Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 177 Uchiha Stele (4K)

"This is the place where the clan meeting is held. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞Search for𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆"

At Nanga Shrine, Uchiha Fugaku led Ming Jing to the underground secret room.

Apart from the walls and floors, as well as the candles used for lighting on both sides, there is only a stone tablet passed down from thousands of years ago.

"This is what I want to show you, Mirror. Legend has it that the Uchiha stone tablet was handed down from the ancient god Indra. The inscriptions on it can only be interpreted with the power of the Sharingan."

Uchiha Fugaku opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and looked at the Uchiha Stone Tablet.

"Originally, I thought that after turning on the kaleidoscope, I would be able to decipher all the contents on the stone tablet. However, although the contents that can be seen have increased a lot compared to before, I still cannot decipher them all, so I want you to take a look, Mingjing. Will it make any difference?"

Ming Jing nodded, quietly walked to Fugaku and stood side by side with him, opening his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Uchiha Fugaku's words still did not end.

"Part of the previous content is the history related to the family in ancient times, and there are also some records about the different levels of the Sharingan before the Mangekyou. The content I can see now only reaches the Tianzi at the bottom. If the mirror If you can't see the follow-up content, it means that there is another level of Sharingan above the Mangekyo Sharingan, which can only be seen clearly when the pupil power changes qualitatively again. "

In fact, what the mirror can see is similar to Uchiha Fugaku.

The ability of kaleidoscope-level eyes to see here is basically the limit.

As for the further down, it looked extremely blurry in Ming Jing's eyes, obviously because the pupil power was not strong enough.

However, he did know what was underneath.

Probably there is a god who divided the two forces of yin and yang. The two forces are mutually exclusive, and they are combined into one, and finally gave birth to the power of all things.

Being able to remember these pre-travel contents is also due to Ming Jing's strong mental power now, which allows him to clearly recall things that had been forgotten.

"I can barely see it clearly, but the content is not very obvious."

Ming Jing said deliberately vaguely.

"It seems that Ming Jingyou's pupil power is even better than mine. What are the extra contents?"

"I can't see it very clearly. It probably means that there are gods, yin and yang, and so on. I can only understand these few words, and they are not much more than you, the leader of the Fugaku clan."

Der Spiegel specially selected a few key words to elaborate on it.

"God? Yin and Yang?"

Uchiha Fugaku murmured these words.

"What kind of god does this god refer to? The Immortal of Six Paths? Or the ancestor of the family, God Indra? Yin and Yang? Does it refer to something opposite, or does it refer to Yin Dun and Yang Dun?"

Mirror decided to give Fugaku some guidance.

This person can mobilize the huge wealth and resources accumulated by the Uchiha clan for thousands of years. If he helps, at least a large part of the future research funds can be solved.

"Chief Fugaku, this can only be seen clearly through the Mangekyo Sharingan. Does it mean it is related to the Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"It seems... it makes sense."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly fell into deep thought.

"I remember that my father, the former clan leader, told me something about the Mangekyo Sharingan before he passed away!"

Fugaku suddenly raised his head and looked at Ming Jing.

"Ding Jing, you used the Mangekyou Sharingan on the battlefield and consumed more pupil power than me. Is that part of the pupil power that was consumed unable to be recovered, and may it even affect your vision?"

Ming Jing nodded slowly.

Uchiha Fugaku has just awakened the Kaleidoscope and hasn't used it much yet. Naturally, his eyesight will not be affected at all, but as the leader of the Uchiha clan, it is actually normal for him to know this news.

"Then your current eyesight..."

"Fortunately, it's just a slight degree of myopia, because even if I don't use the Mangekyō Sharingan, I still have the strength to reach the threshold of the shadow level, so unless I encounter an absolutely critical time and space, there is no need to use the Mangekyō. And if I use the Mangekyō, I believe that even a strong person like the Third Hokage may not be able to beat me by half, so for me, there are not many opportunities to use the kaleidoscope, so I don’t have to worry about my eyesight declining in a short period of time.”

Uchiha Mingjing said in a confident tone.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded slightly.

He knew that before Ming Jing used the kaleidoscope, he had already earned the title of Instant Ming Jing, and that he could even rival a figure like the Fourth Kazekage. He already had extremely terrifying strength under normal circumstances.

"My idea is that the Mangekyou Sharingan represents the ultimate Yin escape, so will it also require a strong enough Yang escape to supplement our pupil power? Are the ancestors of the Uchiha clan using this method to tell us about recovery? The method of kaleidoscope eye power?"

The more Uchiha Fugaku thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

"It is possible, and the ancestors of the family have actually achieved some results."

Ming Jing took out the yellowed page from the ninja bag he carried with him.

"This is a page from an ancient book that Grandpa Yu found in a corner of the family library. It records a prescription that can reduce the burden on the body caused by using the Mangekyo Sharingan. The medicinal materials used in it are also eye-nourishing and positive. "

This made Fugaku more certain of his guess.

"Very good, I will send someone to Nara's pharmacy soon to find these medicinal materials and try the effect."

"No, Chief Fugaku, many of the medicinal materials recorded here became extinct hundreds of years ago."

Ming Jing poured cold water on Fugaku unceremoniously.

"However, with the help of Teacher Tsunade, I still used the current medicinal materials to restore it based on the pharmacology. Although the effect may be only half of it, there is still a lack of something that can replace the main medicine, red blood tree heart."

Uchiha Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief.

"The heart of the red blood tree?"

"Well, Teacher Tsunade said that this kind of medicinal material usually only appears in some special areas of the Kingdom of Thunder. It was only caused by the Blood Pond clan in history that it became extinct."

Fugaku frowned.

"I will ask the clansmen to pay attention to any information related to the Red Blood Tree, and will also send people to Hell Valley in the Kingdom of Thunder to inquire about information about the Blood Pond clan. However, the village is currently at war with Kumogakure. It is estimated that in a short time Nothing else will come of it.”

Ming Jing expressed his understanding and continued:

"In addition to these, you can also consider the Yang Escape secret technique, but if you want to match the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, it is obviously not the ordinary Yang Escape secret technique."

This is also a direction.

"You mean...the Akimichi clan and the Inuzuka clan?"

Uchiha Fugaku frowned.

Even though he is the leader of the Uchiha clan, it may be difficult to obtain the secret techniques of these two powerful ninja clans.

"It has a certain reference value, but it is far from enough."

Ming Jing nodded and immediately shook his head.

"The power of the Mangekyou Sharingan is comparable to that of powerful people like the Five Kages. In other words, if we practice these Yang Escape Secret Techniques, we have to practice them to the level of Kage to be able to play a significant role. The Inuzuka clan The upper limit is not that high. As for the Akida clan, I can’t guess the upper limit of their strength.”

"The Akimichi clan... I know something about this. Akimichi Tifeng and Sandai are both disciples of the second generation. They are very powerful. At the end of the first ninja war, he used the butterfly transformation technique of the Akimichi clan. He blocked the Third Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village and even injured him internally, helping the Third Raikage win the war. However, the Butterfly Transformation Technique not only burned all the fat he had accumulated for many years into chakra, greatly reducing his strength, but also He almost died after the incident, so he has been staying at home to recuperate since then and has not participated in anything in the village."

Uchiha Fugaku opened his mouth and told a piece of history that was unknown to the mirror.

"So that's it? It seems that although the upper limit of the Akimichi clan is not low, it takes many years of accumulation to get a chance to use it, and it is also very dangerous."

Ming Jing rubbed his chin and thought carefully.

If we want to talk about Yang Release, Senju and Uzumaki are definitely the strongest, but the Yang Release of these two families is passed down from the blood, and other people can't learn it if they want to, just like the Uchiha clan's Yin Release is written by themselves. Same as chakra.

Further down, there are the secret techniques of Yang escape in the ninja world.

It's just that the secret techniques of Yin escape and Yang escape can be said to be very few in the ninja world. They can only be counted on one hand. The Inuzuka and Akimichi clan are already the best among them.

In addition to these, there are two exceptions. One is medical ninjutsu. A ninja's Yang escape level basically represents the upper limit of learning medical ninjutsu. However, there are very few excellent medical ninjas in the ninja world.

The other one is illusion, which is also related to Yinjutsu. However, there are not many illusion masters in the ninja world. Even the so-called illusion masters have no comparison in the face of Uchiha's Sharingan.

"Chief Fugaku, my suggestion is that since there is no Yang Release secret technique in the ninja world that can meet our requirements, then we should study it ourselves! Whether it is a Yang Release secret technique or a potion with Yang Release Chakra, as long as it can If it helps the Mangekyō Sharingan, you can start trying to study it!”

Ming Jing looked at Fugaku with burning eyes.

"Send powerful tribesmen to search for the Yang Escape secret techniques and materials we need in the ninja world. I will provide the technology, and Chief Fugaku you will provide the funds. The two of us will work together to set up a laboratory to study and solve this matter! If we can By solving the problem of the Mangekyo Sharingan, we will not only have strong strength forever, but also permanently leave our name in the family and be respected by every clan member who opens the Mangekyo Sharingan in future generations!"

Uchiha Fugaku took a breath.

As an orthodox Uchiha, what he pursues is nothing more than those things - family prestige, personal strength and honor.

"Okay, but there is one thing I need your help with. Otherwise, even if I want to help you, I will be powerless."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at it for a while and then said to the mirror.

"If you set up a laboratory to study these things, you need to allocate a certain amount of manpower and a lot of funds. Although I am the patriarch, you also know that I do not have the final say in the family. A considerable part of the power is controlled by A group of clan elders led by Uchiha Setsuna are in control. I need you, Ming Jing, to cooperate with me to truly regain the power within the family!"

Ming Jing smiled slightly.

In this way, it seems that I will be used as a spearman by Fugaku...

But this can be regarded as each getting what he needs and taking advantage of each other.

"Patriarch Fugaku, if the power within the Uchiha is unified, and the family is not short of top masters like you and me, the Third Hokage and other high-ranking officials of the village will not be at ease. You have been the patriarch for so many years. Don't you see that the factional disputes within the family are actually deliberately guided by the Third Hokage and other high-ranking officials such as Danzo?"

Uchiha Fugaku was silent.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"It's very simple. If the Third Hokage wants to see the internal instability of the Uchiha, then let him see the internal instability."

Mingjing felt that he should have a white feather fan like Zhuge Kongming on hand now.

"I have a plan that can not only reassure the Third Generation, but also substantially unify the power within the family, and smoothly start our next plan."

"Tell me about it."

"It's very simple. The Third Generation trained me at the beginning in order to use me for his own purposes. While splitting the Uchiha, he could also use me to control part of the power within the family. We might as well follow their wishes."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned, making his already mature face look even more bitter and resentful.

"You mean, you will replace the next Uchiha Setsuna, control part of the family's power to compete with me? Then in fact, the two of us will cooperate secretly while confronting each other openly?"

"That's right."

Uchiha Mingjing smiled confidently.

He was not afraid that Uchiha Fugaku would not agree.

Relying on the Mangekyō Sharingan, Mingjing was born to attract some of the clan members to follow him. Although Fugaku has now awakened the Mangekyō, Mingjing's military exploits on the battlefield over the years have earned him a lot of reputation in the village and the family.

Although Uchiha Fugaku has the title of orthodoxy on the surface, everyone with some status in the family knows that the real orthodoxy is the lineage of Uchiha Tajima, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna, but Uchiha Izuna died young, and Uchiha Madara never married or had children. Therefore, after Madara left, the position of the clan leader fell to Fugaku's father, whose bloodline was relatively close to Uchiha Madara and whose strength was also quite strong.

Uchiha Setsuna and others were dissatisfied, partly because of this, because they thought they were not much worse than Fugaku's father.

Not to mention that behind Ming Jing there is Uchiha Yu, a respected family elder, who can bring him a lot of help.

Now both sides have the Mangekyō Sharingan, and if Ming Jing shows to the outside world that he is not getting along with Fugaku, it is estimated that a large part of those elders will turn to Ming Jing.

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