Two-dimensional System

Chapter 960: admire! I really admire...

"I said you guys are not afraid, do you want to be deserters?"

The visitor sitting next to the two of No. 15 and No. 56 was like an arrow and hit the fragile hearts of the two with extremely accurate accuracy.

15 Haoyue No.56, with awkward smiles on their faces, at the same time they turned their heads to look at them with a deep look.

Sweeping over the two people, it made the embarrassing two people seem to be seen through in front of this person.

"We want to be deserters? Hahaha~ how is that possible~"

On the 15th, scratching his head and desperately discounting haha, trying to get through with this, but the people just laughed and said nothing.

You continue on, I believe you all, with a smile but a smile~

I believe in you, so spicy, I invite you to continue your ‘show’.

Just when you are running away, don’t forget that for the sake of S.H.I.E.L.D. to maintain world peace, the light of the righteous way who sacrificed yourselves for righteousness is good for you~

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as they think of their righteous black light, the black stewed eggs are adults.

It is very likely that they have lost their heads involuntarily after being sacrificed on the right path.

They were thinking of their cowardice, and when they encountered danger just now, the first thing they thought of was running away.

Become the first deserter since the establishment of SHIELD, and felt ashamed, guilty, and selfless.

This may be the gap between them and the right way black light, the black bitter board seat adults.

Why can the black braised eggs become the boss of the bureau, and they can only be third-level or fourth-level agents.

It can be seen that their abilities may have graduated, but their belief in the light of the right way is still far behind~

"Hehe~ I was just in a trance. I definitely didn't want to be a deserter. Don't think too much~"

If it is said that before the 15th and the 56th, the tacit understanding of the two people will know at a glance, the other's thoughts.

So now, when the two of them think of the black braised eggs that they don't know about life or death, they are still in the mood to think about those deserters.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the bald head with a gentle smile on his face.

"It's impossible to escape. It's impossible to be a deserter in this life~ It's just that you came to us, what's the matter?"

Seriously, if it hadn't been for seeing this stuff in front of them, the two of them would never believe it.

This guy is still alive?

Sure enough, as their agent, there is no truth at all, even death may be fake~

"I am indeed dead, but well...hehe~ This question cannot be answered for you for the time being, but there is a task here, I don’t know you two..."

"What task?"

"Haha, Phil Coleson, you really have a vision. You look at you in the middle of nowhere. It strikes me and No. 15. In the mysterious oriental fable, there is me and No. 15, which is equivalent to I have to fall down Wolong and Fengchi, what mission?"

"This is a very dangerous and difficult task. Can I trust you?"


Listening to Phil Colson's tone, it seemed that this might be deadly, which made the 15th and 56th agents who just graduated.

Phil Coleson was startled by the gloomy tone. What kind of mission would it be like?

Can the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau be up and down, the only white egg, so much attention?

"Don't worry, leave it to us~"

"We will definitely live up to expectations!!"

But after the next second of stunned, the two rushed towards him, Phil Colson nodded.

If they are afraid of death, how can they become agents?

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are divided into civilian and combat troops, and they are only civilian.

But they never lack a heart to die,, they never lack a heart to sacrifice for justice.

The two of them have been training hard for five or six years, isn't it just for today?

Is this important and sacred moment finally here?


No. 15 and No. 56 both looked around and no one seemed to notice them.

In other words, noticed their table of people, and Phil Colson who was ‘resurrected’?

They all ate dullly, chewing waxy things on their plates.

"But how did you find the two of us?"

"Yes~ How did you choose, our brothers?"

On the 15th and 56th, the two approached Phil Colson. They never despised themselves, but they didn't understand.

Phil Coleson will notice them, they can't fight Phil Coleson on eight strokes~

"Haha~Want to know? Well...Look here, so many people have been affected by the mysterious smell in the interrogation room.

But only the two of you are not affected, but can analyze so many things, so this is the reason why I am attracting the two of you~"

Phil Colson smiled and patted the shoulders of the two of them, seeming to be very satisfied with them.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help raising their chests a lot...

That's right, we are so simple and unpretentious, but this can't stop it at all, the light hidden in the two of them.

"No matter what the task is, just leave it to us with confidence."

"Yes! We must live up to our high expectations."

No. 15 and No. 56, patted his chest, Phil Coleson seemed very satisfied, and the two nodded.

But it didn't say what the task was when it came out, after all, although no one here noticed them.

But this is not their style of SHIELD.

"Don't worry, first of all you come here to find me at this time, what tasks will tell you at that time~"

It may be the first time for the two of them to perform, and the expressions of such an important person both seemed extra excited.

I took the slip of paper handed to them by Phil Coleson, with only a time and a location written on it.

However, the locations of the two people are different, looking at each other's different location names, the two looked at Phil Colson in confusion.

Only the latter did not give any explanation to the two of them.

"Now you two, you should enjoy your lunch~"

But, finally patted the shoulders of the two of them, and then left the table.

Only the two people who looked at each other were left, but when the two came back to their senses, Yu Guang found out.

It turned out that during this period of their conversation, Phil Coleson, who left with the plate, had already settled the thing on his plate.

Unable to help, looking at Phil Colson's back, the two of them once again showed admiration.

As expected, the first person in the Black Lagoon Bureau, under such circumstances.

It was even possible, without changing his face, without knowing it, eating all the food that I chewed...

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