Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 167 Uchiha Visitors

"Hiruzhan, we want to know what you think of Uchiha Mingjing. Although he is Tsunade's disciple, he must be on guard against Uchiha who has activated the Mangekyo Sharingan!"

After turning to bed, Koharu said to the third generation with a serious expression.

"I know, and I know it in more detail."

The Third Hokage smiled and took out several reports from the drawer.

"Here are the specific matters sent by Dan and Tsunade after the battle. There is also a copy of the battle process that I specifically asked Minato about."

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After moving to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan took the report and looked at it carefully.

"You must also know that Tobirama-sensei has done a lot of research on the Uchiha clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice rang in the ears of Koharu and Mito Monobu.

"Teacher Tobirama has seen with his own eyes many times that when a member of the Uchiha clan loses an important love or feels pain from their own disappointment, special Yin Escape Chakra will emerge from their heads, and through The optic nerve is transmitted to the eye, causing the Sharingan to open or evolve. This also makes the Uchiha people in the process of rapidly becoming stronger, always accompanied by darkness and hatred in their hearts, and it is easy to go astray. "

"Teacher Tobirama therefore regards the Uchiha clan as an evil clan. But just as Teacher Tobirama recognized Kagami as the heir to the Will of Fire, I also believe that Kagami's blood descendant is a special Uchiha. Inherited the will of fire."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out his pipe and looked at Koharu Koharu and Mito Kado who had a look of reminiscence on their faces.

"In the process of carrying out dangerous missions, whether it was me and Danzo, or you and Tifeng, they were all saved by Kyou using Sharingan's illusion. Kyou believes that this power from blood is the greatest The meaning is to protect our companions so that the tragedy that happened before will not happen again.”

By this time, Koharu and Mito Menyan had also finished reading the reports submitted by these people.

"When Ming Jing saw his teacher Kato Suan's life hanging by a thread, he opened the Mangekyo Sharingan at this critical moment to protect Suan. It can be said that compared to most Uchiha, Ming Jing is much luckier. , because he gained the power to protect the most precious thing before he was about to lose it.”

Xiaochun turned to bed and asked:

"Are you sure that Uchiha Mingjing didn't activate the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan before that, and then kept it hidden from everyone, and only revealed it now? If that's the case, that brat is the most dangerous!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

"I think it's unlikely. Maybe Suan and Tsunade are exaggerating, but even Minato recognizes Ming Jing's will of fire. Uchiha Ming Jing is still very reliable. What's more, no matter how special he is, a How could Uchiha not reveal it to the public when he has acquired such a powerful power as the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's statement was recognized by Koharu Koharu and others.

As an Uchiha, if the Sharingan is opened or the Sharingan evolves, he will definitely rush to show off his newly acquired power to everyone.

From this point of view, Uchiha Mirror should indeed have opened the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan in order to rescue Kato Dan, whose life was hanging by a thread.

"In that case, Uchiha Mingjing should have formed a very deep bond with Kato Dan and the others. In addition to Zang, Tsunade and his two teammates, including Minato, all have different relations with Uchiha Mingjing. Shallow bonds, and many of these people are key figures in the Hokage series. It seems that Hiruzenyou began to make plans for the development of this brat a long time ago and wants to take it into his hands. "

Mito Kaden could not help but be impressed by Sarutobi Hiruzen's foresight.

Sarutobi Hiruzen blushed, but quickly recovered as before.

In fact, at the beginning, he just thought that Uchiha Mingjing was a relatively ordinary Uchiha genius. In fact, there were some such people in the past. The reason why we are in today's situation is actually the choice of Kato, Uchiha Mingjing and others.

Regardless of whether Sarutobi Hiruzen believed that he quickly conquered Uchiha after they became famous, he also accepted Mito Kadoyan's admiration calmly.

Yes, I am so far-sighted and insightful that I was able to discover geniuses like Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato early for my own use.



The forty-two years of Konoha have been the most difficult year for Konoha to face war since its establishment.

On the Iwagakure battlefield, Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato resisted Iwagakure's attack and were in a stalemate.

On the Kumogakure battlefield, the Third Raikage was extremely powerful and unstoppable. Unlike Jiraiya, Orochimaru had a powerful apprentice as a helper, and unlike Kato Dan, who had an equally powerful wife besides his apprentice, he was struggling.

That is Orochimaru. His commanding ability is excellent enough. His personal strength is not the best among Kage-level masters, but in a conventional sense, he is also an all-round ninja with almost no shortcomings like the third generation. This is why The troops with Konoha barely blocked the momentum of Kumogakure's invasion.

But in the absence of helpers, even Orochimaru was unable to launch a counterattack and could only maintain the situation from further deterioration.

On Konoha's three-front battlefield, the one that performed best was naturally Sunagakure's front.

The existence of Tsunade is a huge improvement for any team. The detoxification and large-scale healing capabilities cannot be replaced by any ninja. Uchiha Mingjing is also the same type of ninja as the original Konoha White Fang, Tenke Puppet Master. , coupled with Kato Dan, after losing the tailed beast card, Sunagakure could only retreat steadily.

Kato Dan also did not choose to take risks when the victory was in hand. He led the Konoha ninja to fight steadily and gradually erode Sunagakure's strategic space.

Konoha's forty-two years passed through the war like this.

Time flies and comes to Konoha forty-three years.

Mirror stood at the door of his camp and saw a young Uchiha ninja.

He and some other Konoha ninjas were selected from the village to support the front line.

Most of these people came from the major ninja families in Konoha. The Uchiha family alone sent more than twenty people to the Sunagakure front.

Now Konoha is fighting on three fronts, and the pressure is extremely high. The third generation has to have a good talk with the clan leaders of the major ninja clans in person, and at the cost of some profits, these ninja clans will bring out their elite teams to join the battlefield.

These powers are one of the most important reasons why these ninjas in Konoha can achieve their current status. Even the third generation can't help but be shocked after seeing it.

The Uchiha clan alone dispatched more than twenty jonin, and the Hyuga clan also dispatched a full fifteen jounin.

The number of Jounin in Konoha is less than 200, and most of them are ninjas from the ninja clan with good inheritance and abundant resources, such as medium-sized ninja clans such as Inozuka Butterfly, Aburame, and Inuzuka. There are at most a dozen jounin in a clan, and the jonin-level combat power that can be dispatched is only in single digits.

The fact that Uchiha and Hinata can produce so much combat power means that this is definitely not all they have, and there must be power left to maintain their status.

Fortunately for the Hyuga clan, although the Byakugan can also help those jounin, it is definitely not as big as the three magatama sharingan. The Uchiha jounin with the three magatama sharingan is considered a strong one among the jounin. Among them, there are The proportion of elite jounin is actually very large.

It is no wonder that in the future, when Konoha was at its weakest, these Uchiha believed that they had the ability to rebel, and the third generation was extremely worried about them.

Those Uchiha ninjas who came to the front line from their families naturally gathered under the command of Uchiha Mingjing, who was now in the limelight and became the war hero of the younger generation of Konoha together with Namikaze Minato.

After meeting these people, Ming Jing left one of them behind.

Because he brought a message from Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Ha.

"You're only fifteen years old and you're already a special jounin with a double magatama. That's pretty good. What's your name?"

With a faint smile on his face, Ming Jing asked the young Uchiha casually.

"Master Ming Jing, my name is Ember! Ember of Ashes, Uchiha Ember. My father hopes that I can be the one who will burn all Uchiha enemies to ashes with fire escape in the future!"

Uchiha Jin's tone was quite excited.

After Ming Jing was able to face Chiyo and other veteran Kage-level powerhouses on the battlefield and was named Shun Shen Ming Jing, many Uchiha already believed that Ming Jing was the current number one Uchiha master.

Of course, in order to take into account the patriarch of the clan, Uchiha Fugaku, everyone mostly talked privately, and usually added a prefix to the number one master, calling him the number one swordsman in Uchiha.

This actually has the same meaning as the future Uchiha Shisui, the number one illusion master in Uchiha.

And when Ming Jing demonstrated the astonishingly powerful MangekyĹŤ Sharingan and the powerful Eye Technique Susanoo on the battlefield, his reputation in the family directly reached an extremely high level.

Uchiha are a clan that highly values ​​power, and some people are even obsessed with it. Otherwise, there would not be a group of Uchiha in history who would fly to the sky after learning the ninjutsu of Izanagi, which eventually led to an unprecedented war. of civil war.

For Uchiha, Sharingan = the strongest blood successor in the ninja world = power, and after Ming Jing showed the Mangekyo Sharingan, when they knew that there were others above the three Magatama Sharingan, they became More fanatical.

Just like the Uchiha with three magatama and sharingan eyes in the clan must have a higher status than single magatama and double magatama, because the degree of evolution of the sharingan represents the strength of an Uchiha.

For a young Uchiha like Uchiha Jin, seeing Uchiha Mirror at this time is no different from meeting an idol.

"The patriarch said that he will announce you, Master Mingjing, as the new elder of the family at the first clan meeting after the war, and hopes that you will be the future teacher of the patriarch's son."

Uchiha Jin said to the mirror.

Fugaku's son?

"Has the patriarch's child been named?" Ming Jing asked Jin.

"Come on, the clan leader's child is called Itachi. The clan leader asked the most respected Elder Yu in the clan to name him. The implication is that he hopes this child can be like Itachi, smart and alert." Uchiha Jin replied.

Is it really Uchiha Itachi...

But I didn’t expect that this name was actually given by Grandpa Yu.

"By the way, Master Ming Jing, there is also this."

Uchiha Jin slapped his head and took out a shabby book page that looked very old from the ninja bag on his waist.

"This is a secret medicine that Elder Yu found after reading many existing ancient books about the Mangekyo Sharingan in the clan. It is said that it can reduce the burden of using the power of the eyes for Uchiha who have opened the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there are Many medicinal materials have become extinct, and it is estimated that only Tsunade-sama has the ability to improve this recipe."

Ming Jing took the yellowed page from Uchiha Jin's hand.

"Thank you, Jhin, you can go down first."

"Yes, Lord Mirror."

After bidding farewell to Uchiha Jin, Ming Jing unfolded the prescription and began to look at it.

"Deer antlers, wolfberry, red cardamom, they are either some medicines with warming and yang effects, or they can nourish the eyes, and these latter medicines are either rare in price or have become extinct in the ninja world."

After looking at the prescription for a few times, I can easily understand the pharmacology of this prescription even with Ming Jing's current level of medical ninjutsu, but it may be quite difficult to restore it.

Since he was in too much trouble, Ming Jing decisively went to find Tsunade.

"Oh? A prescription to reduce the burden of the Mangekyo Sharingan on the body?"

Tsunade took the prescription and said curiously, while looking at the mirror.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan is very powerful, but if I'm not wrong, your eyesight has declined to a certain extent, right? Otherwise, you Uchiha clan will never have such a prescription."

Tsunade said with a look of conviction.

Every time he comes back injured from the battlefield, whether it is Ming Jing or Kato Dan, if the injury is relatively serious, Tsunade will personally be responsible for the treatment, so that these two important combat forces can restore their combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, Tsunade had an extremely detailed understanding of the physical conditions of Ming Jing and Kato Dan. Coupled with this prescription, she also made guesses about the changes in Ming Jing's eyes.

"That's... yes, but I don't think it's a big problem."

Mirror replied to Tsunade.

He was indeed able to slowly recover his pupil power.

Tsunade shook her head and focused on the prescription.

If this ancient prescription worked, it would at least give him a direction.

"This prescription is indeed quite old and has been modified many times, but it should have been abandoned two hundred years ago."

The prescription was quite complicated, but with Tsunade's medical skills, she knew it after just a brief glance.

"The heart of the red blood tree is the most important ingredient in this prescription. The red blood tree only grows in the plateau area closest to the sun in the Kingdom of Thunder. It disappeared two hundred years ago. The heart of the tree contains The ingredients can stimulate the human body, invigorate people's nerves, and contain abundant chakra. It was also a good material for making detonating charms a long time ago. "

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