Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 161 Two years later

More than two years later. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞Searchπ¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

River Country, Konoha Camp.

More than two years have passed, and Uchiha Mingjing is already sixteen years old.

At this time, his height has reached 1.7 meters, almost reaching the standard of an adult, his body is close to maturity, and his physical fitness and chakra volume have improved significantly compared to two years ago.

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As his body grows, Mingjing's appearance has become more handsome than before. Even in the Uchiha clan, where handsome men and beautiful women are born, Mingjing's appearance can completely rank among the top.

Black hair and black eyes, fair skin, delicate features and heroic spirit. Because of his long-term swordsmanship and practice of Sun Breathing, he gives people a feeling of being as vigorous as the rising sun. Even though he is wearing a rustic green vest of Konoha Jonin, he wears a blue-black feather woven with the Uchiha clan emblem from the Demon Slayer world, which makes his clothes look much better.

At least now, Ming Jing is very popular among the female medical ninjas in the medical class.

With his handsome appearance, prominent background and strong strength, he can be called a high-quality male in the ninja world.

In the past two years, Ming Jing's ninjas of the same period have also changed a lot.

For example, last year, Inuzuka Ryo and Aburame Nami, two of Ming Jing's teammates, were promoted to Jonin. In addition to them, the only other Jonin who became Jonin at this time was Hyuga Iron Gate of the Hyuga clan.

In addition to them, the only outstanding people in the same period were Fuuji Inota, Inuzuka Tsumugi and a few others who became special Jonin.

To be able to achieve this result at the age of sixteen or seventeen, it is already an extraordinary talent and a promising future.

Of the nearly one thousand Genin who graduated from two grades at the same time, it is estimated that no more than ten will eventually become Jonin.

There are more than 20,000 ninjas in Konoha, but there are less than 200 Jonin in total.

"Mingjing, the Inuzuka Mastiff is seriously injured. Lady Tsunade requires you to go immediately to cooperate with the regeneration technique for treatment!"

Pharmacist Nono ran hurriedly from a distance and said anxiously to Mingjing.

"I know!"

Mingjing nodded heavily to Pharmacist Nono, and then rushed to the operating room.

Inuzuka Mastiff is the current head of the Inuzuka clan, an elite Jonin of Konoha. It is said that his strength is one point stronger than Inuzuka Palate, and he is also a brother of the latter from the same mother.

These two people are almost the highest combat power of the Inuzuka clan now.

"Tsunade-sensei, I'm here!"

Ming Jing hurriedly followed the pharmacist Nono to the outside of the operating room.

Here, Inuzuka Ryo, who is also from the Inuzuka clan, is also here. In addition to him, there is Inuzuka Tsume, Ming Jing's classmate in the ninja school.

She is the only daughter of Inuzuka Mastiff. Her talent is very good in Ming Jing's class. At the age of sixteen, she will become a jonin this year.

"Ming Jing! You are finally here. Please, you must, must save my father with Lady Tsunade!"

Inuzuka Tsume pulled Ming Jing's sleeve, tears flashing in the corners of his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

Ming Jing let go of Inuzuka Tsume's hand without leaving a trace, nodded heavily to the people around him, and then entered the operating room.

Pharmacist Nono, Inuzuka Tsume and Aburame Nami followed closely.

In the operating room, all medical equipment has been moved away, leaving a huge open space in the middle.

Instead, there was a huge diamond-shaped magic circle. A middle-aged man with a sturdy figure and lush hair and beard was lying in the center of the magic circle with his eyes closed.

Tsunade was sitting in a corner of the magic circle, maintaining the magic circle with several excellent medical ninjas from the medical class.

"Mingjing, Nono, you sit in the other two directions of the magic circle, Ryo and Nami will take the last rotation. The patient's physical condition is very bad. It is necessary to use chakras above the level of Jonin to perform the regeneration technique to stabilize the situation!"

Tsunade's extremely serious voice reached everyone's ears.

Mingjing, Yakushi Nono and others quickly replaced the medical ninjas from the medical class and began to take over the treatment.

Inuzuka Mastiff's condition was indeed as Tsunade said, in critical condition.

In Mingjing's transparent world, he could clearly see hundreds of wounds on his body, many of which were mixed with grains of gold in his flesh and blood.

The reason why the Inuzuka Mastiff has been able to hold on until now is largely due to the fact that he is an elite jonin-level master who is proficient in physical skills, has extremely strong physical fitness, and is proficient in the Inuzuka clan's Yang escape-type secret techniques.

"This time, the treatment will be directed by Mingjing. Let Nami use medical insects to expel the gold dust and toxins in the patient's body, and at the same time use the live regeneration technique to stimulate cells to regenerate and repair wounds with huge chakra!"

Tsunade decisively announced the treatment plan.

"Yes!" Γ—3.

The sealing magic circle on the ground quickly lit up the green light unique to medical ninjutsu, and continuously poured into the body of the Inuzuka Mastiff.

A cloud of insects emitting light green light also flew out from the sleeves of Nami Aburame, and entered the body of the Inuzuka Mastiff through his mouth, nose and wounds.

This process requires a lot of energy, and this is still with the help of Nami Aburame's medical insects.

Before, it would take more energy and chakra to use the fine injury extraction technique to expel these things.

And if too much chakra is consumed in this process, it is likely to lead to insufficient chakra when using the regeneration technique later.

Tsunade has the dual bloodline of the Senju and the Uzumaki clan, so there is no problem. Ming Jing's chakra is far beyond that of ordinary jounin, but this may not be the case for others.

After nearly an hour, all the placer gold and toxins had been excreted from the Inuzuka Mastiff's body.

But this is just the beginning. The next art of healing and regeneration is almost the most difficult medical ninjutsu besides Tsunade's creative regeneration and Baihao art. Otherwise, there would not be so many people to perform it together.

This jutsu is also a pre-requisite ninjutsu for creating regeneration, that is, using one's own power to replace an entire medical team and using the jutsu to heal and regenerate oneself. Only by combining it with the Jutsu of Hundred Heroes can one achieve instant self-healing immortality.

But even Tsunade needs to have that amount of chakra to do this after releasing the Yin Seal.

Another extremely long few hours passed.


Ming Jing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The treatment is finally over.

Inuzuka Yu, Aburame Nami and Yakushi Nonou were even too tired to stand up.

They rotated two positions with three people.

Among the three, Yakushi Nonou has the highest medical ninjutsu, and Aburame Nami cannot compare with it without using medical bugs, ranking second. The third is Inuzuka, but with Inuzuka Thanks to the clan's natural Yang Escape talent and Tsunade's constant guidance, his medical ninjutsu actually meets the conditions for using the art of regeneration.

Several people took a short rest and recovered some strength before opening the door to the operating room and walking out.

"Tsunade-sama, Ming Jing, and cousin Yu, my father..."

Inuzuka Claw asked in a crying voice.

At her side is her uncle Inuzuka Paladin.

"Don't worry, with Teacher Tsunade and Ming Jing taking action, the operation will naturally be successful."

Inuzukazu comforted Inuzukapaw.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama, and the mirror men."

Inuzuka Paladin stood up and said.

"I don't know that my eldest brother is now..."

"The Mastiff Jonin's body is fine now, but it lost a lot of blood before and needs the same type of blood to replenish it. At the same time, when using the regeneration technique to stimulate cell regeneration, a lot of nutrients and energy need to be replenished. , it will take at least more than half a year to recuperate, and it is no longer suitable to stay on the front line.”

Tsunade said while rubbing her eyebrows.

Even she feels a little tired now.

"Then use my blood. I am the eldest brother's biological brother."

"You can use mine too!"

Inuzuka Palate and Inuzuka Paw hurriedly said.

"You two, Tsunade-sama will arrange medical ninjas to be responsible for these things. If you two want to donate blood, you can also do a blood type test with me for comparison. But now the mastiff jounin needs a quiet environment to recuperate. "

Medicine Master Noonoyu stood up from behind Tsunade and said softly.

"In that case, I'll leave it to the deputy pharmacist."

Inuzuka Paladin expressed gratitude to the pharmacist Nonou.

In the past two years, Yakushi Nonoyu has been promoted by Tsunade to serve as the deputy squad leader of the medical class. He has gained a lot of popularity with his excellent medical ninjutsu and gentle appearance and smile. Even Inuzuka Paladin After being injured on a mission, he received treatment from the pharmacist Noono U.

In this situation, if Danzo wants to bring him back to his roots as a spy, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult.

Without him, the reputation of the medicine master Nonoyu must have been remembered by the intelligence organizations of other ninja villages as a first-class medical ninja.

As the elite Jonin of Konoha and the leader of the Inuzuka clan, Inuzuka Mastiff also has a certain status in Konoha. Now he needs at least a year to recuperate after being seriously injured. Naturally, after he recovers to a certain extent, he is Kato Dan made arrangements to return to Konoha.

Even elite Jōnin like Inuzuka Mastiff would almost die on the battlefield. One can only imagine how intense the current war has become.

Among the team that went out to perform the mission with Inuzuka Mastiff before, only Inuzuka Mastiff barely came back alive, and the others who were traveling with him had all died in the battle.

However, being able to come back alive under the hands of a shadow-level master like Luo Sha is already considered a lucky Inuzuka Mastiff.

"Sunagakure's current offensive is really getting more and more crazy. Luo Sha and the others have been attacking more and more frequently recently."

After finishing his official duties, Kato couldn't help but sigh.

In order to deal with these people, he and Tsunade Mingjing have been going out to put out fires a lot recently.

Because now Sunagakure is attacking everywhere like crazy.

"It seems that Sunagakure is preparing to launch a new large-scale battle, or even a decisive battle to push us back. Their approach now should be to try to weaken our strength as much as possible before launching a general attack."

Ming Jing looked at the map hanging on the wall in front of him and analyzed it.

Many places on the map are marked with red x's, which represent the locations of strongholds that have been attacked by Luo Sha and others.

"Now it seems that this is the only explanation, but I am curious about what other trump cards Sunagakure has to dare them to make such a move."

Tsunade sat next to Kato Dan, holding her chin in her hand and wondering.

The next second, the three people reacted instantly, looked at each other a few times, and said in unison:

"Tailed beast!"



Sunagakure ninja station.

Luo Sha, who had returned from a dusty mission, walked straight to a tent in the rear after returning to the camp.

"Elder Chiyo, how is the current situation of the One-Tail Jinchuuriki?"

Luo Sha looked at an old monk sitting quietly on a stool with a peaceful face, turned his head and asked Qianyo.

"Fengfu's lifespan is coming to an end, maybe in the past year or two. To be honest, he is really amazing that he can still not let Ichibi go berserk even when his body is so weak."

Chiyo sighed as he looked at the Buddha beads spinning in his hand and recited the scriptures silently in his heart.

The man in front of him has extremely high spiritual realm and Buddhist attainments. If he hadn't become Ichibi's vessel, he might have become a famous monk in the ninja world.

"I just want to know whether we can have One-Tail appear on the battlefield and whether it is controllable. He is currently one of our most important trump cards in defeating Konoha."

Luo Sha said expressionlessly.

"I am blessed to have met the fourth generation Kazekage-sama."

The white-browed old monk slowly opened his eyes and performed a Buddhist salute to Luo Sha.

"Can you still control the tailed beast?"

Luo Sha asked.

"Tailed beasts, like humans, have their own thoughts and feelings, and Shukaku does the same, so how can we control them?"

Fenfu shook his head and said to Luo Sha.

"Then it won't work?"

Luo Sha does not care about the concept of sharing blessings.

In his opinion, tailed beasts are just important war weapons in the hands of the five great ninja villages, and the weapons only need to be able to kill people. His thoughts and feelings are not important and can be ignored, even if one day he has a son. And becoming a jinchuriki, that too.

"Lao Na and Shukaku made an agreement. If the fourth generation can abide by it, Shukaku will agree to fully cooperate with Lao Na in this war."

Fenfu clasped his hands together and saluted Luo Sha.

Luo Sha felt a little unhappy.

A weapon still wants to make conditions with this Kazekage?

However, considering that the subsequent war would still need to rely on the powerful lethality of the tailed beasts, Luo Sha still controlled his expression and said calmly:


"Since the year the village was founded, Shukaku has been captured by the First Kazekage and has been trapped in the jinchuriki's body for more than forty years. He hopes to set him free after his death."

"This is impossible."

Luo Sha refused without thinking.

If he really loses his tailed beast, then he, the Fourth Kazekage, can already start thinking about abdicating.

Fenfu was silent for a moment, then returned his consciousness to the spiritual world and began to discuss with Shukaku.

"Shukaku requested that he be given at least three years of free time."

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