Two-dimensional System

Chapter 959: The tri-shaped wing building shrouded in ‘fear’

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. Triangle Wing building, all the agents who have not received any impact except eating, and who still have strength are able to maintain the normal operation of the building.

Today's Tri-Wing Building, obviously, seems a little different from the previous Tri-Wing Building, each of them is in twos and threes, passing by the interrogation room of SHIELD agents.

Everyone feels that today's Sanqu Wing Building seems to have a little more flavor than before?

That's right, it's not just an area of ​​the interrogation room, it's like the whole Tri-Wing building is immersed in a certain mysterious smell.

During the meal, the agents of SHIELD also specially ordered two more bowls of rice.

But it seems that they don't have the scent that they smell, and I feel like eating something like chewing wax.

"On the 12th you said what's going on, why do I eat the same thing every day. But today I feel like I am eating shit?"

"Hehe~ Don't talk about you on the 56th, I feel like this too, I really want to put it in the trash can."

Inside the restaurant in the Tri-Wing Building, a handsome black boy turned his head to the left and asked the white boy in front of him.

They don't know each other's name, but they can know each other's code name, and they happen to be the group of students trained together.

At the same time, they graduated together, and at the same time entered SHIELD as agents. It happened that they were also together and were assigned to the same small opposite side.

This makes them inseparable friends.

"Pull it down~ Look around you, you will know how lucky you are~"


No. 15 and No. 56 both knew why they couldn't eat what they thought was delicious.

The culprit of everything is in the Sanquyi Building, and the mysterious smell wafting today is related.

They knew it well, but they didn't want to say it because the scent was too much to resist.

Who knows, if they talk about it, will they completely become captives?

According to the latest gossip, their deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., boss Maria Hill has become a captive of mystery~

There is also another one, the hapless No. 22 who graduated in the same period~

This poor boy was not only taken prisoner, but also became the dog leg of the **** of food.

Think about it, they are the justice agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., when did they become the two who stick out their tongues waiting for others to feed?

According to the latest record, Boss Maria Hill, who also followed the food critics, has been in the interrogation room for five or six hours.

They had no right to know what the two were doing for five or six hours, and the camera in the interrogation room. And all the eavesdropping devices have been abolished by their officer Maria Hill.

It can be seen from this that what a terrible place is inside the interrogation room, especially the unresistible mystery, if you want to go in, or if you stay outside the interrogation room for a long time, you will forget who it is.

Become an idiot, only know the kind of saliva, this is a lesson brought by blood and tears, five or six companions have been recruited, and they are now approaching that area.

Everyone had to wear a gas mask to cut off the smell, but the smell had already melted into their bones.

Even if they wear gas masks, as long as they go wherever they go, the mysterious ‘taste’ will appear in their minds involuntarily.

Isn't this torturing people?

Looking at the companions who fell on the job one after another, although they knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were a high-risk industry.

But the proportion of dogs with this kind of dog is a bit bigger?

All people don't think about eating and drinking, not just because the mysterious smell in their heads makes them tasteless.

The same is also because the companions are looking for something unexpected and worrying about their lives.

Hearing the sound that suddenly came from them, the two lifted up and saw the pupils shrink.

"It's you?"

While using a knife and fork, unconsciously Ling Chi, on the plate, steak No. 15 and No. 56, both turned their heads and looked around at the same time.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it just frightens them all.

They hadn't noticed what happened to the surrounding companions before, but now they looked at the dull-eyed companions like the good guys.

Are you sure they are fine? Watching them mechanically expressionless, they put the food on the plate into their mouths.

Watching the mechanical chewing mouth, those who don’t know thought they were just robots without any emotions~

Looking around again, a piece of agents lying on the table, seemingly out of motivation, had gone offline.

The minds of No. 15 and No. 56 have been in the mind at the same time. They are not dead, right?


In contrast, they were there, looking down at the good friends opposite to them, they felt extremely grateful.

All that was left was a look of horror. I didn't expect them to look down on them too much, the mysterious smell.

The lethality brought to them, especially a few days ago, because it is suspected of the **** of food.

The chefs who have controlled the entire world have not had any good food for several days. The agents have finally reached their limit...

After being frightened, all that is left is the extremely great desire to survive.

"what should we do?"


"No! We are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, when will we escape?"

Because they are so familiar with each other, what kind of plans the other party has, just a tone and a look, even a subtle expression.

They can all understand each other and feel what the other party wants to do.

But at this time, what else can they do besides running away?

Even their deputy director, Boss Maria Hill, seems to have been ill-advised~

And now at this time, their righteous black light and black marinated eggs, when they extremely need this righteous black light to lead them to a bright future.

This righteous black light, the master of the Black Braised Egg Bureau is also very strange, and there is no news.

According to the explanation of the colleagues who went to execute and arrested the God of Food, their righteous way is black light and black marinated eggs.

It is very likely that it has been conspired by the God of Food, and all actions after leaving behind.

After observing the order of Maria Hill’s boss, there was no news...


It occurred to them that the people they respected and loved as the spine of the Black Braised Eggs, might be counted as life or death...

The most powerful evidence is that they finally received the alarm sound from the equipment on the head of the black marinated egg bureau.

And, that bunch of data turbulence that seems to run away...

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