Two-dimensional System

Chapter 935: Looking forward to next time, goodbye~

This is the same as mathematics at the end of science, philosophy at the end of mathematics, and theology at the end of philosophy.

No matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible to think that Chakra's realization can still be so beautiful.

That is to say, even in the future, the Uzumaki Goddai does not need to speak, a ‘snap finger’ or the like, the Uzumaki Goddai can directly through the realization.

Let everyone know what he meant, of course this is just a branch of realization.

Without the most powerful ability, there is no useless skill, existence is reasonable, and what exists then he has the reason for existence.

The black marinated egg can be imagined, realized through the whirlpool **** Dai Chakra, this technology is used for training, combat, or so on.

How could these whirlpool gods not think of it?

For Uzumaki Goddai, only skills that can only be used for combat are the most wasteful.

After all, a person's life is more than just fighting.

Think about it, how to make your life more colorful? More interesting?

And fighting is nothing more than the ability that starts with children fighting, and can be used to live and make one's own life better, then it will definitely make oneself live more exciting.

Speaking of the realization of this chakra, when Uzumaki Goddai first started, he did not think of any use.

But now it seems that if you use it in your own life, it simply makes your life rich and colorful.

There is no more powerful and useful auxiliary ability.

If you think about it this way, the use of Chakra's realization on Susao Noho is simply an inexplicable ‘waste’.

Of course, when people make mistakes, the key is that Uzumaki Goddai'wake up' fast enough.

After all, energy, magic, or chakra also belong to an expression form of ‘energy’. Realize through chakras, show images taken by others, and spread through the form of ‘energy’.

Let Xiaomo be realized through Chakra to control cars, electrical appliances, information, networks, etc., even if Xiaomo does not have a quantum host now.

Many things can also be done, so using chakras to realize it is completely achievable, the life of people’s imagination of "open your mouth with rice" and stretch your hands.

Therefore, a small three-dimensional effect is really just a small meaning to Uzumaki Goddai.

Whirlpool God Dai did not know any high technology, but the things of the Whirlpool God Daikai, science and technology may not be able to do.

"Can't afford it? Is there anything in this world that S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot use?"

Your Maelstrom God Generation is very powerful, and he has no temper at this point, but he has to talk about who has the better skills in collecting money in this world.

He said that he was second, and he absolutely did not dare to say first.

What other technology can not be used by S.H.I.E.L.D.?

The black braised egg means that he does not believe in evil, and the **** of the vortex spreads his hands. If you have seen the person of the **** of the whirlpool kill the black braised egg.

Now looking at Uzumaki Goddai and Hei Baodan, the two of them are "talking and laughing together", and they will definitely stare at them.

But the whirlpool gods are very divided, the two worlds you are you and he is him, whirlpool is in this world.

Between Hei La Dan and his Uzumaki God Generation, it seems that there is really no ‘great grudge’ between them.

"Sorry, maybe some of the questions I have expressed are not clear enough. My technology is not technology, but an ability.

His name is: Realization~

If you want to use it, you must first realize the technology. "

Uzumaki Goddai explained it again, but in the tone of Uzumaki Goddai's tone, he didn't mean to look down on the black braised egg.

The reason is that Uzumaki Jindai feels that SHIELD, wanting to have this technology is not impossible.

Just like what he saw just now, when the elements fought against the mysterious guest, the Uzumaki Goddai had already seen the essence, but the black marinated egg and Maria Hill in front of him.

Not to mention that the two of them saw something, they looked at the surrounding tanks and the numerous firepower arrangements.

It can explain one thing, but for the whirlpool gods, the so-called elemental crowd and the mysterious guest, these two things have already had a ‘foundation’ for realizing them.

It's not wrong, it's just the foundation, what is realization?

First of all, you have to show it. If you can’t let it go, how can it be called manifestation?

It’s just that it’s not enough to be able to ‘reincarnate’, it’s just a bubble.

Only when the ‘energy’ and the realization of the two are combined, that is the complete realization of the chakra.

Don't look at the Uzumaki God, just let the black braised eggs watch a ‘video’.

But this three-dimensional ‘scene’ is very fatal. Anything in it has been realized.

All with chakras, and with chakras, it means that they have ‘lethality’.

As for the degree of lethality, it has something to do with the chakra. In the elemental crowd's wind element and the mysterious guest, the **** of the whirlpool has seen the behavior of ‘representation’.

But looking at the black marinated egg with a confused and thoughtful look, Uzumaki Goddai smiled and did not speak any more.

Some things require personal comprehension, it is meaningless to say it, and the answer is clearly in front of you.

This may be the ‘bad taste’ of Uzumaki Goddai. Sometimes he knows too much, and some problems can be seen at a glance.

So the secret is in the eyes of Uzumaki God, there is no secret at all.

But looking at others, his face was puzzled because of the secret. After killing countless brain cells, he finally thought of the answer to the question.

Isn't this process very interesting?

Uzumaki Shindai looked at the black braised egg in thought, but didn't disturb the photographer he didn't meet here, he wanted.

Let Uzumaki Kamiyo feel a little disappointed. This time, I’m going to "snap the grass and startle the snake" next time, maybe I will find it harder to see the photographer.

But Uzumaki Jindai doesn’t care~

After all, for the current Uzumaki Goddai, isn't life just tossing? Endless toss is right.

Otherwise, the next time the mysterious guest has discomfort, it will be even more difficult? This time, he almost exposed him.

Moreover, it seems that the black braised egg and Maria Hill are also suspecting this mysterious guest.

Even if the black marinated egg and Maria Hill, first there is no evidence, second, there is no absolute certainty.

This allowed the mysterious guest to leave, and he was watching these whirlpool gods.

If the mystery guest has something, then the next time it appears, there will certainly not be so many "vulnerabilities".

It is a ‘game’ for Uzumaki God, but it’s not so friendly to the black marinated egg.

Undoubtedly, the difficulty mode was promoted to **** mode.

The mysterious guest is naturally his own'acting skills', which no one can tell by the outstanding, but Uzumaki Kamdaizhen, has a'desire to express' for this guy.

It seems that it was specially made for someone to watch, and the'poor' acting skills are about to be vomited.

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