Two-dimensional System

Chapter 964: Can i trust you

Now looking at the good old man, Phil Colson mentioned the superheroes and his expression changed.

The 15th was also stunned. Although he was also an agent of SHIELD, he was also a member of the civilian department.

But who said that people in the civil service department must know more than others?

He is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he knows a little more than normal people. He also knows more in the civilian department than in some field departments.

However, there are some things, about higher-level information, because of the level of relationship, No. 15 does not know at all.

So according to the rumors, isn't the good guy Phil Colson, and the superheroes in the Avengers, are good buddies?

How does it look like it doesn't look like what you know? Is it possible that something went wrong in a certain link?

For the first time, he saw Officer Phil Colson with such an expression.

It can be seen how angry Phil Colson is now, and a terrible thought came up in the buzzing head of No.15.

Could it be...

No matter what the puzzle, there is only one correct answer, that is:

Their good old man, Chief Phil Coelson, had a fallout with the entire Avengers heroes?


So was their good old man, Phil Coulson being dumped, or was the Avengers heroes cheating?

Noting Phil Coleson's serious and indignant appearance, No. 15 seemed to find that this matter was deeply involved.

It's best not to ask too much, because this matter is not something he should be concerned about, otherwise he is a little careless.

I am afraid that he is dead and there is no bones and dregs left. As for the superheroes, is that something he should be concerned about?

There was no ambition on the 15th, he was just a dedicated S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Go to your own class, complete your work, and stay in the circle where you should stay within the limits of your ability.

On the 15th, I wondered what kind of task Phil Coleson would give himself, such as sneaking into a certain company or a certain security department.

Then what is the target, or something like intelligence.

However, he didn't expect that his task would be to find their righteous black light, the master of the black bittern bureau?

Any strange phenomena with abnormal abilities, aren’t these things the superhero’s thing?

Although it is said that the director of the black marinated egg disappeared, where did he go, but what caused the disappearance of the director of the black marinated egg is also caused by a great ‘devil’ **** of food~

For this task, after the excitement and disbelief, the 15th is left with calmness...

Just because of my small body, I shouldn't get involved in the affairs between superpowers. I am just a scum.

This is not a task that he can accomplish at all. It can only be said that Chief Phil Coleson has entrusted him to be inhuman.

On the 15th, silently in her heart, she said something embarrassing to Phil Colson~

Breathe~ Breathe!

On the screen, looking at No. 15's face, he firmly apologized to Phil Coleson if he couldn't see what No. 15 was thinking.

Then I'm really sorry, his good old man, the title of a panacea.

Do you think good old people are so easy to do? If his ability to observe words and expressions can't be filled, he would not know how many times he died.

Where else could there be, the mixed number of friends of Avengers superheroes?

"Can I trust you!?"

Once upon a time, this sentence came from his Bole and also his most admired, as the goal of life's struggle.

Just for the sake of being able to make the person inside, it's true that it's righteous black light, and the adults of the black bitter bureau often speak words like this to him with earnest words.

At this moment, Phil Coleson fully realized that another realm.

‘It turns out that the adults of the Black Braised Egg Bureau at the time were just like myself, so helpless...’

Can i trust you

This sentence is nothing, you can, I believe you can, and so on.

But like a sledgehammer, it slammed on No. 15's atrium.


It's just Xiaobai's 15th, how can he have a strong immunity to this sentence?

Originally I looked so sorry, but I had let down your trust, and even the number 15 that had lowered my head, seemed to be brushed with blood.

Lifting his head, his eyes flashed with light, this light was so charming.

He is no longer so confused and at a loss. These words made the 15th realize...

It turns out that stepping on a small body is already tough enough, does Phil Coleson have to rely on the strength?

Yes~ it's not wrong, you can trust me~

There seemed to be something burning in No. 15's eyes.

"Senior Phil..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, our situation is that the superheroes are in trouble. And we are also in trouble. Someone has blocked the superheroes from us, and we can only rely on ourselves."

Yuan...It turned out to be so...

It was another heavy crit, and No.15's body trembled and finally understood. It turns out that superheroes are also in trouble?

It turns out that superheroes have troubles that they cannot solve?

So this time...

"This world is not just a world of superpowers and heroes. It is also the world in which we live. We have the responsibility and obligation to protect our own world. Although we are not superpowers, we are not superheroes. We are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents!"

That's right...

No. 15 wants to shout, we are also part of this world, so why can't I use my own hands.

To protect our world? Instead, give the world to superheroes who can't solve their own troubles?

"Yes, Chief Coleson, you can totally trust me. Even if I sacrifice my life, I will find the Lord of the Black Braised Eggs!"

Seeing that a military order was issued to him on the 15th, Phil Coleson nodded very satisfied with a look of teachable.

Moreover, No. 15 is included in the list that can be focused on training, because looking at the current No. 15, Phil Coleson seems to be like.

Seeing what I used to be, he breathed a sigh of relief and touched the heads of myself and the idol, which were getting closer and closer.

The seriousness disappeared, and the wise smile of the good man was again on his face, watching the 15th turn off the communicator.

Phil Colson, then he turned his gaze to the other side of the communicator.

In the same way, No.56 was in a state of being in panic and lost connection.

"How are you thinking about it? I am very optimistic about you for such a task~"

However, in the face of Phil Colson's compliment, No.56's face is not excited.

Instead, he raised his head and used his expression blankly. Are you still a human ‘asked’ to Phil Colson.

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