Two-dimensional System

Chapter 934: Chakra Realization

So, these mysterious guests and elements, such a perfect lens, who is and what kind of environment.

What kind of method was used to perfect all of this, and record everything that is not missed?

This triggered the thoughts of the two of Hei La Dan and Maria Hill, only to see the two of them staring at the mysterious guest.

He seemed to be saying to the mysterious guest with his eyes: Hey, big brother, for this photographer, don't you really give us an explanation?

Explanation? What's the explanation for you?

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I know the photographer? Don't be kidding, I'm still at a loss. Who will give me an explanation?"

The gazes of Hei La Dan and Maria Hill put a lot of pressure on the mysterious guest, but they are born with super godlike acting skills.

Let the mystery guest's resilience, even more explosive output, if you change to someone else.

Don’t say it’s an explanation. I’m afraid that at the moment of ‘exposing’, the gazes of the two of Hei Lao Dan and Maria Hill, under the pressure of ‘the original shape, were revealed.

Hei La Dan believes in the ‘combat power’ of himself and Maria Hill, and believes in the impeccable ‘deterrence’ of the two together.

In response to this, Uzumaki Kamdai also smiled, saying nothing.

He has said everything that should be said, and it seems that this kind of mysterious guest is not good.

It's a pity that the black braised egg and Maria Hill, these two guys who feel good about themselves, are just two prisoners.

He had already begun to doubt in his heart, but he still had to look for some evidence.

The three people in front of me here can be both human and ghost whirlpool **** generation, which can be seen from the other's expression, nerve vibration, and heartbeat.

But the two of Hei La Dan and Maria Hill do not have such abilities, so we can't blame Uzumaki God on this account~

After all, these two people are really the same, and Uzumaki Jindai can’t move either~

Looking at my face, I am innocent, and I am very heartbroken. I am here to help you.

But what was it in exchange for? Doubt and hurt? Mystery guest looked at me and I was broken for the cause of superheroes and peace.

If you don’t believe me, then I can leave...

Not to mention such a ‘bitter’ expression, the black marinated egg felt like he was very, sorry for the mysterious guest.

Why is he so obsessed with his heart, he is following the way of Uzumaki God's generation? Believe in Uzumaki Kamdai's nonsense, and not believe in the partner who is ‘side-by-side’ fighting with him?

Hei La Dan looked ashamed, the mysterious guest looked at the end of the fire, and the boyfriend who broke up with the man and woman in order to pursue freedom and dreams.

The girls who took the initiative to let go without dragging the other party, shouted in their hearts: Stop me! Stop me!

But he was very ‘honest’ on his lips, and blamed himself for the first time he was ashamed and black, and the blushing black marinated egg said:

"Since Mr.'Savior' doesn't believe me, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I think our cooperation will end here~

This is good for both of us..."

damn it! Why don't you stop me? Hurry up~ Why don't I fly away, can't you tell, am I giving you a chance to keep me?

Fast! I'm about to turn around..... Turn around!

Damn it, no matter who it is, it's Maria Hill or Maria Hill, what savior you are talking about...

If I don’t speak, I really want to leave...

Turning around, being confronted by the crowd, the lonely and desolate mysterious guest, felt desolate and sad for the "relentlessness" of the three.

The same is also in my heart, constantly cursing the three people, more of self-doubt about myself.

‘Is it possible, did I really fail like this? ’

Not reconciled!

He was really unwilling to leave, just like being a ‘loser’, leaving lonely.

This is a thousand swords whirlpool **** generation, why did you come here at this time? Shouldn't you insist on being your independent trait?

why! ? Why are you here to **** me!

This time looking back, it seemed to be the last glance in this life, but the mysterious gaze of the mysterious guest, ‘affectionate’, was like a ‘carving knife.’

The one who gave the Uzumaki **** a knife and a knife, engraved it in his pupil, heart, and mind.

This is absolutely unforgettable: love~

Without hearing the sound of holding back from behind him, the mysterious guest bowed his head helplessly.

‘Okay~ That’s the only way to leave. You **** guys, you wait for me...’

It was unreasonable to procrastinate, all of his own things were counted in, including the action of leaving the field and the grasp of the timing.

If it is still here, it will let the shrewd black marinated egg see something.

Hei Bao Dan and Maria Hill are not fuel-efficient lamps in their own intelligence analysis.

As if received a huge blow, the mysterious guest flew up into the sky in embarrassment and then moved quickly away in a certain direction...

Looking at the mysterious guest, he left shaky, until the mysterious guest disappeared.

The gazes of the black braised egg and Maria Hill returned to the Uzumaki Goddai.

"Mr. Uzumaki Kamdai, isn't there any explanation for this?"

"What explanation do you need?"

Uzumaki Goddai smiled and remained unmoved. He had already experienced the three-handed axe of the black brine egg in another world.

The black brine egg looked at Uzumaki Goddai inexplicably, and the guy in front of him deserved to be the guy who killed him in another world...

"Tell me about this three-dimensional effect, Mr. Uzumaki Jindai Jindai, what kind of technology do you use? If possible, can we make a business?"

The meal needs to be eaten bite by bite. Although he is greedy by Uzumaki God, he can't move forward.

First of all, a cooperative relationship must be established, and the black marinated egg is also true, eager for the "science and technology" in front of the eyes of the whirlpool god.

With this, three-dimensional projection technology, they S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers.

It is entirely possible to go further. For example, when performing tasks, with this technology, at least it can be more probabilistic guarantee.

The lives of the agents, whether they are used to set up the base or various scenarios they need to simulate.

"Sorry, you can't afford this technology~"

Uzumaki Shindai smiled, this guy is really a thief.

Although the black braised egg can see that the three-dimensional projection technology in front of the Uzumaki Goddai himself is a good thing.

However, this is the realization of Chakra, another way of use, although it is controlled by Xiaomo.

But, it is true that not everyone can use it~

This is definitely not a question of money or not, it is a question of strength.

To use this technology, first you have to have a ‘reality gem’~

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