Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 166 Post-War Situation

One-tailed Shukaku was killed by Konoha's instant mirror!

The mountains-like size of Susanoo and the tailed beasts were enough for all the ninjas present to see clearly what was going on.

The morale of the Sunagakure ninjas couldn't help but drop.

After all, it is a tailed beast. Apart from the Kage, it is the most representative high-level combat power among the five great ninja villages and an absolute weapon of war!

In contrast, the morale of the Konoha ninjas was naturally high.

Even the tailed beasts in Sunagakure Village were killed. How could Konoha be invincible in this battle?


A strange-looking trident kunai stood on the ground.

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Golden light flashed, and Namikaze Minato instantly flashed to Ming Jing's side.

He wanted to leave, but Chiyo couldn't stop him.

"Ding Jing, are you okay?"

Minato Namikaze looked at Ming Jing with a bit of concern, and put his hand on Ming Jing's shoulder.

In his heart, every friend of Konoha is very important. Uchiha Akira is a good friend who practices ninjutsu with him. He and he are both direct disciples of the Third Hokage and heirs of the Will of Fire. They encourage each other. , compete with each other, and is also the only partner among the Konoha ninjas of similar age who has the ability to stand by his side.

"I'm fine, Minato."

Ming Jing wiped away the bloody tears from the corners of his eyes and stood up straight again, holding in his hand the tail feather of the sky that had transformed into the shape of a sword.

Susanoo will put a lot of burden on the body and eyes. If it is only the initial stage or the first stage, the physical quality of practicing Sun Breathing for many years is completely within the tolerance range, but if it is the second stage, it will be within the tolerance range. You will feel a certain amount of pressure, not to mention the third stage.

However, without activating Susana, Ming Jing can still rely on the breath of the sun to adjust his body's condition in a short period of time and restore his normal combat effectiveness. Even if one day his eyes really become blind and it takes time to recover, it will not happen. Affecting his normal combat effectiveness.

Just like Demon Slayer's Wailing Island Xingmei, even if you are blind, you can rely on the transparent world to see everything around you, without affecting daily battles and life.

After noticing the movement here, Tsunade and Kato Danya quickly rushed here and stood in a row with Minato Minato.

On the other side, Chiyo, Rasa, Garura and Hayakura also stood in a row in tacit understanding, but the two young women behind them were seriously injured by the couple Tsunade and Kato Dan respectively, and they were supporting each other at this time. Only then can we stand firm.

Luo Sha looked gloomily at Uchiha Mirror, who seemed to be fine except for a few blood and tears that had not been wiped off at the corner of his eyes. He then looked at Ye Cang and Kaura next to him, and opened his mouth with difficulty to utter a word. .


Now both Ye Cura and Garura have been seriously injured. As another trump card, Ichibi Shukaku was killed by Shunjing Jingjing using the ninjutsu that can transform into a giant, and his combat power was greatly damaged.

On the other hand, on the other side of Konoha, Tsunade Tsurunami and Feng Shuimon were not injured at all. Kato Dan had no injuries except that he had used chakra a little too much and his face turned a little pale. Now there was a slug lying on his shoulder, giving him additional chakra. carat.

What's more important is the Uchiha Mirror.

Luo Sha can be sure that the opponent must pay a high price to use that level of ninjutsu, but at this time it seems that there is nothing serious. Even if he can no longer use that ninjutsu in a short time, Uchiha Mingjing under normal circumstances But he still has the strength to compete with Luo Sha.

Luo Sha didn't dare to gamble.

What if Uchiha Mingjing can really use that ability again?

Uchiha Mingjing, who was in that state just now, killed the first tail of Rasaka when he hit him head-on. If he used it again at this time, the two wounded on his side would definitely be reduced.

Rasa retreated with the Sunagakure ninjas.

Tsunade and others also surrounded Ming Jing with concerned expressions.

"Ding Jing, your eyes... have you opened the legendary eye like Madara, the Mangekyo Sharingan?"

Tsunade's expression was a little complicated and moved.

As a direct descendant of Senju Hashirama, how could she not know the existence of the Mangekyo Sharingan?

She even learned from some notes left by Senju Tobirama that the Sharingan must bear the loss of "love" before it can evolve, and the Mangekyō Sharingan needs to bear the loss of love for herself. The most precious thing can only be opened when it comes.

At this time, she already thought that Ming Jing opened the Mangekyo Sharingan and saved Kato Dan when he saw Kato Dan's life hanging by a thread and almost died.

"Ah, Tsunade-sensei, yes."

Now that everything has been exposed, there is no need to hide it anymore.

Ming Jing nodded simply.

Seeing that the faces of Kato Dan and Namikaze Minato were still a little confused, Tsunade revealed everything she knew about the Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Is it possible to open the Supreme Sharingan only if you have to bear the cost of losing the person you cherish most?"

Kato Dan's face was full of emotion and he held his disciple's hand tightly.

A faint smile appeared on Namikaze Minato's face, and he looked at Ming Jing with great admiration, thinking that Ming Jing was indeed someone who valued his companions as much as he did.

They all went together with Tsunade.

"By the way, Mingjing, you must remember that unless it is necessary, you must never, absolutely, absolutely not tell anyone about your eye technique. Just keep it to yourself. Even, you should be careful about the Third Generation and Danzo who inherited some of my second grandfather's views on the Uchiha clan."

Tsunade patted Mingjing's shoulder and said seriously.

Senju Tobirama died when she was six years old, so Tsunade did not inherit Senju Tobirama's hostility towards the Uchiha clan, but Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were always under the influence of Senju Tobirama during their adolescence. Although teammates like Uchiha Jing made them change some of their views, if they knew that Mingjing had opened the Sharingan, they would definitely have a certain reaction and defense.

Senju Tobirama once studied the pupil skills of every Uchiha who opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in history, especially his mortal enemy Uchiha Izuna, and relied on these studies to understand Izuna's pupil skills, which made Uchiha Izuna suffer a lot. In the end, Uchiha Izuna also died in the hands of Senju Tobirama.

Intelligence is related to the life of a ninja to a certain extent.

"I know, Tsunade-sensei."

Mingjing replied with a slight smile.

In fact, if the pupil skills are used too much, the enemy will definitely guess some of them.

However, Mingjing has the strength to compete with the shadow under normal circumstances. Even if the enemy is prepared for the time and space pupil skills such as Tian Shouli, it is difficult to target them.

The real top-level strong have no shortcomings and are not afraid of the leakage of information about themselves.

Like the third generation of Hokage, the third generation of Raikage and the third generation of Tsuchikage, they must have many people who study their abilities at the top of the ninja world, but they still stand at the top of the ninja world for decades, that's the reason.

"Okay, I saw that your eyes were bleeding just now. It seems that using the Mangekyō Sharingan is not a small burden for you. Let's go with me for a checkup!"

Tsunade pulled Mingjing again and prepared to do a full-body checkup.

After Namikaze Minato greeted a few people, he hurriedly left with Flying Thunder God.

He was temporarily dispatched to help the battle after receiving the news that the enemy on the Sand Village front might send out the tailed beasts. Now that the matter is over, he must rush back to the Rock Village front as soon as possible. Jiraiya alone can't hold on.

Kato Dan also calmed down his emotions and began to deal with all matters after the war.

After this battle, the Sand Village began to change the strategy of the war.

They no longer took the initiative to attack.

The death of the tailed beast brought great pressure to Luosha.

Although a Ye Cang was added to the high-level combat power, it was still not enough.

Although Chiyo is strong, she is restrained by Tsunade and Shunshin Myojin. The rest of the people, such as Rasagaru, Rahabura, etc., are relatively weak among the top masters. They cannot be said to be opponents of Kato Dan and others, but they are definitely at a disadvantage and can only deal with them.

What Sand Village wants now is to cut off a part of the relatively rich resources in the River Country, so as to make up for the losses in this war, and to let the daimyo of the Wind Country see that Sand Village is capable of expanding its territory, restore confidence in Sand Village, and increase its financial investment in Sand Village.

At the same time, Sand Village is now also plundering the resources of the River Country with all its strength, so as not to be driven back to its hometown by Konoha in the end without gaining anything.

In this case, the intensity of the war has decreased slightly, but in the case that Sand Village is willing to defend and act like a turtle, unless the strength has an absolute crushing advantage, Kato Dan and others really have no good way to quickly defeat Sand Village. They can only start to work hard to erode the territory of Sand Village in this stalemate.

"He actually awakened the same eyes as Madara? He is indeed a born evil Uchiha brat!"

When Shimura Danzo received the information, his mood became bad.

He had long seen the talent of this brat and wanted to bring him under his command. At that time, whether he used him as a capable general or dug out the Mangekyō Sharingan for himself, Danzo could greatly enhance his strength.

But he was stopped by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even under his deliberate guidance, it became an internal struggle between Danzo Orochimaru's faction and Tsunade Kato Dan's faction in Konoha.

Thinking of this, Danzo remembered the walking shrine maiden again.

"When you go to the Sand Village to hand over the information to Kato Dan and others, remember to bring my handwritten order to Yakushi Nono, and don't let anyone see it!"

Danzo called a Root ninja over and handed a scroll in his hand to the other party.

The Root ninja bowed his head silently and raised his hands respectfully to receive the scroll.

Watching the Root ninjas going away, Danzo also stood up silently and packed his clothes.

He personally led the team to the Hidden Rain Village.

Before that, he asked Hanzo to take action in the name of an ally through the Root to relieve Konoha's pressure.

But two years later, Hanzo's strength and spirit have further declined. Now he only wants to defend the Rain Country and consolidate his rule in the Rain Country.

There is now a new force called Akatsuki rising in the Rain Country. Before getting rid of them and gaining internal stability, Hanzo will not take action against the outside world so easily.

Danzo then signed a new alliance with Hanzo. After helping Hanzo deal with Akatsuki, Hanzo will assist Konoha in sending troops to fight against Sand Village and Rock Village.

Akatsuki's strength is very good, Danzo even learned that the leader of Akatsuki is the disciple that Jiraiya accepted outside the village.

But who is Danzo?

He can attack everyone in the village, and he will not be merciful just because the leader of Akatsuki is a disciple of Jiraiya.

However, Akatsuki was an organization that even Hanzo couldn't easily deal with. Danzo had no choice but to take the elite members of the organization and go to the Land of Rain himself.

At this time, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also received a battle report on the Sunagakure front line.

"Susanohu, did that brat Ming Jing actually activate the Mangekyō Sharingan like Madara?"

The third generation was smoking a pipe, and his expression was shrouded in smoke, making it difficult to see clearly.

His heart was very complicated, he was worried and happy at the same time.

The worry is naturally because the terrifying Mangekyō Sharingan has reappeared among the Uchiha clan after many years.

The reason why Senju Tobirama wants to restrict most members of the Uchiha clan to the police force is because he is worried about another Uchiha Madara appearing?

Let alone Uchiha Madara, even if there is another Uchiha Izuna who has been entangled with Senju Tobirama for many years, Sarutobi Hiruzen may not be able to defeat him.

But what makes Sarutobi Hiruzen fortunate is that he had the foresight to learn from his teacher Senju Tobirama and take this Uchiha under his command, making him a disciple of the Hokage line and inheriting the power of fire. will.

Although with the presence of Tsunade and Kato Dan, this kid obviously cannot be manipulated at will, but the existence of Kato Dan and Tsunade also makes Sarutobi Hiruzen believe that he can suppress Uchiha Mirror and turn him into Hokage. A series of reliable power.

If we really want a wild Mangekyo Sharingan to appear in the Uchiha clan that does not belong to the Hokage family, then what Sarutobi Hiruzen is thinking about now is how to deceive the other party. If the deception fails, Danzo will take the blame. Drop each other.

"Hiruzhan, I believe you have also received information that another Mangekyō Sharingan has appeared in the Uchiha clan, right?"

After moving to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan arrived hand in hand.

"By the way, where's that guy Danzo?"

Mito Monoyan looked around curiously.

He thought that in this case Danzo would definitely come to the third generation first, but he didn't expect to see him here.

"Danzo, he has gone to the Land of Rain to negotiate with Hanzo and invite the other party to send troops to deal with Sunagakure and Iwagakure."

The third generation old god said while smoking his pipe comfortably.

Mito Monohan nodded and looked at each other with Koharu who was sleeping.

The third generation's performance at this time seemed to have a plan for this new Kaleidoscope Uchiha, and believed that the opponent would not pose a threat.

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