Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 119: Muzan's Excitement

In the Infinite Castle.

Muzan, wearing women's clothing, is still worried about the death of Douma, Hantengu and Yuhu.

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What worries him even more is that the swordsman who uses the Breath of the Sun in the Demon Slayer Corps is actually able to kill several powerful upper-rank demons in succession. Will that threaten his ability?

He doesn't want to meet the next Yoriichi Tsugikoku.

Suddenly, Muzan, who received the call from Daki, quickly sank his consciousness into Daki's body.

[Daki, what happened? Did the swordsman who uses the Breath of the Sun find you? ]

"No, Lord Muzan, it's the blue spider lily that you have always asked us to pay attention to. There is news!"

Muzan felt that his seven hearts beat a beat slower.

After searching for the blue spider lily for thousands of years, there is finally news?

Muzan's vision, through Daki, looked at the newspaper on the table.

At the top of the newspaper was a photo of Kitasato Shibasaburo and the "Blue Blossom Flower". However, because the color was black and white, Muzan could not tell what the difference was between this and ordinary Blossom Flower, but it did look much denser.

Muzan read on with doubt.

"According to Professor Kitasato Shibasaburo of the Tokyo University School of Medicine, this is a plant that was only recorded in ancient medical books thousands of years ago. He also accidentally discovered it on a high mountain. Mr. Kitasato Shibasaburo said that this is a very rare plant. There is no difference between it and ordinary Blossom Flower. The number is extremely rare. It only grows on high mountains at extremely high altitudes. It needs to absorb sunlight for three hundred years before it will have a short flowering season of one month. At present, the only sample has been transplanted by Dr. Ogata Masayuki and is currently being studied in a research institute in Tokyo for various possible characteristics..."

Recorded in ancient medical books thousands of years ago?

Muzan's original doubtful attitude began to change. He subconsciously tended to believe that this was the Blue Blossom Flower.

It will only have a flowering season every three hundred years. There is no difference between it and ordinary Blossom Flower?

Muzan suddenly realized.

No wonder he had been looking for this flower for thousands of years but couldn't find it.

When he saw this scholar say that this flower has been absorbing the energy of the sun for the past three hundred years, Muzan was completely convinced that this was the blue flower of the other shore that he had been searching for.

The thing he feared most, besides Tsugakuin Yoshiichi, was sunlight.

If he swallowed this blue flower of the other shore that absorbed the energy of the sun, would it mean that he could gain the power of the sun and overcome his only weakness?

Muzan's heart was more excited than ever before.

This is the blue flower of the other shore!

If he could eat this thing and overcome all his shortcomings, what would he be afraid of...

Oh, if it was Tsugakuin Yoshiichi, he would still be afraid.

[Daki! Find out the location of this research institute! I want to do it myself and get the blue flower of the other shore! ]

Muzan's tone was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

He must do it himself!

Because Muzan was worried, if it was another demon, such as Kokushibo, what if he ate the blue spider lily?

If the weakness was eliminated, would Kokushibo be out of his control?

If Kokushibo was out of his control, even if Muzan could defeat Kokushibo, he would never be able to kill him.

It was late at night, and everything was quiet.

Kyoto, Tokyo University Institute of Biology.

All the people who originally worked here were asked to leave work early, and the people nearby were also dismissed one by one.

Those who are still here are all pretending to be members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Muzan, wearing a suit, a white hat, holding a roll of newspaper, walked in here with an elegant pace.

"Blue spider lily... where is it?"

Glancing at the picture of blue spider lily on the newspaper, Muzan began to wander around the institute.

"Ah, so you are here, the little cutie I have been looking for for a thousand years."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Muzan's mouth.

Not far in front of him, a blue flower with a glittering blue light, which looked extremely mysterious at first glance, was standing gracefully in a transparent glass container.

At the first sight of this flower, Wuzan was sure that it was real.

Red spider lilies usually bloom in autumn. Now is the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The red spider lilies that can bloom at this time must be different from other red spider lilies.

Wuzan walked briskly to the blue red spider lily, and couldn't wait to reach out and break the glass container. He didn't care about the alarms around him and swallowed the blue red spider lily in one gulp.

"This blue red spider lily... seems to be different from other things. Some strange changes seem to be happening in my body...?"

Just as Wuzan was still in doubt, a loud noise resounded through the clouds, and the biological research institute built by the Japanese government at a huge cost several years ago collapsed.

"What on earth is going on?"

Muzan, who was almost blown to pieces, quickly recovered his body, crawled out of the ruins, and looked around blankly.

One after another, the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps jumped onto the wall, looking down at Muzan, and outside were hundreds of elite swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps who were selected.

"I see. You must be here to stop me from eating the blue spider lily, right? But unfortunately, I have already swallowed the blue spider lily and turned into a perfect creature that even the sun cannot kill."

Muzan said with a dangerous red light flashing in his eyes, pretending to be elegant.

He felt that he had discovered the truth.

He wanted to severely hit the momentum of the Demon Slayer Corps, and then completely eliminate them in despair!

"Eh? Are you talking about that beautiful, glowing blue spider lily? But that's fake. It actually contains the antidote that Sister Tamayo and I specially researched to turn you into a human! No need to thank me!"

Shinobu Kocho stood on the wall, with a gentle smile on her face, and said to Muzan.

Muzan's face was stunned.

No wonder he felt something was wrong, but it didn't matter. He only needed a little time to decompose these antidotes by himself, and there were so many swordsmen here, which just allowed him to get rid of the Demon Slayer Corps that had been bothering him for thousands of years in one go.

[Mina, you know what to do. 】

Muzan silently gave the order in his mind.

In an instant, the sky spun and a bottomless pit appeared under everyone's ground.

Kocho Shinobu flipped lightly and landed in a courtyard surrounded by a pool full of lotus flowers.

[As Mingjing expected, Muzan would take the initiative to turn the battlefield into his home base, disperse the power of the Demon Slayer Corps, and let the other demons delay time and consume the power of the Demon Slayer Corps...]

Kocho Shinobu drew her sword and glanced around coldly.

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