Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 176 Fugaku's Kaleidoscope

After bidding farewell to Modo, Ming Jing began to think alone, then took out the tail feather of the sky and waved it towards the sky without using chakra blessing. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

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Although there was a sound of cutting the air and a wave of air visible to the naked eye, the power was greatly reduced.

In terms of swordsmanship level, Ming Jing itself is already pretty good. After some training in Demon Slayer World, he has definitely reached the first-class level in the ninja world. Even after the swordsmanship experience he gained when he was a human, it is even more impressive. He supplemented his knowledge of swordsmanship and took a step further.

Although Modo's swordsmanship level can be regarded as a passable swordsman, Mingjing can feel that his swordsmanship level is actually above him.

In other words, Ming Jing's kendo realm has definitely reached the level of a flying slash, but the physical aspect is not enough. It is difficult to have the explosive power of a flying slash without using chakra.

"It's better to eat more and practice more. It's best to find some physical skills masters to learn how to train physical skills."

Ming Jing sighed slightly.

With such a plan, there are too many things to do in the future.

If you can join the navy, this aspect will definitely not be a problem, because it includes masters in all aspects, as well as former general Zefa who is extremely capable of teaching.

But it's a pity that Kizaru is in the navy's system.

With his knowledge of knowledge, knowledge, and color, he must have already memorized his aura, and he might not be able to hide it from him.

Being searched by the entire world government, he is still suitable for walking alone.

Next, Ming Jing plans to spend more time in the pirate world when he has free time, challenging sword masters and searching for ways to practice domineering.

One month later.

The world of Naruto, the land of the Uchiha clan.

Just a week ago, Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, returned from the frontline battlefield fighting Iwagakure.

Being carried back.

Not dead, but seriously injured. This was the result of being treated by Tsunade. Otherwise, the game would have been over.

But even so, it would take a long time to recuperate, so he was sent back to the village.

"The injury has recovered a lot. It is expected that in two weeks you can start some simple ninja training. Remember not to extract too much chakra during this period, so as not to affect the body's recovery. Sister Mikoto, you must remember to set the time every day. Change the medicine for Chief Fugaku, and I will come back to replace it with a new medicine in two weeks. Then I just need to go to the Nara family’s shop to get it. "

While Ming Jing skillfully changed Uchiha Fugaku's bandage, he said to Uchiha Mikoto beside him.

In Mikoto's arms, she was still holding the sleeping infant Uchiha Itachi.

"Thank you very much, Mirror!"

Uchiha Mikoto said gratefully to the mirror.

"Okay Mikoto, take Itachi out for a walk first. Ming Jing and I have some things to discuss."

Uchiha Fugaku, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly spoke and added another sentence.

"Very important thing."

"I understand, then I will take Itachi to Kushina's house for a visit."

As a smart woman, Uchiha Mikoto didn't ask any questions, but obediently hugged Itachi and walked out of the room.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, what's wrong?"

After Uchiha Mikoto walked away, Ming Jing asked Fugaku.

"Yes, it's very important!"

Uchiha Fugaku opened his eyes, and he saw that he also had a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan eyes, which were divided into three areas by three long strips, and each area had a small black dot.

"In fact, before opening these eyes, I have always been envious of you, because people in the family say that you have opened the Mangekyo Sharingan and have become the representative of the Uchiha clan in the ninja world. Compared to me, The patriarch is also the important pillar of the family.”

Uchiha Fugaku said with a somewhat reminiscence look on his face.

Mirror did not answer.

Because he knew that Uchiha Fugaku had more to come.

"So when the third generation came to me and asked me to lead the elite of the family out, I agreed without hesitation, because I also wanted everyone to know that I, Uchiha Fugaku, am not bad at all, so I took part of the family with me Elites go to the battlefield, eager to make achievements like you, Ming Jing, and revitalize the family's reputation. "

"After several desperate attempts, like you, Ming Jing, I managed to gain my own name of 'Evil Eyes' on the battlefield, so I wanted to do the same thing as you, which was to defeat the tailed beast and prove that I He is also a strong person who can compete with tailed beasts.”

Mirror actually understood Uchiha Fugaku's inner thoughts at that time.

Because the Uchiha clan is like this, their personalities are too arrogant and easy to swell, just like Uchiha Sasuke in the original novel. Whenever he feels that the weather has stopped and the rain has stopped, he will be beaten severely.

"I set out with my most trusted companions, trying to trap the Four-Tails with the Uchiha Fire Formation, and then concentrate my firepower to kill him."

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flashed with pain and regret.

"Every clan member is very excited, thinking that after this success, they will become famous and become a famous powerhouse in the ninja world. However, we overestimated ourselves too much and underestimated the power of the tailed beasts. In the end, we fell short."

"When I saw those closest and most trusted clan members were buried in the lava of the Four Tails to protect my incompetent clan leader, I finally opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, but..."

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his head silently, with a trace of tears flashing from the corner of his eyes.

"My condolences, Chief Fugaku, people always have to look forward. If you are defeated by mere setbacks and tribulations, you are not worthy of bearing the name of Uchiha."

Ming Jing thought for a while and comforted Fugaku in a way that was consistent with the Uchiha clan.

When he activated the Mangekyo Sharingan, it was really just good luck. He received the high-level creative power given by Tsukuni Enichi and allowed his Sharingan to evolve. He did not have the same pain as other Uchihas. A heartfelt experience.

"I understand. I'm sorry, Mirror, for letting you see me lose my composure."

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, I think you want to talk about more than just your own experience of opening your eyes."

Ming Jing asked Uchiha Fugaku.

"Come with me to Nanga Shrine. I have something to show you, something very important."

Uchiha Fugaku put on the robe with the Uchiha clan emblem and looked at the mirror.


Ming Jing nodded slightly.

The two walked very slowly.

This was mainly because Uchiha Fugaku's injuries were not healed and he was unable to move.

However, Nanga Shrine is located in the Uchiha clan, and the distance is not far away, so the two of them only walked for a while before arriving at Nanga Shrine.

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