Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 118 A surprise for Muzan

To this day, Ming Jing has become the strongest combat force of the Demon Slayer Team and the biggest reliance for everyone to kill Wu Mei. Although he cannot explain why he knows the special characteristics of the Kamado family, as long as he doesn't want to say it, he doesn't. What will people care about?

This is the change brought about by the growth of strength and status.

"It's actually the flesh and blood of three ghosts. In this case, there must be room for improvement in the poisons I originally prepared for Muzan, but why do we need to take blood samples from the Kamado family?"

Zhu Shi took the three test tubes after Ming Jing unsealed them and looked at Ming Jing curiously.

The Butterfly Ninja also stopped purifying the wisteria flower poison in his hands and turned his head simultaneously.

"They are very special. At least according to my experimental results, they are extremely resistant to ghost cells, but they also have perfect adaptability. It may be possible to use their blood to make drugs that can turn ghosts into humans again. "

Butterfly Ninja couldn't help but pause in his movements.

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"Ding Jing, couldn't you..."

"I will not, at least in this world, I will never touch the power of Wu Mei."

Ming Jing naturally knew what Butterfly Ninja was worried about and smiled at her.

Butterfly Shinobi couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Actually, I did this just to find a better way to kill Wu Mei. The previous three strings alone would not die even if they were decapitated by me. This time's three strings also have endless life-saving abilities. If it is Wu Ke, there will only be more, but if the antidote can be used to turn Wu Ke back into a human being, then it will be the best time to kill him. Even if it fails, Wu Ke will still be able to consume Wu Ke's power. "

"Is it a medicine that turns ghosts into humans? With Wu Ke's ability, I'm afraid he will be able to find out the clues and get rid of it soon. But I think I can use this medicine as a cover, because... I have other special medicine for Wu Ke. Poison developed over hundreds of years.โ€

Jushi's gentle face had a bright smile.

After three hundred years, since Guoyuanyi, she finally found the hope of killing Wuhan again.

"Three hundred years ago, Nizhu of your Demon Slayer Squad almost killed Muzan, but at the last moment he split himself into countless split bodies and escaped. This is the weapon I have specially developed over the past three hundred years to prevent The poison he self-destructs and splits, and this one, can target the defects in the ghost's genes and accelerate the aging of the ghost's body. I tried it once on myself, and it made me fifty years older in one minute. As long as I was hit Wu Ke must spend a considerable amount of his strength to decompose this poison."

"And similarly, you must kill him before he finishes decomposing these toxins!"

Zhu Shi told him in a quite calm tone that he had prepared a plan for three hundred years.

"You can also add my wisteria flower poison that has been concentrated two thousand times."

The butterfly ninja finally prepared the reagent in front of him.

"The wisteria flower poison I usually use can cause ghosts to quickly weaken, slow down their regeneration and speed, and other functions. It can also destroy ghosts' body cells and kill them. After being concentrated two thousand times, I think Wuhan will definitely Love this gift.โ€

The reagent in Butterfly Ninja's hand exudes a bright purple luster. It is very beautiful, but to ghosts, it is the most deadly poison.

"Then the next step is to develop drugs that can turn ghosts into humans, and combine these poisons with cyan pigment and fluorescent powder. Once the desired effect is achieved, I will introduce it into the Higanbana."

Ming Jing smiled slightly and concluded. The seeds of Bianhua flower in his hand quietly sprouted and grew, condensing into buds and blooming bright red.




It was already getting late, and Kitasato Shibasaburo, the Tarzan Beidou in the neon country's medical community and the first Japanese scientist to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Biology or Medicine, was on his way to get off work.

"Professor Kitasato!"

Suddenly, Kitasato Shibasaburo heard someone calling his name and subconsciously glanced back.

A young man with two scars on his face and a fierce look was walking towards him holding a knife.

"My lord and lord invites you."

Kitasato Shibasaburo raised his glasses.

"May I ask who your lord is..."

"We'll find out when Mr. Kitasato arrives."

Immortal Sakawa Saneya tried his best to put on a kind smile, but paired with his face, it just made people think that this guy wanted to draw a knife and kill me, right?

At this time, Kitasato Shibasaburo realized that he was surrounded by a circle of swordsmen holding swords.

"Well, I guess I don't have the power to say no."

Kitasato Shibasaburo resigned to his fate.

Following a group of swordsmen, Kitasato Shibasaburo came to a somewhat remote house.

"Professor Kitasato, I have long admired your name."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya watched the arrival of this important person selected by the Mirror, with a just right smile on his face.

"We, the Uyashiki family, want to ask President Ogata to publish a paper, saying that we have found a blue Higan flower that is only recorded in ancient medical techniques."

"Cyan Hibiscus flower? I have never heard of this type of flower. I will not do anything that goes against scientific rigor."

Kitasato Shibasaburo said.

"No, there is now."

Ming Jing, who was standing next to Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, magically pulled out a blue Higan flower, with mysterious fluorescent light flashing on the petals.

A few days later, Kitasato Shibasaburo spent a lot of effort and finally rushed out a paper to publish. At the same time, he held a press conference at the University of Tokyo, announcing that he had discovered a blue flower that was only recorded in ancient medical books. It contained mysterious unknown elements. The only sample is currently being cultivated in a research institute in Tokyo.

Under the promotion of Ubuyashiki Yoya, this news quickly spread throughout Japan.

As a family that has continued for thousands of years, the Ubuyashiki family not only controls a powerful force like the Demon Slayer Corps, but also has strong connections and influence throughout Japan, enough to spread this news to every corner of Japan in the shortest time.

Now, just wait for Muzan to come.


"Ms. Warabi, this is today's newspaper."

Warabi, that is, the name used by Daki, who has just become the fifth of the upper strings, to play the oiran in Yuguo.

"Newspaper? I never read this thing."

Daki sat in front of the dressing table and said to the maid behind her in a cold tone.

"Yes, I know, but there is news about the blue flower that you have been asking us to pay attention to."

Blue flower?

Daki suppressed her murderous intent and took the newspaper.

"Blue red spider lily... a plant recorded in ancient medical books thousands of years ago..."

Isn't this what Muzan has been looking for?

Daki was suddenly startled, and hurriedly called Muzan in her heart and passed the news on.

"You go down first."

Daki waved away the maid.

Now, Master Muzan's affairs are more important.

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