows that the Sharingan has the ability to copy ninjutsu, it is only a regular ninjutsu. The blood limit cannot be copied, and those secret techniques cannot be copied without knowing the key.

But how can Uchiha Mingjing do it?

"Is it the unique ability of this guy's Mangekyō Sharingan?"

The fourth generation Raikage stretched out two fingers and made a secret judgment in his heart.

But the next one, this hypothesis was overturned.

Because Uchiha Mingjing only stretched out one finger in the eyes of the fourth generation Raikage who saw a ghost!

How could the Ipponkuan hand that only the third generation Raikage could perform...

The fourth generation Raikage decided to give up thinking.

When you encounter a situation you don’t understand, it’s time to be reckless!

"Hell Thrust·Two Pen Hands!"

The figure of the Fourth Raikage turned into a bolt of lightning and struck towards the mirror.

Mirror, on the other hand, responded with a pseudo-original approach.

The two figures passed each other in an instant, and the world seemed to have lost all color at this moment, turning into pure black and white.

"No matter how good the pirated version is, it will never be able to compete with the genuine one. My one-book copy can only be matched against your genuine two-book copy.

Ming Jing withdrew his two trembling fingers and looked at the Fourth Raikage who was breathing heavily in the distance.

"Hmph! You are really strong, but no matter how strong you are, you don't have enough chakra to support the ninjas of the entire Cloud Hidden Village. Even if you fight for three days and three nights, you will be the one who dies in the end!"

The Fourth Raikage covered his injured finger and retreated silently, planning to let the army consume Uchiha Mirror's chakra first, and then continue after his condition recovered.

His father, the Third Raikage, died due to this tactic in Iwagakure Village.

"Crack, snap, snap, snap!"

A burst of applause suddenly came from the Raikage Building, attracting everyone's attention.

"I didn't expect Lord Mingjing to be so powerful. He was able to block the entire Yunyin Village by himself for so long without getting hurt. It's really amazing."

Orochimaru walked out of the Raikage Building with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing Orochimaru's expression, Ming Jing knew he was safe.

"Orochimaru! You are indeed here too!"

Tutai, who was standing near the battlefield, first changed his expression, and then turned into a sneer.

Uchiha Mingjing is already ridiculously strong. If Orochimaru comes again, Kumogakure will undoubtedly pay a greater price.

But as long as these two people are eradicated here, Konoha will definitely suffer unprecedented heavy damage!

"Don't look at me like you want to eat me alive. After all, I'm just a shadow clone."

Orochimaru still had a calm smile on his face.

The Fourth Raikage's expression changed, and he vaguely guessed something.

When he became a Raikage candidate, the Third Raikage told him some of the backhands left by the First Raikage when the village was founded.

"Mr. Mingjing, I am a person who keeps my promises. I agreed on fifteen minutes, exactly fifteen minutes, exactly one second. Now that the iron armor seal has been broken, it is time to leave."

"Don't even think about it!"

The Fourth Raikage shouted violently and turned into lightning again. After blasting Orochimaru's shadow clone with one punch, he tried to entangle Ming Jing and not give him a chance to escape.

"You can't stop it."

Ming Jing blocked the Fourth Raikage's sword with a sword, smiled contemptuously, and then activated his heavenly hand power, instantly entering the Raikage building.

The Fourth Raikage followed in without saying a word.

"Ninjas below the chuunin level are on standby. The jounin will come with me to support the fourth generation!"

Dodai also hurriedly called for the Kumogakure ninjas to run towards the Raikage building.

Ming Jing and the Fourth Raikage escaped and chased each other, and soon came to the passage on the second underground floor of the Raikage Building. They followed the armor seal cracked by Orochimaru and entered the Kumogakure secret room.

"Uchiha Mirror, you can't run away!"

The Fourth Raikage became increasingly anxious.

However, Ming Jing just glanced back, tightly holding the Heaven's Tail Feather in his hand, and a few sporadic flames floated from the corners of his mouth.

"That's almost it. I have one last move to give to Raikage-dono."

One of Ming Jing's kaleidoscope sharingan eyes was quietly shedding tears of blood at this moment.

The surging flames rose from the tail feathers of the sky and turned into a flame dragon, roaring in the vast and empty chamber.

Black flames with a destructive aura followed Ming Jing's gaze and poured into the flame dragon, rendering the dragon's head black.

"Uchiha flow·breath of the sun·Amaterasu dragon dance!!!"

The Dragon of the Sun, carrying the black flames of Amaterasu, surged toward the Fourth Raikage and the passage behind him with a terrifying momentum that burned everything.

"not good!"

The Fourth Raikage's expression changed drastically.

At this moment, he really felt the threat of death.

Like his father, this reckless man who never took a step back on the battlefield quickly changed his pace and retreated.

He is not afraid of death.

But in the passage behind, there are Todai and other elite jounin from Kumogakure!

It's not easy to hide from such a wide range of moves in such a narrow space!


The Fourth Raikage roared and shouted into the passage. His two thick arms directly picked up the two Kumogakure jounin who were at the front. He also carried the earth platform on his back and ran out.

A group of Kumogakure jounin decisively turned around and retreated under the shouts of the Fourth Raikage.

And Tudai, who was lying on the broad back of the Fourth Raikage, also saw the black dragon head behind him with a ferocious face.

The temperature is so high that it melts everything around it.

"Melting Escape!"

Dodai had no choice but to mobilize all the chakra in his body and spit out rubber behind him in an attempt to block it.


A huge flame dragon with a black dragon head flew out of the Raikage building and then exploded.

This building, which had been the most important building in the entire village since the beginning of Yunyin Village, completely disappeared at this moment.

The Fourth Raikage put down the three subordinates hanging on his body and knelt on the ground with a plop, feeling lost in despair.

"Akai, Genoy... and others... I, the Raikage, am incompetent, I'm sorry for you!"

These people were the ones who had just taken the initiative to stay behind for others in the passage and tried to block the Amaterasu Flame Dragon with Water Release Ninjutsu and Earth Release Ninjutsu.

Judging from the current situation, it was obvious that they died there, and their bodies were not intact.

Tutai fell to the ground, looking blankly at the ruins around him, but when he saw the flames scattered on the ground, he steeled himself and stood up.

"Those ordinary fire escapes are okay. Although Uchiha Mingjing's fire escape skills are very strong, they can be extinguished by water escape, but these black flames seem to never be extinguished at all!"

Tutai frowned tightly.

"Sealing class, hurry up! Use the fire sealing method to seal these black flames!"

When Uchiha Mingjing walked out of the escape tunnel, he found that it was a steep mountain.

At the end of the field of view, you can also see Yunyin Village on the other side of the mountain.

As Ming Jing expected, Orochimaru was not here.

Judging from how much this person cherished his life, he probably fled first because he was afraid that Mingjing would not be able to stop everyone in Yunyin Village.

A small white snake crawled out from the grass behind the cliff, spat out a bundle of scrolls in front of the mirror, then turned into a puff of white smoke and dissipated, returning to Longdi Cave.

Orochimaru stayed here specifically to wait for Ming Jing.

The scroll only said that Orochimaru had escaped, and also explained the harvest of the trip, etc.

After Ming Jing identified the direction, he walked to the southwest.

When the morning sun rose, the dusty Orochimaru finally returned to Konoha's camp.

"A collection of advanced ninjutsu from the entire Cloud Hidden Village, as well as a series of sealing techniques such as iron armor seal, amber seal, etc., as well as the training method of thunder escape chakra mode."

Orochimaru spread the Cloud Thunder Ninja Poster on the table and couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick it excitedly.

"Mr. Mingjing, I wonder if you, who is so powerful, can return smoothly and share this treasure with me?"

Orochimaru couldn't help but murmured as he looked at the content on the Yunlei Ninja Post.

When he received the memory from the shadow clone, he was actually shocked.

Because judging from the scene at that time, Uchiha Mingjing actually didn't seem to be hurt at all after resisting for such a long time.

However, even if there is an escape route to break through the siege of Yunyin's army, escaping is not necessarily an easy task.

If Uchiha Mingjing cannot come back, then there is no need to honor the promise Orochimaru made before.

However, what Orochimaru didn't expect was that not long after he returned to the camp, Uchiha Mirror returned smoothly.

This shows that shortly after Orochimaru left, Uchiha Mingjing successfully escaped through the passage, and the Fourth Raikage and others could hardly make any effective obstruction.

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