Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 189 Izanagi (4K)

Uchiha looked at the mirror for a moment, and while stating in a slow voice, he was also organizing the words quickly in his heart.

"Elder Ming Jing, think about it, if you can combine the power of the entire Uchiha and let the Uchiha clan become your backing in competing for Hokage, then your chances of becoming Hokage will be greatly increased. Just in the jounin voting process, in the family There are more than thirty jounin who can help you, not to mention the foundation accumulated by the family for thousands of years, which can also be of great help to you in terms of funds and connections.

There are also two of your teachers here, so even the Golden Flash who is as famous as you will be widened by these advantages of yours! "

Uchiha kept talking more and more, and even believed himself.

Because in this way, it seems that Uchiha Mingjing really has hope of becoming Hokage in the future?

As a disciple of Tsunade, he has the qualifications to compete for Hokage. He has the support of the Uchiha clan, the power behind him and reliable subordinates. In terms of strength, the two most outstanding ninjas of the same generation are Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mirror, no doubt a Hokage will be born from the two of them.

Based on this analysis, it seems that the position of Hokage can really be taken back by Uchiha from the hands of the Senju clan one day.

And this is what Uchiha Setsuna has always been pursuing.

"The location of the Hokage..."

A hint of just the right emotion flashed across Ming Jing's face.

With his muscle control ability, it is not difficult to achieve this. In terms of acting skills, Uchiha Setsuna can't see any flaws even if he activates the three magatama's sharingan.

In fact, he and Fugaku have a cooperative relationship. If one day Ming Jing or one of Fugaku succeeds in reaching the final jounin voting stage in the Hokage election, then what will happen to the jounin of the Uchiha clan? What other options might there be?

"That's right! As long as you can wrest the position and power of the clan leader from Fugaku, you will have a great chance of becoming Hokage!"

After seeing the look on Ming Jing's face, Setsuna Uchiha struck while the iron was hot.

He seemed to have seen the day when Ming Jing took over as Hokage, and he would follow the rising tide and become a high-ranking member of Konoha, calling the shots.

Ming Jing made a thoughtful look and seemed to be very moved by Uchiha Setsuna's proposal.

"Alas! Although what you said, Elder Setsuna, makes sense, let's forget it."


Uchiha stood up anxiously.

Why are you so indecisive like Uchiha Fugaku!

If you don't rise to the top, I will be killed by Fugaku sooner or later.

Uchiha Setsuna has absolute trust in the Uchiha clan's Bloodline Sharingan, believing that the Mangekyo Sharingan is invincible.

And thinking that a person with a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan was always thinking of ways to get rid of him, Uchiha instantly felt chilled in his heart and wanted to kill Fugaku immediately.

"Because I'm not absolutely sure."

Ming Jing's face showed a serious look.

"No, I think that as long as we cooperate properly, Fugaku can still be solved. Within the clan, I am confident to convince Yosuke and Shinsada. When the time comes, you will call Uchiha Ha, and the four jounin of us will join forces to use Uchiha The wave fire formation suppresses Fugaku, coupled with the power of your eyes, it is enough to defeat Fugaku!"

Uchiha Setsuna continued to persuade and gave his own plan.

As for Yosuke and Shinsada, they are both Sanmagatama Uchiha jounin who are close to Uchiha Setsuna in the clan and are quite powerful.

"No, it's useless. Elder Setsuna, you don't understand, but I learned from Grandpa Yu that all the patriarchs of the Uchiha clan have mastered a forbidden technique about the Sharingan, and have the powerful ability to rewrite reality. , it is almost impossible for us to kill Fugaku who masters this forbidden technique, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Uchiha asked instantly, feeling a little shaken in his heart.

The clan leader's lineage actually masters such a powerful forbidden technique!

"Unless I can get that access control technique too!"

Ming Jing said seriously to Uchiha Setsuna.

"The name of that forbidden art is Izanagi. Through the power of the three Magatama Sharingan, you can change any unfavorable things that happened to you in the past period into something that never happened, and only choose what is good for you. Transforming events into reality is the ultimate illusion that can deceive reality! "

Uchiha Setsuna's breathing became a little faster.

As an elder of the Uchiha clan, he didn't know that there was such a forbidden technique in the clan!

"Then how can I obtain this forbidden technique?"

Uchiha Setsuna said impatiently.

"That depends on you, Elder Setsuna. You have deep-rooted influence in the family. You are the only one who wants to investigate the relevant information. And I, as the only person in the family who can have an impact on Fugaku's status, will do some things. Something else to attract Fugaku’s attention and buy you time.”

Ming Jing's tone was like a gentle devil, tempting Uchiha Setsuna.

Izanagi is the bargaining chip thrown by Uchiha Fugaku to attract Uchiha Setsuna!

And Uchiha Fugaku is not worried that Ming Jing will actually get the forbidden technique of Izanagi in the process!

Because in the hands of the clan leader, there is also a forbidden technique that can restrain Izanagi as a backup!

"Okay! I've done it!"

Uchiha gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Time quickly came to a month later.

During this period, the conflict between Ming Jing and Uchiha Fugaku was under the control of the two, and was in a stage that seemed fierce but no substantial conflict occurred.

During this period, Uchiha Setsuna also explored some information about Izanagi under the deliberate guidance of Ming Jing and Fugaku.

Izanagi was hidden in the underground secret room in the backyard of the clan leader's mansion. If you want to open that secret room, you must use the insight of the three-magatama Sharingan to find the extremely small key hole, and then use a special key to open the door of the secret room.

Even so, you still can't touch Izanagi. You must perform a side seal, the illusion seal, to unlock the seal and illusion on the scroll recording Izanagi, in order to see the true appearance of this forbidden technique.

However, in fact, Izanagi was not originally protected by these methods, but was only recorded in a scroll of ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the clan leader.

These means of care were temporarily added by Fugaku and Mingjing, and even the sealing techniques and illusions were arranged by Mingjing himself.

It was for this reason that Uchiha Setsuna could "just happen" to find a way to crack it with the help of Mingjing.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, the Uchiha clan meeting.

Compared with the past, the clan meeting of the Uchiha clan has added a new project.

That is the dispute between Mingjing and Fugaku over the reform of the police department.

The two most important figures of the Uchiha clan have always been arguing. Relying on their own ideas, they have gained some support from the clan. In order to oppose Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Setsuna also stood on Mingjing's side with his own faction.

After the clan meeting, Mingjing found a reason to invite Fugaku into his home in a way that seemed very normal to everyone. The two talked again in private. Before leaving, he glanced at Uchiha Setsuna beside him with a very obscure look.

The latter understood immediately.

"Oh, Itachi has grown so big, Madam Mikoto, where are you taking Itachi?"

On the main street of the clan, Uchiha Mikoto led Uchiha Itachi, who had just learned to walk, and chatted with a woman on the side of the road with a smile.

"Kushina has been bored lately, so I plan to take Itachi to visit her today."

Uchiha Mikoto showed a gentle smile like Yamato Nadeshiko on her face.

In the shadow of the street, Uchiha Setsuna, who peeked at this scene, couldn't help but sneer on his face.

[This is simply God's help! ]

Uchiha Setsuna was a little excited.

In his original plan, if this action failed, he would turn to the backup plan and hold Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Itachi hostage to force Uchiha Fugaku.

But the problem is that Uchiha Setsuna is not sure of Uchiha Mikoto's strength.

This clan leader's wife is also an Uchiha jonin who opened the three-magatama Sharingan when she was very young.

Although she has been a housewife for several years, it is hard for Uchiha Setsuna to judge how much strength she has left.

Especially himself, because of his age, his strength has declined compared to a few years ago.

But now that Uchiha Mikoto has left, he has a better grasp of tonight's actions.

Uchiha Setsuna nimbly climbed over the high wall of the clan leader's mansion and quickly lurked according to the direction recorded in the map of the clan leader's mansion that Uchiha Mingjing got from his memory.

"The backyard, the lotus pond, should be here."

Uchiha Setsuna stepped on the wooden floor and came to a floating bridge. In front of him was a small lotus pond.

The clan leader's mansion covers a large area, and the interior is also very luxurious, with pools, fountains, rockery and green trees, just like an ancient aristocratic garden.

The only similar mansion in the entire Konoha Village is the main family mansion of the Hyuga family.

Because it represents the facade of a wealthy family.

Uchiha Setsuna looked at the lotus pond in front of him, took a deep breath, jumped, and dived into the lotus pond.

The entrance to the secret room is underwater.

With a pair of three-magatama Sharingan, he quickly found the switch of the entrance to the secret room and entered it. Then he followed the upward stairs to leave the water and came to an ancient stone door.

On the stone door, there are dense and difficult-to-see seals to reinforce the stone door to prevent it from being destroyed by violent means.

At the core, there is also an extremely small keyhole. It is difficult to find it without the Sharingan.

Since Uchiha Setsuna is here, he naturally has his own means.

He took out a metal rod fixed with wood at the end, roasted it with fire escape, and melted the metal rod in a short time.

Insert the metal rod into the center of the stone door, and then cool it with water escape, and you can artificially make a key that meets the requirements.

The stone door slowly opened. In the dim environment, Uchiha Setsuna used the extremely scarce light to quickly find a scroll hanging high on the wall.

"Breaking illusion seal, release!"

Uchiha Setsuna hurriedly formed seals with both hands, and used the seal technique copied from Mingjing with the Sharingan to break the seal on the scroll.

"This is... Izanagi! I didn't expect that it would cost a three-magatama Sharingan to perform it? But the power that can rewrite reality is indeed powerful!"

Uchiha Setsuna trembled with his hands, and couldn't help muttering as he looked at the contents on the scroll.

"Patriarch Fugaku and I also think this forbidden technique is very powerful, Elder Setsuna, it seems that we heroes think alike."

Mingjing's figure appeared behind Uchiha Setsuna like a ghost, patted Uchiha Setsuna's shoulder with his hand, and quickly swept the scroll with a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, memorizing the contents on it.

"Uchiha Mingjing!! Why are you here?!"

Uchiha Setsuna turned around in surprise.

The brazier hanging on the wall of the secret room was instantly ignited, illuminating the secret room.

At this moment, he not only saw Uchiha Mingjing, but also Uchiha Fugaku.

"You two...how are you here!"

Uchiha Setsuna was dumbfounded at this time.

"The one staying outside now is our shadow clone, so of course our real body is here, Elder Setsuna."

Mingjing said to Uchiha Setsuna with a smirk on his face.

"This is a trap you set!"

Uchiha Setsuna finally guessed the truth, reacted, picked up the scroll and ran out the door.


The stone door fell quickly, blocking Uchiha Setsuna's steps.

"Mingjing, there's no need to waste time talking to a dying man."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Setsuna with disgust, a crimson chakra spine appeared on his body, and a giant skeleton hand extended, punching Uchiha Setsuna.

Uchiha Setsuna narrowly avoided Fugaku's heavy blow, and quickly drew the ninja sword from his waist and held it in front of him, trying to block Mingjing's slash.

"Not bad, Elder Setsuna, you can actually block my sword."

Mingjing teased as he looked at the desperate expression on Uchiha Setsuna's face.

Uchiha Setsuna was now half-kneeling on the ground, being suppressed by his sword with one hand, barely supporting himself, and the sword on his head was constantly pressed down.

Ming Jing's current physical strength, in the Naruto world, may only be overwhelmed by Might Guy with the Eight Gates and the Third Raikage with the Lightning Armor.


Uchiha Fugaku instantly appeared behind Uchiha Setsuna, stretched out his palm, and crushed Uchiha Setsuna's throat.

Facing two owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan, even the Hokage might have to kneel. Although Uchiha Setsuna was also an elite jonin-level Uchiha warrior when he was young, how could he survive under these two people?

Ming Jing reached into Uchiha Setsuna's eyeballs and dug out two bloodshot three-magatama Sharingan.

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