Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 188 Setting up a trap (4K)

"As for the manpower issue, in this case, I will apply to the Third Generation to be responsible for the training project of the new medical ninja. In the absence of Teacher Tsunade, I am the most suitable person to be responsible for this project. The Third Hokage should not Rejected. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞Search for𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆When the time comes, you can select some tribesmen who have certain qualifications in medical ninjutsu.”

Ming Jing walked with Fugaku and chatted all the way.

He is very busy now.

If it weren't for the magical skill of Shadow Clone, he would really have no other skills.

"I will arrange this matter. By the way, Ming Jing, you should have heard about the recent rumors in the clan."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly stopped and looked at the mirror and said.

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"Ah, I heard about it. I have to say that Elder Setsuna is quite capable. When I went back, Shisui was still chasing me to ask if this was true. It seems that even most of the clan members They all believed the rumors he spread.”

Ming Jing couldn't help but sneered.

Uchiha Setsuna has been very active recently, constantly making reactionary remarks about Fugaku, hoping to intensify the conflict between Ming Jing and Fugaku so that he can profit from it.

Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku were pushing for this, and there was also an experienced guy like Uchiha Yu who was planning behind the scenes.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Setsuna has to do this if he still wants to keep his power and status.

If Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku really get along well, Uchiha Fugaku will definitely deal with him as soon as possible.

In the past, both Fugaku and Setsuna had the Three Magatama Sharingan. Although Fugaku had the title of clan leader, Setsuna Uchiha was also an elder with profound information. In addition, his aggressive acting style was in line with the personalities of most Uchiha, which allowed him to jump up and down. So long.

But in front of a pair of kaleidoscopes, he had no room for resistance.

There are only two paths that Uchiha Setsuna can choose. One is to be a dog for the third generation in exchange for protection while ensuring his own status. But for him who claims to have inherited Madara's will, this is impossible.

And compared to others, the third generation will only believe in Uchiha Mirror, who has been influenced by the will of fire since childhood and has been assimilated by the Hokage line.

The last option left for Uchiha Setsuna is to guide Uchiha Mingjing, who possesses another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, to confront Fugaku.

"The old guy did come to me some time ago and expressed that he would support me in seizing power. At that time, he would not only promote me as the clan leader, but also help me become the minister of the police department, completely replacing the position of clan leader Fugaku."

Uchiha Mingjing even wanted to laugh a little.

This old guy really looked down on him, maybe because he thought that he, a young man under twenty years old, was easy to fool.

He and Fugaku both have the Mangekyo Sharingan, and he already has a very high status in the clan, and there is no real conflict with Fugaku. On the contrary, there is a lot of room for cooperation. How could he be trying to take on such a responsibility? Risk fighting with Fugaku?

"So Der Spiegel, what's your answer?"

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep look at Uchiha Mirror and said.

"My answer was to wait a while and get back to him because I thought it was a good opportunity to take advantage of."

Ming Jing said with a slight smile.

"Opportunities that can be exploited? What plans do you have?"

Uchiha Fugaku now felt that Ming Jing had really followed the Third Hokage and the others to learn bad things, and he was very confused and heartbroken.

"It depends on how many things the Fugaku clan leader is willing to use as bait to implement this plan. It is best to have something attractive enough that Uchiha Setsuna will not hesitate to take a certain risk for it."

Ming Jing clasped his hands behind his back, a smirk flashing across his handsome face.

"Is there enough weight and attractive enough bait..."

Uchiha Fugaku had a serious face and began to think silently.

"By the way, Chief Fugaku, after a while, the two of us have to look like we are breaking up on bad terms when we go out. This is not only to paralyze Setsuna Uchiha, but also to make the direction of the situation conform to what the Three Generations want in their hearts. expected."

Ming Jing clicked again.

"I see."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

That night, many clan members heard huge noises coming from the clan leader’s mansion.

Some other clan members saw Uchiha Mingjing, who was called the hero of Konoha by many and the pride of the Uchiha clan, angrily coming out of the clan leader's mansion.

"Although Uchiha Mingjing is very powerful, he is too naive, almost to the point of being stupid!"

The next day, when Uchiha Fugaku went to work at the police department, he said this to the people in the police department.

After hearing about this incident, Sandai and Minato also came to visit Ming Jing's home.

"Ming Jing, what exactly happened between you and Senior Fugaku, and why did it get so serious?"

Namikaze Minato asked the mirror with some concern.

He only found out this after hearing what Kushina said, and Kushina heard what her best friend, Uchiha Fugaku's wife, Uchiha Mikoto, said.

As for the third generation, he who has been paying attention to the situation of the Uchiha clan will only learn the news earlier than Minato.

"Yes, Ming Jing, the Uchiha clan is an important part of the village. You and Fugaku are also a very important fighting force in the village. If something happens, it is best to solve it as soon as possible."

The Third Hokage, who had grown much older in the past few years, was smoking his pipe with a look of concern on his kind face.

"Sandaime-sama, Minato, this matter is a long story."

Ming Jing sighed slightly and said.

"I don't have much official business to deal with today, but I have a lot of time to listen to the voices of young people like you."

The third generation found the sofa and sat down, looking at the interior.

This hut is still the same one that Ming Jing had when he first traveled through time. The decoration inside is very simple. In addition to the photos of Ming Jing and his parents, the only decorations on the wall are photos of Kato and Ming Jing's class.

Looking at this scene, Sandai couldn't help but nodded secretly.

"The specific situation is like this. You must also know very well, Mr. Third Generation, because the police department personnel are somewhat direct in the process of law enforcement, which affects the family's reputation among the villagers, so I thought of a way. "

The third generation motioned to Ming Jing to continue.

"I wonder if this is the case, can we implement reforms within the police department? In addition to Uchiha, we can also recruit civilian ninjas and ninjas from other ninja clans. At the same time, we can formulate strict law enforcement regulations and publicize them externally. In this way I believe it will help the family get along better with everyone in the village and integrate into the village.”

Ming Jing explained his plan in detail, with expectation in his eyes.

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up.

"This is indeed a very good idea, Mirror, I support you!"

Minato Namikaze hit Ming Jing on the shoulder hard to express his attitude.

"Thanks, Minato."

Ming Jing bumped his fist at Minato Namikaze

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly, very happy about the bond between Ming Jing and Minato, but what followed was deep silence.

To be fair, he felt that Ming Jing's strategy was really good. On the one hand, it was in line with the Will of Fire. On the other hand, it might really allow the Uchiha clan to better integrate into Konoha.

But the third generation still has many doubts.

Nothing else, because by doing this, the power of the Uchiha clan seems to be divided, but in fact, if this plan is really implemented, the position of the top police department will still be controlled by the Uchiha clan, so after the introduction of After other ninjas, Uchiha's power is actually expanded, and the power of the police department will be greatly enhanced.

In addition, the Uchiha clan's own strength did not suffer any loss in this process and remained the same.

The most important thing is that in this way, Uchiha cannot be restricted to the police department, and it may cause hidden dangers to the Hokage family in the future. This is what the third generation is really difficult to accept.

But looking at the attitudes of Ming Jing and Namikaze Minato, the third generation also knew that he could not say no in front of them.

"This is indeed a good idea, but the reason why the Second Hokage handed over the police department to the Uchiha clan was because he recognized the power of the Uchiha clan and believed that Uchiha had enough ability to protect the village and stabilize the village. In such a situation, the Sharingan's ability can also play a huge role in dealing with spies from hostile ninja villages. "

Speaking of which, the third generation concluded.

"I have the same opinion as the Second Hokage. Uchiha is very suitable for the police department. The police force must also rely on the Uchiha clan to maintain a good situation."

"But the Third Generation, according to Ming Jing's plan, Uchiha can still use his abilities in the police department. In fact, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in doing so."

Namikaze Minato spoke.

Ming Jing secretly gave Minato a thumbs up in his heart.


The third generation sighed and took a drag on his cigarette.

"Why don't I know this? But although the situation in the village is gradually developing in a good direction, it is still facing a certain amount of pressure after all. It is not suitable to make changes to such an important part of the police department at this time, so as not to bring serious consequences. There will be turmoil, and I will discuss the specific situation with other senior officials. In addition..."

The third generation set his sights on Uchiha Mirror.

"The most important thing is the attitude within the Uchiha clan, Mirror. If Fugaku and others in the police department cannot be persuaded, then no matter how hard I try, it will be of no avail."

At this moment, Ming Jing couldn't help but admire the abilities of the Third Hokage and Xini.

The Third Hokage made it sound like there was nothing he could do, but in fact, as Hokage, he didn't need to do anything else. He only needed to express an attitude of supporting Ming Jing, which could play a big role.

But the third generation was able to say that he was powerless, and he was so reasonable and well-founded that it was difficult to refute. Even his stance was somewhere between expressing a stance but not completely expressing it.

According to the third generation's attitude, he supports Ming Jing, but because this incident has a relatively large impact, as Hokage, it is difficult for him to express his position publicly, so he can only express his support in private.

This is actually of no use at all.

"Sandaime-sama, I know you have your difficulties. I will try my best to persuade the Fugaku clan leader and other senior officials of the police department."

Der Spiegel could only give this answer at this time.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of Ming Jing's house again.

"It seems that the impact of this incident is really not small. Someone is coming to see you again, Ming Jing. In this case, I and Minato will no longer bother you."

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Sandai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, put on his bamboo hat, got up and prepared to leave.

Ming Jing stood up and sent Sandai and Minato out the door.

Opening the door, it was Setsuna Uchiha who appeared outside.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Setsuna meaningfully, still maintaining a kind smile on his face.

"Okay, Ming Jing, let's stop here. In short, in my heart, you and Minato are outstanding young people who have inherited the will of fire and can shoulder the future of the village after me. Whatever you want to do, just go Just do it, I’m not too old to walk anymore, no matter what happens, I still have the ability to protect you.”

"Thank you, Thirdai-sama, and Minato. See you later."

Ming Jing waved goodbye.

"See you later, Mirror."

Namikaze Minato glanced at Setsuna Uchiha who was silent outside the door, turned around and left following the third generation.

Setsuna Uchiha was actually very dissatisfied with the close relationship between Ming Jing and Sandai and others.

After all, his philosophy is closer to that of the Warring States Period, and he maintains hostility to the Senju clan, and has no favorable impressions of the Hokage clan derived from Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

But now he was asking for help from the mirror, and just now he could only stand aside silently in the presence of the Third Hokage.

"Elder Mingjing, it seems that my visit was not at the right time."

"Elder Setsuna, please come in."

Ming Jing stretched out his hand and gestured towards the room.

Uchiha walked into the room in an instant and sat where Sarutobi Hiruzen sat before.

"I wonder how Elder Mingjing has considered the proposal I made a few days ago. If you can seize power from Fugaku as I said, then everything within the clan and the police department will be decided by you. , no one can stop you from displaying your talents and ambitions, isn’t that good?”

"This... Fugaku has also activated the Mangekyō Sharingan after all, and is also an important member of the family. It is not appropriate to attack him."

Upon hearing Ming Jing's words, Uchiha's eyes suddenly lit up.

The absence of a clear rejection means there is still room for discussion.

"No, Mirror."

Uchiha shook his head for a moment.

"Judging from your performance just now, the Third Generation seems to have high expectations for you and Minato. Perhaps a certain Hokage in the future will be born from the two of you."

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