Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 160: Poaching

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As the Kazekage and the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Luo Sha must bear a certain responsibility for the defeat. The poison against Chiyo failed twice, which also made this old man who enjoys a high status in the Killing Hidden Village reputation is affected.

Decades of experience in the ninja career quickly allowed Chiyo to adjust his emotions.

What she has to do now is to turn failure into motivation and devote herself to the things she should do now.

"Konoha, Tsunade, and Shunshen Mingjing, the war between us is not over yet!"

"Are you the walking witch at the root?"

With a bit of curiosity in her eyes, Tsunade looked at the woman in front of her who was wearing an animal mask and had the same hair color as herself.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

Yakushi Nonoyu nodded to Tsunade and replied.

As an ace spy, her identity is kept strictly confidential, which is why she shows herself like this.

"Your medical ninjutsu has actually reached this point. You can become Chiyo's deputy in the medical department in Sunagakure."

Tsunade looked at the pharmacist Nonou and quickly recognized Nonou's identity.

Konoha's medical ninja system was established by Tsunade. Every outstanding medical ninja was taught by Tsunade herself. In addition, pharmacist Noono U and Tsunade have the same hair color, and both are women. Ninja, and medical ninjutsu is also extremely outstanding, Tsunade naturally has a certain impression of him.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama, but please don't make any remarks related to my identity in any place."

Yakushi Nonoyu suppressed all the emotions in his heart and answered with the unique voice of the root staff without any emotion.

Seeing the look of Yakushi Nonou, Tsunade's eyes flashed with distress.

This was originally a medical ninja that she was very optimistic about, hoping that he could become a pillar of Konoha's medical system!

Should we find a way to talk to the third-generation old man and dig the pharmacist Noonoyu from the roots back to his own medical department?

"Oh? Does this senior at the base have very good medical ninjutsu? Teacher Tsunade, the medical class is short of manpower now, and we are in urgent need of medical ninjas with superb medical skills. Do you think you should transfer this senior at the base to the medical ninjutsu? Can you help me, after all, you never deal with things, so I can’t handle all these things alone!”

Ming Jing's thoughts at this time also jumped to the same frequency as Tsunade.

Tsunade was usually too lazy to manage most of the trivial matters, leaving them all to Ming Jing. If there was someone to share the burden, Ming Jing would support it with both hands.

And if Danzo's power can be weakened, poaching people from under him is also something worth celebrating.

Of course, you also need to consider that if you are really poached by your side, you have to be careful about Danzo giving instructions to Yakushi Nonou that are not good for you. However, if such a thing really happens, you might be able to use this method. Let's take advantage of that old boy Danzo Yinjo.

"Sorry, Tsunade-sama, the order given to me by Nebe is to continue to lurk into Iwagakure Village to perform the mission after retreating from the front line here."

Yakushi Nonoyu once again refused in an emotionless voice, even though her heart was now more inclined to seek refuge with Tsunade.

But the orphanage is the most unforgettable concern in her heart, and it is also the most important way Danzo can control Yakushi Nonou.

"I'll explain it to Orochimaru!"

Tsunade waved her hand nonchalantly.

Yakushi Nonoyu once again said sorry to Tsunade.

"Sorry, Tsunade-sama, this order was not issued by Orochimaru-sama, but by Danzo-sama. He is now the leader of the root."

The smile on Tsunade's face disappeared quickly.

"Danzo? Did the old man relocate the rat hiding underground so quickly? Yes, Orochimaru is now the commander against Kumogakure, so the position of root leader naturally returns to Danzo. "

Tsunade thought very clearly that the third generation's idea was nothing more than that Tsunade and Kato Danzhu, who were opposed to Danzo in the village, were on the front line. If their opinions were spread back to Konoha, they would not cause much commotion.

"I disagree!"

Tsunade slapped her hand on the table.

"Tsunade, I will have people pass the news back to the village. In the name of my commander of the Sunagakure Front and your identity as the head of the Konoha Medical Department, I request that the pharmacist Noonoyu be transferred out of the root and returned to the medical department. In preparation."

Kato Dan glanced at the table where Tsunade's slap left a deep handprint, thought for a moment and said.

"Thank you very much, Tsunade-sama, Duan-sama, and this Mirror-sama."

Yakushi Nonou knew that there was no point in concealing his identity in front of Tsunade, so he took off the animal mask on his face.

"But, I still can't agree."


Tsunade asked.

"For those kids of mine."

Tsunade's expression changed again, and she clenched her fist into a fist, making a crunching sound.

"Danzo, that guy, has actually gone so far as to capture the children and relatives of people in the same village as a means of coercing others."

"Tsunade-sama, you misunderstood. I have not married and had children. What I mean is that I am the director of an orphanage in Konoha, and the funds for the orphanage have always been provided by Danzo-sama, and the price is It’s me who joins the Roots to serve Danzo-sama.”

Pharmacist Nonoyu took out his glasses from his pocket and put them on, saying with a gentle smile on his face.

Tsunade was silent for a while, feeling a little admiration for Medicine Master Noonoyu, and then spoke.

"The Medical Ministry will also provide financial support to the orphanage in the future. This is more legitimate than an organization like the Genbu that hides in the dark underground. It guarantees more than three million taels every year. Suan and I will also attend the next Jonin Conference. Make suggestions to increase village support for institutions like orphanages.”

Tsunade has already begun to think about whether to gamble less in the future if this is not enough.

She can spend tens of thousands of taels a day. She and Kato Dan, two shadow-level masters, usually don't have enough money to do tasks for her to gamble. If she can save some, it will actually be enough to fund an orphanage.

Kato Suan nodded in agreement.

"Regarding this matter, I will also persuade the Fugaku clan leader to let the Uchiha clan and the police force provide charitable funding to Konoha's orphanages, nursing homes and other institutions. As a wealthy family who established Konoha with Senju, I want Uchiha The clan has this obligation.”

Der Spiegel also added.

"As for Danzo, you don't have to worry. If that guy dares to cause trouble, I will lead people directly to the root, and no one in Konoha will dare to say anything!"

Tsunade concluded with a final heroic wave.

As the granddaughter of the first Hokage, she has saved countless Konoha ninjas and made great achievements in battle. She is the one with the deepest background in Konoha.

In other words, she herself is the background, representing the legitimacy of Konoha passed down from the first and second generations of Hokage.

Of course, if you really do that, it will be an internal confrontation with Shimura Danzo. If no one else says it, Danzo's old classmates will definitely be inclined to Danzo himself, and it is impossible to form the following. Infighting and confrontation between young people in the village like Tsunade Kato Dan and Danzo and other senior leaders.

"Then, thank you so much, sir!"

Pharmacist Nonoyu showed a grateful look on his face and bowed to everyone.

It is definitely a good thing that the orphanage can get the support of these big people.

Pharmacist Noonoyu also knew very well that he could not overcome Tsunade's will by staying here now, so he could only settle down here and join the frontline medical class.

As for the future, it depends on the confrontation between Danzo and Tsunade. Although Nonoyu himself is personally more inclined to follow Kato Duan, Tsunade and the others, because Tsunade and the others are not only more generous than Danzo, but also want to do more. The matter is not as dangerous as Danzo requires.

"Hiruzhan, look, look! What do Kato Dan and Tsunade mean? They actually dug into my roots! The walking miko is an S-class spy with strategic significance, belonging to the roots. Important members, she sent them directly to the medical department with just one word!"

After receiving the news, Shimura Danzo stormed into Sarutobi Hiruzen's office aggressively.

"What Tsunade did is indeed a bit unethical, but I feel that this may be an opportunity to express dissatisfaction."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook the pipe in his hand, took a puff with enjoyment on his face and said.

The third generation is happy to see the struggle between the faction of Tsunade Kato Danzo and the faction of Orochimaru Danzo.

As long as these struggles are controlled within a certain range and no excessive incidents occur, it will actually be beneficial to the three generations.

"They actually dare to express their dissatisfaction. They are taking credit for themselves!"

"Danzo, what Tsunade and the others want to express is their dissatisfaction with my reinstatement of you."

Sandai smiled and struck Danzo.

"Hiruzhan, this kind of precedent must not be set! I request that the pharmacist Noonoyu be transferred back to his roots!"

Danzo said seriously.

"Danzo, Yakushi Nonou is in the hands of Tsunade and Danzo. If you have any requests, you should go to them."

"Hiruzen, you are the Hokage! Can't you still order them?"

"Yes, Danzo, I am the Hokage!"

Danzo was silent.

How could the monkey learn to answer before he even opened his mouth?

"Humph, in that case, let me handle this matter myself. There is one more thing."

Danzo took out a document from his pocket and placed it on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk.

"The secret wire buried in Iwagakure returned intelligence. It seems that Kato Dan and the others achieved a great victory on the front line. Iwagakure's senior officials were worried about Sunagakure's defeat, which was only pulling down Konoha's energy. Ohnoki had already ordered the mobilization of supplies to prepare for the attack on Fire. This is why I wanted to transfer the pharmacist Noono to Iwagakure. After all, her identity with Sunagakure has been exposed. "

"Is that old guy Onoki also planning to come out and get involved..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes.

The victory of the first two ninja wars has begun to make all ninja villages target Konoha.

Even though Konoha is the strongest overlord in the ninja world, it has to fight on three fronts and face three great ninja villages at the same time.

"Jiraiya has returned to the village. I will let him serve as the commander to resist Iwagakure, but this is still not enough."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the pipe in his hand and looked at Danzo.

"Duanzo, now Konoha has reached its most dangerous moment. Facing three great ninja villages at the same time is a unique thing in the past history. Even if we can win, we will pay a very heavy price. Danzo, now It’s time for the roots to come into play.”

"Hiruzen, what do you want to do?" Danzo said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sowing discord, framing blame, diverting trouble to the east, in short, you can do whatever you are good at. It has muddied the waters between several big countries. We cannot allow them to unanimously target Konoha. I will also let Endai I’ll go and visit the Water Shadow to see if we can form an ally with the Water Kingdom, which has not yet joined the war, to help us share the pressure.”

Playing this kind of dirty work is what Shimura Danzo is best at.

"Okay, but I need more people."

Danzo knew that this was the perfect time to expand his power.

"Okay, the upper limit of the root quota will be increased by twenty people."

"What I want is not those civilian ninjas who don't have much ability and take too long to train. It's too late."

The names that Danzo had already recorded in his mind suddenly popped up in his mind.

"I will go talk to those ninjas, but the quota will be reduced to ten, and there can be no more than three ninjas, and they cannot be direct descendants. Otherwise, if they join forces and put forward their opinions, I'm afraid I will have to remove you again. Once to appease them.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, then I want Yu..."

"It can't be anyone from Uchiha or Hinata. In the end of this war, these two wealthy families will definitely need to use their reserves to survive. It's not appropriate to offend."

Danzo hadn't even finished speaking, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew what he was going to fart, and refused in advance without even thinking about it.

To end this war, these ninjas must use more power, and as long as Uchiha and Hinata can be persuaded, other ninjas will not be a problem.

These two wealthy ninja clans are the only ones that Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage, cannot control at will. The other ninja clans can only submit obediently in front of him, Hiruzen Sarutobi. There is room for negotiation, but absolutely not much.

Danzo felt a little unhappy, but once he thought that his goal had been achieved, he put it behind him.

There has been a precedent for opening a hole, are you afraid that there won't be a next time?

Mito Katoyan went to the Kingdom of Water, but in the end he got no results.

The end of the third generation Mizukage is approaching, and due to internal turmoil due to the policies in the Blood Mist, many bloodstained families have perished. Unless a powerful and capable person appears to take over the position of the fourth generation Mizukage, will it be possible to take over the position of the fourth Mizukage? It subsides.

Therefore, when Iwagakure joined the war, the scale of the Ninja World's war expanded to a level not inferior to that of the Second Ninja World War, and gradually began to intensify.

Time, like this, passed quickly in blood and fire for more than two years.

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