Two-dimensional System

Chapter 965: I choose to die...

The universe is huge, and anyone who wants to find someone in the universe will be extremely desperate.

That is absolutely impossible, because don't talk about finding it, even if it takes a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation.

Nor does it mean that you have the opportunity to set foot on the universe and leave the little ball, let alone find the person you want in the universe.

It is definitely not something that can be accomplished in 1 light-year.

But for people with ‘strength’, it’s easier to find someone in the universe than drinking water.

The task of finding the head of the black bitter egg is still impossible for some people.

Such tasks, No. 15 and No. 56, are not sure why they fall on the two ordinary people.

But after Phil Coleson broke the news, they suddenly realized that it was not superheroes who were incapable.

It's that they also encountered their own troubles. It turns out that the superheroes are also lacking in avatars?

Phil Coleson didn't keep the other person's mission secret.

But in order to be able to ensure the ‘loyalty’ and ‘ability’ of the two people, Phil Colson separated the two.

The result did not disappoint Phil Coleson, it was indeed the SHIELD after the removal of Hydra.

Although the students who graduated from the college are not very experienced, they have many qualities that they should have.

In the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future, Phil Coleson finally has one, even if he closes his eyes next moment. You can look down even if you die.

As for experience, it's all small things that are constantly tempered.

After all, who is a master at birth? Didn’t they all come out one step at a time?

What's more, the 15th and the 56th, these two guys are indeed, and they have to be cultivated if they are moldable.

For a large part of the world, the world is big. In the whole world, it is very difficult to find one person and the chance of finding that person is very small.

It's so small that you can find the person you want to find in the entire world, in the vast sea of ​​people, only if you have less than one in a billion chance.

For some people, it is very simple to find someone in the whole world. It only needs a phone call, or an expression and look.

The same, in the entire world, their S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Whoever wants to find any ordinary person in this world, simply don't want it.

Just by moving their fingers, they can know the information they want to obtain, including the target they want to find, what brand and color pants they are wearing today.

This is the behemoth in the eyes of ordinary people, and no one dares to provoke: SHIELD.

But that is, in the same world of this size, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to find it, but it was indeed extremely difficult for the Director of the Black Braised Egg.

Don't say whether it is possible or not, it is possible to find the Lord of the Black Braised Egg Bureau. Even if they are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., they have to spend two or even three lifetimes.

This is the strength. It is true that the master of the Black Lagoon Bureau is an ‘ordinary person’. He does not have the creative ability of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

He also does not have the fighting ability of Hulk, Captain America Steve Rogers, himself.

But he is a black marinated egg, his secret is his super power.

As long as he still has a secret, no one can know what level of the Black Braised Egg Bureau is now.

Naturally, if you want to hide it, as long as you want to hide it, no one can find it if you don't want to come out.

Because of this, Phil Coleson knows that superheroes all have their own troubles, and that things don't matter to them.

Knowing that Zhao superheroes can't find the masters of the black bitter game, this is the main reason why Phil Coleson gives up so easily to find the superheroes in trouble.

These superheroes, let's take care of their own affairs first. As for the masters of the black bitter game, Phil Coleson didn't want to give up so easily.

Have to find someone to find a chance to give it a try, maybe it really does?

But looking for the masters of the Black Braised Egg Bureau is not a simple matter, so for the 56th, the task is especially so easy?

Looking at Phil Coleson, who looked at himself affectionately with his eyes, No.56 just wanted to say to this good old man: MMP!

Let them not know how many levels are different from the black braised egg, the rookie went to the black braised egg to find the master of the black braised egg, and it was already considered to be the devil **** level difficulty.

So? If such a difficult task is not too much, then what is too much?

Facing Phil Colson, who looked calm, No. 56 was really not calm at all.

"Impossible, it's not a task or task at all, it's completely impossible to complete."

To say that after knowing the task of No. 15, it is to look for the **** of food who is suspected to be able to control the mind.

As for the disappeared Master Black Braised Egg, after a little bit of surprise in No.56's heart, all that is left is sympathy and pity, and even a little bit of joy and ease.

Because of this task, if it weren't for 15 good things to my good buddies, then this task would fall on myself...

Therefore, No. 15 is completely to give him another hit, and when it comes to No. 56's tone, it is not much better.

Because of this task, it is not his turn, so naturally there will be other tasks waiting for number 56.

The mission of No. 15 is at the level of the devil's hell, so at the moment, No. 56 looks pale and bleak, and even wants to die on the spot.

For the task that Phil Colson gave him, No. 56 really didn't know what to do.

Don't say rejection, because the 56th has lost the ability to think about this issue.

It’s just because this made No.56 scared the soul out of its body...No, the mission to frighten the soul of No.56 is...

"How about? Have you considered it? I believe you can do it~"

No.56 looked at Phil Coleson on the screen with horror, with countless question marks on his head.

What gives you the illusion that I can? Tell me, look at me, slap him without slapping him! ?

Taking a deep breath, this is no longer about the task that Phil Colson gave him.

It's no longer a question of not being optimistic, nor is it whether one has the ability or not.

Smiling at Phil Coleson's honest human-like smile, he used to feel amiable, without any problems at all.

Now this smile is even more terrifying than the evil God of Food in the Tri-Wing Building.

"No~ about this mission? I choose to die..."

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