Two-dimensional System

Chapter 917: The biggest enemy is yourself (Part 1)

After fanning two aliens with dim eyes, the miraculous aunt sighed with emotion that the world is going downhill. She is a serious girlfriend who has been busy saving the peace of the universe.

Even if you have escaped love, how come you are treated like an aunt?

Imagine using energy rays to attack two of their faces. The young alien magical aunt Carol Danvers still feels puzzled.

It was too cheap to fan these two aliens in this way, these two blind aliens.

At the very least, I have to catch it, a good confession that does not have a million words, and kneel down and say an apology two million times in front of the major forces in the universe.

He was blind, his conscience was eaten by a dog, and Carol Danvers could feel one of the three out of his anger.

As for the other two-thirds, Carol Danvers' eyebrows couldn't help but fall not far away, facing the Uzumaki Kamdai who was besieged by so many heroes.

His face was indifferent, his hands didn't know what the gesture was, and then the earth in front of Uzumaki Kamdai began to shake.

One after another, rocks emerged from the ground and stood in front of the whirlpool god.

Withstood the attacks of these besieging Uzumaki Jindai and superstars, the two aliens and Kandawa soldiers.

And not far away, the rare mage troops are constantly drawing circles one after another, and will deal with the attacks of the Avengers and transfer them to other places.

Now the mages and the Avengers seem to have reached some kind of ‘covenant’ tacitly.

Coupled with the current situation, the Avengers and the wizards know that they will do two harms, and they will benefit both.

After all, things have evolved to the point where they are no longer willing to cooperate with each other.

Even if the mages know that the Avengers are now being ‘supervised’ by the Security Council, this belongs. The ‘official’ organization no longer belongs to the ‘civil’ organization.

But Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner, the leaders of the Avengers are not bad.

It doesn't matter if you cooperate with a few people for the time being, let's get over the difficulties first.

As for, after this battle is over, whether their magician and the Avengers can cooperate, whether or not to continue to cooperate, that is another matter.

Now they can't manage that much anymore, these aliens are simply crazy, and they suddenly act on them.

Without giving them any preparation, this is still a "superhero"?


When he was lifted out, Bucky with a gray head and mud face was planted in the soil, and he got up and looked at it solemnly, killing the red-eyed alien.

"Buggy, are you okay?"

Originally not far away, Steve Rogers, who was resisting the attack of the alien heroes, saw his good friend being blown up.

My heart tightened, and I stopped resisting blindly. The backhand siege broke away the people in front of me, and the aliens quickly came to my good friends.

He lifted Bucky who was buried in the ground and asked worriedly.

"Bah! I'm fine, Steve, have you noticed? These guys are not in the right mood..."

Ok! ?

Steve Rogers was using half a vibrating shield in his hand to resist the attack. Hearing the expression on his face, he stared at the red-eyed alien in front of him and said what he felt.

Steve Rogers was silent, but his eyes did not leave the aliens, and he began to look around the aliens' ‘changes’.


Immediately afterwards, Steve Rogers seemed to feel a different place. The expressions of these aliens could tell the emotions of each other.

Very angry, but it's not enough to kill madness to this degree, right? It feels like something is controlling them behind their backs?


Steve Rogers, who seemed to have caught something, his face changed from chaos, as if he had caught the signs of chaos.

That's right, these aliens who have become enemies are full of murderous intent, and they can't even see the "justice" before.

Generally, heroes who are righteous, even if they fight to ecstasy, will not show such an expression, right?

Steve Rogers seemed to have seen such eyes and their expressions, and he was no stranger to them.

However, it is ironic that with such eyes and behavior, he only met Steve Rogers in the big villains of the ‘villain’...

"How could it be like this?"

Steve Rogers couldn't believe it. He stood up in amazement and even forgot what was going on now.

Such a sense of contrast makes Steve Rogers unacceptable. Why is it like this?

These aliens. Even if there are obvious differences in appearance and skin color from them.

But in Steve Rogers' previous three views, these people should be the same kind of comrades who believe in peace with them.

They are really unwilling to accept, they will actually fall into the role of ‘bad guy’.

To say that before, I understood the Vortex God Generation, one second before, this second, and the next second in the future.

These are three different "worlds", three have the same name, but look the same, but some of the furs of different "three people".

But for this may be Uzumaki Goddai, the meaning of ‘understanding’ is still ignorant, and it’s in ‘remarks’ that have not been verified.

Looking at the sudden ‘disposition change’ now, the teammate from the previous moment will become the enemy of the ‘life and death’ who killed the red eye in the next second?

Looking not far away, even if he was ‘siege’ by so many superheroes, he only used ‘earth power’ as a defensive direction and did not fight back.

Suddenly, Steve Rogers had a complete destruction of the three views, was hit by dimensionality reduction, and his body began to falter because of trance.


Steve Rogers lost his mind on the battlefield again, and the enemies would not be blind.

Seeing a chance to kill, Steve Rogers, the "bad guy" who helped the superstar Thanos remnant.

Righteous superheroes, how could they miss this opportunity, energy rays all attacked Steve Rogers from different directions.

Fortunately, Steve Rogers was to save his good friends.

Now Steve Rogers is not just himself, and fortunately it is.

So when these energy beams are about to hit Steve Rogers, they can kill Steve Rogers at a glance.

It was noticed that Steve Rogers was wrong, and Bucky hugged him in a critical situation, and the tide went aside.

Dangerous and dangerous, evaded at a critical moment, with a deadly energy link.

"Are you crazy? Where is this? When? Are you still in a daze?"

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